Document 16122364

Application for the Approval of a Training Post
This form will be available to all those looking at training posts on the training scheme.
1. Please state grade of post: GP Registrar ST1 and ST3
Incumbent start date:
incumbent start date
Date practice started training Deanery to fill in
2. Type of Post:
Flexible / Ad Personam
Whole Time
(Flexible / Ad Personam does not apply to GP)
and Part Time
3. Is this post funded by:
Postgraduate Dean
Other (please state)
4. Please state the GMC ID for the programme to which the post will belong. (this should be in
relation to a GP programme only, even if the post is in another specialty):
5. Please give the full name of the local education provider (the hospital/institution/practice
where this post is based). This must include a named contact with title and email address
(the GMC’s approval letter will be sent directly to the named contact). This will usually be
the Chief Executive of the local education provider:
Pitsmoor Surgery – David Emmas Practice Manager Partner –
6. Please give details of the location(s) at which the Training Component is to be provided
and the nature and extent of the facilities provided at the location(s) for the relevant
education or training:
Pitsmoor Surgery
151 Burngreave Road
S3 9DL - practice profile
The premises were purpose built in 1988 and extended in 1997 to accommodate an enlarging
primary health care team.
A further large extension was completed in 2006 and a neighbouring Victorian semi has been
refurbished to accommodate our mental health workers.
The main building now provides 15 consulting / clinical rooms, 2 reception offices, 5
administration offices, large meeting room, library, staff kitchen / rest room.
Well equipped and pleasant to work in - with air conditioning in most rooms. There is a computer
terminal with internet access in every room - the IT system is EMIS PCS.
The trainees normally have sole use of one consulting room with access to video recording /
playback including projection facilities for group discussions.
7. Please give the name(s) and details of the qualifications/experience of the Clinical
Supervisor of this post (max. one page summary):
Dr Hugh McCullough
Medical Education
Undergraduate hon clinical tutor
VTS Course Organiser Sheffield
Senior Course Organiser Sheffield VTS
GP trainer
Associate Postgraduate Dean
1986 to 1990
1986 to 2002
1998 to 2001
1996 to present
2002 to March 2013
I have an interest in teaching communication skills and designed and led the Deanery course on
Calgary Cambridge method.
I am interested in chronic diseases and have diabetes as a special interest. I was clinical lead for
diabetes for the city from 2002 to 2009. I do the minor surgery in the practice.
I am the GP lead for staff matters, am responsible for the education meeting programme and
lead for the Patient Participation Group.
Dr Catie Nagel
Academic Teaching Fellow University of Leeds
2010 to 2011
Deputy Lead intercalated BSc Primary Care University of
Programme Leader intercalated BSc Applied Health (Primary
Care) University of Leeds
GP Trainer
Masters of Education in Primary Care, University of Leeds
2011 to 2012
2012 to present
2012 to present
2010; dissertation
submission 28 September
Since qualification as a GP in August 2010 my time has been split between academic and clinical
work. I currently work at the University of Leeds as a 0.4 full time equivalent (4 sessions) and
work 6 sessions at the practice.
I am interested in migrant health and helped to establish our weekly Slovak Roma clinic, which
has been running since 2010. I am the adult protection lead in the practice and run the diabetes
clinic on alternate weeks to Dr McCullough. I am involved in family planning and have Letters of
Competence in implant and intrauterine contraceptive devices and also undertake joint injections
on a regular basis.
8. Please provide name and contact details of the GP specialty programme director (course
organiser) who will be responsible for management of the post.
Dr Sandra Brinkley, Senior Programme Director
Sheffield GPSTP
Room 207, Samuel Fox House
Northern General Hospital
Herries Road
Sheffield S5 7AU
Tel: 0114 222 2091
Fax: 0114 271 5915
9. Please provide details of the intended learning outcomes of the post (which must relate
directly to the relevant sections of the RCGP curriculum)
The post will cover the breadth of the RCGP curriculum for GP training. The practice will adjust
the arrangements to suit the educational needs of different trainees.
10. Please provide a timetable of service and educational commitments.
(this may be attached)
Timetable attached – full time timetables are the same for both ST1 and ST3.
Less than full time trainees working at 50% (ST1 and ST3) and 60% (ST3 only), are subject to
negotiation to meet both trainee & practice needs.
11. What are the arrangements for both educational and clinical supervision in this post
(these may be the same individual), and who are the named trainers?
Named trainers – as above
Educational supervisor allocated by scheme
Clinical supervision as detailed on attached timetable
12. What arrangements are in place for access to the GP training release scheme?
See attached timetable
13. What arrangements are there to participate in out-of-hours care?
It is a requirement of training that every GPStR undertakes a minimum of 1 session usually of 4 - 6
hours out of hours duties per month. This equates to 6 sessions and a minimum of 24 hours in 6
months and 12 sessions and 48 hours in 12 months. LTFTT need to complete a pro-rata number of
sessions and hours.
Full details of Out of Hours requirements are posted on the Deanery website at and on
the Sheffield GPSTP website at
Out of Hours is undertaken at the Sheffield GP Collaborative.
14. Please describe the arrangements for the ongoing quality control of the post.
End of post questionnaire collated by scheme and fed back to the practice.
GMC National Trainee Survey
Participation in Deanery quality management processes
This section provides the opportunity to highlight any additional information on the post or
training which may not be addressed above. For example, this may include a full description of
the trainee’s role within the programme and department.
Participates in all appropriate practice activities, (Clinical Meetings, Business Meetings, Audit, SEAs etc)
Opportunity to join lead GP in speciality clinics – Diabetes, Baby Clinic, Minor Surgery, Care Home work
including intermediate care, Travel Clinic, Family Planning Clinic.
High prevalence of working with interpreters.
Dedicated Mental Health Team including counsellors & IAPT workers.
Signature of Senior Programme Director :
Comments by Postgraduate or GP Dean:
Signature of Dean: