Multi-party Authentication in Web Services Madhumita Chatterjee 7/17/2016 3:02 PM 1 Overview Web Services Architecture Typical Scenario Security Threats Challenges and issues Need for Session Authentication Maruyama’s Approach A Proposal 7/17/2016 3:02 PM 2 Demystifying Webservices: Web services are modular software components Wrapped inside a specific set of Internet communications protocols Can communicate with other components automatically without human intervention. 7/17/2016 3:02 PM 3 Typical Web Services airline ticket reservation process real time travel advisory a restaurant review article 7/17/2016 3:02 PM 4 Web Site/ Web Service A Web service is designed to be accessed by applications. 7/17/2016 3:02 PM 5 Web Service Working Each new request to a Web service is automatically spawned as a new thread in the Web Service process . A Service could also delegate tasks to other services. Dynamic behavior of these short-lived services, introduce new security challenges. 7/17/2016 3:02 PM 6 Key roles in the Web services architecture 3 key roles--------a service provider, a service registry and a service requestor. 3 operations performed: Publish--- makes the service description publicly available. Find operation discovers the Web service. Bind operation allows the service to be used by the person or program requesting the service. 7/17/2016 3:02 PM 7 Architecture 7/17/2016 3:02 PM 8 Web Service Components Internet based modular applications Program to program communication XML WSDL SOAP UDDI 7/17/2016 3:02 PM 9 Web Services Description Lang WSDL is the language used to create service descriptions. Able to create descriptions about the location of the service, how to run it, what business is hosting the service, the kind of service it is, etc 7/17/2016 3:02 PM 10 Simple Object Access Protocol SOAP is the means through which the service provider, service registry and service requestor communicate. XML-based technology used to exchange structured data between network applications. SOAP is used to publish the service description to a service registry. All other interactions between service registry, service requestor and service provider are done via SOAP. 7/17/2016 3:02 PM 11 Universal Description Discovery & Integration UDDI is the directory technology used by service registries that contain the description of Web services Allows the directory to be searched for a particular Web service. UDDI is in essence a Yellow Pages that can be used to locate Web services. 7/17/2016 3:02 PM 12 Web Service Architecture Implementation of Services (components) UDDI Interface Description with WSDL 1. Request Service requester 7/17/2016 3:02 PM 4. Request Service Broker Web Server For SOAP S E R V I C e 13 Web Service Security-A concern Web services are based on message exchanges on the net with the possibility of dynamic short-term relationships. Authentication: Establishing identity of Authorization: Establishing what a user user is allowed to do. 7/17/2016 3:02 PM 14 Web Service Security……cont Confidentiality: Ensuring that only the intended recipient can read the message, accompanied by encryption. Integrity: Ensuring that the message has not been tampered with, generally accomplished with digital signatures. 7/17/2016 3:02 PM 15 Web Service Workflows Dynamic composition Multiple instances Workflow involves service instances belonging to different Web services Multiple parties belong to a flow. 7/17/2016 3:02 PM 16 Typical Web Service Scenario Financer F.1 P.2 Provider F.2 Insurance P.1 I.1 Buyer B.1 Govt service G.1 Shipper S.1 7/17/2016 3:02 PM Service Instance 17 Threats To Web Service Security Malicious web service threats typically fall into one of three categories: Identity threats, such as authentication attacks, eavesdropping etc. Content-borne threats, which are attacks with elements in the actual XML payload, such as XML viruses. XML Denial of Service (XdoS), which are new application-level versions of network level DoS attacks. 7/17/2016 3:02 PM 18 Identity Threats…. Unauthorized access Parameter manipulation Weak authentication and authorization Unauthorized modification of data Network eavesdropping Message replay 7/17/2016 3:02 PM 19 Need for session Authentication Flight TA-1 Hotel TA-2 Car#1 Car#2 7/17/2016 3:02 PM 20 Maruyama’s protocol Session Authenticator component responsible for distributing keys and authenticating messages Each instance belonging to a session gets the shared key 7/17/2016 3:02 PM 21 Maruyama’s protocol….cont Message authentication protocol transports authentication information between session participants Session management protocol responsible for starting, running and ending a particular session. 7/17/2016 3:02 PM 22 Message Authentication Session Authenticator Allows service instances to mutually verify transient membership Service Authenticator Protocol for sending Web service to send MACed SOAP envelope to receiving Web Service 7/17/2016 3:02 PM 23 Session Authenticator Sending instance prepares SOAP envelope Optionally uses XML encryption Adds authentication to SOAP header Using SOAP-DSIG applies MAC to envelope under session key. 7/17/2016 3:02 PM 24 Session Auth….cont… Receiver checks for session key. Else obtains key from session manager. Validates MAC and accepts SOAP envelope. Decrypts encrypted message. Receiver now has authenticated mesg and session handle. 7/17/2016 3:02 PM 25 Service Authenticator Sending service prepares SOAP envelope. Adds authentication header. Uses SOAP-DSIG to digitally sign mesg. Optionally uses XML encryption. Receiver decrypts, validates signature, verifies its own sign and accepts. 7/17/2016 3:02 PM 26 Session Management Initiator of session could be SA Assigning session Ids. Creating session secrets. Maintaining status information for each session. Keeping participants informed of the status. Shutting down sessions. 7/17/2016 3:02 PM 27 Online session Management 7/17/2016 3:02 PM 28 Drawbacks .. SA cannot measure the validity of service instance Anyone who has session ID can contact SA. An attacker who has compromised an instance can request to join session No unique identifier for each instance 7/17/2016 3:02 PM 29 Issues not considered What if Session Manager is malicious?? 7/17/2016 3:02 PM 30 WS-Security specifications The WS-Security specifications protect against: Message alteration—By including digital signatures for all or parts of the SOAP body and the SOAP header. Message disclosure—By supporting message encryption. 7/17/2016 3:02 PM 31 ….Specifications cont Preserve message integrity through the use of strong key algorithms. Authenticate messages through the use of various token mechanisms such as Kerberos and X.509. 7/17/2016 3:02 PM 32 Challenges Dealing with un-trusted clients. Application internals are exposed. SOAP messages are not point to point Challenge is to preserve security of SOAP message from initial SOAP sender to ultimate SOAP receiver. 7/17/2016 3:02 PM 33 SSL is inadequate SSL cannot be used to authenticate dynamically generated participants SSL provides point-to-point security Web Services need end-to-end security SSL does not support End-to-end confidentiality Element wise signing and encryption Non-repudiation 7/17/2016 3:02 PM 34 A Proposal….Adaptive approach Requirements of users may vary. Is there need for stringent measures uniformly to every node and transaction Can we apply as much security as a particular transaction requires? 7/17/2016 3:02 PM 35 Sophisticated Web Services E.g order for aircraft engine Spawns multiple supporting transactions Orders to individual parts Orders for shipping containers Etc Involves handling huge volumes of traffic 7/17/2016 3:02 PM 36 Adaptive approach ….cont For Simple Web services existing security measures may suffice. For sophisticated Web Services involving long transactions trusted third party model desirable. Can an adaptive/hybrid approach be implemented??? 7/17/2016 3:02 PM 37 References 1. S. Hada and H. Maruyama, “Session Authentication Protocol for Web Services,” Proc. 2002 IEEE Symposium on Application and the Internet, pp. 158-165, Jan. 2002. 2. Dacheng Zhang and Jie Xu, “Multi-Party Authentication for Web Services: Protocols, Implementation and Evaluation,” Proc. 2004 IEEE Symposium on Object Oriented Real-time Distributed Computing. 3. M.Hondo, N. Nagaratnam, A.Nadalin, “Securing Web Services,” IBM Systems Journal, Vol 41, No. 2, 2002. 4. David Geer, “Taking Steps to Secure Web Services,” IEEE Computer, Vol 36, Oct 2003. 5. V Vasudevan, “A Web Services Primer”,, April 2001. 6. Y. Nakamur, S. Hada and R. Neyama, “Towards the Integration of Web Services Security on Enterprise Environments,” Proc. 2002 Symposium on Applications and the Internet, pp. 166-177, Jan 2002. 7. W3C NOTE, Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) 1.1, 7/17/2016 3:02 PM 38 References 8. W3C NOTE, SOAP Security Extensions: Digital Signature, 9. Web `Services Security(WS-Security), 10. Web Services Security Threats and Countermeasures, Microsoft Corporation, Jan 2004. 7/17/2016 3:02 PM 39