Higher Education & Student Affairs Leadership (HESA) Masters

updated November 2015
Application & Registration Form
Higher Education & Student Affairs Leadership (HESA) Masters
Department of Educational Leadership, Research & Technology
College of Education and Human Development
Western Michigan University
Students, please submit the following information to your Faculty Advisor to ensure that the Field Experience or
Capstone site will be approved. Then you may work on the Student Learning Goals and Objectives.
Student Name:
Student Email Address:
Site of Experience, University Name, and Department:
Site Supervisor Name:
Site Supervisor Phone Number:
Supervisor Email Address:
Is this: a ____ Field Experience? or
______a Capstone?
What semester /s will you be engaging in the Field Experience/Capstone (this is the
semester/s in which the majority of the Field Experience will take place and this is the semester
you will be enrolled for and pay for the course).
See below for more information. Yes or no questions:
Have you reviewed the basic guidelines of a Field Experience/Capstone with the Site
Supervisor? ____ Do they meet the criteria? ____ Are willing to supervise you? _____
Will this provide you the opportunity to:
 Provide “direct service” to or with students
 Have the opportunity to work with diverse clientele or populations
 Gain exposure to both the breadth and depth of student affairs work
Will this help you to gain exposure in one or all of the following areas?
 Developmental work with individual students and groups of students
 Program planning, implementation, or evaluation
 Staff training, advising, or supervision; and administration functions or processes
What do you hope to learn, gain, from this experience and/or why did you select this site?
What is your plan for completing your hours of FE? Address the following very briefly
below. In what type of work will you be engaging? Where will you conduct your work? When
will you start and end?
**This document should be completed during your meeting with the Site Supervisors and
submitted to your Faculty Advisor for approval and then forwarded to the Faculty Instructor.
updated November 2015
What Professional Competency Areas do you plan to gain from this experience? Please
review http://www.naspa.org/images/uploads/main/ACPA_NASPA_Professional_Competencies_.pdf
☐ Personal and Ethical Foundations (PPF)
☐Values, Philosophy, and History (VPH)
☐ Assessment, Evaluation, and Research (AER)
☐ Law, Policy, & Governance (LPG)
☐ Organizational and Human Resource (OHR)
☐Leadership (LEAD)
☐ Social Justice and Inclusion (SJI)
☐ Student Learning and Development (SLD)
☐ Technology (TECH)
☐Advising & Supporting (A/S)
 Please set up a start date and an initial meeting with your Site Supervisor. Try to target a
specific date to meet with your Site Supervisor so that you complete the Student Learning
Goals/Objectives with your Site Supervisor.
 Once your Field/Capstone is approved, please be sure to provide your Field Experience
Site Supervisor a copy of the Site Supervisors Manual (available at the HESA website).
Guidelines for Site Supervisors: The student must be placed at a site where there is on-site
competent professionals working in conjunction with the Faculty Instructor. A Site Supervisors
Manual is available for more information. The Field Experience Site Supervisor should be
willing to:
1. Supervise students for 300 (Field Experience) or 100 (Capstone) hours of experience.
2. Willing to work with the student to complete individualized learning goals/objectives. The
student will contact the Site Supervisor to set up a meeting to complete Student Learning
Goals and Objectives form; this form will be turned into the faculty instructor.
3. Provide ongoing feedback and evaluation to discuss students’ progress and learning (through
regular one-on one-meetings, reflective logs, etc).
4. Complete a final evaluation of student’s experience, the Site Supervisor Evaluation of
Student and submit to the Faculty Instructor.
5. Complete the HESA Program Evaluation.
6. Comply with all ethical principles and standards of the ACPA-College Student Educators
International (http://www2.myacpa.org/ethics/statement.php) and the NASPA-Student
Affairs Administrators in Higher Education (http://www.naspa.org/about/standards.cfm)
recognized professional associations.
Questions about Field Experience/Capstone are welcome and can be submitted to the HESA
Faculty Coordinator.
**This document should be completed during your meeting with the Site Supervisors and
submitted to your Faculty Advisor for approval and then forwarded to the Faculty Instructor.