Donald Olding Hebb (1904-1985) Hebb’s Postulate: “When an axon of cell A is near enough to excite cell B and repeatedly or persistently takes part in firing it, some growth process or metabolic change takes place in one or both cells such that A’s efficiency, as one of the cells firing B, is increased”. Hebbian Synaptic Rule FrogRetinotectal Visual System Frog System Two-Eyed Frog Three-Eyed Frog Three-Eyed Frog OD Columns Eye-Specific Segregation Synaptic Stabilization Model NMDA Receptor Weak Glutamate Activation Strong Glutamate Activation Strong Glutamate Activation X NMDA Receptor-Dependent Synaptic Rearrangement Plasticity of Peripheral Synapses Maturation of NMJ Function Synapse Elimination at NMJ Heterosynaptic Suppression at NMJ Ach-Mediated Suppression Axonal Sprouting at Mature NMJ S-Laminin Addressing of Basal Lamina Postsynaptic Maintenance of Synapses Pre-Ach Receptor Clustering Post-Ach Receptor Clustering Aggregation of Ach Receptors Immobilization of ACh Receptors Electrical Input Patterning Electrical Input Patterning Electrical Input Patterning Proto-Oncogenes fos and jun c-fos Induction