SYDNEY SOUTHEAST ASIA CENTRE SSEAC Workshop Grant Report The purpose of the SSEAC Workshop Grant is to support international workshops that lead to a special journal edition or edited book on a topic related to Southeast Asia. Reports can be returned to 1. Workshop organiser (only details of the main applicant are required for this report). Title Name Faculty/School/Department Phone Email Year and month of award SSEAC Research Cluster Required attachments ☐Economic and Social Development ☐Health ☐Environment and Resources ☐Heritage and the Arts ☐State and Society ☐Evidence of acknowledgement of SSEAC in any manuscripts or events related to the grant ☐Evidence of submission of academic article, manuscript, book chapter or policy paper if applicable 2a. Workshop Title 2b. Provide a brief overview of the activities carried out as part of the project (200 words). 1 SYDNEY SOUTHEAST ASIA CENTRE 2c. Details of workshop participants. Provide details of the workshop participants, and their role in the project (200 words). 2d. Evidence of continued collaboration. If applicable, describe any new or continuing research collaborations that have developed as a result of this project (200 words). 2e. Bibliographic details of any publications, reports or grants submitted or published based on this research. Please ensure that attachments of the articles are provided as well. Please ensure that this report and all attachments are submitted together, preferably submitted as a single PDF file. 2