Mitigating the Reader Collision Problem in RFID Networks with Mobile Readers Presented By Shailesh M. Birari Guided By Prof. Sridhar Iyer Basic Working of RFID system Uses radio frequency to identify & track items in supply chain and manufacturing RFID readers and tags Active and Passive tags 2 Motivation for Mobile Readers Cost : Convenience : “Always on” Fixed reader may be an overkill Easy, faster deployment No wiring installation hassles Example applications : Searching a particular book in library Counting the items on the shelves in a super market Showing the list of items in the vicinity of the customer in a super market Scenario under consideration Super market, library Each customer has a RFID reader Readers form an ad hoc network All readers have unrestricted mobility Readers often join and leave the network All tags are passive Reader Collision Problem (RCP) Multiple Reader to tag Interference: RCP (contd..) Reader to Reader Interference: RCP (contd..) Hidden Terminal Why a new protocol ? TDMA : Interfering readers transmit in different timeslot Time synchronisation required Timeslot distribution is inefficient in a mobile network CSMA : Sense channel before transmitting RFID suffer from hidden terminal Collision happen at the tags and hence collision detection is not possible by carrier sensing at the readers alone Why a new protocol ? FDMA : Interfering readers transmit at different frequency Tags do not have tuning circuitry Adding tuning circuitry to the tags will increase the cost CDMA : Requires complex circuitry at tags which will increase the cost of passive tags Why a new protocol ? (contd..) RTS-CTS : Additional collision avoidance for CTS from tags T1 CTS TCTS 1 RTS RTS R1 CTS T2 A CTS from all the tags is required to ensure collision avoidance RTS R RTS 1 T2 RTS RRTS 2 CTST3 PULSE Protocol Assumptions Dual channel : data and control channel Data channel : reader-tag communication Control channel : reader-reader communication A reader can receive simultaneously on both channels but transmit on only one channel at a time No inter-channel interference PULSE Protocol Example Beacon T1 R1 T2 R2 Query R1’s Read Range T3 Query R2’s Read Range PULSE Protocol Overview Before communicating, a reader listens on the control channel for any beacon for Tmin time If no beacon on the control channel for Tmin , start communication on the data channel Reader periodically transmits a beacon on the control channel while communicating with the tags Contend_backoff Tmin R1 2 2 1 Tread Tmin 5 5 4 Tmin Tread Tmin 3 2 5 R2 Tmin 3 Tmin 3 2 R3 1 Tread R1 chooses 2 BI, R2 5BI, R3 chooses 3BI R1 chooses chooses 3BI Delay before beaconing Wait for control channel tothen get idle and then send beacon Transmit R1, Choose BothR2 R1& aR3 and beacon small R3 R3 are delay are immediately communicating and transmit with with the tags tags R2, are not incommunicating each others beacon range R2 R3 R1 R1‘s beacon range R1‘s control channel Sensing range PULSE Protocol Flowchart Simulation in QualNet Simulation Setup Simulation Setup (contd..) Performance Metrics: Total queries sent successful ly (by all readers) System Throughput Total time Total queries sent successful ly by all readers 100 System Efficiency Total queries sent (successfu l collided) by all readers Beacon Range Factor (BRF): BRF Control Channel Transmissi on Power Data Channel Transmissi on Power Beacon Interval (BI) : interval after which beacon is sent Compared Protocols : CSMA, Colorwave, Aloha System Throughput 25 Reader Topology : System Throughput with 25 Readers 7000 System Throughput (Queries/second) 6000 5000 4000 Static Readers Mobile Readers 3000 2000 1000 0 Aloha CSMA Colorw ave Pulse (BRF = 28) Mac protocols Pulse shows throughput improvement in both static and mobile networks System Throughput (contd..) Varying the number of readers System Throughput with Varying Number of Readers 7000 System Throughput (Queries/second) 6000 Aloha(Static) 5000 CSMA(Static) PULSE(Static)(BRF = 28) 4000 Colorwave(Static) Aloha(Mobile) 3000 CSMA(Mobile) PULSE(Mobile)(BRF = 28) 2000 Colorwave(Mobile) 1000 0 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 Number of Readers Pulse shows throughput improvement even at dense network of 64 readers System Efficiency 25 Reader Topology System Efficiency with 25 Readers 100 90 System Efficiency (Percentage) 80 70 60 Static Readers 50 Mobile Readers 40 30 20 10 0 Aloha CSMA Colorw ave Pulse (BRF = 28) Mac protocols Pulse has system efficiency of above 95% which means Pulse is able to detect and avoid most of the collisions successfully Optimal Beacon Interval (BI) Effect of Beacon Interval on 25 reader topology System Efficiency with 25 Readers topology System Throughput with 25 Readers topology 100 7000 99.8 99.6 5000 4000 Static Readers Mobile Readers 3000 2000 1000 99.4 Static Readers 99.2 Mobile Readers 99 98.8 98.6 0 1 5 10 Beaconing Interval (msec) System Efficiency (Percentage) System Throughput (Queries/second) 6000 15 98.4 1 5 10 15 Beaconing Interval (m sec) Variation in Beacon Interval does not show too much of difference in both system throughput and efficiency. Optimal BRF Throughput Vs BRF (Static Readers) System Throughput Vs BRF with Static Readers 7000 System Throughput (Queries/second) 6000 4 Readers 5000 9 Readers 4000 16 Readers 25 Redaers 3000 36 Readers 2000 49 Readers 64 Readers 1000 0 20 24 28 32 BRF for Pulse BRF of 28 shows highest system throughput in almost all the networks Optimal BRF (contd..) Throughput Vs BRF (Mobile Readers) System Throughput Vs BRF with Mobile Readers 6000 System Throughput (Queries/second) 5000 4 Readers 4000 9 Readers 16 Readers 25 Redaers 3000 36 Readers 49 Readers 2000 64 Readers 1000 0 20 28 24 32 BRF for Pulse BRF of 28 shows highest system throughput in almost all the networks Optimal BRF (contd..) Effect of Density of readers on networks with different BRFs System Efficiency w ith Varying Readers 120 Static BRF = 20 System Efficiency (Percentage) 100 Static BRF = 24 Static BRF = 28 80 Static BRF = 32 60 Mobile BRF = 20 40 Mobile BRF = 24 Mobile BRF = 28 20 Mobile BRF = 32 4 R ea de rs 9 R ea de rs 16 R ea de rs 25 R ed ae rs 36 R ea de rs 49 R ea de rs 64 R ea de rs 0 Num ber of Readers Networks with BRF=28 maintain its efficiency above 95% even when the number of readers is increased to 64 Performance Modeling Assume a beacon transmission is heard by all the readers Backoff Decrement Interval: Interval after which backoff value is decremented May contain a successful transmission by other reader May contain a collision May be empty Performance Modeling (contd..) Cycle : Duration between two successful Tread transmission by a reader Consists of BDIs Calculate the average duration of a BDI Calculate the average number of BDIs in a cycle Calculate the average duration of a cycle Backoff Decrement Interval (BDI) System Throughput System Throughput QTrea d Ps E[ BDI ] E[Tcycle ] Comparison Comparison results Comparison of Analysis and Simulation Results 5000 4500 Simulation 4000 System Throughput (Queries/second) 3500 3000 Analysis 2500 Analysis Simulation 2000 1500 1000 500 0 4 9 16 25 36 Number of Readers 49 64 Conclusion Mobile Readers reduce cost and improve convenience Pulse shows an improvement in both the dimensions, system throughput and system efficiency Pulse is effective even in dense mobile networks References [1] Daniel W. Engels. The Reader Collision Problem. Technical Report,, 2002. [2] J. Waldrop, D. W. Engels, and S. E. Sarma. Colowave: An anticollision algorithm for the reader collision problem. In IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 2003. [3] QualNet Simulator 3.6. [4] O. Tickoo and B. Sikdar. Queuing Analysis and Delay Mitigation in IEEE 802.11 Random Access MAC based Wireless Networks. In IEEE INFOCOM, 2004. Thank you Existing Work ETSI EN 302 208 (CSMA): Colorwave (TDMA) : Sense the data channel for 100msec before communicating the with tags Readers randomly select a timeslot to transmit Chooses a new timeslot if collision and announce it to neighbors UHF Gen 2 Standard (FDMA): Separate reader transmissions and tag transmissions spectrally Readers collide with readers and tags collide with tags Initial Results Approaches Considered Registration at the access point (query response) Transmit Neighbour information to AP along with request to transmit AP scans the status of the neighbours and responds accordingly Approaches Considered (contd.) Centralised graph coloring at Access Point All nodes transmit neighbour information to the AP AP applies a graph coloring to allocate timeslots Interesting Features of RCP Readers may not be in each others sensing range; Tag cannot select a particular reader to respond(unlike cellular systems) None of the readers can read the tag The passive tags, where the collision may take place, are not able to take part in the collision resolution as in hidden terminal problem Reduces the read rate of the RFID system