" ,... ...1 ~ Journal ofComputedkience & Its Applicatio:s. 2005, Vol. 11 NO~ij .., ' , Promoting Quality Assurance in Software Products Through the Dynamic System Development Method (DSDM) ".'. . '.' ~ ,',l'P'" , P ':".j-q" on!!::;}"" ,..., .;,-.. h . 1{(i~d"il"T '1:')'0' .., . :'.. . '.'. !' ..;,e,,' " "" .; '3' "'O.M. Bamigbola "''',-.,'; ':'.t, ,', ,-::,."""...,... Email: ombamigbola@hotmail.comn !, . , ,,"," And J.O. Daramola, . . '" ' . . .. . Email: wandi_ex@yahoo.com Department of Mathematics/Computer Science, lJnj\~:Jty of Dorin, Dorin. Nigeria .Corresponding Author . ,. .. , .- I .. ;-'..)' ,.. ", , ABSTRACf Historit;aIly, s;JjiJi,iue deV~l~p~~id ;m/lilW~ys b~;"'Q'i:r~tit challenge; The' need to optimize the cost, tUne ,and,accll!1te.realizatiQ~.JOfsoftware requiremeIJts to satisfy the grow,ing ~ophistication plL:er tkm.a.nds hiI;sled to the emergence of " '.' ',' .',Jr;!.: ),"1"; 'I I'~"":-,,, .f,'';''-,:,.,; r', ' ,. ,-, ' . the Dynamic System Development Met::Jd (DSDM). The DSDM approach em ploys the concepjolliel+itii?i!'p~;)tJiy~i~ 1~},(rRapiii1ppticatio;, DeVelopment~ (RAD) to achieve early visibility.:andqu~:'c'con1!ergencel0 usable software modeb;/or small and In~f!i~~;~~~f, ~~~~r- }t :~{fo e~IJ~ol~~the concept of Joint Application Development -~ (JAD). Thi. !ssential attribute makes it a veritable " '.., .,,c.:, '. . ' ,. ,; , i".."" , tool for boosting the quality aSsurance ,"-etncs' of softWare products because of the increased user participation in the £..:'elopment process. ' We hereby review the different, s~age If the DSDM and its. suitability for im , ' ' '.' n',,",', " ;..:. proving the qualitY of software products ve also report a case study of the appli cation of the DSDM approach' as emplo.,'d by a Nigenah University in developing a software application for theregistr::ion and processing of students exami nation process.results. The pap~r closes with sor.~ of the inher~nt benefits of the DSDM ; . ..: j.:',., -- "i ') approach and recommendations software development . for all s:.keholders in the .'. ' 1. Introduction The Dynamic Sys'teh\sBd\le1opmer. (DSDM) is a project deliveryffamework thz jds Aethod the .- :~". ! ",," " .' . m~od as an improvement over rapid application d~;;",~ v~9pment(RAD) method is gaining and popularity in the software development increasing relevance time-scales and fixed a public dorr..:..., Rapid :0 development and budgets. deliveryIriso[biIsiries~s6Iutio=-- industry. This approach has proved suitable tight Application Development method (RAD), Y '.:ch has especially the the business domain, simple, applicationwhen lies within ",. . been developed by capturing the experience = 1 large requirement specific and can be modularized, The consortium of vendors and user organization. 13] DSDM approach offers time and cost advantages over the use , " " This concept of dynamic systems de,,:- pment o[traditional approaches like the waterfall and spiral models, " , 82 Promoting Quality AssU'ance in Software Products Ihrot9tthe-Dyrw:nic,: ;,',', "": ",; " '" ,Pq(!/ "I~ '::o' " 9.M,:;~a?iigbola ,& J.O. Daramola System DevelopmE\nt Method (DSDM) , " " " ,,', , ,; "'" )'~.,--,~,~ "', Li'''''' ",""" -," - ..-' Also, the DSDM embraces the' cOncept ofJomt'. ; :temDevelopmerifMethod(DSDM) surely boosts the """-": ~~""''P;'1,..;" "':, .. " (,. . "I";)£':" ,""" , , f}Oft . ." , } u", . ! ,'- ,; . ',-, , , Application Development, which encourages a larger probability of meeting user requirements within the ",.r< "" , "t':..'"...\I' .. stipulated project delivery schedule.:.." .." , '.'. level of participation ofstalceholders in the software However, the DSbt{nnteriBrings about quick oevelopment process. This is done by bringing people who have the right knowledge together through delivery of usable systems with some ,,' ."., wor~ compromises. shops and seminars to achieve consensus about the set : These compromises could be in the area of not fully of system requirements ftom time to':' --meetingthe-systeItlTequirementin order8.0.,(0 to meet the s.etcan time during the periodand fo.rexpectations dev.elopment.,~h~p~~~Mf. Rm~i~~qr,<R\~,tqf..~~HY~fY.4.lJ~~~7. ~olution , I , ,, ,- employs a team of personnel usually betweetr6:-8\per.., ; .\,be.produced\in.20 % '()fthe time that would have been ,, sons made-up of programmers, designe~s ~n.a'us~rs', 'l\~i~feq\i'trdl't6'i};.bdu~~.tmt!ai '~blut16~'~th the presump , ", ;', '~',>.'.\) \>(:~t\\"\\~.,'h ~\",,::, "" " ,",' ,', .-',' :~ho work together as a group ~n a sO~3f~.~~~~~~I>:\\\\, ,Rofh~)~fl~J~~~mep:~JVil! ,~e tp~t through a pro m,e~t. project. The membership is earefully chosen to\' :;~cess-ofitemtive'refiriement [2].. ,The RAD concept is ensure that the varied interests ftOIl1 the user~'afict d~" i>Jtlt ikprl~tfrd~ t~~; s6ftwck\e"e'Iigine~ruig concept of velope~~ are adequately catered f?f, ~~, ~~~Y., C\f~~~~, fl .~te~~Rnl~W~P!8~,~WtJ1. ~~~~~ th~ ~sr- ,ofi~,erativ~ , . :,. ':.i-';';i\h',\1:, '"..\fn\:)t,~., -. .'. -7,~1\'\' .(S\ h'. 1, . ',;,,\,\,' " ,'" " , - empowered-by the project management to takedecf"~ ',~imprdvenienttechniqu'esto'gravitatetowards the full . ",', ," \, , r~iiatioA8f~'~ste~desig~ [12f .' , sions. .':'; :\, (. , .,~', ',: ,;\,~\~ "~',ir\t~ ;j(.h''-';l~ :~:rn~\"'-~,\ 'n\,"",'" L. "~'-,L. A combined team of users and deve~9Prt;l~~k, ;:; .'. 1\ '1:.\ 1~4t\\w. Pp~, ~x~ th~:D,SpM and its suit sures that testing of the software product is canied out ','0: '.abilityforihiproving the,quality'Ofsoftware product's, ,i""" '~\ .\\' ,~~,;. ,'c'I'" ,.',', \, "'"..,,' continuously every stage of of the the team development'pioalsofor 'hereby-present'SPERU,a software of applica cess, with theatuser member being able to'Wetion the registration and processing students , --. ". . '." :'.. \".,.; , :\ ,(' .",: .'.: .' ;", ' '.' , make necessary inputs from the user)s point of view. This definitely is at variance with the approach 'of the '\tat~ffall model where a separate stage is'desigriated :,for testing, which is also done by the'developets [8]. , ex aminationresultS developed using the DSDM to under ,- ., . , , ' s~fp.J~j~Sm1~t,s p;~~.p'SP!'4 ~pp~oach. ,,:- !: !:" ;::"h ,h,) ,,'gr;ri;; ~;~'~~~~~~)f?J,l!~~J?'~RMij") ;,~ "',,. , "', i! ,. , The privilege of the user being' a part of it all alorig"Bet ---'n Thff-;;?~RM~:v.~~~?~~ryt ~~,o/~Je. ~ b~;~Ollped into . onIy-ensures adequate and simultaneous testiri.g~me " '.' \ ~~ B~",~~51 ~~:,~y)~i?m;tx;~y, Bu~~ess study, ity assurance metrics like correctness, utility software product during development but also FWl,ctiomij ~Qd~lity'r(j.MQ~ $Y$~ep1 des~gn and build it andreliability are adequately catered for. Thus, DyruUnic """ ,poJ"...}", ,.,J_., ,,"""".' " vitiilqual .' - ., Implem~ntation. , . eratioIl. ~d '.. I' Sys": ," 1'. , 'o~'" j". " .. -- .. . I I , O.M~Bamlgbola & J.O. Darainola PrOmotin9. Quality AsslnllCe in Software Products throUgh the Dynamic ~ quiremeqt for development. This could be done at this \:, ::', 2.1 Feasibi.ity Study, .' ~ System Development Method (DSDM) , In this phase, a thorough ~~~~$$~~n,trPt~~w;oj1~t, i~ l~vel and}n other phases when it is deemed carried out to deter~ne, ~e s~it~9i~io/.?!~~~ gSI:)¥ ate. The application of the lAD concept sharply appropri approach. At this level,th~ite~~~fe~i~~~~~~q£~ con'~¥1~ ~~e usual practice of interviewing project is ascertaineq'.1\l~o Pr~9r?~9HW1!tW ~v;enindividual 9f)be,~ organization. At the end of the business staff study, to issyesJi~e ~9~t~~f)P~Q~J~~~, ~~h~~~.~;~::~q., ,,' -;!h~ ~~~-AreaDefiniti~n document is produced co,~ theidentified,business processes and the that build the system, .orw~~t4~rt9.~J.W9j;~~~ ~~J}Jp.~ classes :, ':." " , ',' , ' doin~. Tl!is,isiQe~w~~.n<~t ~;p,rB~Rf~~~~rW;1!~\~.,t9 ,. W'M~er~ that will be affected by the introductioI1 of the "--"" - the pSDM, for examp~yi!. ~jlfl,P.cf,n,9.[~~~<;IPi/~p.p.~ -p~ ~em. This documental so helps to quickly iden ,to business syste~Uh~~(Mr~1Pllt~WJ~OO~tff1~m~~ .~~f¥ ~~~ individual users ~ho will be members of the applications. The fe~i~ffi1;Y, i~ W:'f.jl:Y,~!,: ~R~1'~~r~.~e PSPM development ~~am, so that approval could be System Architecture Definition is another document pro . , . carried out within~ew! Y.l.e,~¥..JAe. ~~~~?JHt;¥ ~e.port ,sougl1tfrqm management for their participation, The du~ed quring the business study phase, It describes the .. p~oduced as output 9fthjs ,s~~~.sh.°~~ ~HPR ~Wngs ;development and target platforms as well as the archi ther convince tl1e~~jr~,qp!.q?ffi$~...a~IM~~~e., A .t~ture of the software to be developed. It in brief details, that An Outline P!cpl ~()~ developwent is ,also specifies the . .'. J, ,I, '" ..'. .,'.' ": ," '. ,, produced, to support ~~~ f~~j~Mi~.rep'~'l~J9,t~~ fast prototype could a,lso be produced.afl:er the,(easi- hardware platform (Stand~alone, Network, Distributed . ..'.. . ~ ... '-. " r, ....................................... I.,~-,.~_.."'..'.~. -.' ' ~'--------------------------- . bility studywhe~~ ~M~ pg.s~ipl~ffiqi. ,:"i~;h ,:~ni:;~L :Y~i::-"-'i~~),andop~ratingsystem platforms (UNIX, Windows, 2.2 Busine~s ~t.p~y;; :f:f .iif::f1 >'-'j'}i) ;:~ii)f!J'nil;p::;':' -M~~.~~osh, Linus etc.). Also the choice nfs.oftwaI:e_After the decis~onfo(9~PM,~,RJ~~4~'r~e:~~~ - ~si~ (functional, °Wect-Oriented) and So'ttware - ness study provides the fo,\it\9atip~ fWO: ~ ~b,&~quent tools (DBMS, RAD tools, CASE tools etc,) that are to " , ...,,; ........... , ,,,. "/" :.~" " --" work to be done. This is also a s~q~ ).",' , . -' , ffi't~9~.fl&rl~~~ }?:~u~e:d are containe~. in this document. It also this phase effort is made,Jo getgood WldeI$m<;l#1g of high , ,...:" ''''''''-'' (',",' ") ~!(h,." I: ',(,:. Howe:ver, ,the architecture definition could businessenough process to be a~~oma~~ the~ req1,J,ire tothefacilitate under~'ll.lmn~~~~~;~':W~~s~i~d ..~~hts the major product components and their inter " '. ,~hange from time to time as the development work ' ':" l.".- '".' .,,', I)"., . ments. A series ofJointAppliqttion QtWelqpmept work progresses and the DSDM development team gains technical constraints for,~~~ ,to rpa4e.)n faces. " , " ~...pr9.gress .. ,,' ,; . --' ,be. ., ,>, :. " " , . . ,'., .. , ': ..I "J"" . .' shops (lAD) c~)Ul~ ~~:Pr.W~~}?;.f9JPJ~~~1~~$~,Yrf5~~ . " a,better understanding of the business processes, '.. ,,~.3Functional Model Iteration and opinions of. v~olJsknoV{l~g~pJe st.a1f cip,d ~8ke: .., ',,~ 0' < J", ","" .., ".,. J 1,..,-, .', -- This phase is focused on refining the business .as~~ ,- -- - tq 401de~s,~0~s g~:C?~~~1MWAMJe~p»R?MfiSrRt~t .' \ --~. ' --S,4 Promoting Quafity Assl.I'ance in Software Products through the Dynamic Bamigbola& J.O. Daramola System Development Methoa (DSDM) . \ O.M~ ofthe system, which entails building onthe high level b) FunctionalPrototyping Review Documents: This functional and information requirements obtamed'dur- . keeps tiie'comments 6fthe ~~er ~'; what was liked sh~~id b~ retained and what was disliked and and should ing the business study. The functional model iteration and the de,sign and build iteration are both cycles of be changed, as the users lterativelyreview the system. c) four dominant activities, which are: to identifY what NorilFunctional Require~erit Docum'ent: which be done, to agree on how to go~out it, to do it, and reCordS-the non-funCtional requirements that are elic IS to to 'Itoo a&mg the bUSIness :study and functional model it check that the right thing is done. Checking that the right -. , thing is done will entail reviewinz documents, deinon- (effitihh:!§ornilofili~t;vAirbe ~thdied during th~ func . stiating prototype and teStmgthesoftw3re components. iti~kilinnJaei1tetatidn'{jut'the;rrt'ajonty will be dealt with ," In this phase, the analysis model and softwarenents coinpo- - 'd~:fhBd~sigh~4;biiild Iteration phase. . are built side by side. The software components .- -, "-~ --------------- ' :i4besi~' ~d: Bulld Itet~tion .. contain the major functionality and also satisfY some .' to cycle of four activities continues, the findings of high:~fitnHiJd iffidiplacediri tb:~ hands of the user. The activities are fed back into the analysis models and prototyping as the models are refined, the prototypes progressively . major'ptb'lfiict is the test~d system. Testing is carried oJ! ifu!61Ygh'out gravitatps towards being the software that coUld be tIiefu~ttional'model iteration and also dUi-irig'tbe deSi~ and bWId'iteration phase. The tested delivered although not yet perfectly designed, in easily tified during developm'ent, bul: will satisfy all the -~~rrt~ not'neceSsarily satisfy all requirements iden c?re other words.. a I11iniI1lum usabl~~bset of the Tl1eSoftWare . TIlis-[~ vJhb~eth~sy~tem'issufficiently engineered functional requirements. During the phase, as the non col!lplete'sdftware. . Comi>one~'ofthe requireinents(i.e. the." minimum usable subset), with I . . the . '. iteration are . . 'licFwm'j)f£ aad~ ir.l ~~sequent defuieries. tested as they are produced. This test in cludes unit ~ting and many other classes testing: the 'i;siia~iidi~J{tation' -ifha~th3f~e~'p3ttsofthewhole prad fiuictior1a1 iriOCtei . " ;. ;; " ,, . .' , . ,',. - ' ;~ij~(~hIV~ilie;.ttitov~rffoin the develop~ent objective of testing in the functional modei iteration .. phaSe or not the ~~'t6thebpeiati6~~w6nment. is to ascertain con-ectness and to know whether units knit together . .., into a usable This includes set ':~gth;~r~ anifhindll1g over the system to them. offunctionality. The other products that emanate~ 'fiidtUJf:.iliiliti~earta :bthetneeesSary documentation models iteration ITom are: the'iurictlc)Iial - titt'MsBf<ieii:Veted:'rhe proJe'ci Review Document a) Prioritised FUnctions Document: This defiries 1he'66te ;;~~~wfui(th~'p)iojecr~ achieved in terms of ~iti'~~ functio'nalities that have a guarantee ofbeing <Sbj~s:It :S~ecifies.the core require- dtli\r~&t , .. " ., fd~<'iH~ilihlQe~MW ftitff,'the'ldw~rfunttiohallty that r'.' . .'. . ", " " ,... ,. to the user at the end of the cUrrent incremeriC' .;,,,j j "--"-'--'-H'- . .. .". . . . Bamlgbol8~ &';a:O~D8r'aniola . ~i~ dua!i\Y:IASs1lBntIl WSOftwate '~s thrixJgh the Dynamic /{ .. . ". h '~I;.' J ci ..", 'r';'~, ,:i. jjll!t:;~\i '\j'~' '"., . , .' ,i. ',;, . ,:.,;, ,:, ~,,! 1:, -' 1.1.:,..)1 ~rll nuhl N ?2~:J 85 "sfsleni'Development Method (DSDM) .' L3'tIO'lr:i TH; C:'t~,'11 ~:,fiJ jf;',;;"'" ! ' cality of product failure. A failure is an unacceptable have been left out for later considerationowingtothe ., ", 'rei ",/ i;~;;51 ~,r:: ')bi;~juo11£1~ '{d ~Id£ . n"'-f'''' b [ ;"C',[I,. :,. ...' I fl cH ~ff~ 6~ij~~:Ub~:~nde~ p~~ible operating condi Jp , , Also " .'" .' ,', ,,' ~.:J ........................................ , short time-scales. to-:-",1,be repo(ted~.. -J'~ majorbusi ness func?onalio/.th~t ~a~i ffi~Y~~ 1~$..9evet6p ," ; , ",.' :,(j i~;;:n6 (I'!:,\':':" :;,;: , . ", " " tions, that occurs as a consequence ofafault. For ex-",. ,'.{ , "I~ '1')1 .Ih(: f:':,. : : I: " ample the, product is tested to ascertain how often it ment that had to ~e ~~mp'<;>~~~y)~j?J~~~~ )~:prder to --J;',.(i:)~r~, oJ:;:" : ".' d "'' '" , fails i.e. mean time between failures, how bad the effect '. :,! '.~;;" ' ", '"., 9£~t \aMUf~]~,~e wh~n it-fails) how long it takes on ~~ ~~r~gC;:,~o,repair it i.e., mean time to repair, the J, ',~' eliver a~ the requir~d ~ate..ni"i!d!n1 ?;')n ,j'>{ of, 'n;}', jl. ,IHJMoiuJi IJ :8;f!." '.' :' , , ,, "~,, 3.0 DSDM AND Software QualityiAssuiiince ,.. -, --' . ,---::,,1,.-:'.-" ,". :. -:;c, The quality of s9ftWafeiSit1i{n~JdMl~~~l1icfithe p[od \' I }~~! .,..,' ':';~I: :>:-::'u,', ~~Qffaultayoidanceand fault tolerance built -..:I.. I th C>}JIf.>JUUct,o'etc." [10]i::,~:t,~' ," ,,~-, -------------------------------------- ~. - u~t satisfie~ 'lis spe~.fi8attoQifi (jllS6~~ qWl:lity " " ", ' "' into , ' assur~ce ent;uJ; tlie!~~Jfi&ifi~l)a'ii~y~~~t¥8b " . ,', ' .................................... -- --' - " e).RdJiliibjes~ att~mpts to meaSUre howwell orbad " ' ofboth tHe-pro'dhct behaves:unrler a range of adverse operat". I.; h '.' f-bl :.d IIfn~'iJ2?i'lf,:jirub~1 ' the software product and theso.ihvare process: The iii~\t6(~ditiotis. Fo~ example this includestest to assess " , ,i.: "'11';'Y':II;(hli;(J()ij£1~Cfo~rll' responsibilities of software quality aSsurance includes , ,," the possibility ofunaceeptable results with valid inputs ,d -: .Ti:.JJ j;0dc ~fl1 fli l?udol -:>o,'}...!J:m OJ t"",; '-'~~", .. t'. the development of various monitoring standards'to .' ,'. ,'. , .. and the iuxep1fibility of effects when the'pro€luct-isgiv~n ll?-put [ 10] inya1id ,<.. J " 'ijJ-;' G "': I rlfillp (!() %:.7?,U:) which software must.co,nfo~ as, "Ypllas,!!1e,establish (1(; ~.'I0in '.Ii :jL,i :' / ;,::: " '," , , ,,' ";!, , ,'...J'; -:JJ1,,}()![!_,Jnlt.:' .::.' ' ': ,, ment of monitoring p~6c~~es (~tl~g~liance "'''''~',,'' ,\ .;.' " d) Performance: measures the extent to which the ,, cl1!--!Gi.A' ""';' with quality those standards [9}, ,n~~fQry,;W~tjwpof ware assutance~fu:st~tP:.e~~~ty of the .; soft ., metric parameters h£ve eV6i~ed'Hy~plti~ . "', .::/~! ,"m! ~!fIT,lf'1~ff!40 ' '>\ ;~' . ,,: for " to ,~hich.the product satisfies its desired outpuf specifica. '. >, ' . , ',' -' ,;.',':jl~'/,~ gill;!'): '{.1 permitted by its specifications. F of ~plethis includes " , "', :.., 't '. ,'" whether the product is cost effectrveretative to other is test by the user to determip.e how~ th~ prQduct ') '.. .' , ' 'c' , ~( . ,: ,;'.'''" ':"T'" .~;-. use, whether the product perfo~~~9ions, and b) Reliability i~ a 'measure 'dfthe'ftJquencYand criti~" ." . '" -- ' .-' . " TheJnfucrUi1derlYing principles1hat define DSDM are , :) 1 '(, ", , ' . , ,", '" ouUined ili [p]. Also~ they make the method a veri bi'DJ q-! i , .' , all quality assurance outlined above, The nine table so~e processstandards that guarantees compliance ~.-'L' :' witb principles are listed as follows: I ';: ;, ., , :1,. " : Pro-active User Involvement is Imperative: ... Ji.: ' , , " ,':i". ';,~. (I-' products, [10].' ,'i', j~~;~' ',:,:' 'j'-;' ~f!ivlr;;, <,wi ", 0 .. to, ,J .. ,,'J . ri .' i, ' met when the correct product is used under' conditions to ' tio~l1O] " ::'.: ',;,;, ," ! .J.." ;':.'{ 'CJ;jj 3Jrti~ ;1'.'qOI~'i , " ,t}):eoiTectness,: This.metric:measures the extent . " . 'i:ifluA:Jf)db~~l.in.GJzni a) Utility: This is the extent to which a user's needs are . ' ~~s;;~e .on carried query processing etc. speed of re ~q;~~;( $pent J~~t. are out ~o ascert~ ~ to serve as basis deterffifiifugqriciliiY'~~Jd'~~~~~o.ducts. , .. -- ,,:, .:.,11e ':2'''r~'.'D~:;td,'' the 'softWare product: Somesoft\V3i~~M;surance Some of these are: ' B~?~~~t~,e19H~~~threspect tot~me and space con- software process and:ther:eby~S<1\mSUi~et(uality Of . -- : ", -:w,.:' The user involvement in DSDM is not just ac ' tive but pro-active. approaches In many other """ .......... Jg~.~ ',o!A>,..D".m.~ -86 -Promoting aualitv-~e in Sottware Products II1rou{h tI)..!~ic System DevelopmeoJ Method (DSDM) cess within the team can be verified as accept , -:,;i.iJ v) ;iJ1T flO [t()!tJ::!~bj,:fL ; ;~ ii;j ': to system deVelopment, the users are involyed "1' -,;:" , !(: '~jilL.j -! ' , . .'.; -.' - '.! :..' . '::-able.6ysfaIfoulSidetDeteam. Also, having tTe:. ~" . ~ " ' ;' " ~'f" !1r , ('' ," '. -'(IJ- rf .U I,i, .'I ,"0 ('J 1/(1 '" ).tJ"~Jr:." ",:,,' at the beginnkg during system analysis w4~n -, 1 'I I ' , qUellt deliveries at short regular intervals (say 2 1 ,,'; ,i... , ,I; ""[I;"" r ,I.',r{-,(:. ,', :', .,,' requirements are elicited. And also occasion ally throughout the development work for ex , , "J." 'weeks Y provides an easy way . for reversing ! 1 '!~,in:'wrdKg:deci~lo'~:rioticcil'in 'earlier deliveries.' ,, ample occasion dunng when the diereview tions, Another user is In-of'4. - '., .- t functi~na1 -sp~lli~-' Fitness for business purpose is an essential volved is during the acceptance testirig, criterion for acceptance of deliverables: --Hdw~ ',')fj Tra.ditio~aJ1y,.tlJe ever, in tne 'DSbM the useris paff6ftlie a~l velopmentteam and is been therefore' ticipant ftom the beginning of the deve1opq1eIit , - -- ,'} Fi '~r~~~t\sfYipg@I~tIiI:~I11~nt.s in the i~uirement !; ct'maJorpar; process to ,the end. This attributet.J)m~~~ ~--~--- - -; focus of developers has '( ,' ------------- DSDMin g(),od ~ead toaddressqu~,~,~ . :;: i :' i)9R,WffirP.t.ro B~~~)tJJ7fo~s.rather is.build . "'; '1.l J~, Jl. ~'.,1 R"" ( J ;> ".,f is, Jfit.' for" business '.", .' while some , , ~"-ingJ the.DrOdilctthai ,' -' " J' ,';>" '., t'1 ' ' ''''', ,'., (: ' . (hud 10 CTooiffirnw-t)nr. no' J/)}:tn:,/I' ~,-I, ,': j.:i: ~e operatio~ 'characteristics are sufficiently ance issues of correctness, robustness, perfor , 2. ", ", be'" left ~ '_'oocnmcaHSsbeS:c3ri '~;':;':.t!],l1..:l[jJn;J22.J. 'f!~IJ,I;i)'-, if-," ""j"tJ_'~:~ mance, ufiIity and ~e~ability ", ";--, de OJ-;) DSDM teams are empowered to mak~ . , , ::, ,,' - ',' " ',r E: cision: In order for development to move on , , ':' , ", '. ' "" I J ",!JlSVCTG12g;:fiortfJfW'j<V;";',, , 0 - , 12!;.' i !~: .' 'fSiAJr!<;p~~d~ct~ ai~' d~llveredfi-equently, the fit ~ , :,:Ji;-Ir,: , " . 1"'1 :: !;)i' i h cuseson quality assurance during development. , i'1(.? '10 raeliV&aOTes:oyefiStiriIig ., :', ' ," ,::,.;,,., ;o., ,' , " --';J(i!qfTli~s~rJ¥purpd1eois1ciedas'a basis for checking - management's approval to take' qUick dtitsioDs. , until later, ..'as long as --mbuStmCfne'snoiftenn. This principle also fo " quickly, the team members always have the ,', ',' .' ,, that thoroughly tested ~) r: j 'I CJ 'i. 13nd!Vanda~. products are delivered per time. Since DSDM project are necessarily wOfl&1g , '5. .(jitl)i4teltativ:e;:and:1ln~r~mentaldevelopmellt is on tight time-sCales,' a long aecisiorf pt~ tffiit move slowly up and dowifthe 'hie'ratchy;br ,,;.(, :;. iJ~;;g~Jt1Jlt(MR,~V:~pjgeo~ ,an accurate busi'.:',; :'_,!.'(~i'~[~R~tt~Jm;;1'4)~, ~?~~, software evolves management will ,reduce the chances-of(de!i.1£ ~J~[Jbo~~t~thfg¥ffl1~8~~~~~:~~i~erativ~ devel eringwhatisneededont;U:n~,.1;i"" j:.:!-; fbu1w 3. - ,- ~ -- . - opment :11te user members provides almost ,, Tbe focus is on frequent deliveo/ 9!~~d; uets (T~me,Boxing): , instant Jeedback onthe work done by the de ~j'fE i'.b55f1 (!'1~2JJ £ rbii!wo) iif'..d,' ." Apan:fi.:~l11 -" ,~ i. :;.. v-:elope(siIice- they belong to the same team, ;:;!(/!dJlIOJ l~)imu /:;:.;:;1) ;'i !Jul' ," ~~~.f~~J~,t . '. .' ; ~0t 'By letting' systems evolve, DSDM ensures that ~~b!Jbf!i ~o~~~~gfr~~bJdfb~rjY'b'ci'foie they become '11- ' DSDM~helps to obtain usable sol\lti<?~ ~OT , " i.1.:JI-!b~HSt1~4h'6dit~t.EVeh insittiations where there I', f1!. ",,",' I !J(' business within few months that could be added '. ":! n Adct onto , ' incrementally from time to,',time (Time , opment process over time. By requiring ftequent ?f1 °'is;artiuirl~in-the requirement, this change could . delivery of products, the decisiort triakingItpro boxes). also (if1j~teffecr«f m'llitute increment of the , thus solving the moving target problem This is . provides a m~~~f c~~~~n1rig , :.id {f" product, , '.', ,",':'10 and monitoring the effectiveness ofthe d'eveI :, ":. I. ,;':' ' ',~i~'" ;~,r~' i :)' .' -H'n}-'i~n~gY~~~i~~m~tfqrquality~anc~. -, . , 6. 87 ried out to ensure that the new increment har All changes during development are reversible: At "",' '. every stage of the iterative incremental monize with the previ'ous model. The test as work are kept, you go principle makes DSDM most suitable process, the archive of preVious promoting quality assurance of software prod for ucts. .:. so that one could easlIy back tracldf need be. We can always establish a safe point in development. This is also ~earing in ~d~t 9. there are ~ccasion when the Wrong pa~ tbuld ,, been taken. Collaborative and cooperative approach between all stake holders is essential: have 7. - Promo!iQg.OIJajltyAsslI'ance in Software Products through the Dynamic -System DevelOpment Method (OSDM) O.M. Bamigbola & J.O. Daramola The PSDM utilizes wider level participation of stake- Reqnirements ''', . " , " 'hold~rs in the-software-development process. This' a~e,:;b:as!e-liriea!!at 'a 'Ii'igb ' , level: This principle of the DSDM ensures that , 'includes developers, users, managers, operators . 'etc.:rhe concept ofJoint Application DeVelopment. " principles seeks the.collaboration of relevant agen ". , 'the reqf1ireineiit~ ~ij'~~iJeeJblp~ dur ing the business stUdy'~e the' agreed'Iii~leV~1 cies and opinions to ensure the success ofthe de ,, ", scope of the project. ByBaselinihg offteezing velopment process .It makes mandate and target requirement at this p6int, the cess that follows. Thi's is riecessary to' det3ileorequirement can be elicited through ensure the iterative pro that photocopying activitIes are direBt@ requirement sacrosanct 'and definite for the DSDM project to achieve. ,, 8. focus on and strictly 4.0 SPERU -A DSDM Project Carried out at U ni- by the set of requirements 'agreed on. \ versity of Dorin 4~,! Ua.ckground to the problem Testing is integrated' flitongh~lli\jhe; life i ~ ,",' cycle: In DSDM, testfug of products is ~t ~on~ ., "'. '," q:': . '." The-drudgery associated with the-pmcess ofregistrati~n ; velopment cycle. Sinceto~~ftHeae.:. pattiaISy'Stem 'at-the end but througlibuffue of students and computation of their examination nent are produced very'earlyin.the.lif'e ot-the results i~ awesople. Quit~ worrisome is the fact DSDM project and evolve into:tlieideliv~ied that th~se processes are carried out every academic system, the philosophy bfDSDM is 'test as you , sion, ses putting the operators in a continuous and ever de- , compo.;. ' go'. The software components are tested im mediately after being produced by the devel manding cycle. The computation of examination results and registration of students is obviously an object-cen- ,, opers (i. e. technical aspect), while the users in the team test for functional suitability. All of testing including quality assurance test forms are carried out incrementally throughout Integration testing is done as soon as therethe is project. a need to integrate. Regression testing is tered activity, the student being the dominant object in this case. Hence, the need to evolve not just a computerized process, but an object-oriented software design and implementation that will effectively and efficiently capture all the important objects registration and examination resultprocessing within the also car associated with the r 88 "j ! O.M. Bamigbola & J.O. Daramola i Promoting Quality AsslI"ance in Software Products through the Dynamic System Development Method (DSDM) d' , University and the interactions among the objects [4]. go~~nu:nent and state ~f origin, sessional transcript, Also of importance is the sensitive nature of the stu final yem: result transcript, and departmental student dents' academic information. These factors underscores data albums" :,; Data:~~~~rity,:- Mechanism to guarantee adequate the need to adopt a software process that will guaraIi:" tee the production of good quality software that will protect\pn pf da~a and general security of the system , wholesomely address the various !ntricacies of should be irriplemented to forestall unauthorized IIlaIJ.agingstudents' information mlrnSi!?l1;\aq,~1~~t~tp #;a~d. [6] and academic '." ,',' , ,. ..,: ;-"; :' ,;', ,<j This genuine and noble desire necessitated transactions. , ", ' ,,',' the design and development of the Undergraduate .4,.~,QJ>j~f!~},d~J1~m~a.i(ion in Registrationand Examination Processing:System r~y'i~~mWF~9t;!of9.~jects within a system could be SPERU ., (SPERU) software and the choice of the Dynamic System Development Method (DSDM) with the approval of the uni a~hi.ev~d"lJ~ing the ,steps outlined in existing as s.\fPpo~~d~y [1], [5], [11]. proposals - ' ............................. ,-' I ,- .. , versity management. A thop:~~~~alysis" ~fthe SPERU requirements reveals 4.2 SPERU Requiremel1tsSpecification "" It was agreed th5!.!!~~~: ~,<?I11i~~I!-F. objects within the system are: that the automated system should meet Uniy.i!.l(~p.y!. :Pf!ppf!l1Jef!t, Stud.ent, Course, User, Score . " ~;:j, ';,';} ~ the following requirements: Inputs: students' ' set Enf!J'~ of personal registration by students; 60u~se url-ormatiori-detaifs ana " , ,'0: ",' <"C' , ", " ," 9~~M~!:Hfi~~~,~A!~~p~ept, :t~at, allows new objects to "'"/~''' ,,:)J ,'( i '( ;"'(1, ;, ' 9#?-5BPR,j«;2~~J()S::9f!lP~~~~~pn is a phenomenon of the evp~ve #,oIp:r$tiPg 9bje,ct~~ The objects identified are ",' ',,'; ',:,~.:, withholding of students, students' standing status for suspension of studIes: results. ' ,~~,~m4~Rt11}9,€fI}t)Yi ~~l~ ,others are compo~iti?ns ';0' cumulative grade point average, determination of gooo " , " "" " academic programme, listing level within Outputs: (Reports) -listing of by students by typea of programme and faculty, listing of courses registered s,h<jlM91-,Fj8Uf.tr:4.!./u .': , ,.'" . '\'/:":.' ~,'i; \", :'.. U'):~""; "". ',: ',.,"""; , by students, course attendance sheet, course mark sheet , '.' " n<., , ,r ..,-. list of students (to identify good standing', ~thdi~;'al and probationary status), listing of stude~ts by-io~~ . " 'j, , !: ;'1, . ., with sheet (for recording of raw grades, scores course by score lecturers aftertheexamination), performance , Course of Processes: collation of students resUlt, computation of '. Register, cou~se ~epql(ff1Fi!...P'~pqr:f'!lfl1t repo~t. Some ofthes~ objects information, coursemarks. ,!:<S-Rjrrf!!J:l!':.{:.!C?wse: ,,' . .,' J 'J .'.. I; :. ',,'; '-,:':' :: ,';. " :!:: t " :',,;) ,; :' ,;',' , ' :" 'J i .. , ' ,...! . ,,' i c,: ;..or !~;, ':;;'J; , I!" ,.. / 0"'. Bimlgboll ' "Pr0m0tin9~OiJBrJty'Assll'ance in Software Products tluOl,l!#llhe Dynamic &. J.<J;' Dlrlniali ,. !; Department Object . . , O!::aCdtyy:OOnQiA!(j; X;j fli, , ,Univ~rsi~J;r9~i~. ;!nf) oirt" Name :string location :string logo: binary Year founded :integer Session: string Currentyear : integer P.rQgr~mm.; ()bject Parent Department. Programme name: string degree: string last level: integer Department: Object [ add new department] [ dele department] DeleteQ , i-. . Duration: string c:: i d .<.:., '. Department code: string! AddO Edit Hch8nge-departmenf Info] AddO [ add new. department] , ,,:'F f- , . -. -- DeleteQ [ delere department] t=rlit(\ r r.MnnA Mn<lrtmpnt infnl ...... ''''j'' ; 9...J Student: Object Name :string ,MatricNo :string Type: strirm Sex: string - '. I Department: string; .' I Course: 9.bjeCL-..__._ ; CourseCode : string i ExtemafExterminal:string Delete() ::' IL listO , EditO , I! i ---.Course Object .-BrowseO,-_"--' I DeparbT]ent : Object Studentobject '- I ! T ," .' ... . J . session r$lnnrr---'- '" .- .- ~.._. EditO ... ........................j .. '-'-'--' AttendanceSheetO , "-. ._ - , ! rMarkSht().__.._.--c-'" '''C:' . ; CourseSheetO . .;- i ' Registei'Courses: Object ! Parents: Course, Student , Cumm- GradeP9intAverage: float Previous_GPA: tloat , Performance: float i..- - '''-Object ---1)jE..!'!! .-{ ScoreEntry: .! Parents: Course, Student Course: '.,. Course: Object Session: string Object ; .--,i....se$siolJ.;.$tJ:in.9. .- -., Student: Object , Sre: integer <. Grade: integer Student: Object AddCourse 0 DropCourse 0 SubmitCourses 0 Programme: Object UpdateScore () ;, -'-'- ._, - . -. ' 'PrdcsGrade() .'. --.... -,' Object Session: string Collate Registrationlist Parent: Major Major: Object 0 [collate scores] WithholdResult : Object Major: Object! ' -hrent : Major . Session: string ! Major: Object ' GPAO CGPA 0 PromoteO WithdrawResultsO Session: string level: integer c JSpension : Object Parent: Major ..Suspend ().. , 'J ,: , :.i '; ". " ;q, Session: string . ,NGReason : string . ..' ':":.:. '),., Cr' '.. , WithholdO ReleaseO " " '\ ,Yo" : Figure 4.1 " AgeO Parent: Programme "'::':''':':.L~_ll::j';, ". , StudentResult: AddO DeleteO EditO RndO DepartmentReport: Object , '. - Permanent Address: string Contact Address: string' Next of kin: string' . Kins Address: string Year of Entry: integer local govt. : string level: integer Entry level: integer. Nationality: string Student status: Boolean Total Credit Offered: integer Total creak Passed: integer Current session: stril)g GradePointAverage : float !.. I ... Mode of Entry: string '.--, ----- . .__...,. ., r '. ,q,o?el;lepoj _peleteO- ----....' .-. !'Pa'n!ntst Course, D,epartment, Student ----------------------------------------------------------------- h Course lecturer : string . CourseCategory : 'string i string ', Add() .. CourseTitle.: string. ~-.:t.-'U.:l IntemalExaminer: Major: Object Parent: Student Department: string Programme: string Photograph: binary Date of birth: date Session: string i LStudent :-Object-.: ,-' --------------------------- .-.-. CourseCredit;: integer r I Parent: Student i . , ,;, , , Department: string . I 89 System Development Method (DSDM) .' ;: .' ;' SPERU Objects 0 Perform'ancelistO Student Data 0 Broadsheet ResultO , ..., 90 Promoting Quality AsslI'ance in Software Products \I1rotV1111elDynamic System Development MethOd (DSDM) . O'."i..B~migbola> & J.O. Daram.ola Il1heritanceHier:uchYID SPERU ______________________________ - .. . -';":;;'~!J1SQ,~r.i ". --. "'J 4.4 . - ......................... ,- ".., -.. _____________ -- -'.. ,,'-.j , , ___________ '0',,_ ' A representation of the object class hierarchy showing the inheritanceIelationsm.2 3!!l9-ng qbjects is shown in c:-:(:i~ : 1~'Y' nf:;,~.,(1 ! i . .. . " );~ :,1"" : .r, figure 4.2. ' I after " L,'; ,'1~1"','1 ;,:',')I:'! I ! successfully identif)ing the objects [12]. ..c... '. ,"~::.':~~::>_: ..: ; '" ~~ Pro ".> I" ';'--: Dep~_nt--=,_',-- -.' t, R~P9~ 1onit!; ; -' . .;:;I-,',!.\? :~ mnfi'l ! ,.. 'U h__' __________ DeDartment - i> Qn,,,, nc,,,...,,c, I , '.. I~"f..,,,:,c;<:;n ,.. ~ , , ".: . .............. "'.-' , ;".,;"~,,:'. I I , : ..J f,,):;;,'., '. Register Course I i Course ;._,~=~:_~~-'. E.~port . '" , Course--. . r-" ,';,,~,~:;;-I. .: Student , '. ';~ :, ,: , -- - .. -, - 0, '," ,.:. ,01'''.- '.'" I ~":Jf;(~' ',:;;~:tJ~~ <, . :,,' ! !89:':,]JIIHI.";:: , --..- (]ndi I t1l,i,',:; ; ~ ' ~ ................. ) WithholdResult ">,",,,'''-,',:'.16,':' -,' 1-finor Maior ii'~}:.n2E.',O ,'.,' --- ------------------------- ,' ' , . ' .................. , ........... ", - N.,.."" : ~ ,; ',:;" , " I .-. - . --, , ',,' I , .: j:;:" , i I~'" ,:~; ! '- _..~,~, ' _.~, ~ ::-:£;<,. I ... ;~:',." ,; . :~ i .:d\v" "','1'::' ; Susoend " StudentResult L 1,,''-'' .,'_".;;l!F: :I.:i;:r; : !'l,,1:;;~ ". ! i I - ''' '" ,;; '.r ' , l ,~ '-' -- ~ '.: r -. I( 1 ")1.. ,,:,"!; ',>,; i :'- ----- .': i .-. "',.ii:,':"'C. . .-;. . ... -- -... .. '" Figure 4.2 ' ~Ias~ H!~rarchy in SPERU N.S: Rectangular boxes are used to represent objects. The Arrow is indicative of the phrase .' :'.');.:-C L';"FJ'':i~ 'inherits from' . f ,f. ~niJi" " cr.M. Bamigbola Promoting Quality Assurance in Software Products through the Dynamic & J.O. Daramola 4,5 Object Aggregation in SPERU , ,': , 91 :"':"i'J .o.,~ ,i:,,'", , System Development'-Metho<tiDSDMr " '. -'S;i .s/~ a """0' ! ' , ,.' '. '.' 'I,,:,;:;t, i'V,Ii'j',nr,? :12Bdgjj'I) If) P :>1,)610 qA ,, I',. ' ,,' ,,' :",; ................................ 1! C" Object aggregati~n is generally used to illustrate the static structure' of ~ object -oriented system, [5] and , 'ji~r,ri ,i,:j~':! I f,'..,01:;-1/ " ,.,/~ ~;,i" ' .,: ' [12]. It shows the details ofhowdifIerent objects are 'part of other objects, This makes it possible to , ,,', ,f' w'::~ib!!!;-!iiUi1')i;iqr;HJob'/~}L ;)';j;';lL..,;"', identifY objects that can be represented 'as sub-objects of other objects, , ,',l~, ;':',;; i1:1'J1} bboUI !r.flOi't3!:1;';; "Ii;::'.; ,I,' " The object aggregation in SPERU is shown in Figure 4:3 i:", ..,' , ;, ", ;':0 ,;,d1'\;; ;, t''JdCfl:::..m 1~';" i '''''' ", j).', , , ' '''''' 1 , ,L:,;~:' , ",',,;,:./~' f,"J: L!,r, ~~ER.u ',' i,: "J' '. { ,; J::~i;; /1;'; " ,'" i:<'>1';/,"':I(]":CW'I(! 111':1' '" ' 'I ' ') 't htri'," ,:!U', ;;; ':. ;"~',y: I ",;.1 ;""''''1,,:-1, ..' ' University ," D~parf , 'StUdent ulent" "'; .; ;'t:: !), ',' . J " ',l ': -::'J 'J,' r:''': t :,: ; ;.,;.jJ; ".; ,);-: i :; Course User: ;;' '-.::': f.:i~:~' I. 'it un -:f!" , I',10i p' ."""".. Progr~!~ , :1:,.'''-'' ,,',' ." tyj~pf~elifd r ' , , ,r'," , "1 h :ff1 !<, 'I. , '; '~ ;;.->' , CourseReport , RepoI;t ' . ',' ..dffU-: " , ~ ,/,: ,'Ii','" L :,,,,<C'!'j" ..Wir ?;,,'Pi "'-"" Major Minor ,, ", " ,. ': 'RegisterCoutSes- <A~; , ScoreEntry !i ;,\.;,:: .~ :. ' ',' WithholdResult , Figure 4.5 ~:~~~ll~;~~~~UISes "., I' Sc~reEntry StudentResult StudentRepo 'Aggregation of SPERU Objects : The aggregation, is shown using links annotated with circular blob meaning 'part of', The ellipses suggest that further. details about objects are not shown. ~'. , ., 92 Promoting Quality Ass~ance in Software Products IIvolJ!1llhe Dynamic 0."'. Bamigbola & J.O. Daramola System Development Method (DSDM) ::i':. ':~. ,: An Oracle 9.0i database seIVer was favoured while the 4.6 Application of DSDM to SPERU ; "!.,,;:..,:::.,, :.>.I',,~j::,,:' ..' .. The group oLSoftware-engineers. form within the Mic~qsoft Vi~~aIBCl;sic 6.0 was recommended for . ,". . ". -' )')ft,. ; ::) i'}(!; , ,.o':1i :".' ,,' . ~ev~loping ~he ffo~~-e~d client application. university assigned to this task had previously used rapid ~ , , ',..: -" : application development (RAD) approaches in handling "'~Functional Mo~el It,eration: During this phase, the ". '~fI';";;;".'<;9. i' '. . . some projects with good measure of success, bllt!ls~r !!!~I!!b~rs of the DSDM team were involved in and specifying the contents of the interfaces. decided to employ the DSDM for the SPERU de~g ~ ..I ,. . project for better result. A DSDM team of six members was 'fhi~J1elped. to gain user acceptance and confidence. constituted consistingoftwouserm~mbers. ~eg[oup -- _JE~.~~to!yp~_~e~~.a!~~ ~eveloped for the users to and have an idCSl of how practically it is going to work. I Feasibility Study: The initi~ feasibility indic~~ed that used the DSDM lifecycle as follows: system . .i" ;~,I: ',., " access, thi_~~lso.--h~!p~~ tht?m to und~rstand the . -. -.. .. It also eruipJ.c9 th~mlo C9~tribute to the design process. DSDM is very suitable forthe project, cOI1$igering the . nature of the tasks involved. The scope of the problem ~ The f~amres.tbat~e.r~ Jiked were retained while the ------------ L -------- ,-- -,' . '. _.. .. lies solely within the non-trivial business d~ . Business Study: The business study was don~ in ;owr§J#~YttP w~re out righ~y discarded. The user team I - . --- ---------- -, two i :.': .' . . -. weeks. Series ofJoint Application pevelopment (lAD) ~ ~"."compqp.ents. of system ,members also earned outWorking testmg of model~ the software components : sessions were'held to accumulate thoughts and ideas i_. . was also released to a Facuhy to try out and to about the problem and to agree on the priority record their comments and impressions. This they requirements. This involved all the Examination officers, encourage wider participation especially from other did to Heads of departments, Deans and Sub DeansofvariOLlS' ~efs outside the team. faculties within the un.iversity. The busin~ study repons Design and .Build Iteration: This stage concentrated - like the business area definition, the system architecture - that definition, the prioritised functions and the outline plan were prepared. ,on >. completing the functional requirements ... . ~d been agreed upon as specified in ~~ ............ .. the prior -'-~" f.) it)' functions report of the business study. Al -- _1 ------------------- '. ~' -------------------------- '. The system recommended; architecture definition report ... . a Windows NT operating system platform for a :.:> Client! , thoug~ this had been partially buitt'during the "-"- ,,'O'jl:.r'L jS : i r!(ji;';':',';':, ... fin1ction~_~~~_~literation, efforts were made at ..u ................. .. .-- .' Server Network configuration involying.uI Faculties 'J!;~ t!.t:' it~;i~ stage to complete them and also linked to the university's central academic office. It also incorpo recommended a local area network (LAN) among tIte .' .,,_1, ," departments of within the faculties. rate the non-functional requirements. The user ,~mbe~s,epsured that these functions are tested )1"..1', as,..' soon as they were completed. .~ Promoting Quality Assurance in Software Products through the Dynamic o.M. Bamigbola. &J.O. Dar!'I1),ola . System Development Method (DSDM) Implementat~on: rl1eRl1as~W,S1!p?essfully , 93 components to the user very early in"the carried out, development life cycle the u~ers,~~,thel~~llJties were trained, and form¥ testing~as ~ndll~ed after 6.0 Conclusion which the useracceptancetes#ng was carried out successfully.!., ".'., ", ',' .'" 5.0 Quality Assura,I)(~eJ>~p.~fits sons from~PJ!:RU~ ." r':'''~'''''' " '.J /" I 'I: ; °f~~:VM: j' ,Many of the problems associated with software les,:, devel<?pment especially as they affect quality ' <' 1 (1 ' ' ! . ) , j." 1:.1.1 Many benefits w~r~/d~riY~La~,~!!~~* of the assurance o(~oftware products could be minimized if not totaHy elimfuated through the, adoption of a software process adoption ofDSDM for the SP~U.p~oj~;wbich will that W041d engender effective and pro-active user also apply to many other b~s4J.~pr9j~..Sowenotable participation. Jettisoning the old fashioned and benefits discovered are: : 1. The user acceptance test certified;t~e software product (SPERU) in terms qf quality. It was ,.' ..q, adjudged to have' met its requirement specification. 2. It was very ea-sy for the system to gain user retrogressive principle of establishing delimiting boundaries between the client, user and developer and embracing a software process like the DSDM will go a long way in ensuring that Client organizations get more value for money in terms of accruing benefits from system de~elopment expenditure. To the software acceptance because of the feeling of being a industry DSDM is a probable panacea for better results. It is part of it all along. The user had confidence fast proving to be a veritable tool for solving the' moving in the workability and performance of the 3. Itsystem. was possible to accommodate additional requirements that apart from those initially agreed on that were considered important enough for inclusion. This is due to the incremental nature ofthe development process. All that was required was the team's decision on the appropriate time to incorporate the requirements as increments to existing prototypes. 4. It was possible to deliver usable product t¥gerproblem'. This is the usual scenario where the set '--- '. . of requirements of the clients would have changed the completion. of software development due to the before prolonged software development lifecycle. This problem is particularly synqnymous with the waterfall model. The global software industry and particularly Nigeria lot to gain through the application of the DSDM in has a attaining good quality of software products with minimum time and cost overruns. - - '"\! !", , ,,1 94 Promoting Quality AsslI'ance in Software Products throlV1 the Dyniimic O.M. Bamigbola & J.O. Daraniola System Development Method (DSDM) References: 9. " ;. Inee, D. (1994): IS0900 1 and software quality '" 1. Abbort, R. 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