Asylum Lake Celebration 2013

Asylum Lake
Celebration 2013
Asylum Lake Celebration 2013
O In the Spring of 2013 WMU Natural Areas and Preserves
Program and the Asylum Lake Preservation Association (ALPA),
hosted a Celebration day to encourage community members to
enjoy the Preserve and get involved in its' preservation. Like
minded environmental groups were invited to display
information in the reception tent where refreshments were
offered and local musicians played. Tours were offered during
the afternoon highlighting the Preserves history, plants and
birds. A memorial dedication ceremony was held at the
Parkview road entrance for Rene and Montey Piercey, to
founding members of ALPA. The event was well attended and
the tours received great reviews. Everyone agreed that the
Asylum Lake Preserve is a community jewel that deserves
protection and support andIt is the hope of many in
attendance that celebrations like this will be held again.