Protecting Human Research Participants Training for Paraprofessionals

Protecting Human Research Participants Training for Paraprofessionals
By signing this form, I certify that I attended the Protecting Human Research
Participants Training for Paraprofessionals on _________________ (date). I understood
the material presented and I had my questions answered.
When working on human research studies, I will follow these guidelines:
I will give potential participants all of the information they need to make an
informed decision.
I will not enroll anyone in a study unless I am confident that the person
comprehends all information and agrees to procedures described during the
informed consent process.
I will give potential participants sufficient time to make their decision.
I will do everything in my power to make sure potential participants don’t
feel pressured to participate.
I will keep participant data and the fact of participant participation
Paraprofessional typed or printed name
Paraprofessional signature
Supervisor typed or printed name
Supervisor signature