B r i a n O r i...

Brian Orion
Brian Orion provides project development, transactional and regulatory counseling to
clients in the solar, electric vehicle, energy efficiency, energy storage and climate
change arenas.
Prior to joining Stoel Rives LLP, Brian was the managing attorney of Lawyers for Clean
Energy in San Francisco, California. He serves as Strategic Advisor to the Smart Energy
Enterprise Development Zone (SEEDZ) Initiative, a project of Joint Venture Silicon
Valley. In 2009, he co-founded the UC Hastings Cleantech Roundtable, a forum for
discussing hot topics in the area of renewable energy and clean technology law, held
annually at the University of California, Hastings College of the Law.
Representative Work
Project Development and M&A
Advised international solar developer on acquisition of solar project portfolio in
Represented national solar developer on the interconnection of $20 million worth
of solar projects in California.
San Diego, CA
(858) 794-4109 direct
(858) 794-4101 fax
Represented commercial solar developer in preparing EPC and Installation
Agreements for commercial solar projects in California.
Of Counsel
Represented leading electric vehicle company in the development of a statewide
College of Law, J.D., 2005, cum laude
electric vehicle charging station project.
Member, Law Review
Member, Thurston Honor Society
Represented energy efficiency financing company on M&A transaction with hedge
California Polytechnic State
University, B.A., 2002, magna cum
Advised Silicon Valley municipality on compliance with regulatory rules for
restructuring operations of landfill gas generation facility.
University of California, Hastings
Student of the Year in the College of
Liberal Arts
Advised energy efficiency company on public contracting laws relating to public
sector procurement of energy efficiency services in California.
Energy Regulatory
Represented solar developer before CPUC and other state PUCs on
interconnection, community solar, and PURPA proceedings.
Represented solar inverter company before CPUC on interconnection.
Advised community solar startup on community solar policies across the United
States in connection with launch of software platform.
Represented demand response provider in litigation before CPUC.
Brian Orion
Corporate, Commercial Transactions, and Technology
Represented energy financing company on $125 million Inter-American Development Bank green bonds program to support
energy efficiency project financing in Mexico.
Represented early stage cleantech companies on corporate governance, equity grants, raising capital, and relat ed corporate
Represented energy non-profit organization on corporate governance and 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status filings.
Represented electric vehicle company on technology licensing transactions with multinational counterparties, technology
transfer from research institutions, CPUC proceedings, corporate governance, and other matters. Represented solar technology
company on technology licensing transaction with multinational counterparty.
Carbon Finance
Represented large California public entity subject to AB 32 on $2 million carbon offset purchase/sale agreement.
Represented international carbon offset developer on compliance with voluntary carbon offset protocols.
Professional Honors and Activities
Strategic Advisor, Joint Venture Silicon Valley, Smart Energy Enterprise Development Zone (SEEDZ) Initiative
Co-Chair, Joint Venture Silicon Valley Energy Storage Symposium, 2014
Chair, UC Hastings Cleantech Roundtable, 2009-present
Corporate Secretary, Young Professionals in Energy, San Francisco Bay Area Chapter, 2014-2015
Speaker, “Privacy Rules With Smart Grid Energy Data,” CleanwebSF, 2015
Speaker, “Regulatory Update on SB43 Shared Renewable Energy Program,” Joint Venture Silicon Valley SEEDZ Quarterly
Meeting, 2014
Quoted, Article on BP Deepwater Horizon Ruling, International Bar Association, 2014
Speaker, “Privacy Rules With Smart Grid Energy Data,” EnergyCentral Smart Cities Conference, 2014
Moderator, “Innovative Financing Models in Cleantech: Solar, Storage, and Energy Efficiency,” 4th Annual UC Hastings Cleantech
Roundtable, 2014
Moderator, “Interagency Coordination on Energy Storage Policy in California,” 4th Annual Joint Venture Silicon Valley Energy
Storage Symposium, 2013
Guest Lecturer, “Administrative Law in the Energy and Environmental Context,” UC Hastings College of the Law, 2012
Moderator, “Making the Desert Bloom: Key Issues in Developing Renewable Energy Projects,” 3rd Annual UC Hastings Cleantech
Roundtable, 2012
Speaker, “Cleantech Opportunities in Latin America,” Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley, 2010
Brian Orion
Speaker, “Cleantech Litigation,” ABA Law Student Division Fall Leadership Summit, UC Berkeley Law School, 2009
Moderator, “Climate Change and Carbon Emissions Trading,” 1st Annual UC Hastings Cleantech Roundtable, 2009
Author, “Are VOSTs Needed to End Subsidies to Non-Solar Customers?,” CleanTechnica.com, 2014
Author, “Know Your Offset Risk,” Carbon Finance magazine, 2013
Author, “Keys to Developing Wind Energy Projects in Baja California,” Natural Resources & Environment, ABA Section of
Environment, Energy, and Resources, 2012
Co-author, “When to FERC, When Not to FERC,” California Energy Circuit, 2006
Co-author, “Court of Appeals Holds That State Court Should Hear Claims Relating To Alleged Transfer of $4 Billion From PG&E
Bankruptcy Estate To Parent Corporation,” EnergyPulse, 2006
Author, “Transmission in Transition: Analyzing California’s Proposed Electricity Transmission Regulatory Reforms,” 56 Hastings
Law Journal 343, 2005
Co-author, “Court of Appeals Holds That SMUD Has No Contractual Right to Transmission Service,” EnergyPulse, 2005
Civic Activities
Board of Directors, Berenice Sports Club, 2006-2014
Alumni Board, Hastings Law Journal, University of California, Hastings College of the Law, 2014