March 9, 2011
Susan Antillon, Erika Blanken, Jennifer Campbell, Bruce Cook, Jane Davis, LeeAnn
Davis, Robin Davis, Gabriel Gomez, James Greene, Kathleen Lazarus, Roberto
Lombardo, Kenneth Matthews, Nancy Morgan, Ram Nayar, Susan Pate, Anindya
Paul, Nick Petropouleus, Les Potter, Kristy Presswood, Rita Quinton, Andrea Reese,
Evan Rivers, Harry Russo, Janet Sledge, Harun Thomas, Mike Vitale, Peter
Waidelich, Natalie Weaver
Nancy Morgan opened the meeting by welcoming everyone. The February minutes were
Tom LoBasso discussed enrollment at the College, expecting a decrease in enrollment for the fall
semester. Although budget decreases are a challenge, it is everyone’s responsibility at the
College to recruit students. Frank Lombardo stated the only sources of reliable revenue for the
College come from students and government. A brainstorming session broke out for suggestions
of how to increase enrollment.
Committee Reports
a. Administrative Unit Review – Jennifer Campbell/Katrina Bell/Ken Matthews
No report at this time.
b. College Life – LeeAnn Davis/Harun Thomas
The College Life Committee rescheduled a meeting, originally planned for March 21, for
Monday, March 7. At the meeting, the committee finished working on the proposal ("A Week
of Peace") it will submit this academic year and tabled two other proposals, one of which
is based on the findings of a survey the committee completed in February. The survey, whose
target group was DSC students, asked a series of questions regarding a possible inter- and
intra-campus shuttle service. There were a total of 931 respondents and approximately 35
pages of comments (453 comments exactly). At the meeting, the committee discussed the
findings and concluded that one proposal for the year would be sufficient. The committee will
resubmit the proposal ("A Week of Peace") for reconsideration at the next co-chairs meeting.
c. Enrollment Development – Bruce Cook/Dick Pastor
The Enrollment Development Committee is discussing staff positions, overseas programs, and
retention activities.
d. Faculty and Staff Development – James Greene/Rita Quinton/Harry Russo
The Faculty and Staff Development Committee is reviewing a proposal (via e-mail) to
maintain the status quo on the SPD guidelines, with the understanding that there will be no
money to follow through with funding. It is more a statement to affirm the committee’s
support of the policies in principle, and a request that the college commit to researching and
developing ways to ensure their integrity and sustenance in the future.
Planning Council Meeting
March 9, 2011
Page 2
e. Institutional Advancement – Gabriel Gomez/Judy Haydt
The Institutional Advancement Committee is working on a proposal for a centralized edonation site and the most cost effective software to include in the proposal.
f. Institutional Technology – Roberto Lombardo/Anindya Paul
The Institutional Technology Committee is looking into proposing a tech person in Campus
Safety. E-text initiatives have slowed down.
g. Instructional Program Review – Jim Backer/Rhodella Brown/Nick Petropouleas
The Instructional Program Review has scheduled extra meetings to accommodate the review
of the remaining programs. All programs have been submitted and are being reviewed by
subcommittee. The final Closing of the Loop documents from the previous years have also
been submitted for approval. The Closing of the Loop document provided by the Human
Services Program resulted in an interim report based upon last year’s recommendation. This
report is due April 1, 2011 with a meeting scheduled with the program manager and chair on
April 18. The apprenticeships’ cost analyses were completed and the programs are being
considered by the subcommittee and the AVP over the programs.
h. Operational Effectiveness and Accountability – Susan Antillon/Kristy Presswood
No report at this time.
i. Strategic Planning and Assessment – Nancy Morgan/Dustin Weeks
The Strategic Planning and Assessment Committee will be reviewing a survey regarding
developmental objectives for the strategic plan. The survey concludes on Friday.
j. Teaching and Learning – Evan Rivers/Mike Vitale/Susan Pate
The Teaching and Learning Committee met February 28th. At the meeting, a report was
received from the subcommittee on Barriers to College Success, and the Associate of Science
degree in Environmental Science Technology was approved.
Susan Antillon reminded the Council that proposals need to be introduced and approved at the
Co-Chair’s meeting prior to presentation at the Planning Council meeting. There are only two
Planning Council meetings scheduled before the due date for proposals of April 13, 2011. That
date will be reviewed as the awards convocation ceremony is also scheduled for that day.
The meeting adjourned at 3:30 p.m.
Next Meeting: The next Planning Council Meeting will be March 23, 2011 at 2:30 p.m. in Building
100/Board Room. The next Planning Council Co-Chairs meeting will be April 6, 2011 at 3:30 p.m. in
Building 100/Board Room.