PLANNING COUNCIL MEETING January 18, 2012 Wetherell Center Board Room

January 18, 2012
Wetherell Center Board Room
2:30 – 4:00 pm
Members: Michael Avery, Rhodella Brown, Bruce Cook, LeeAnn Davis, Shana Deyo, Steve Eckman,
Angie Falconetti, Michael Flota, Cass Fowler, Barry Gibson, Gabriel Gomez, James Greene,
Judy Haydt, Lee Kenyon, Kathleen Lazarus, Michelle Lee, Lori Lemoine, Tom LoBasso,
Roberto Lombardo, Peter McCarthy, Michelle McCraney, Mike Moore, Theresa Moore, Nancy
Morgan, Max Nagiel, Patty Navarra, Janet Parish, Michelle Parker, Dick Pastor, Susan Pate,
Anindya Paul, Joanne Pinkston-McDuffie, Andrea Reese, Evan Rivers, Jane Rosati, Harry
Russo, Ted Sofianos, Harun Thomas, Don Travis, Eric Urff, Hector Valle, Kevin Veiga, Cathy
Webb, Dustin Weeks, Ted Wygant, Nabeel Yousef, Jeff Zahnen
Tom LoBasso reviewed enrollment and announced Nancy Morgan as the interim AVP for
Institutional Effectiveness beginning February 1st, and Linda Miles as the AVP for Academic
Planning and Assessment. Also, the unit planning calendar will be changing to include budget
implications. College Employee Satisfaction Survey (CESS) results are due February 8th.
Tom welcomed the delegation from the Netherlands and asked them to introduce themselves.
College Updates
Angie Falconetti gave an update on the Employee Satisfaction Survey. Noel-Levitz has received
all the surveys and the College had a 46% response rate, which is admirable. The results are
being compiled and should be available by the end of January/beginning of February.
Nancy Morgan gave a SACS update. Seven QEP teams have been created to narrow down the
top five topics for the QEP: student retention, student motivation, critical thinking, information
and technical literacy, and character development. The first draft of the compliance certification
report is now proceeding into a second draft.
Ted Sofianos gave an update on Title III. The call for ideas/proposals is due by February 15th.
More proposals have been received, and the College received verbal confirmation of its eligibility
for Title III funding. Upon receipt, the confirmation will be forwarded to the appropriate office.
Committee Reports
a. Administrative Unit Review – Max Nagiel / Michelle Parker
The Administrative Unit Review Committee hopes to bring forward two proposals in the next
coming meetings. They are also hoping to receive the last three of the AUR reports in the next
week or so. The next meeting is in a few weeks.
b. College Life – Bruce Cook / Harun Thomas
The College Life Committee described the purpose of the Committee. It was announced that the
next meeting will be held on Monday, January 23 at 1 p.m. in the Bergengren Building, Room
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249. They will hear a presentation from Susan Antillon regarding the most recent results of the
Community College Survey of Student Engagement, which is a national survey that included
Daytona State College students.
c. Enrollment Development – LeeAnn Davis / Dick Pastor
The Enrollment Development Committee will be doing more analysis of the Grades First
software. IT has asked the Committee to schedule a meeting with them and the Grades First
d. Faculty and Staff Development – James Greene / Harry Russo
The Faculty and Staff Development Committee met on January 10, 2012. The Committee plans
to submit two proposals involving the re-establishment of SPD / Tuition Reimbursement / Faculty
Sabbaticals and the eventual re-opening of a Faculty and Staff Development Department. The
next meeting will be February 14, 2012.
e. Grants – Michael Flota / Ted Sofianos
The Grants Committee is developing a proposal.
f. Institutional Advancement – Gabriel Gomez / Judy Haydt
The Institutional Advancement Committee is in the final preparatory stages of a proposal that will
impact various areas of the college. Pricing has been conducted, and most details of the proposal
have been worked out. The Committee will be meeting in a week’s time to go over the final
version for the proposal and prepare to present it at the next Planning Council Meeting.
g. Institutional Technology – Anindya Paul / Eric Urff
The Institutional Technology Committee is reviewing a student database.
h. Instructional Program Review – Jim Backer / Rhodella Brown / Nick Petropouleas
The Instructional Program Review Committee’s next meeting is Monday, January 23. The
Committee will be reviewing four programs. There are still a number of outstanding reports that
need to be submitted to the committee.
i. Operational Effectiveness and Accountability – Susan Antillon / Janet Parish
The Operational Effectiveness and Accountability Committee met last time (12/12/11) to briefly
discuss the results of the Efficiency and Cost Effectiveness Survey distributed to the College
community from November 15 through November 30, 2011. A one page handout with a
summary of the results of the survey was provided to the committee. There were 79 respondents
and 473 topics received. The main topics were energy/utility savings and paper/printing usage.
The committee will review the entire responses and determine priorities and possible topics for
proposals to the Planning Council. A guest speaker from FPL attended the last meeting and
explained the possible energy savings programs for the College and that it would be in our best
interest to work with a performance contractor.
j. Strategic Planning and Assessment – Mary Bruno / Dustin Weeks
The Strategic Planning and Assessment Committee will be meeting on Thursday, January 19,
from 1-3:30 p.m. in Building 210, Room 135C. The Committee will begin working on the draft
for the 2012-2013 Annual Plan. All of the Planning Council Co-chairs and Constituency Heads
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have received an e-mail request to complete a brief survey to provide input on current projects
that may link to this year’s Annual Plan and on projects or issues in their area of interest that
should be incorporated into next year’s plan.
k. Teaching and Learning – Susan Pate / Evan Rivers
The Teaching and Learning Committee is reviewing the Retention Committee’s report and is
working at creating proposals.
Constituent Heads:
There were no reports from Constituent Heads.
Dennis Micare shared information regarding the budget. PECO and repair/remodeling funds have
been reduced which is creating cash flow issues, and some repair/remodeling projects for the College
have been put on hold.
Michelle McCraney presented the minutes from the last Planning Council meeting, and hearing no
corrections, approved the minutes.
The meeting adjourned at 3:15 p.m.
Next Meeting: The next Planning Council Co-Chairs meeting will occur on February 1, 2012 at 3:30
p.m. in the Wetherell Center Board Room. The next Planning Council meeting will be held on
February 8, 2012 at 2:30 p.m. in the Wetherell Center’s Board Room.