Request for Amendments Animal Ethics Committee A condition of your original ethics approval was that any variations or modifications you might wish to make to your project must be formally notified to the ethics committee for further consideration and approval. If you are proposing a major change to your project you may need to resubmit your application to a meeting of the AEC. Please contact the Ethics Office on for further information. Please Note: Any overdue Annual Reports for your project must be submitted along with your Request for Amendment. Project Name: AEC approval number: Project approval date: Principal researcher (must be a staff member): Title Surname First name Phone Fax Email Student/other researcher/s: Title Surname First name Email Phone Fax Student ID Project Description: (Please provide a one paragraph lay summary of your original project) Nature of and reasons for amendments: (Please provide details of the changes you propose to make to the project and explain why they are necessary. Please justify any increase in sample size) Are you also requesting an extension to your approval? CRICOS Provider No. 00103D Page 1 of 3 Request for Amendments Animal Ethics Committee No Yes NB: Please provide new completion date / / Possible risks to subjects: (Please outline any possible risks that the changes you propose may create for subjects) Actions to be taken by researchers to reduce risks: Expected date of implementation of amendments to research: Will any funding arrangements for the research been affected by the changes? Implications for compliance with legislative requirements: (Please check current legislation and related requirements, if appropriate - including, for example Australian Code of practice for the care and use of animals for scientific purposes: ttp:// ATTACHMENTS: Details of other permission or approvals required as a result of your proposed changes SIGNATURES: CRICOS Provider No. 00103D Page 2 of 3 Request for Amendments Animal Ethics Committee Principal researcher (must be a staff member): Title Name Signature Date Student/other researcher/s: Title Name Date HOS / Deputy HoS / Signature ADR: SIGNED: PRINT NAME: DATE: Please contact the Ethics Office, Email: Or Ph: 5327 9765 or 5122 6446 for further assistance. CRICOS Provider No. 00103D Page 3 of 3