Geometry Theme MAA PREP WORKSHOP Laurie Burton and Maria Fung Western Oregon University


Geometry Theme


Laurie Burton and Maria Fung

Western Oregon University

July 8 th 2003


 Overview of WOU Geometry Courses

 Foundations

 Geometry for Elementary Teachers

 Geometry for Middle School Teachers

 Geometry Activities

 Explorations on symmetry and reflections

 Visual approach to the Pythagorean Theorem

 Geometer’s Sketchpad Lab Explorations

 Assessment

Geometry NCTM Standards Highlights

 Analyze properties and characteristics of two- and three-dimensional geometric shapes

 Describe spatial relationships using coordinate geometry and other representational systems

 Apply transformations and use symmetry to analyze mathematical situations

Geometry for K-8 Teachers

 Foundations of Elementary Mathematics sequence includes a one-quarter course on geometry

 Main topics covered:

 Geometric figures

 Geometric Figures; Plane Figures

 Polygons and Tessellation; Space Figures; Symmetric Figures

 Measurement

 Systems of Measurement

 Area and Perimeter; Volume and Surface Area

 Motions in geometry

 Congruence and Constructions

 Congruence Mappings; Similarity Mappings

 Introduction to the Geometer’s Sketchpad Package

Geometry for K-8 Teachers

 Geometry For Elementary School Teachers is a one-quarter course for mathematics focus students

 Main topics covered:

 Geometric Shapes and Measurement

 Polygons & Circles

 Perimeter & Circumference, Area, Angles

 The Pythagorean Theorem

 Polyhedra

 Surface Area & Volume

 Triangle Congruence & Similarity

 Basic Geometric Constructions

Geometry for K-8 Teachers

 Geometry for Middle School Teachers is a mixed advance undergraduate and graduate course

 Topics covered:

 Reflections and Symmetry

 Tessellations

 Isometries and their Relations

 Perimeter, Area and the Pythagorean Theorem

 Similarity

 Measurement and Similarity Mappings

Comments on Mirrors and Symmetry


 Introductory activity for the Geometry for

Middle School Teachers Course

 Students use trial and error at first

 Hands-on experience typically leading to informal proofs

 Excellent conceptual understanding of reflections and lines of symmetry

 Good review of quadrilaterals and their properties

More Comments on Mirrors and

Symmetry Activity

 This activity encourages students to

“reflect on reflections”

 Students have fun exploring and improving their geometric intuition

 Increases awareness of geometric concepts (e.g. parallel, angle)

 Follow up: construct and critique minimal

“message” for obtaining a specific shape

Examples of Follow-up Activities

 Construct a minimal message for seeing a rhombus that is not a square.

 Critique the following message:


Make a right angle.


Bisect the right angle.


Place the mirror perpendicular to the bisector in Step

2 (with the reflecting side facing the vertex of the right angle)


Be sure that the mirror cuts off equal lengths on the sides of the right angle.

Paper Folding Activity

 Another hands-on method of discovering lines of symmetry for various quadrilaterals

 Opportunity for sharing different ways of producing required shapes

Pythagorean Theorem Activity

 Find the areas of the squares by using visual methods with the distance between two dots as a unit (and not by measuring the sides and applying the formula for the area of a square)

 Address the case of an obtuse triangle for part 2 of this activity

 Show the construction for the proof to students

Design Your Own

 Work on creating an activity or lesson plans centered around the topic of tessellations

 Use the provided materials in your

Resource Notebooks

 Make a poster or a presentation of your work to be shared with the group

Activities with the Geometer’s Sketchpad

Work on the following lab activities:

 Glide Reflections (first part to start)

 One tessellation activity to start (and finish them all, time permitting)

 A Tumbling Block Design

 Tessellations Using Only Translations

 Tessellations That Use Rotations

 Dissection Demonstration of the Pythagorean Theorem

 The Golden Rectangle

 One activity of More Ideas for Transformation Projects

Geometry Assessment I

 Foundational Geometry:

 Concept Pages

 Conceptually Centered Exams

 Problems of the Week (Explorations of

Geometric Relationships)

 Article Reports

 Textbook Homework

Geometry Assessment II

 Advanced Geometry:

 Geometry Lab Reports ( √-, √, √+)

 Readings Reports and Reflections

 Final Projects

 Geo-Jeopardy Final

 Vocabulary Lists

 Quizzes & Exams

 Extensive Homework

Assessment Continued

Example of a grading rubric from Geometry for

Middle School Teachers Course:

 Interpretation (0-2 pts.)

 Execution (0-2 pts.)

 Completeness (0-2 pts.)

 Reflection (0-2 pts.)

 0: sketchy, incomplete, incorrect, or missing

 1: adequate

 2: thoroughly developed, excellent
