Special Educator Program
SpEd 4/547 Partnerships in Special Education
Remember to write answers to all questions (including highlighted sections)
Below is a list of values that commonly come to many people’s minds when they are asked to name some of the things that are important to them in life. Rate both the Taylor and the Angelino families according to whether you think they would attach a high (3), medium (2). or low (1) level of importance to each value.
Angelinos Taylors Yourself
Broad-minded (open-minded, accepting of difference) 1 3 3
Cheerfulness (lighthearted, joyful, positive outlook)
Equality (equal opportunity for all)
Exciting life (stimulating, active life)
Independent (self-reliant, free choice)
Logical (consistent, logical. problem-solving approach)
Loving (affectionate, tender, intimate)
Security (feel safe and protected) 3 3 3
Social recognition (respect, admiration) 1 3 3
Look back over the list and rate yourself on each value. How would your own values affect your interaction with each family?
Coming from Saudi Arabia, where people have special values that reflect conventional Arabian culture, and living here in the USA where it is a melting pot culture, I found myself between these two families who have some values from my culture such as: security, independence, love, and equality from Angelino’s family, and from Taylor’s family broad-mindedness, excitement life, logic, and cheerfulness. Regarding work with these families, I need to work with each family differently since they have completely different characteristics in values, culture, and tradition; I need to interact with each family in an appropriate way that is compatible with their own value, culture, tradition, and religion– not my own values. I believe that in this field of work
I should not take into account my own values because if I do that might affect my work with these family who just need my help. Therefore, the best way to be successful in you work from my perspective is to separate your own values from your work as much as you can, and to immerse you self in other families’ values, to truly understand their situation so that you can provide help. Unfortunately, I have seen many people who take their own values into account when they work, and that for sure will affect the level of the service that they provide for others.
That why I have a strong belief that, in work, people should separate their own life, values, culture, and religion from their works. Back to our scenario, I will work with Angelino’s family from a family perspective that has a limited education, so I will talk with them in a simple language that they could understand. However, for Taylor’s family, I will be more advanced in my language than Angelino’s family since they are an educated family.
Compare and contrast the strengths of these two families. How might each of the families incorporate their strengths to encourage a positive contribution by and great expectations for their new baby?
Each family has some strengths that can help them to raise a child with Down syndrome.
Angelino’s family has a large family—five children and extended family— who can help the parents to take care of the child and support the family in their needs. Having a big family can be a strength in order to support the parents as is mentioned in our book (p.g7). Also, having good relationships with family members is a great strength that helps Angelino’s family to receive social support, which is receiving emotional assistance from their friend and family members
(p.g23). Having strong faith in their religion might help them to feel comfortable and to be satisfied (p.g63). However, Taylor’s family has more strengths than them. Having educated parents is a great strength that can help them to accept the idea of having a child with disability and then raise him/her. Also, they will be more able to work cooperatively with professionals who will work with their child. Having no children before the incoming baby can be a strength; since the family does not have another child, they can give this child all of their attention (p.g44),
Taylor’s family has a good socioeconomic status; this is a strength that helps them to provide a good quality of care, education, and therapy to their baby. Taylor’s family seems to be an open family, and that will have a positive effect between the family and the professionals who work with their child (p.g32). Having both Mr. and Mrs. Taylor’s parents, who are educated and successful in their work as well, will allow support for the couple to raise the disabled child successfully, especially Mrs. Taylor since she is close to her parents, and will get any material or moral support from her family.
Compare and contrast the family traditions and ethnic backgrounds of these two families.
How might their backgrounds affect their perspective of exceptionality?
Each family has completely different traditions and ethnic backgrounds. Angelino’s family is a very traditional family, who considers their culture, traditions, and religion as important aspects in their life. Also, their traditions prevent them from marrying someone who has a different religion from them. The have a strong belief in traditional sex-roles, so the father works to provide the money for the family. He does not help in the housework while the woman cannot work outside, so the women take the care of the housework, and the children as well take some house work responsibilities when they reach age 9 or10. They also have the value of a collectivistic society that is focused on the family and group more than the individual (p.g14).
Angelino’s family shares the same outcome that they gain from the butcher shop. They have a large family- a lot of kids— these kids are expected to help their parents. They have the respect for elders such as Mrs. Angelino’s mother. They have a traditional routine which is evening meals with the family and their relatives or friend at the dinnertable. They do not like to make changes in their life. For example, Mr. Angelino, his father, and grandfather have worked the same job and in the same business. Also, refusing his brother’s idea about expanding the business can be evidence of a lack of changing interest. They do not endorse the idea of having a college degree since they think that it is too much education, and that can have a bad influence on people in their life. From the other side, Taylor’s family has the value of individualism, which is the principle of being independent and self reliant (p.g14). The women have their careers
“outcomes”. The couple shares the housework responsibilities; they are more flexible than
Angelino’s family. Each person in the family has his/her separate social life; they have more freedom.
Identify the various subsystems of each family. How do you predict that the cohesion and adaptability of each family will shift (if at all) after the birth of their baby with Down syndrome?
The Angelino’s family has several family subsystems: a marital subsystem between Mr. and
Mrs. Angelino; parental subsystems, the interactions between the couple and their kids; and sibling subsystems, the interaction between the five kids. Also, the extended family subsystems, which is the interaction between the family and their relatives– cousins and aunts. (p.g33). They have high levels of cohesion. Family members are very close to each other, more than the people who are non members, so the family members and relatives can share some responsibilities.
They have strong emotional connections (p.g74). If the family has a baby with Down syndrome, they will get support and help from their relatives while they are very closed to people who are non members. This is not helpful for them if they have a Down syndrome baby because they will not get useful information about their child’s condition, needs, and development. They will have a hard time working cooperatively with professionals. In addition, this family seems to have strict rules about sex-roles which might cause a lot of stress on the family life especially the mother since she is the one who has to take care of the child (p.g49). Overall, Angelino’s family has a high level of cohesion and a low level of adaptability. They cannot adapt easily with the new life with the baby, and they will face many challenges to raise the baby.
On the other hand, Taylor’s family has a marital subsystem between the couple, and extended family subsystems between the couple and their parents. They have a different level of adoptability and cohesion. They seem to have a high level of adaptability; they can share the baby responsibilities. They do not have strict rules, and they are open people, so they can interact with professionals without any problem. Also, they have a high cohesion in emotional bonding between the couple and their parents, so they will get help and support from them. It is clear that
Taylor’s family has several features that help them to adapt easily and quickly with the new life.
The statements below are descriptive of a very closed rigid family. Decide whether each statement is either mostly true (T) or mostly false (F) for the Angelino family and for the Taylor family.
Angelinos Taylors
Power: One person in the family consistently makes all major decisions, or the spheres for decision making are strictly confined.
Role Relationships: Tasks or roles are assigned to specific family members; there is little or no sharing of responsibilities.
Relationship Rules: Household rules are dearly defined, strictly enforced, and hard to change.
The statements below are descriptive in general of a highly cohesive family. Decide whether each statement is either mostly true (T) or mostly false (F) for the Angelino family and for the
Taylor family.
Angelinos Taylors
Closeness: The family cares almost exclusively for its own members.
Support: The family accepts emotional support only from its own members.
Decision Making: The family bases its decisions on group welfare rather than individual need.
Commonality: Family members mostly share activities and friends rather than pursuing separate interests.
What advantages and disadvantages will each family’s style of cohesion and adaptability give them in their efforts to best support their child's development?
Angelino’s family has some advantages that can help them in order to support their child’s
Development including, having a lot of children who will help the parents to take care of the child. Being close to other family members will help the parents to get the needed support (p.g6).
Being a stay at home mom can be an advantage because they will not have conflict about caring for the child, especially because their income is low and they have other kids who need resources, so they cannot offer a daycare for their child. On other hand, there are many disadvantages for them: having a lot of kids keeps the parents from focusing all their attention on the new baby. Also, having low income with all these kids will have a negative effect on both the kids and the baby– especially the baby who cannot go to a good school or have good healthcare.
Having a family with a simple education background is a big disadvantage that has a negative effect on the child; the parents might prevent the baby from going to school since they do not believe in the importance of education. Additionally, living in small city will not allow the family to get the benefit of advanced services that are provided in the big city.
Taylor’s family has more advantages than Angelino’s family: living in a big city will help the couple to find many appropriate services for their child. Being educated people is a great advantage since they will understand more about the disability, the child’s development, the child’s needs, and the importance of education for their child. They can work cooperatively with the professionals. Having educated parents may help the couple to have consultation for some issues that may arise, and to get emotional assistance. Having a good income will help the couple to provide quality services. However, there are some disadvantages, which are that both parents are working ( the couple as well as their parents), so nobody is available to take care of the child especially when the baby is little and he/she cannot go to daycare. This disadvantage might affect the family life, and might cause some conflict between them since one of them will need to give up his/her work for the child.
Consider how the Taylors and the Angelinos currently fill the needs of their families in the various family functions. In other words, think about what, specifically, each family does in each
area, and who has responsibility for carrying out those tasks. (Feel free to "invent” more details about these families as you complete this task.)
Angelinos Taylors
What they do:
Mr. Angelino works in his own butcher shop.
Mr. Taylor works in law firm.
Mrs. Taylor works part time job with an exclusive architectural firm.
Who does it: Only Mr. Angelino The couple both
What they do: Childcare, cooking, and cleaning. Cooking and cleaning
Who does it: Women and children Both of them.
What they do:
Spending time with family, relatives, and friends during evening meals
Practice interests with her/his own friends
Who does it: All the family together Both Mr. and Mrs. Taylor
What they do:
They socialize only with their relatives and friends.
They almost do not have relationships with any educator people except the younger brother. Also, they do not have interaction with people who are not Catholic
They socialize with their parents who have good positions in their society, and Mr. Taylor with his law firm associates. Mrs. Taylor with her artistic friends
Who does it: All the family The couple both
What they do:
They fill their affection needs from
Love and kind from their family members and friends
They fill their affection needs from their parents and friends
Who does it: All the whole family Both of the couple
What they do:
Who does it:
What they do:
“Simple Education”
Children go to school until they finish high school or less. Nobody has college education except the younger brother.
Both of the couple has high education.
Mr. graduated from law school, and
Mrs. has a degree in interior design
Consider how their child with Down syndrome might affect each family’s ability to meet needs in the various areas. In which areas might the exceptionality make it more difficult to meet needs? How? In which areas might the exceptionality make it easier to meet needs?
How? Compare and contrast the two families in the ways in which an intellectual disability might affect their ability to meet needs.
Having a child with Down syndrome will affect the family capacity in order to meet their needs in several areas. For Angelino’s family, the effects will be worse since they have five kids and their income is low, so they will face economic hardships. Also, it will be difficult to focus their attention on the five kids beside the baby, and meet all their needs. The daily care needs will increase which might affect the mother and father’s health. They will be unable to socialize with their relatives as before since they need to spend more time in the hospital, agency, and school.
Also, the couple’s relationship will be in a bad condition. Taylor’s family have the baby with
Down syndrome will affect their social life. They might become busy with the new baby and his/her needs, so they will not be able to spend a long time with their friends to practice their
interests as before. Also, they might need to make relationships with new friends who have disabled children, so they can exchange experiences. Also, they might not be able to attend family or friends’ events. Being parents for a child with a disability demands daily care needs for the child, which takes some time and is ongoing, and that might affect the parents’ work. In addition, the new baby might prevent the couple from recreation since it can be difficult to travel with the baby or practice their own habits and sports. Moreover, this child might affect the couple relationship; they will be busy with the child’s physical and health needs. Then, they forget their especial needs which, is what happens most of the time in families with disabled children’s life. Overall, disability affects each family differently. However, the more the families are adaptable with the new life, the less impact the disability have on them (p.g75).
Areas In Which Exceptionality Makes It More Difficult to Meet Needs:
For Angelino’s family, I think the economic area will be more difficult to meet the children and the baby’s needs. They may face some issues in terms of poverty. They cannot offer good services to the baby. The family business will not be able to cover the little child’s needs – hospital, special education services, and medication if he/she has other health issues. Also, it cannot cove the five children needs, and
Mrs. Angelino’s mother, who is very frail. For Taylor’s family, I think the daily care area will be more difficult since both of the couple and their parents work, and It seem to me that their work is important for them, and they have good positions, so they are busy most of the time. Therefore, it will be difficult to meet the child’s physical and health needs.
Areas In Which Exceptionality Makes It Easier to Meet Needs:
For Angelino’s family, I think the daily care area will be easiest to meet the child’s needs. Because of having five kids, the parents can get help from their kids to take care of their little brother/sister. Also, they have strong relationships with their relatives, so they provide help and support to them.
For Taylor’s family, I think the economic area will be easier for them to meet needs. They can offer a good school, services, and others for their kids.
Compare and contrast the two families in the ways in which an intellectual disability might affect their ability to meet needs.
At this point, I think the important aspect that can make a difference between the two families in order to meet the needs of an intellectually disabled child is education. Taylor’s family can help their self and their child more than Angelino’s family since they are educated. Also, their education and knowledge will help them to be more patient and hopeful. When they will involve in making the IEP for their child, they will know what does the child will learn and help him/her practice. They will have an idea about the services and activities that are available for an intellectually disabled child. However, Angelino’s family cannot do all these thing by themselves.
4. Family Life Cycle
In what ways do the life cycle stages of these two families differ? How might these differences affect their reaction to an exceptionality?
Given your understanding of each family’s values and level of adaptability, which family do you think might have an easier time making transitions in the future? Why?
Try to project the Taylors and the Angelinos 20 years into the future, when both children with
Down syndrome will be young adults. What do you think will be the main issues facing each family? What positive contributions do you think the children will have made to each family?
FINALLY, please discuss how the new baby would have an impact on the family system if he or she were gifted rather than having an intellectual disability (Down syndrome). Also discuss the family impact if the child were deaf.
Write your responses to the actions in 4 different Child Abuse Reporting Scenarios
1. The Jones Family (actions 1-5)
2. The School Experience (actions 1-6)
3. The Mike Smith Story (actions 1-6)
4. The Skywalker Story (actions 1-4)
Feel free to offer an additional action of best practice to each case study.