University of Sheffield Part B: Information for Full Academic Approval

University of Sheffield
Part B: Information for Full Academic Approval
This section of the form should be completed prior to full Faculty approval. It should be
accompanied by a programme specification and programme regulations which will provide
more detailed information about the course.
For collaborative programmes, appendix 1 should also be completed.
For support in filling out this form, please contact the Doctoral Development Team at
What is the rationale for introducing this programme? Are there any additional
academic reasons not already mentioned in Part A?
You may wish to refer to
developments in the subject
the research strategy of the department(s) and Faculty
the role of professional bodies, if appropriate
Are there any special features of the programme that should be drawn to the attention
of Faculty/ University approving bodies?
Please mention any special features such as joint provision with another institution, unusual
patterns of attendance, the nature of distance learning materials, the nature of academic
and personal support given to students.
What implications will there be for existing programmes e.g. programme closure,
displacement of students?
If the programme is based in more than one department, what administrative
arrangements will there be to ensure coherent support for the programme?
Is this programme offered in collaboration with another institution? (This includes
collaboration with an industrial partner, as well as joint or remote location students)
Yes [please give brief details and complete Appendix 1 at the end of this form]
What opportunities will students have for the development of transferable skills?
All research students must engage with the Doctoral Development Programme (DDP). Does
this programme include stand alone compulsory modules? If so, how will these be
coordinated with DDP provision?
Departmental and External Approval
The detailed academic proposal should have the full endorsement of the department(s)
concerned and be approved within the owning department’s academic plan. Please
indicate the departmental persons /bodies that have considered and approved the
proposal. This MUST include the Head of Department responsible for the programme. The
departmental Research Committee should also ensure and certify that the proposal is
appropriate and that necessary consultation has taken place with partner departments,
external collaborators and professional bodies where appropriate.
Internal consideration (owning
departments plus others
Please state who has
considered and endorsed the
External consideration
(External collaborators,
professional institutions,
learned societies, industrial
Please state who has been
consulted, their expertise
relevant to the proposal and
what the outcomes of these
consultations were
To be filled out by the Doctoral Development Team:
Committee comments or recommendations
The Doctoral Researcher Development Committee (DRDC) should have had the chance to
see this proposal in order to ensure cross-faculty review.
In the case of programmes which are considered to be collaborative, the Committee for
Collaborative Provision (sub-committee of the Quality and Scrutiny Committee) should have
oversight of the proposal.
Appendix 1 – Collaborative programmes
If the new degree programme is to be provided in collaboration with another institution,
this part of the form must be completed.
Types of collaborative programmes led by the University of Sheffield may include:
Joint awards granted by one or more awarding bodies
Joint supervision of research degrees or provision for doctoral research to be
conducted at another academic or industrial organisation (this includes remote and
joint location).
Doctoral Training Centres
Please give details of the Prospective Partner Institution
Name of Institution:
Full registered address:
Main Contact Name:
Main Contact Job Title:
Main Contact Department:
Main Contact Email
1. Does your department have any other collaboration with the proposed partner
institution(s)? If so, please provide details.
2. To the best of your knowledge, does the University of Sheffield have any other
existing agreement with the proposed partner institution(s)? If so, please provide
3. What type of arrangement is proposed?
Joint award (please go to question 4)
Remote location/joint location (please go to question 9)
Doctoral Training Centre or any other type of arrangement (please leave the rest of the
form and contact the Doctoral Development Team)
4. Ability of the partner institution to make a joint award:
Please indicate whether it has been confirmed that the partner institution has the legal and
regulatory capacity to grant awards jointly with another institution:
Can grant awards jointly with another institution.
Is in the process of putting in place legal and regulatory capacity to grant awards
jointly. (Please indicate a date when this is likely to be in place)
Cannot currently grant awards jointly with another institution. (If this is the case, no
further work on the agreement will be undertaken by RIS)
5. Students must be registered at both partner institutions throughout the whole
degree programme to enable a joint award. Where will admission to the programme
be granted?
The University of
The partner institution
Both institutions
6. What will be the registration procedures at the partner institution in years where the
student is based in Sheffield?
7. Please indicate the intention as to which partner institution is likely to receive the
student fee at each point of the programme:
8. Please indicate what processes are proposed to monitor students’ progress
throughout the programme. Please note these must at least meet the requirements
of TUoS Code of Practice for Research Degree Programmes:
9. Financial Arrangements. Should any monies be required to be paid to partner
institutions, other than annual student fees, please detail how it is proposed that this
operates and attach process approvals from TUoS Department of Finance.
Agreed by Department of Finance:
Yes / No / In Process
10. Assessment of Risk
Possible Risk
Where a joint supervision arrangement
is proposed, does the Partner have
acceptable standards in academic
Does the Proposed Partner have
acceptable standards in pastoral
Does the Proposed Partner have
acceptable standards in welfare
Does the Proposed Partner have
acceptable library facilities?
Does the Proposed Partner have
acceptable IT facilities?
Will there be any constraints on
students’ access to physical
Will there be any language issues?
Will there be any professional/
statutory/ regulatory body
accreditation issues?
Will there be any insurance issues?
Does the proposed partner’s
strategic plan/mission fit with our
Are there any concerns about the
viability of the partner institution?
Where the proposed partner is based
outside of the UK, are there any
compliance issues with regard to UK
legislation (e.g., freedom of
information, equal opportunities)?
For partners outside of the UK, are
there any political/ethical issues within
the partner’s country which may
have an impact on the programme?
Any other issues to be noted