Brockton Public Schools School Committee Policy

Brockton Public Schools
School Committee Policy
The School System is required to provide educational services to all school age children who
reside within its boundaries. It is the policy of the Brockton Public Schools that management
of common infectious diseases shall be in accordance with Massachusetts Department of
Health guidelines, and Local Board of Health and the EPA. The School System reserves the
right to require a physician’s statement authorizing the student’s return to school.
Infectious disease control measures in school include preventing illness from spreading,
reporting some illnesses, temporarily excluding ill children, and being prepared. Some disease
control activities are required by law or regulation. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Public Health regulations and Massachusetts General Laws govern the reporting and control
of communicable diseases. The regulations establish isolation and quarantine requirements for
certain types of cases and their contacts in the school and health care setting, including
attendance guidelines for non-immune students from schools when cases of vaccine
preventable diseases are reported.
J. Students
105 CMR 300.000 M.G.L. c.11,s.3,6,7,109,110,111,112.
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Approved: June 15, 1999; August 20, 2002