Brockton Public Schools School Committee Policy

Brockton Public Schools
School Committee Policy
Birth Certificate:
The parent is to bring or send the child’s birth certificate to school,
prior to school entrance.
Each child who will enter school for the first time should be registered
and examined by his/her family physician. This examination report
must be sent to the school nurse.
No child will be admitted without proof that the child has been properly
screened and immunized according to Department of Public Health
guidelines and procedures established by the Brockton Public Schools
Health Services Department.
In the absence of an emergency, in following the Department of Public Health regulations,
parents/guardians who believe that immunization conflicts with their sincere religious beliefs
must state that belief in writing and are required to present a physician’s certificate in order to
be admitted to school.
If the student cannot be immunized due to a medical condition, a written note from the
physician/nurse practitioner is required.
J. Students
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Approved: June 15, 1999; August 20, 2002