Brockton Grants Management A Guide to Brockton Grants Management and Resource Development

Brockton Grants Management
A Guide to Brockton Grants
Management and Resource
If we teach today as
we taught yesterday,
we rob our children of
tomorrow. John Dewey
Brockton Grants Management
Meet The Brockton Grants Office
Crosby Administration Building
43 Crescent Street, 2nd Floor
Phone: 508-894-4366 Fax: 508-894-4367
Susan Dukess, Ed.D., Deputy Superintendent
Karen Watts, M.B.A., Grants Administrator
Dianne Metta, Grants Secretary 508-580-7535
Brockton Grants Management
Grant Authorization Procedures
Grants Set-up & Financial Management
MA DOE Grants Drawdown Procedure
Grant Proposal Writing, Technical
Assistance and Quality Assurance
Questions & Answers
Brockton Grants Management
Grants Authorization Procedures
The Grants Office is the central clearing
house and file repository for the district and
oversees QA for all Brockton grants.
Submit all grant requests to the Grants
Office for authorization ten working days
prior to School Committee meetings.
Complete a School Committee Meeting
Agenda Summary form.
The Grant Manager should attend School
Committee meeting.
Brockton Grants Management
Grants Set-Up & Financial Management
MUNIS Set-up
Grants Record Keeping & Reconciliation
Budget Amendments
Final Reports
Brockton Grants Management
Grants Set-Up & Financial Management
MUNIS Set up complete and attach the grant
approval letter and the approved budget. Submit it
to the Grants Accountant.
Grants Record Keeping & Reconciliation Keep
accurate, detailed records and reconcile with the
MUNIS accounting system.
Brockton Grants Management
Grants Set-Up & Financial Management
Requisitions are completed by the Grant Manager,
signed by the supervising administrator, and
submitted to the Office of Financial Services.
The Purchase Order (blue copy) will be sent to the
Grant Manager.
Once order/services are received, the Grant
Manager signs and returns the P.O. to Accounts
Brockton Grants Management
Grants Set-Up & Financial Management
Budget Amendments are required by the MA
Department of Education if there is:
1) a significant change in program objectives;
2) an increase or decrease in the total grant; or
3) an increase in a line of the budget that exceeds $100 or
10% of the line (whichever is greater) or exceeds
Budget Amendments should be submitted 30 days
before the desired change and must be submitted
30 days before the grant end date.
Brockton Grants Management
Grants Set-Up & Financial Management
Final Reports for the MA Department of Education
are due 60 days after the grant end date.
Final Reports must reconcile with the MUNIS
accounting system.
Brockton Grants Management
MA DOE Grants Drawdown Procedure
“New” process to automate grant payment
Monthly, on-line, paper free system
Eliminates quarterly, 2-page Requests for
Funds Form (RF1)
Monetary savings of staff time,
paper, and postage
Brockton Grants Management
MA DOE Grants Drawdown Procedure
The Department will disburse grants of
$5,000 or less in full
Grants over $5,000 will receive first pro-rated
installment, then monthly requests thereafter.
Monthly funds requests can be made from the
20th to the end of the month (10-day window).
Brockton Grants Management
MA DOE Grants Drawdown Procedure
Grant Managers will input Requests for Funds on MS
Excel spreadsheet on Central Office P: Public Drive no
later than the 15th of each month:
1) Funds Paid/Received to Date
2) Funds Expended
3) Monthly Allocation
4) Funds Request
5) Justification Narrative (if exceeds adjusted
Monthly Allocation)
Brockton Grants Management
MA DOE Grants Drawdown Procedure
Monthly Allocation = Total Grant – MTRS/No. of months
in grant period.
The “Maximum Cash Balance Allowed on Hand” should
not exceed 10% of Monthly Allocation.
Include payroll and other expenses anticipated by
month end.
Do not submit Funds for Request if no expenditures are
anticipated by month end.
Brockton Grants Management
MA DOE Grants Drawdown Procedure
The Grants Office/Financial Services will review/OK
the Grants Drawdown/Funds Requests.
Data Entry Staff will access the DOE system and input
approved requests from the 20th of each month to
no later than month end.
Brockton Grants Management
Grant Proposal Writing, Technical
Assistance & Quality Assurance
The Grants Office encourages new grant
opportunities to advance Brockton teaching and
learning initiatives.
We welcome the opportunity to assist you with
identifying funding sources, grant research, grant
writing or review.
Provide timely notice prior to grant deadlines.
Brockton Grants Management
Grant Proposal Writing, Technical
Assistance & Quality Assurance
Tips for Writing Winning Grants!
Plan your project! Convene your project team;
See Project/Proposal Worksheet.
Adhere to District/School Improvement
Identify and engage collaborative
partners early!
Develop an outline.
Brockton Grants Management
Grant Proposal Writing, Technical
Assistance & Quality Assurance
Tips for Writing Winning Grants!
 Develop an outline:
 Goals
 Objectives
 Target audience (who will benefit from the
 Activities
 Indicators/Measures of success
 Timeline
Brockton Grants Management
Grant Proposal Writing, Technical
Assistance & Quality Assurance
Tips for Writing Winning Grants!
Sources of Grant Funds (Sample list):
MA Department of Education
US Department of Education and
National Education Association
The Foundation Center
Education Week
Grant Centers in Public Libraries
The Internet
The Grants Office!
Brockton Grants Management
Grant Proposal Writing, Technical
Assistance & Quality Assurance
Tips for Writing Winning Grants!
 Parts of the Application:
Abstract or Summary
Needs Statement
Goals and Objectives
Activities (and Timeline)
Sustainability and Collaborations
Brockton Grants Management
Grant Proposal Writing, Technical
Assistance & Quality Assurance
Tips for Writing Winning Grants!
 Adhere to grantor guidelines exactly.
 Follow 3 Cs: Be Clear, Concise and Complete.
 Use simple, straight-forward language.
 Use positive verb tense.
 Use funder’s terminology; align your mission.
Brockton Grants Management
Grant Proposal Writing, Technical
Assistance & Quality Assurance
Tips for Writing Winning Grants!
 Use short paragraphs (white space)
 Align headings with those of the grantor.
 Use bullets, tables, bold titles and headings.
 Adhere to page limits and required font size or use
easy-to-read, standard font.
 Proofread.
Use spell check, then visual check. Check
Brockton Grants Management
Grant Proposal Writing, Technical
Assistance & Quality Assurance
Tips for Writing Winning Grants!
 Winning Grants…….
Meet Funder Requirements
Significant Need
Wide Impact
Financially Sound
Measurable, Sustainable Impact
Qualified Staff
Meet the Grant Deadline!
Brockton Grants Management
Questions & Answers!
We are not what we know, but what we are willing
to learn. Mary Catherine Bateson