2015-2016 SAC #5
Meeting Minutes, February 2, 2016
11:30 a.m., Cunningham Library, Room 028
Members Present: Cheryl Blevens, Lisa Philips, Jeanne Sowers, Alina Waite.
Ex-Officios Present: Willie Banks, Angie MacLaren, Linda Maule, Richard Toomey.
Student Representatives and Guests Present: None present.
Call to Order
Chairperson Cheryl Blevens called the meeting to order at 11:37 a.m.
Adoption of the Agenda
The agenda was adopted as distributed: Waite/Sowers. Motion passed. 4-0-0.
Approval of Minutes from the December 1, 2015 Meeting
Motion to approve the minutes as distributed: Waite/Blevens. Motion passed. 2-0-2 .
Priority: Discussion of Draft Interim Policy 460 on University-Wide Student Grievance
Policy. (Blevens)
A Policy Development Committee meeting on student grievances was held on January 21,
2016, after which Blevens forwarded a Website link and several draft documents to SAC for comment and noted a very short turnaround time. These documents included:
Student Grievance Policy Development Committee Agenda (01.21.16)
Interim Policy 460 on University-Wide Student Grievance Policy (01.16.16
REVISED 1.21.16)
Interim Procedures for Investigation and Resolution of University-Wide Student
Grievances (Policy 460) (approved December 10, 2015)
Draft of Interim Procedures for Investigation and Resolution of University-Wide
Student Grievances (Policy 460 Revised 01.20.16a)
Blevens commented to her knowledge, no revisions of the REVISED policy document were made. Following a meeting held this morning, Toomey added that Butwin announced the
Office of the General Counsel Website is now ‘live’ with related information on the student grievance policy. Maule shared her concern about the word, ‘sanction,’ and insights. A question was raised as to whether this Student Grievance Policy will be reviewed by the
Board of Trustees this month, per the original proposed schedule. It was thought most likely not. Blevens will inquire about Board’s February agenda.
2015-2016 SAC #5
Faculty Senate Charges for 2015-2016:
Review recommendations from the Advising Taskforce and, working with FAC and GC, make recommendations that could be enacted without the additional funding requested.
No report.
Work with FAC and student conduct regarding policy/procedures for removing a student from a course. (Waite)
Blevens indicated the charge is complete.
Provide updates from SGA Senate meetings. (Gallatin)
No report.
Monitor international student enrollment. (Hudnall)
Toomey reported in light of an anticipated decline in enrollment by students from middle eastern countries, two staff members are dedicated to diversifying enrollment from other countries. Seven countries are currently being targeted. Toomey indicated to date, student enrollment is down ~1% as compared to the same time last Spring 2015. Whilst not dramatic, the slight decrease stresses the importance of diversification.
Maule asked for clarity about the history of this charge, as she found it odd as one for
Faculty Senate. Maule suggested SAC consider being charged with monitoring the infrastructure of student enrollment efforts and not numbers per se. We need to make sure adequate support is provided to the various groups tasked with related goals to help ensure success. Toomey indicated this charge is long standing as far back as he can recall. Maule recommended creating a broader umbrella for monitoring student enrollment to include 21 st
Century Scholars, graduate students, etc. rather than having a singular focus on international students.
Motion was made to add a new more comprehensive charge that also monitors structure and processes and includes all student groups; current charge could be carried out until completion this year and then dissolved. Maule/Philips. Motion passed. 4-0-0.
Concern was expressed about the matter related to field work for international students.
An underlying concern involves monitoring active engagement. Toomey suggested contacting Chris McGrew at the Center for Global Engagement.
Monitor student quality measures that go beyond HSGPA. (Hantzis)
Maule also inquired about the history of this charge. A brief overview was provided.
She suggested once again SAC consider being charged with looking at the infrastructure
(e.g., can we accommodate the anticipated number of entry-level students requiring remedial English or Math courses?).
2015-2016 SAC #5
A general conversation ensued about SACs role, whether appropriate to immerse itself into the weeds or not. Maule believes so, and confirmed SACs responsibility includes drafting policy.
Monitor scholarship GPA maintenance standards. (Liu/Toomey)
Blevens raised the question about whether items 5 and 6 should be combined. Toomey recommended revising charge to include monitoring scholarship standards in general rather than solely focusing on GPA maintenance.
Administer the Faculty Scholarship. (Liu, Arrington-Bey, Hantzis)
Blevens provided the committee with Liu’s draft announcement letter dated February 2,
2016 and addressed to students, and Hantzis’s proposed revisions. SAC reviewed the changes and Toomey noted that “Academic Works” is more appropriately named “the
Branch,” which is the centralized system for managing scholarships. Toomey reminded the committee about making full use of the resources available in the scholarship office.
Motion was made to adopt Hantzis’s revised announcement letter to students with appropriate updates (i.e., terminology). Sowers/Philips. Motion passed. 4-0-0.
Produce and submit an annual report by April 27, 2016. (Blevens)
[New Charge] Work together with the chairs of the other standing committees (other than the Dismissal Committee) to draft Handbook language for the creation of a Policies
Committee that would serve as a sub-committee of the standing committees. (Blevens)
Bleven’s has not received any updates. Philips will check with Chris MacDonald about status.
[New Charge] Work with FAC to review the University grade appeal process (Section
323) and consider revisions to incorporate consultation with the instructor in question by the Grade Appeal Committee. (Philips)
Blevens reported SAC added this new charge of its own accord. Philips volunteered to take the lead on it. Philips will connect with Chris MacDonald to learn the status.
[New Charge]. (xxx)
Maule proposed SAC consider the limit of 13 credit hours for students placed on academic probation. Maule shared instances where this requirement is problematic in light of the ever changing federal, state, and local landscapes (e.g., one-third of our fulltime students are 21 st
Century Scholars who must successfully complete 30 credit hours or more each academic year). Currently discretion is being exercised and special permissions are being sought to best address each of these instances.
2015-2016 SAC #5
Thus, shall we continue to use discretion and make exceptions that exceed the limit or raise the limit so that all students may progress toward graduation in four years? Maule indicated 21 st Century Scholars, for example, are not covered during the summer.
Motion was made to adopt the proposed charge for SAC to revisit the limit of 13 credit hours for students placed on academic probation within the context of today’s landscapes while also looking to the future. Maule/Sowers. Motion passed. 4-0-0.
Administrative Reports
Blevens suggested SAC revisit our meeting dates, as attendance has been poor due to committee members’ other commitments and obligations. Maule suggested SAC consider meeting every other week next year. Blevens will solicit hours of availability from committee members and consider a second meeting be held in February.
Blevens indicated our next meeting on March 3 rd
will NOT be held in the library; the location will be announced.
Ex-Officios: a.
University College. Dean Maule.
Maule stressed the importance of training on advising for all faculty. Again, given the ever changing landscapes, and while the topic of advising is on hold, we must offer support and train all individuals who currently carry out advising.
No report.
Faculty Senate Liaison: Hantzis
No report.
Toomey announced the March 1 st
deadline for students filing The Free Application for
Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to be considered for funding for 2016-2017 academic year and solicited the committee’s help in getting the word out to everyone.
There was no further business to discuss. The Chair adjourned the meeting at 12:48 p.m.
Minutes recorded by AMW
February 2, 2016