Document 16111219

CAAC #10
CAAC 2015-2016
SAMy Anderson, Chair
February 2, 2016
Members Present: SAMy Anderson, A. Cavanaugh, R. McGiverin, D. Malooley, L. Rosenhein,
K. Ward.
Student members:
Ex-officio: B. McLaren, B. Yousef
Executive Committee Liaison: L. Brown
Absent: A. Payne; class, K. Dannelly; Meeting, S. Kiger; Meeting
Guests: A. Walker, E. Sheldon, R. Peters
SAMy Anderson called the meeting to order at 12:33 PM.
1. A motion to approve the Minutes #9 (1-26-16) was made and passed, 6-0-0,
2. A. Anderson presented the proposal from Art for revision of ART 151, (FS:FPA) adding a
prerequisite of freshman composition. There was some discussion on having prereqs on FS
courses and the rising number of courses/programs requiring minimum grad standards of C
or better.
3. R. Peters presented the proposal from Applied Engineering and Technology Management for a
major revision of the Automotive Technology Management minor.
4. A. Walker presented the proposal from Applied Health Sciences for revision of the Human
Development and Family Studies Major. There were some suggested changes to the Catalog
5. A. Walker presented the proposal from Applied Health Sciences for revision of the Human
Development and Family Studies Minor.
6. The Proposal from Built Environment for suspension of the Industrial Hygiene Minor was
7. E. Sheldon presented the proposal from Built Environment for revision of the Occupational
Health and Safety Minor including changing the name to Safety Management Minor.
8. The Proposal from Baccalaureate Nursing Completion for revision of Nursing Major Baccalaureate Track for Students Entering without L.P.N./L.V.N. Licensure was reviewed.
9. The Proposal from Kinesiology, Recreation, and Sport for revision of PE 101/101L (FS 2010:
Health and Wellness) combining them into a single 3 credit course was reviewed.
10. The Proposal from Kinesiology, Recreation, and Sport to eliminate PE 101L (FS 2010:
Health and Wellness) was reviewed.
11. The Proposal from Kinesiology, Recreation, and Sport for revision of PE 220 adding a
pre/co-req. of PE 220L was reviewed.
12. The Proposal from Physics for changing the Physics Major to a B.S. program only was
13. The Proposal from the Center for Science Education for revision of SCED 100 (FS Science
with Lab) was reviewed.
14. The Proposal from the Center for Science Education for revision of SCED 100L (FS Science
with Lab) was reviewed.
15. Executive Committee report: none
16. The Committee adjourned at 1:45 PM
Respectfully Submitted,
David J. Malooley, Secretary