ABSTRACT Education is the best legacy a nation can give to... youths. This is because the development of any nation or...

Education is the best legacy a nation can give to her citizens especially the
youths. This is because the development of any nation or community depends
largely on the quality of education of such a nation. It is generally believed
that the basis for any true development must commence with the
development of human resources. A person’s education is closely linked to
his or her life chances, income and well being; therefore it is important to
understand what benefits or hinders one’s educational attainment. Parents
are seen as those with the greatest influence on a child’s education. The
child’s academic performance greatly depends on some parental factors. To
this end, this study examines the influence of parental factors on child’s
academic performance. The sample of the study comprises of male and
female school children of two secondary schools, that is, Chapel Secondary
School and Government Day Secondary School both in Tanke, Ilorin. Simple
random sampling technique was used to select 104 students from the
selected schools. The result shows that there is a relationship between
parent-child interaction and a child’s academic performance. Based on the
findings and conclusion of the study, it was recommended that involvement
in the academic life of their children should be the responsibility of both
fathers and mothers and parents should endeavour to resolve their disputes
amicably without necessarily separating or divorcing which can have
adverse effect on child’s academic performance.