Water quality and water pollution: Nancy Mesner Aquatic, Watershed and Earth Resources nancym@ext.usu.edu 797-2465 Today and Wednesday: Clean Water definitions History of water quality legislation in U.S. The Clean Water Act Water quality standards Some common pollutants in Utah Assessing water quality Where we stand after 25+ years Current approaches What is Clean Water? Safe to drink ? No dirt in water (clear water)? Distilled water? There is no single, simple definition of clean water. We define it according to how we use it. Legislation historically has reflected . . . 1. changes over time on role of federal government 2. changes in the pollutants of greatest concern 1899 Rivers and Harbors Act Applied to navigation obstructions 1924 Oil Pollution Act Imposed liability for oil spills 1948 Water Pollution Control Act Driven by health concerns 1956 Amendments required state water pollution plans 1961 Scope expanded to include harm to persons within the same state 1965 Water Quality Act States required to set water quality standards for interstate navigable waters 1972 Federal Water Pollution Control Act (renamed Clean Water Act in 1977) Set ambitious goals: fishable swimmable waters by 1983 eliminate all pollution discharge by 1985 EPA (or states or tribes) implement the law. 1977 Clean Water Act Amendments • Strengthened controls on toxics • Allowed states to assume responsibility for federal programs 1987 Water Quality Act • Addressed nonpoint source pollution and urban runoff • Revolving loan funds replaced grants program for construction of treatment plants • Created programs to protect estuaries of national importance 1990 Coastal Zone Act Reauthorization Amendments and Oil Pollution Act • In response to Exxon Valdez spill • Focused efforts on reducing polluted runoff in 29 coastal states. Basic Approach of the Clean Water Act. Set water quality standards (goals) for all water bodies. All standards have 3 parts: Designated beneficial uses Numeric criteria Narrative standards Assess water bodies to determine if they are impaired. If waters are impaired, identify and control pollutants causing impairment. Pollutants are divided into “point sources” “nonpoint sources” Clean Water Act originally focused on point sources • Controls of these sources were based on “Best Available Technology” (didn’t “force” technology) • Established permit system for discharges (a “permit to pollute”) • Provided billions of dollars for construction of treatment plants Later the focus has shifted to nonpoint sources Approach is “voluntary, incentive based” • No regulatory program for nonpoint sources • Incentives are in the form of “cost share” programs to polluters to improve how they manage their lands (best management practices). Water Quality Standards Designated beneficial uses Numeric criteria Narrative standards Beneficial uses (how do we use the water) Aesthetics Fisheries and other aquatic life Agriculture Recreation Drinking water Industry and power Utah’s beneficial use categories: · 1A Domestic Water Source · · 2A Primary Recreation 2B Secondary Recreation · · · · 3A 3B 3C 3D · 4 Agriculture · 5 Great Salt Lake Cold Water Aquatic Life Warm Water Aquatic Life Non-Game Fish & Other Aquatic Life Wildlife Habitat R317-2. Standards of Quality for Waters of the State Water quality criteria: Critical concentrations of pollutants that result in loss of beneficial uses. What pollutants affect the beneficial use of agriculture? Salts and a few metals What pollutants affect the beneficial use of recreation? Bacteria, pH, turbidity, nitrate, phosphorus, sediments What pollutants affect the beneficial use of drinking water source? Bacteria, metals, organic pollutants, nitrates, pH, sediments What pollutants affect the beneficial use of aquatic life? metals, organic pollutants, pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, ammonia, sediments Common water quality pollutants in Utah Cycling or movement through watershed Seasonal or annual variability Special considerations Nutrients Phosphorus Nitrogen Plant growth is typically limited by one nutrient or another. Excess nutrients result in excess plant growth, leading to “eutrophication” UNCE, Reno, NV Over-fertilization of waters (Cultural Eutrophication) Excess nutrients in runoff Leads to excess plant growth in waters (some algal blooms for toxins) Leads to low oxygen concentrations as this plant material decomposes Leads to fish kills Nutrient Limitation: Plants require Nitrogen and Phosphorus in a fixed ratio (~16/1 by atoms) Typically one or the other is “limiting” to aquatic plant production Adding more of the limiting nutrient increased biological production until another nutrient or other factor limits growth Phosphorus Cycle Natural P sources: Terrestrial rocks Marine sediments Guano Organic material Atmospheric deposition Human P sources (often more biologically available) Fertilizers Sediment (ag, construction) Animal waste Septic tanks Wastewater treatment Phosphorus Cycle No gaseous phase on earth Globally, total phosphorus cycles relatively slowly Occurs in many mineral forms and in biological material Particulate P (eg. in in soils) may be very abundant but not readily available for aquatic plants. Dissolved forms of P are more biologically “available”. Temperature, concentrations of oxygen, calcium and other cations, and pH of water will all determine how much of the total phosphorus is in a dissolved form. Variability in Phosphorus in natural waters: Higher concentrations of TP during high flows (associated with high sediment) Biologically available forms may be extremely low during growing season Daily and seasonal fluctuations in DO, pH may result in fluctuations of some forms of phosphorus Nitrogen Cycle Natural nitrogen sources: Fixed atmospheric N Decomposition of organic materials Human nitrogen sources Synthetic fertilizers Nitric and nitrous oxides in atmosphere (from burning fossil fuels) Animal waste Septic tanks Wastewater treatment Nitrogen cycle: Atmospheric N: N2 , NxO, and NH3 Nitrogen Fixation N2 NH3 (bacteria) Nitrification NH3 NO2 NO2- NO3 (aerobic bacteria) Denitrification NO3 N2O or N2 (anaerobic bacteria) Soils (clay surfaces) Water: NO3 and NH3 Plants (proteins) Animal (Proteins) Detritus and Manure: Organic N and NH3 Nitrogen Cycle Very soluble May cycle rapidly through soils into groundwater Transformed through multiple biological reactions. Abundant in the atmosphere. Variability in nitrogen in surface waters: May have higher concentrations of TN during high flows (associated with runoff) Generally ammonia and nitrite very low in unpolluted waters Nitrate may decline during growing season Toxic forms of ammonia (NH3+) may vary due to daily and seasonal fluctuations in pH and temperature Phosphorus Nitrogen Geochemical Cycling Slow Rapid Gaseous phase No Yes Soluble inorganic forms Atmospheric deposition? Limiting nutrient in aquatic systems Toxic forms? Phosphate Dust Sometimes No Nitrate/ nitrite/ammonia NOx deposition Sometimes Nitrate > 10 ppm Ammonia at high pH and temperature Why focus on phosphorus? Phosphorus assumed to be limiting in many pristine waters in midlatitudes Lots of studies have demonstrated relationship between phosphorus loading to lakes and increased algae In many cases, reducing phosphorus reduces algae Phosphorus removal much more feasible and less expensive Nitrogen tends to be limiting in marine systems Drainage from Mississippi River Basin Hypoxia Zone in Gulf of Mexico Areal extent of bottom water hypoxia Mississippi River nitrates at St. Francisvile ...Nitrate-N (mg/liter) __ Nitrate_N flux (million MT/yr) Estimated nitrogen fertilizer use in the Mississippi River Basin Estimated land drainage in Mississippi River Basin Pathogens UNCE, Reno, NV Sources: Failing septic systems Animal waste Marine sanitation devices Total coliforms and fecal coliforms are not disease causing but are indicators of pollution Testing for disease causing microbes (Giardia parasites, etc.) difficult and expensive In general, coliforms have short life span in environment Therefore, “hot spots” tend to be close to source Holding times for samples only ~ 6 hours, therefore often not monitored Variability in coliforms: May be higher during runoff periods May be higher in summer at boat launches Sediment USDA NRCS Impacts due to: Excess sediment covering stream substrate Increased turbidity Other compounds carried by sediment Sediments enter water from: runoff (construction, agriculture, forestry, mining, road sand, disturbed areas) stream banks remobilized bedload sediment Variability in suspended sediment: High flows Storm events Change in gradient (lower velocity) May see variability from irrigation return flows Metals UNCE, Reno, NV Sources: Mine waste - tailings Direct discharge – acid mine leakage, other discharge Urban runoff Metals: Many more toxic in soluble form Solubility often a function of hardness, pH or oxygen content of water Often associated with sediments In Utah, ancient sediment rock layers may contain high concentrations Pharmaceuticals Sources: Pharmaceutical industries Hospitals, medical facilities Household medicines Personal care products Farm animals Endocrine disruptors Sources: Hospitals, medical facilities Households Pesticides Industrial byproducts • Pharmaceuticals have now been found in treated sewage effluents, surface waters, soils and tap water. • Up to 90% of oral drugs can pass through humans unchanged. • Many do not biodegrade • Some persist in groundwater for years. Impacts: • Mostly unknown • Concentrations in parts per trillion (well below therapeutic doses) • Concern about chronic exposure – hormone disruption – antibiotic resistance Assessing our waters: How do you know if you’ve got clean water? Water column monitoring (water chemistry) Advantages: Standardized methods repeatable , comparable Easy to collect Related to toxicity or other impacts Disadvantages: Discontinuous in time and space Physical habitat monitoring (Stream form, substrate) Advantages: Reflects hydrologic impacts Relatively low cost Disadvantages: May not reflect actual water quality May be subjective, lack of repeatability Biological monitoring (macroinvertebrates, algae, fish) Advantages: Integrates impacts over time Biological impacts = loss of beneficial use Easy to collect Disadvantages: Need for reference sites High degree of heterogeneity in samples How effective has the CWA been? Water quality problems 25 years ago…. Water Quality after 25 years of CWA ~ 60% of nation’s surveyed waters meet wq standards Wetland losses estimated at ~ 70,000 to 90,000 acres Sediment runoff from agriculture reduced to 1 billion tons Phosphorus and nitrogen levels down 173 million people served by modern wwtps 1998 Clean Water Action Plan identified remaining problems Identified future needs and actions: • Watershed approach to water quality to address nonpoint sources • Reduce pollution from animal feeding operation • Protect wetlands and coastal waters • Address Urban runoff •Coordination with other legislation •Endangered Species Act •Safe Drinking Water Act •Clean Air Act Current approaches to pollution control: • Better approaches to manage nonpoint sources • Watershed management • Source water Protection • • Regulate more point sources • Phase II Storm water Discharge Permits • Utah’s Animal Feeding Operation Strategy Education All states and tribes must evaluate all their waters every 2-3 years, identify which waters are impaired Watershed Approach • State divided into watershed units • Holistic approach (look at all sources) • Maximizes involvement of public and of other agencies • Develops plans and attempts to implement these Urban impacts Urban water quality issues: More types of pollutants Greater concentrations of pollutants reaching waters Modified streams and landscapes New approaches to agricultural sources Permitting Concentrated Animal Feeding operations Determining how well best management practices work Do behaviors change even when dollars are spent? Related programs and legislation: • • • • • • • • • Coordinated Resource Management Plans and other watershed planning efforts (eg. Forest Service) Wetlands Protection Endangered Species Act Groundwater Recharge Protection Mining regulations and remediation Hazardous Waste Programs Farmland Protection Programs Wildlife Enhancement Programs Conservation Reserve Program Education and outreach