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Exam 1 Practice
1. The scientist who started this merry journey into cell biology by studying cork was
A. R. Hooke.
B. R. Brown.
C. R. Dutrochet.
D. A. van Leeuwenhoek.
2. The first person to describe the existence of a nucleus in plant cells was
A. R. Hooke.
B. R. Brown.
C. R. Dutrochet.
D. A. van Leeuwenhoek.
3. The scientist that discovered that spontaneous generation of organisms is false was
A. T. Schwann.
B. M. Schleiden.
C. R. Virchow.
D. G. Galileo.
4. (4) Cite two points of the cell theory.
5. E. Strausburger and W. Fleming were the first to propose the idea that the
A. homunculus didn’t exist.
B. gene existed.
C. male of the species was more important then the female.
D. yeti existed.
6. The scientist that proposed that bases of DNA followed the format of A=T and C=G was
A. G. Mendel.
B. R. Franklin.
C. J. Watson.
D. E. Chargaff.
7. The scientist that discovered that DNA had a uniform diameter, a helical shape, and highly
repetitive was
A. G. Mendel.
B. R. Franklin.
C. J. Watson.
D. E. Chargaff.
8. (6) Cite three characteristics used to classify something as living?
9. (4) Cite four structural characteristics used to classify a cell as a prokaryote?
Biology& 160
Mr. Brumbaugh
Practice Exam 1
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10. (4) Cite four structural characteristics used to classify a cell as a eukaryote?
11. (4) Describe the shape of a viral particle?
12. The correct arrangement of electrons in an atom with 16 electrons would be
A. 1s2s2p12
B. 1s2s1p2p
C. 1s2s2p3s3p
D. 1s2s3s3p8
13. (4) Explain the importance of electro-negativity in forming molecules?
14. Which of the following would explain how different large macromolecules are attracted to each
A. non-polar covalent bonds
B. ionic potentials
C. van der Waals forces
D. income one has
15. Isotopes differ from other atoms of their own kind by having a different number of
A. protons.
B. electrons.
C. widgets.
D. neutrons.
16. Cells build permanent molecules by using
A. ionic bonds.
C. non-polar covalent bonds.
B. polar covalent bonds.
D. hydrogen bonds.
17. (4) Explain why acid environments are so detrimental to living organisms?
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Mr. Brumbaugh
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18. Which of the following functional groups could act as a buffering agent in a solution?
A. hydroxyl group
B. amino acid
C. carbonyl group
C. methyl group
19. (4) Explain how the properties of water makes it such an important molecule for life?
20. (4) Cite two reasons why carbon is the base atom of organic molecules?
21. Enantiomers have
A. the same formula but different structure.
C. four different atoms or groups bonded to a carbon atom.
B. the same atoms.
D. many aunts.
22. Of the following hydrocarbon functional groups, which one can function as an acid?
A. amino
B. hydroxyl
C. sulfhydryl
D. carboxyl
23. Of the following hydrocarbon functional groups, which one is the least reactive?
A. amino
B. hydroxyl
C. methyl
D. carboxyl
24. The formation of five or six sided carbohydrate rings depends on the position of the
A. methyl groups.
B. carbonyl group.
C. carboxyl group.
D. hydroxyl groups.
25. The difference between starch and cellulose is in the
A. number of monomers linked together.
C. the arrangement of the glycosidic bonds.
B. the type of monomers.
D. polarity of the linkages.
26. (4) What is the function for each of the following carbohydrates: chitin and glycogen?
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27. (4) Cite two reasons how lipids can be differentiated from carbohydrates?
28. Neutral fats or a triacyglycerol are said to be either saturated or unsaturated because of the
A. number of monomers linked to form the backbone.
B. number of carbon atoms in the glycerol.
C. number of hydrogen’s bound to the hydrocarbon backbone.
D. length of the hydrocarbon backbone.
29. (4) What is the biological role of a phospholipid and a steroid molecule?
30. A proteins conformational shape is determined by its
A. amino acid sequence.
C. polarity.
E. only A and B above.
B. R-group interactions.
D. hydrogen bonding.
F. all the above.
31. Which of the following amino acid R-groups would be hydrophobic?
A. Alanine
B. Cysteine
C. Asparagine
D. Arginine
32. The interactions that hold a proteins tertiary structure are
A. R group interactions.
C. di-peptide bonds.
B. hydrogen bonds.
D. both A and B.
33. Which of the following amino acids are considered to have a “hinge” function?
A. tryptophan
B. glycine
C. glutamine
D. valine
34. (4) Describe how conformation relates to denaturation of a protein?
35. (4) Cite four differences used to separate the structure of DNA from RNA?
Biology& 160
Mr. Brumbaugh
Practice Exam 1
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