Publications for Stacy Carter 2016

Publications for Stacy Carter
Publications for Stacy Carter
Pickles, K., Carter, S., Rychetnik, L., McCaffery,
K., Entwistle, V. (2016). General Practitioners'
Experiences of, and Responses to, Uncertainty in
Prostate Cancer Screening: Insights from a
Qualitative Study. PloS One, 11(4), 1-15. <a
3299">[More Information]</a>
McCaffery, K., Jansen, J., Scherer, L., Thornton,
H., Hersch, J., Carter, S., Barratt, A., Sheridan,
S., Moynihan, R., Pickles, K., et al (2016).
Walking the tightrope: communicating
overdiagnosis in modern healthcare. BMJ, 352.
Degeling, C., Rychetnik, L., Pickles, K.,
Thomas, R., Doust, J., Gardiner, R., Glasziou, P.,
Newson, A., Carter, S. (2015). "What should
happen before asymptomatic men decide
whether or not to have a PSA test?" A report on
three community juries. Medical Journal of
Australia, 203(8), 335.e1-335.e6. <a
More Information]</a>
Pickles, K., Carter, S., Rychetnik, L. (2015).
Doctors' approaches to PSA testing and
overdiagnosis in primary healthcare: A
qualitative study. BMJ Open, 5(3), 1-11. <a
06367">[More Information]</a>
Braunack-Mayer, A., Carter, S. (2015). Ethics
and health promotion: Research, theory, policy
and practice. Health Promotion Journal of
Australia, 26(3), 165-166. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Li, V., Carter, S., Rychetnik, L. (2015). Evidence
valued and used by health promotion
practitioners. Health Education Research, 30(2),
193-205. <a
ore Information]</a>
Parker, L., Rychetnik, L., Carter, S. (2015).
Framing overdiagnosis in breast screening: A
qualitative study with Australian experts. BMC
Cancer, 15(1), 1-8. <a
3-4">[More Information]</a>
Carter, S., Braunack-Mayer, A., Jancey, J.
(2015). Health promotion practice, research
ethics and publishing in the Health Promotion
Journal of Australia. Health Promotion Journal
of Australia, 26(3), 167-169. <a
>[More Information]</a>
Klinner, C., Carter, S., Rychetnik, L., Li, V.,
Daley, M., Zask, A., Lloyd, B. (2015).
Integrating relationship- and research-based
approaches in Australian health promotion
practice. Health Promotion International, 30(4),
891-902. <a
[More Information]</a>
McCaffery, K., Jacklyn, G., Barratt, A.,
Brodersen, J., Glasziou, P., Carter, S., Hicks, N.,
Howard, K., Irwig, L. (2015). Recommendations
about screening. In G. Guyatt, D. Rennie, M.O.
Meade, & D. Cook (Eds.), Users' Guides to the
Medical Literature, (pp. 593-608). New York:
McGraw-Hill Education.
Carter, S., Entwistle, V., Little, J. (2015).
Relational conceptions of paternalism: A way to
rebut nanny-state accusations and evaluate public
health interventions. Public Health, 129(8),
1021-1029. <a
07">[More Information]</a>
Carter, S., Williams, J., Parker, L., Pickles, K.,
Jacklyn, G., Rychetnik, L., Barratt, A. (2015).
Screening for Cervical, Prostate, and Breast
Cancer: Interpreting the Evidence. American
Journal of Preventive Medicine, 49(2), 274-285.
1.009">[More Information]</a>
Eagle, L., Dahl, S., Carter, S., Low, D. (2015).
Social Marketing Ethical Dilemmas: Pursuing
Solutions for Pressing Problems. World Social
Marketing Conference 2015, Sydney: Fuse
Events Ltd.
Carter, S., Rogers, W., Heath, I., Degeling, C.,
Doust, J., Barratt, A. (2015). The challenge of
overdiagnosis begins with its definition. BMJ,
350, 1-5. <a
e Information]</a>
Carter, S. (2015). The ethics of menu labelling.
Public Health Ethics, 8(1), 94-97. <a
ore Information]</a>
Parker, L., Rychetnik, L., Carter, S. (2015). The
role of communication in breast cancer
screening: A qualitative study with Australian
experts. BMC Cancer, 15(1), 1-11. <a
9-0">[More Information]</a>
Smith, A., Carter, S., Dunlop, S., Freeman, B.,
Chapman, S. (2015). The views and experiences
of smokers who quit smoking unassisted. A
systematic review of the qualitative evidence.
PloS One, 10(5), 1-18. <a
Publications for Stacy Carter
7144">[More Information]</a>
Parker, L., Rychetnik, L., Carter, S. (2015).
Values in breast cancer screening: an empirical
study with Australian experts. BMJ Open, 5(5),
1-9. <a
06333">[More Information]</a>
Degeling, C., Carter, S., Rychetnik, L. (2015).
Which public and why deliberate? - A scoping
review of public deliberation in public health and
health policy research. Social Science &
Medicine, 131, 114-121. <a
.03.009">[More Information]</a>
Smith, A., Carter, S., Chapman, S., Dunlop, S.,
Freeman, B. (2015). Why do smokers try to quit
without medication or counselling? A qualitative
study with ex-smokers. BMJ Open, 5(4), 1-11.
07301">[More Information]</a>
Williams, J., Carter, S., Rychetnik, L. (2014).
'Organised' cervical screening 45 years on: How
consistent are organised screening practices?
European Journal of Cancer, 50(17), 3029-3038.
5">[More Information]</a>
Carter, S. (2014). Health promotion: an ethical
analysis. Health Promotion Journal of Australia,
25(1), 19-24. <a
e Information]</a>
Sbaraini, A., Carter, S., Evans, W., Blinkhorn, A.
(2014). How to Do a Grounded Theory Study: A
Worked Example of a
Study of Oental Practices. In Adele E. Clarke
and Kathy Charmaz (Eds.), Grounded Theory
and Situational Analysis, (pp. 241-256). London:
Sage Publications.
Flitcroft, K., Gillespie, J., Carter, S., Salkeld, G.,
Trevena, L. (2014). Incorporating evidence and
politics in health policy: can institutionalising
evidence review make a difference? Evidence
and Policy, 10(3), 439-455. <a
399">[More Information]</a>
Williams, J., Carter, S., Rychetnik, L. (2014).
Information provision in cervical screening in
Australia. Medical Journal of Australia, 201(5),
295-297. <a
More Information]</a>
Haynes, A., Brennan, S., Carter, S., O'Connor,
D., Huckel Schneider, C., Turner, T., Gallego, G.
(2014). Protocol for the process evaluation of a
complex intervention designed to increase the
use of research in health policy and program
organisations (the SPIRIT study).
Implementation Science, 9(1), 1-12. <a
3-0">[More Information]</a>
Williamson, A., Redman, S., Haynes, A., Barker,
D., Jorm, L., Green, S., Blyth, F., Lewis, N.,
Shakeshaft, A., D'Este, C., Carter, S., et al
(2014). Supporting Policy In health with
Research: an Intervention Trial
(SPIRIT)—protocol for a stepped wedge trial.
BMJ Open, 4, 1-11. <a
href="">[More Information]</a>
Binns, C., Howat, P., Jancey, J., Carter, S.
(2014). The Surgeon General's 'Smoking and
Health': a continuing challenge. Health
Promotion Journal of Australia, 25(2), 69-70. <a
[More Information]</a>
Carter, S., Rychetnik, L. (2013). A public health
ethics approach to non-communicable diseases.
Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, 10(1), 17-18. <a
6-y">[More Information]</a>
Rychetnik, L., Carter, S., Abelson, J., Thornton,
H., Barratt, A., Entwistle, V., Mackenzie, G.,
Salkeld, G., Glasziou, P. (2013). Enhancing
citizen engagement in cancer screening through
deliberative democracy. Journal of the National
Cancer Institute, 105(6), 380-386. <a
ore Information]</a>
Rychetnik, L., Carter, S., Barratt, A., Irwig, L.
(2013). Expanding the evidence on cancer
screening: the value of scientific, social and
ethical perspectives. Medical Journal of
Australia, 198(10), 536-539. <a
More Information]</a>
Sbaraini, A., Carter, S., Evans, W., Blinkhorn, A.
(2013). How do dentists and their teams
incorporate evidence about preventive care? An
empirical study. Community Dentistry and Oral
Epidemiology, 41(5), 401-414. <a
ore Information]</a>
Banbury, A., Zask, A., Carter, S., van Beurden,
E., Tokley, R., Passey, M., Copeland, J. (2013).
Smoking mull: A grounded theory model on the
dynamics of combined tobacco and cannabis use
among adult men. Health Promotion Journal of
Australia, 24(2), 143-150. <a
Publications for Stacy Carter
e Information]</a>
Javanparast, S., Ward, P., Carter, S., Wilson, C.
(2012). Barriers to and facilitators of colorectal
cancer screening in different population
subgroups in Adelaide, South Australia. Medical
Journal of Australia, 196(8), 521-523. <a
More Information]</a>
Flitcroft, K., Irwig, L., Carter, S., Salkeld, G.,
Gillespie, J. (2012). Colorectal cancer screening:
Why immunochemical fecal occult blood tests
may be the best option. BMC Gastroenterology,
12(December), 1-6. <a
83">[More Information]</a>
Sbaraini, A., Carter, S., Evans, W., Blinkhorn, A.
(2012). Experiences of dental care: what do
patients value? BMC Health Services Research,
12(1), 1-11. <a
77">[More Information]</a>
Sbaraini, A., Carter, S., Evans, W. (2012). How
do dentists understand evidence and adopt it in
practice? Health Education Journal, 71(2),
195-204. <a
427">[More Information]</a>
Carter, S., Cribb, A., Allegrante, J. (2012). How
to Think about Health Promotion Ethics. Public
Health Reviews (Print): an international
quarterly, 34(1), 122-145.
Mathieu, E., Barratt, A., Carter, S., Jamtvedt, G.
(2012). Internet trials: participant experiences
and perspectives. BMC Medical Research
Methodology, 12, 1-16. <a
62">[More Information]</a>
Carter, S., Kerridge, I., Sainsbury, P., Letts, J.
(2012). Public health ethics: informing better
public health practice. NSW Public Health
Bulletin, 23(5-6), 101-106. <a
e Information]</a>
Twigg, Roger S.Magnusson (Eds.), A Modern
Epidemic: Expert Perspectives on Obesity and
Diabetes, (pp. 191-206). Sydney, Australia:
Sydney University Press.
Carter, S. (2012). What is health promotion
ethics? Health Promotion Journal of Australia,
23(1), 4-4. <a
&list_uids=22730937">[More Information]</a>
Flitcroft, K., St John, D., Howard, K., Carter, S.,
Pignone, M., Salkeld, G., Trevena, L. (2011). A
comparative case study of bowel cancer
screening in the UK and Australia: evidence lost
in translation? Journal of Medical Screening,
18(4), 193-203. <a
">[More Information]</a>
Lipworth, W., Hooker, C., Carter, S. (2011).
Balance, Balancing, and Health. Qualitative
Health Research, 21(5), 714-725. <a
781">[More Information]</a>
Forsyth, R., Scanlan, C., Carter, S., Jordens, C.,
Kerridge, I. (2011). Decision Making in a
Crowded Room: the Relational Significance of
Social Roles in Decisions to Proceed with
Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation.
Qualitative Health Research, 21(9), 1260-1272.
802">[More Information]</a>
Carter, S., Rychetnik, L., Lloyd, B., Kerridge, I.,
Baur, L., Bauman, A., Hooker, C., Zask, A.
(2011). Evidence, Ethics, and Values: A
Framework for Health Promotion. American
Journal of Public Health, 101(3), 465-472. <a
45">[More Information]</a>
Flitcroft, K., Gillespie, J., Salkeld, G., Carter, S.,
Trevena, L. (2011). Getting Evidence into
Policy: The Need for Deliberative Strategies?
Social Science and Medicine, 72, 1039-1046. <a
.01.034">[More Information]</a>
Carter, S., Klinner, C., Kerridge, I., Rychetnik,
L., Li, V., Fry, D. (2012). The ethical
commitments of health promotion practitioners:
an empirical study from New South Wales,
Australia. Public Health Ethics, 5(2), 128-139.
ore Information]</a>
Sbaraini, A., Carter, S., Evans, W., Blinkhorn, A.
(2011). How to do a grounded theory study: a
worked example of a study of dental practices.
BMC Medical Research Methodology, 11(128),
1-10. <a
28">[More Information]</a>
Carter, S., Kerridge, I., Rychetnik, L., King, L.
(2012). The ethical implications of intervening in
bodyweight. In Louise A. Baur, Stephen M.
Lipworth, W., Kerridge, I., Carter, S., Little, J.
(2011). Journal peer review in context: A
qualitative study of the social and subjective
dimensions of manuscript review in biomedical
Publications for Stacy Carter
publishing. Social Science and Medicine, 72(7),
1056-1063. <a
.02.002">[More Information]</a>
Carter, S., Entwistle, V., McCaffery, K.,
Rychetnik, L. (2011). Shared Health
Governance: The Potential Danger of Oppressive
"Healthism". The American Journal of Bioethics,
11(7), 57-59. <a
&list_uids=21745089">[More Information]</a>
Lipworth, W., Kerridge, I., Carter, S., Little, J.
(2011). Should Biomedical Publishing Be
'Opened Up'? Towards a Values-Based
Peer-Review Process. Journal of Bioethical
Inquiry, 8(3), 267-280. <a
2-4">[More Information]</a>
Forsyth, R., Mooney-Somers, J., Carter, S.
(2011). The challenges of adapting a face-o-face
intensive qualitative research methodology
course for online delivery to graduate level
public health students. Annual Conference of the
Australian Sociological Association 2011: Local
Lives/Global Networks (TASA 2011), Newcastle,
Australia: University of Newcastle.
Flitcroft, K., Gillespie, J., Carter, S., Trevena, L.,
Salkeld, G. (2011). When good evidence is not
enough: the role of context in bowel cancer
screening policy in New Zealand. Evidence and
Policy: a journal of research, debate and
practice, 7(3), 307-326. <a
735">[More Information]</a>
Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
Javanparast, S., Ward, P., Young, G., Wilson, C.,
Carter, S., Misan, G., Cole, S., Jiwa, M.,
Tsourtos, G., Martini, A., et al (2010). How
equitable are colorectal cancer screening
programs which include FOBTs? A review of
qualitative and quantitative studies. Preventive
Medicine, 50(4), 165-172. <a
.003">[More Information]</a>
Entwistle, V., Carter, S., Cribb, A., McCaffery,
K. (2010). Supporting Patient Autonomy: The
Importance of Clinician-patientRelationships.
Journal of General Internal Medicine, 25(7),
Carter, S. (2009). Beware dichotomies and grand
abstractions: attending to particularity and
practice in empirical bioethics. The American
Journal of Bioethics, 9, 76-77. <a
&list_uids=19998127">[More Information]</a>
Carter, S., Ritchie, J., Sainsbury, P. (2009).
Doing good qualitative research in public health:
not as easy as it looks. NSW Public Health
Bulletin, 20, 105-111. <a
e Information]</a>
Tong, A., Sainsbury, P., Chadban, S., Walker,
R., Harris, D., Carter, S., Hall, B., Hawley, C.,
Craig, J. (2009). Patients' Experiences and
Perspectives of Living With CKD. American
Journal of Kidney Diseases, 53(4), 689-700. <a
50">[More Information]</a>
Lipworth, W., Davey, H., Carter, S., Hooker, C.,
Hu, W. (2010). Beliefs and beyond: what can we
learn from qualitative studies of lay people's
understandings of cancer risk? Health
Expectations, 13(2), 113-124. <a
0.00601.x">[More Information]</a>
Carter, S., Hooker, C., Davey, H. (2009). Writing
Social Determinants Into and Out of Cancer
Control: An Assessment of Policy Practice.
Social Science and Medicine, 68(8), 1448-1455.
.01.029">[More Information]</a>
Carter, S., Samuel, G., Kerridge, I., Day, R.,
Ankeny, R., Jordens, C., Komesaroff, P. (2010).
Beyond Rhetoric in Debates About the Ethics of
Marketing Prescription Medicines to Consumers:
The Importance of Vulnerability in People,
Situations, and Relationships. AJOB Primary
Research, 1(1), 11-21. <a
482871">[More Information]</a>
Carter, S. (2010). Enacting Internal Coherence:
As a Path to Quality in Qualitative Inquiry. In J
Higgs, N Cherry, R Macklin and R Ajjawi
(Eds.), Researching Practice: A Discourse on
Qualitative Methodologies, (pp. 143-151).
Hooker, C., Carter, S., Davey, H. (2009). Writing
the risk of cancer: cancer risk in public policy.
Health, Risk and Society, 11(6), 541-560. <a
9458">[More Information]</a>
Entwistle, V., Carter, S., Trevena, L., Flitcroft,
K., Irwig, L., McCaffery, K., Salkeld, G. (2008).
Communicating about screening. BMJ: British
Medical Journal, 337(7673), 789-791. <a
&list_uids=18809589">[More Information]</a>
Publications for Stacy Carter
Strong, K., Kerridge, I., Jordens, C., Ankeny, R.,
Shaw, P., O'Brien, T., Carter, S.,
Barlow-Stewart, K. (2008). Creating 'Saviour
Siblings' for transplantation-discrepancy between
parental wishes and clinical practice. 50th
American Society of Hematology Annual
Meeting and Exposition ASH 2008, United
States: American Society of Hematology.
Tong, A., Sainsbury, P., Carter, S., Hall, B.,
Harris, D., Walker, R., Hawley, C., Chadban, S.,
Craig, J. (2008). Patients' priorities for health
research: focus group study of patients with
chronic kidney disease. Nephrology, Dialysis,
Transplantation, 23(10), 3206-3214. <a
ore Information]</a>
Lipworth, W., Carter, S., Kerridge, I. (2008). The
"EBM Movement": Where Did it Come From,
Where is it Going, and Why Does it Matter?
Social Epistemology, 22(4), 425-431. <a
9446">[More Information]</a>
Carter, S., Jordens, C., McGrath, C., Little, J.
(2008). You Have to Make Something of All
That Rubbish, Do You? An Empirical
Investigation of the Social Process of Qualitative
Research. Qualitative Health Research, 18(9),
1264-1276. <a
753">[More Information]</a>
Carter, S. (2007). BOOK REVIEW
Review of Eric A Feldman and Ronald Bayer,
Editors (2004) Unfiltered: Conflicts over
Tobacco Policy and Public Health. Cambridge,.
Carter, S., Little, J. (2007). Justifying
knowledge, justifying method, taking action:
epistemologies, methodologies and methods in
qualitative research. Qualitative Health
Research, 17(10), 1316-1328. <a
&list_uids=18000071">[More Information]</a>
Little, J., Jordens, C., McGrath, C., Montgomery,
K., Kerridge, I., Carter, S. (2007). Pragmatic
pluralism: Mutual tolerance of contested
understandings between orthodox and alternative
practitioners in autologous stem cell
transplantation. Social Science and Medicine,
64(7), 1512-1523. <a
.11.017">[More Information]</a>
Quine, S., Carter, S. (2006). Australian baby
boomers' expectations and plans for their old age.
Australasian Journal on Ageing, 25(1), 3-8.
Carter, S. (2006). Longitudinal qualitative
research design: experience over time. ACSPRI
Social Science Methodology Conference,
Sydney, Australia: ACSPRI: Australian
Consortium for Social and Political Research
Carter, S., Chapman, S. (2006). Smokers and
non-smokers talk about regulatory options in
tobacco control. Tobacco Control, 15(5),
398-404. <a
&list_uids=16998175">[More Information]</a>
Carter, S. (2005). BOOK REVIEW
International Public Health: Patients' Rights
versus the Protection of Patents. Health
Sociology Review.
Carter, S. (2005). Tobacco document research
reporting. Tobacco Control, 14(6), 368-376.
Chapman, S., Carter, S., Peters, M. (2003). "A
deep fragrance of academia": the Australian
Tobacco Research Foundation. Tobacco Control,
12(Supplement 3), 38-44.
Chapman, S., Byrne, F., Carter, S. (2003).
"Australia is one of the darkest markets in the
world": the global importance of Australian
tobacco control. Tobacco Control,
12(Supplement 3), iii1-iii3.
Chapman, S., Carter, S. (2003). "Avoid health
warnings on all tobacco products for just as long
as we can": a history of Australian tobacco
industry efforts to avoid, delay and dilute health
warnings on cigarettes. Tobacco Control,
12(Supplement 3), iii13-iii22.
Carter, S. (2003). Cooperation and control: the
Tobacco Institute of Australia. Tobacco Control,
12(supp3), 54-60.
Carter, S. (2003). From legitimate consumers to
public relations pawns: the tobacco industry and
young Australians. Tobacco Control, 12(supp 3),
Carter, S. (2003). Going below the line: creating
transportable brands for Australia's dark market.
Tobacco Control, 12(supp 3), iii87-iii94.
Carter, S. (2003). New frontier, new power: the
retail environment in Australia’s dark market.
Tobacco Control, 12(suppl 3), iii95-101.
Carter, S. (2003). One of the darkest markets in
the world.
Carter, S., Chapman, S. (2003). Smoking,
disease, and obdurate denial: the Australian
Publications for Stacy Carter
tobacco industry in the 1980s. Tobacco Control,
12(Supplement 3), 23-30.
Carter, S. (2003). Teenagers, smoking and
transnational tobacco corporations.
Carter, S. (2003). The Australian cigarette brand
as product, person and symbol. Tobacco Control,
12(Suppl 3), iii79-iii86.
King, W., Carter, S., Borland, R., Chapman, S.,
Gray, N. (2003). The Australian tar derby: the
origins and fate of a low tar reduction
programme. Tobacco Control, 12(Supplement
3), 61-71.
Carter, S. (2002). Mongoven, Biscoe and
Duchin: destroying tobacco control activism
from the inside. Tobacco Control, 11(2),
Carter, S., Borland, R., Chapman, S. (2001).
Finding the strength to kill your best friend:
smokers talk about smoking and quitting.
Carter, S., Chapman, S. (2001). John's $12 tonic:
Press coverage of the government's selling of a
private health insurance rebate. Australian and
New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 25,
Carter, S. (2001). Worshiping at the Alpine
Altar: promoting tobacco in a world without
advertising. Tobacco Control, 10(4), 391-393.