BRIDG The BRIDG Project: Creating a model of the semantics of clinical trials research Douglas B. Fridsma, MD PhD Center for Biomedical Informatics University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Pittsburgh PA caBIG™, What is it? • The cancer Biomedical Informatics Grid™, or caBIG™, is a virtual network connecting individuals and organizations to enable the sharing of data and tools, creating a World Wide Web of cancer research. • The goal is to speed the delivery of innovative approaches for the prevention and treatment of cancer. Analytical Service Gene Database Grid-Enabled Client Tool 1 Tool 2 caArray Research Center NCICB Protein Database Grid Data Service Grid Services Infrastructure (Metadata, Registry, Query, Invocation, Security, etc.) Tool 3 Tool 4 Image Grid Portal Microarray Tool 2 Tool 3 Research Center caBIGTM Objectives • Common, widely distributed infrastructure that permits the cancer research community to focus on innovation • Shared, harmonized set of terminology, data elements, and data models that facilitate information exchange • Collection of interoperable applications developed to common standards • Raw published cancer research data is available for mining and integration Standards – Why? Cancer Research: Two Different Worlds Patient Data in Proprietary Format BRIDG Patient Care World Clinical Research World • Multiple data sources and types • HL7 is a pervasive standard • Data are organized around the patient • Protocol defines define elements • Linear data flow • CDISC is the emerging standard • Data are organized around a trial Acknowledgements: Landen Bain, CDISC So why do we need a model of the semantics of clinical trials for caBIG? “The Map is not the Territory” (Bertrand Russell) • Domain Experts have a “mental map” of the problems that they hope technology can solve • In gathering requirements, this map may have flaws or distortions • Databases schemas are not the territory – Implicit semantics in the structure or value-attribute pairs Acknowledgment: Charlie Mead The Map is not the Territory • Deletion (filtered/missing details)– “They use the system to find information about clinical trials.” – Challenge: “Who uses the system?” – Response: “Clinical research coordinators, patients, and investigators.” • Distortion (incorrect or modified details) – “You can’t enter a clinical trial protocol until you have an protocol identification number.” – Challenge: “Are there any circumstances where you can enter a protocol without an identification number?” – Response: “Yes, two circumstances….” • Generalization (abstractions via rules, beliefs, principles)– “Everyone must have a log-on ID to access the information in the system.” – Challenge: “Are there any system users that can access the information without an log-on ID?” – Response: “Organizations and cooperative groups may use the API to access the information directly.” Acknowledgment: Charlie Mead “Protocol” and the Semiotic Triangle Concept 2 Concept 1 “We need to sign off on the protocol by Friday” “Protocol XYZ has enrolled 73 patients” Symbol Thing 1 Thing 2 Study “Protocol” Document Concept 3 “Per the protocol, you must be at least 18 to be enrolled” Source: John Speakman/Charlie Mead Thing 3 Plan Interoperability • The ability of multiple systems to exchange information and to be able to use the information that has been exchanged. Syntactic interoperability Semantic interoperability The Pillars of (Semantic) Interoperability Necessary but not Sufficient • Common model across all domains-of-interest – The representation of clinical trials in BRIDG • Model grounded on robust data type specification – Common data elements (ISO 11179) in the cancer Data Standards Repository (caDSR) • Methodology for binding terms from conceptbased terminologies – UML loader, semantic connector, Enterprise Vocabulary Server • A formally defined process for defining specific structures to be exchanged between machines, i.e. a “messaging standard” – HL7 and implementation specifications – caBIG unified process/model driven architecture What is BRIDG? • A formal model of the shared semantics of regulated clinical trials research • A communication bridge between – clinical trial domain experts and technical experts – different models of clinical trials information • An open community of stakeholders interested in developing standards for exchanging information about clinical trials – HL7 Domain analysis model in Regulated Clinical Research (RCRIM) technical committee – caBIG analysis model for model-driven development – CDISC integrating model for current standards • The semantic foundation for application and message development in HL7, caBIG, and CDISC So how did we get started? • Desiderata – We did not want to create “yet another protocol representation” • “the good thing about standards is that there are so many to chose from…” – We wanted the work to be • Open • Collaborative • Standards-based caBIG and the Development of Structured Protocol Representation • Spring 2004 – kick-off of the caBIG project • University of Pittsburgh award the contract to develop a structured protocol representation to support clinical trials Merging the caBIG and CDISC projects • Fall 2004 – caBIG identified “best of breed” models in the CDISC standards and HL7 messages – CDISC started domain modeling in 2003 to integrate their own modeling efforts and to link CDISC to HL7 • November 2004 – First joint CDISC/HL7/caBIG modeling session • Between November 2004 and March 2005 – multiple modeling sessions to develop the “scaffolding” of the domain analysis model (SPR) • March 2005 to now – Development of the dynamic aspects of the model – Develop scalable processes to support collaboration and expansion of the model, based on software best practices – Initiation of 8 subdomain projects within BRIDG Current Organization of the BRIDG project FDA • BRIDG Advisory Board HL7 CDISC caBIG NCI PhRMA BRIDG Advisory Board – Representation from the current stakeholders – Help to identify priorities and allocate resources – Assist with vetting the model in the various constituents • Technical Harmonization Group CDISC caBIG HL7 BRIDG Technical Harmonization Group – Responsible for ongoing model maintenance – Developing shared harmonization processes • Multiple subdomain projects – Representation from pharmaceutical companies, technology companies, government agencies, and cancer centers BRIDG projects and contributors BRIDG model Study calendar (caBIG) EudraCT FastTrack SDTM (CDISC) CONSORT (cancerGRID) WHO JANUS (IBM) SDTM (CDISC) PDQ Protocol Registration Clinical Trials Operations Adverse Events caAERS (caBIG) FDA (M. Walker) HL7 (M Walker) Protocol Authoring & Trial Design caBIG NCI Oracle CDISC ODM Lab Specification SDTM (CDISC) CTOM (caBIG) ODM (CDISC) HL7 (M Walker) JANUS (IBM) SDTM (CDISC) Lab SIG (caBIG) eDCI CTLab std (CDISC) Principles for model organization • Make the work process explicit – Recognizes that concepts and models are in different stages of development and harmonization • Provide a mechanism to scale the development work – Parallelize the development – Prevent collaborators from “colliding” with each other • Allows us to modeling in the open Model organization • Dynamic View – Captures the business process decomposition of the lifecycle of clinical trials research Behavioral Aspects of BRIDG ad Conduct Clinical Trial Name: Package: Version: Author: Scientific Team Conduct Clinical Trial Conduct Clinical Trial 1.0 Fridsma Scientific Team This is the group that is responsible for authoring the study. For example, at a cancer center, this team might be lead by the Principal Investigator, and consist of co-investigators. In a pharmaceutical company, this team might consist of a medical writer, scientific leaders, statisticians and other administrative staff and be lead by an individual who takes responsibility for leading the team who will write the study and guiding it through the steps of approval. Operational Team The study is planned by a principal investigator at a cancer center. Operational Team Clinical Management Team The operational team are responsible for turning the study plan into tasks and systems that can be executed by other investigators. This is the technical, legal, and other infrastructure that is necessary to have before a clinical trial can be executed. The clinical management team is responsible for managing the clinical trial subjects, data about the subjects, and information and processes related to the execution of the study. Organizations which may play this role include: Clinical Research Organization Sponsoring Organization Cooperative Group This group identifies the research question to be answered, and then after the study is completed, analyzes the data, to see how the question was answered. Plan Study Clinical Management Team Once the operational aspects are completed, the cancer centers responsible for executing the study will begin to enroll patients and execute the study according to the protocol plan. At periodic intervals, cooperative groups, and PI will report back to the NCI the results of the study. For example, a data manager would be a participant in this team, managing data related to a clinical trial subject. In addition, the data manager would be responsible for closing out the data base, reconciling the database, etc. Set-up Study Execute Study Analysis and Report The proposal is submitted by the cooperative group on behalf of the PI to NCI/CTEP, and once approved, the principal investigator will set up the operational aspects of conducting the study through the cooperative group that the cancer center is affiliated with. Note: This storyboard is specific to the NCI and cancer research. For Pharmaceutical industry, the activities are similar, although there are different actors assigned to these tasks. Behavioral Aspects of BRIDG ad RegisterClinicalTrial RegistrySteward Compile Registry Information Receiv e Information Registry The entity that is sending/transmitting a registry message. The entity (person, org or system) that receives, processes and publishes registry information . For example, a pharmaceutical organization/agent will authorize a party to transmit information about a trial to an external registry such as For example, PDQ, or EudraCT are considered registries. RegistryClea For example, W IFPMA (Interna Federation of Pharmaceutica Manufacturers Associations). For example, in an academic institution the principal investigator will transmit information about a trial to an external registry. Transmit Information Compile Registry Information Receiv e Information Validate Information Modify Information Transmit Information Validate Information Modify Information Receiv e error message Send error message Receiv e error message No Is information acceptable? Send error message No Is information acceptable? Yes Receiv e acknow ledgement The activities are described in activity diagrams that can be drilled down to provide additional detail. These are linked to the static (logical) portions of the model Release information ActivityFinal Send acknow ledgement Model organization • Logical View – Contains three core packages • Harmonized elements • Staging Area • Manual review area – Addition resources • HL7 V3 RIM – Contains the semantics for the static objects (data) that is used in clinical trials research – Currently have 9 subdomain models in the process of harmonization Current Classes in Core Elements cd Comprehensive Class-only diagram Participation Study +are performed by StudyInv estigator +participate in +participate as Person +have Inv estigator Role PersonRole 1 +is fulfiled by the role +participate in 0..* Participation StudyAuthor +are attributed to +are written by Participant Participation +are performed at 1 StudySite +write Document StudyDocument PlannedStudy 0..* +describes 1 Organization +have Role OrganizationRole 1 +are assigned by 1 +is described by1 HealthCareSite +are attributed to 0..1 0..* 1..1 +is described by +assign Participation +is operationalized by 0..1 Subj ectAssignment PerformedStudy FundingSponsor Participation TherapeuticAgent StudyAgent 0..* 1 Role Material +have MaterialRole +are attributed to 1 0..* Activity +is operationalized by PlannedActiv ity 1..1 0..1 +is described by Drug Dev ice Activity PerformedActiv ity Harmonized BRIDG elements cd Comprehensive Class and attribute diagram BRIDG Shared Classes::Activity BRIDG Shared Classes::Participation BRIDG Shared Classes:: RoleRoleRelationship + + + has a 1 BRIDG Shared Classes::Role + + + + + + + + source: target: type: CodedConcept 1..* has a 1..* Do we need this -what is the use case? The thinking is that this will be used for caAERS. If not, then it should be deleted. endDate: DATETIME startDate: DATETIME status: CodedConcept statusDate: DATETIME type: CodedConcept + ::Role + code: BRIDGCodedConcept + effectiveEndDate: DATETIME +have + effectiveStartDate: DATETIME + electronicCommAddr: BRIDGTelecomAddress + geographicAddr: BRIDGContactAddr + id: BRIDGCodedConcept + status: BRIDGStatus + telecomAddr: BRIDGTelecomAddress 1 +participate as + signatureCode: int + signatureText: string ::Participation + endDate: DATETIME + startDate: DATETIME + status: CodedConcept + statusDate: DATETIME + type: CodedConcept certificateLicenseText: Text +are written by 1 0..1 +assign +are assigned by +are attributed to description: Text expirationDate: DATETIME name: Text status: BRIDGStatus +have checkpointCode: conjunctionCode: joinCode: negationIndicator: BOOLEAN negationRule: AbstractRule priorityNumber: NUMBER relationshipCode: BRIDGCodedConcept sequenceNumber: NUMBER splitCode: Needs additional work and cleanup Clinical Research Entities and Roles:: HealthCareSite Clinical Research Entities and Roles:: MaterialRole SDTM CTOM harmonization in process Clinical Trials Activ ities::PlannedStudy Clinical Trials Activities::PerformedStudy + ActualAccrualNumber: int + enrollmentEndDate: Date + enrollmentstartDate: Date ::Study + blindedInd: boolean + description: BRIDGDescription + diseaseCode: CodedConceptDataType + id: BRIDGID + intentCode: ENUM + longTitle: string + monitorCode: ENUM + multiInstitutionInd: boolean + phaseCode: ENUM + randomizedInd: boolean + shortTitle: string + sponsorCode: CodedConceptDataType + SubjectType: BRIDGCodedConcept + type: BRIDGCodedConcept 1 Clinical Trials Activ ities:: StudyAgent Clinical Research Entities and Roles:: TherapeuticAgent 1 ::Participation + endDate: DATETIME + startDate: DATETIME 0..* + status: CodedConcept 0..* + statusDate: DATETIME + type: CodedConcept Clinical Trials Activ ities::PlannedActiv ity + repeatNumber: rangeOfIntegers ::Activity + codedDescription: BRIDGCodedConcept + confidentialityCode: BRIDGCodedConcept + description: BRIDGDescription + endDate: DATETIME + priorityCode: BRIDGCodedConcept + reasonCode: BRIDGCodedConcept + startDate: DATETIME + status: BRIDGStatus +is described by + uncertaintyCode: BRIDGCodedConcept +are performed at + targetAccrualNumber: int ::Participation + endDate: DATETIME 0..* + startDate: DATETIME + status: CodedConcept + statusDate: DATETIME + type: CodedConcept Clinical Research Entities and Roles:: FundingSponsor blindedInd: boolean description: BRIDGDescription diseaseCode: CodedConceptDataType id: BRIDGID intentCode: ENUM longTitle: string monitorCode: ENUM multiInstitutionInd: boolean phaseCode: ENUM randomizedInd: boolean shortTitle: string sponsorCode: CodedConceptDataType SubjectType: BRIDGCodedConcept type: BRIDGCodedConcept 1..1 Clinical Research Entities and Roles::Material + + + + + + * + + * + + + + 0..* 1 Clinical Trials Activ ities:: StudySite ::Role + code: BRIDGCodedConcept + effectiveEndDate: DATETIME + effectiveStartDate: DATETIME +have + electronicCommAddr: BRIDGTelecomAddress + geographicAddr: BRIDGContactAddr + id: BRIDGCodedConcept + status: BRIDGStatus + telecomAddr: BRIDGTelecomAddress description: Text +are attributed to geographicAddr: BRIDGContactAddr name: Text status: BRIDGStatus telecomAddr: BRIDGTelecomAddress + ageAtEnrollment: int + arm: string + eligibilityWaiverReason: string + informedConsentFormSignedDate: date + offStudyDate: date + studyAgentDoseLevel: string + studySubjectIdentifier: int + subgroupCode: string ::Participation + endDate: DATETIME + startDate: DATETIME + status: CodedConcept + statusDate: DATETIME + type: CodedConcept ::Participation + endDate: DATETIME + startDate: DATETIME + status: CodedConcept + statusDate: DATETIME + type: CodedConcept confidentialityIndicator: boolean paymentMethod: ENUM + + + + + + + +participate in + + + + + + +participate in + Clinical Trials Activ ities:: Subj ectAssignment +are performed by Clinical Trials Activ ities:: StudyAuthor Clinical Research Entities and Roles:: Participant + + Clinical Research Entities and Roles:: Organization +target activity Clinical Trials Activities::Study 0..* Clinical Research Entities and Roles:: OrganizationRole + + + + + BRIDG Shared Classes::Activ ityActiv ityRelationship +source activity Clinical Trials Activ ities:: StudyInv estigator Clinical Research Entities and Roles:: PersonRole Clinical Research Entities and Roles::Person We may or may not need this class -- it depends on the number of shared classes between the two performed/planned activities codedDescription: BRIDGCodedConcept confidentialityCode: BRIDGCodedConcept description: BRIDGDescription endDate: DATETIME priorityCode: BRIDGCodedConcept reasonCode: BRIDGCodedConcept startDate: DATETIME status: BRIDGStatus uncertaintyCode: BRIDGCodedConcept This maybe an Activity? 1 +is fulfiled by the role address: BRIDGContactAddr administrativeGenderCode: BRIDGCodedConcept +are attributed to dateOfBirth: DATETIME dateOfDeath: DATETIME educationLevelCode: BRIDGCodedConcept electronicCommAddr: BRIDGTelecomAddress ethnicGroupCode: BRIDGCodedConcept householdIncomeCategory: BRIDGCodedConcept maritalStatusCode: BRIDGCodedConcept name: Text raceCode: BRIDGCodedConcept telecomAddress: BRIDGTelecomAddress + + + + + + + + + Attributes needs to be reviewed -- need to be domain oriented -- too RIM like code: BRIDGCodedConcept effectiveEndDate: DATETIME effectiveStartDate: DATETIME electronicCommAddr: BRIDGTelecomAddress geographicAddr: BRIDGContactAddr id: BRIDGCodedConcept status: BRIDGStatus telecomAddr: BRIDGTelecomAddress Clinical Research Entities and Roles::Inv estigator + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + targetAccrualNumber: int ::Study + blindedInd: boolean + description: BRIDGDescription + diseaseCode: CodedConceptDataType +is operationalized by +is described by + id: BRIDGID + intentCode: ENUM 0..1 1..1 + longTitle: string + monitorCode: ENUM + multiInstitutionInd: boolean + phaseCode: ENUM +write + randomizedInd: boolean + shortTitle: string + sponsorCode: CodedConceptDataType + SubjectType: BRIDGCodedConcept + type: BRIDGCodedConcept +describes PlannedObserv ation CTOM Elements:: Observ ationRelationship +is operationalized by 0..1 + + 0..* - Clinical Trials Activ ities::PerformedActiv ity + plannnedUnplannedInd: boolean ::Activity + codedDescription: BRIDGCodedConcept + confidentialityCode: BRIDGCodedConcept + description: BRIDGDescription + endDate: DATETIME + priorityCode: BRIDGCodedConcept + reasonCode: BRIDGCodedConcept + startDate: DATETIME + status: BRIDGStatus + uncertaintyCode: BRIDGCodedConcept 1 comments: string id: int type: string 0..* 1 CTOM Elements::PerformedObserv ation + + + + confidentialityCode: BRIDGCodedConcept reportingDate: DATETIME status: BRIDGStatus uncertaintyCode: BRIDGCodedConcept 1 CTOM Elements::LesionDescription 1 1 0..* SDTM::SDTMFinding Specimen may have to re-located + + missingValueCode: CodedConceptDataType name: CodedConceptDataType We will need to MANUALLY keep these two classes in synch with their attributes. BRIDG Shared Classes::Drug + formCode: BRIDGCodedConcept + lotNumber: int + stabilityTime: DATETIME ::Material + description: Text + expirationDate: DATETIME + name: Text + status: BRIDGStatus BRIDG Shared Classes:: Dev ice CTOM Elements::ClinicalResult CTOM Elements::Histopathology SDTM::Examination ::Material + description: Text + expirationDate: DATETIME + name: Text + status: BRIDGStatus BRIDG Shared Classes::Document +is described by 1 Clinical Trials Activ ities::StudyDocument BRIDG Shared Classes:: BRIDGCodedConcept BRIDG Shared Classes::BRIDGAnalysisVariable + + + + businessProcessMode: PSMBusinessProcessMode controlledName: PSMCodedConcept name: TEXT value: BRIDG Shared Classes::BRIDGDescription + + + detailedDescription: EncapsulatedData summaryDescription: EncapsulatedData synopsis: EncapsulatedData - code: TEXT codeSystem: codeSystemName: TEXT codeSystemVersion: NUMBER displayName: TEXT originalText: TEXT translation: SET{PSMCodedConcept} BRIDG Shared Classes:: BRIDGContactAddr + + + BRIDG Shared Classes:: BRIDGInterv al effectiveTime: BRIDGInterval type: BRIDGCodedConcept usage: BRIDGCodedConcept BRIDG Shared Classes:: BRIDGID + + + source: Text value: Text version: Text + - endTime: timestamp startTime: timestamp BRIDG Shared Classes: :BRIDGStatus + + + effectiveEndDate: effectiveStartDate: statusValue: BRIDG Shared Classes:: BRIDGTelecomAddress - addressType: ENUM usageType: ENUM value: Text «abstraction» Review the data types -inconsistency in definition and what is used in the model + blindedInd: boolean + description: BRIDGDescription + diseaseCode: CodedConceptDataType + id: BRIDGID + intentCode: ENUM + longTitle: string + monitorCode: ENUM + multiInstitutionInd: boolean + phaseCode: ENUM + randomizedInd: boolean + shortTitle: string + sponsorCode: CodedConceptDataType + SubjectType: BRIDGCodedConcept + targetAccrualNumber: int + type: BRIDGCodedConcept ::Document + confidentialityCode: CodedConcept + description: DAMDescription + documentID: BRIDGID + status: BRIDGStatus + type: ENUM + version: string + + + + + + confidentialityCode: CodedConcept description: DAMDescription documentID: BRIDGID status: BRIDGStatus type: ENUM version: string + + + + measurementTime: int - resultDescription: SDTMFindingDescriptionDataType ::SDTMFinding + missingValueCode: CodedConceptDataType + name: CodedConceptDataType grossExamResultCode: string involvedSurgicalMarginIndicator: boolean reportDescriptiveText: string SDTM::Quantitativ eMeasurement SDTM::OtherFindings + evaluationInterval: timing specification + measurementTime: DATETIME ::SDTMFinding + missingValueCode: CodedConceptDataType + name: CodedConceptDataType + + + + + + + + + + + abnormalIndicator: boolean assayMethodCode: string biomarkerInd: boolean bodyPositionCode: string labReferenceRangeCode: string labTechniqueCode: string meansVitalStatusObtainedCod: string panelName: string significanceInd: boolean value: string valueUnitOfMeasureCode: string + normalRangeHigh: text + normalRangeLow: text + result: text + units: text ::SDTMFinding + missingValueCode: CodedConceptDataType + name: CodedConceptDataType TestInterpretation SDTM::InterpretedResults ::TestInterpretation + interpretedBy: enum + normalRangeIndicator: enum - resultCategory: int ::QuantitativeMeasurement + normalRangeHigh: text + normalRangeLow: text + result: text + units: text ::SDTMFinding + missingValueCode: CodedConceptDataType + name: CodedConceptDataType SDTM::LaboratoryTest Potential hook for the eDCI model + fastingStatus: boolean + method: enum ::QuantitativeMeasurement + normalRangeHigh: text + normalRangeLow: text + result: text + units: text ::SDTMFinding + missingValueCode: CodedConceptDataType + name: CodedConceptDataType TestInterpretation SDTM::VitalSign + bodyLocation: CodedConceptDataType + measureTime: DATETIME + subjectPosition: enum ::TestInterpretation + interpretedBy: enum + normalRangeIndicator: enum - resultCategory: int ::QuantitativeMeasurement + normalRangeHigh: text + normalRangeLow: text + result: text + units: text ::SDTMFinding + missingValueCode: CodedConceptDataType + name: CodedConceptDataType + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + anatomicSiteCode: string anatomicSiteCodeSystem: string appearanceTypeCode: string contactAnatomicSiteCode: string contactAnatomicSiteCodeSytem: string dimensionProduct: int evaluationNumber: int lesionNumber: string measurableIndicator: boolean methodCode: string previouslyIrradiatedSiteIndicator: boolean targetNonTargetCode: string xDimension: int yDimension: int zDimension: int BRIDG Sub-Projects • Trial Design Model • Based on CDISC and FDA/Janus standard • Developing common concepts and understanding for arms, treatment groups, visits, cycles, courses, etc. • At present, input from Pharmaceutical companies thru CDISC and FDA • Current Status – – Recently worked with CDISC SDTM team to model SDTM requirements – Plans to harmonize with BRIDG BRIDG Sub-Projects (cont’d) • Clinical Trial Registry • Objective: To define requirements for registering a clinical trial in a clinical trial repository Working with NCI, CDISC, PDQ, and European EUDRACT Have recently established collaboration with the WHO activity of clinical trials registry • • – – • Becky Kush (CDISC president) on the advisory board Working with cancerGRID to incorporate and make explicit the CONSORT model Current Status – • • • • Group has defined a list of 70 elements Modeled in BRIDG April 2006 Planning on developing a HL7 v3 message POC – Lakshmi Grama, NCI CT Registration message cd External Registry Document Organi zati onRol e Clinical Trials Activ ities:: StudyDocument + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +i s descri bed by Acti vi ty Clinical Research Entities and Roles::Registry bl i ndedInd: bool ean descri pti on: BRIDGDescri pti on di seaseCode: CodedConceptDataT ype i d: BRIDGID i ntentCode: ENUM l ongT i tl e: stri ng m oni torCode: ENUM m ul ti Insti tuti onInd: bool ean phaseCode: ENUM random i zedInd: bool ean shortT i tl e: stri ng sponsorCode: CodedConceptDataT ype Subj ectT ype: BRIDGCodedConcept targetAccrual Num ber: i nt type: BRIDGCodedConcept + i sWHOCerti fi ed: bool ean ::Rol e + code: BRIDGCodedConcept + effecti veEndDate: DAT ET IM E + effecti veStartDate: DAT ET IM E + el ectroni cCom m Addr: BRIDGT el ecom Address + geographi cAddr: BRIDGContactAddr + i d: BRIDGCodedConcept + status: BRIDGStatus + tel ecom Addr: BRIDGT el ecom Address +perform s +i s perform ed by Clinical Trials Activ ities::PerformedActiv ity BRIDG Shared Classes:: Participation StudyRegistration + i sPri m ary: bool ean ::Parti ci pati on + endDate: DAT ET IM E + startDate: DAT ET IM E = + status: CodedConcept + statusDate: DAT ET IM E + type: CodedConcept + + + + + StudySponsor + pl annnedUnpl annedInd: bool ean ::Acti vi ty + codedDescri pti on: BRIDGCodedConcept + confi denti al i tyCode: BRIDGCodedConcept + descri pti on: BRIDGDescri pti on + endDate: DAT ET IM E + pri ori tyCode: BRIDGCodedConcept + reasonCode: BRIDGCodedConcept + startDate: DAT ET IM E + status: BRIDGStatus + uncertai ntyCode: BRIDGCodedConcept ::Parti ci pati on + endDate: DAT ET IM E + startDate: DAT ET IM E = + status: CodedConcept + statusDate: DAT ET IM E + type: CodedConcept endDate: DAT ET IM E startDate: DAT ET IM E = status: CodedConcept statusDate: DAT ET IM E type: CodedConcept +regi sters Cl i ni cal T ri al s Acti vi ti es::Perform edStudy 1 External Regi stry: Need an 1 attri bute pl annedEnrol l m entStartDate and pl annedEnrol l m entEndDate + pl annedSubj ectInterventi onDurati on: DAT ET IM E + pl annedSubj ectParti ci pati onDurati on: DAT ET IM E + targetAccrual Num ber: i nt ::Study + bl i ndedInd: bool ean +i s descri bed by +i s operati onal i zed by + descri pti on: BRIDGDescri pti on + i d: BRIDGID 1..1 0..1 + i ntentCode: ENUM + l ongT i tl e: stri ng StudyObj ectiv e(w hat) + m oni torCode: ENUM + descri pti on: BRIDGDescri pti on + m ul ti Insti tuti onInd: bool ean + obj ecti veCode: SET ENUM ERAT ED + phaseCode: ENUM + obj ecti veT ype: ENUM {Pri m ary,Secondary,Anci l l ary} + popul ati onDescri pti on: BRIDGDescri pti on + random i zedInd: bool ean + shortT i tl e: stri ng +defi nes 1..* the purpose of 1..* + sponsorCode: CodedConceptDataT ype + status: BRIDGStatus + Subj ectT ype: BRIDGCodedConcept + targetCondi ti onCode: BRIDGCodedConcept + type: BRIDGCodedConcept 1..* +descri bes Clinical Trials Activ ities::PlannedStudy + Actual Accrual Num ber: i nt + enrol l m entEndDate: Date + enrol l m entstartDate: Date ::Study + bl i ndedInd: bool ean + descri pti on: BRIDGDescri pti on + i d: BRIDGID + i ntentCode: ENUM + l ongT i tl e: stri ng + m oni torCode: ENUM + m ul ti Insti tuti onInd: bool ean + phaseCode: ENUM + popul ati onDescri pti on: BRIDGDescri pti on + random i zedInd: bool ean + shortT i tl e: stri ng + sponsorCode: CodedConceptDataT ype + status: BRIDGStatus + Subj ectT ype: BRIDGCodedConcept + targetCondi ti onCode: BRIDGCodedConcept + type: BRIDGCodedConcept 1 CTOM Elements::Procedure + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + - descri pti on: PSM Descri pti on j usti fi cati onOfApproach: PSM Descri pti on j usti fi cati onOfObj ecti ves: PSM Descri pti on popul ati onDescri pti on: PSM Descri pti on rati onal eForAnal ysi sApproach: PSM Descri pti on rati onal eForControl : PSM Descri pti on rati onal eForDesi gn: PSM Descri pti on rati onal eForEndpoi nts: PSM Descri pti on rati onal eForM aski ng: PSM Descri pti on studyPurposeSum m ary: T ext sum m aryOfPrevi ousFi ndi ngs: PSM Descri pti on sum m aryOfRi sksAndBenefi ts: PSM Descri pti on anal yti cM ethods: Set asM easuredBy: Set associ atedObj ecti ve: Set descri pti on: BRIDGDescri pti on outcom eT ype: ENUM {Pri m ary,Secondary,Anci l l ary} outcom eVari abl e: threshol d: +i s regi stered through +has 1 + + + dose: stri ng doseUni tOfM easure: therapyT ype: stri ng Clinical Trials Activ ities::StudySite + accrual Status: BRIDGStatus + el ectroni cCom m Addr: BRIDGT el ecom Address + geographi cAddr: BRIDGContactAddr + targetAccrual Num ber: i nt + tel ecom Addr: BRIDGT el ecom Address ::Parti ci pati on + endDate: DAT ET IM E + startDate: DAT ET IM E = + status: CodedConcept + statusDate: DAT ET IM E +are perform +parti cied pate at i n+ type: CodedConcept Clinical Trials Activities::Study SDTM ::SDTM Interv ention + + + + + + descri pti on: SDT M Interventi onDescri pti onDataT ype endT i m e: DAT ET IM E eval uati onInterval : ti m i ng speci fi cati on i ndi cati on: text m i ssi ngVal ueCode: CodedConceptDataT ype startT i m e: DAT ET IM E Revi ew SDT M and CT OM m odel s +contai ns + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + bl i ndedInd: bool ean descri pti on: BRIDGDescri pti on i d: BRIDGID i ntentCode: ENUM l ongT i tl e: stri ng m oni torCode: ENUM m ul ti Insti tuti onInd: bool ean phaseCode: ENUM popul ati onDescri pti on: BRIDGDescri pti on random i zedInd: bool ean shortT i tl e: stri ng sponsorCode: CodedConceptDataT ype status: BRIDGStatus Subj ectT ype: BRIDGCodedConcept targetCondi ti onCode: BRIDGCodedConcept type: BRIDGCodedConcept status shoul d be BRIDG status Seri al i zabl e +defi nes study popul ati on 1 SDTM ::StudyDrug + dose: num eri c + doseDescri pti on: text + doseForm : CodedConceptDataT ype + doseFrequency: CodedConceptDataT ype + doseT otal : num eri c + doseUni ts: CodedConceptDataT ype + l ocati onOfDoseAdm i ni strati on: CodedConceptDataT ype + reasonForDoseAdj ustm ent: text + routeOfAdm i ni strati on: text + treatm ent: text + treatm entVehi cl e: CodedConceptDataT ype + treatm entVehi cl eVol um e: num + treatm entVehi cl eVol um eUni ts: text ::SDTMInterventi on + descri pti on: SDT M Interventi onDescri pti onDataT ype + endT i m e: DAT ET IM E + eval uati onInterval : ti m i ng speci fi cati on + i ndi cati on: text + m i ssi ngVal ueCode: CodedConceptDataT ype + startT i m e: DAT ET IM E ::Parti ci pati on + endDate: DAT ET IM E + startDate: DAT ET IM E = + status: CodedConcept + statusDate: DAT ET IM E + type: CodedConcept +i s adm i ni stered accordi ng to 1..* +descri bes adm i ni strati on of 0..1 sponsorCode i s a CT OM speci fi c attri bute and needs to be harm oni zed wi th the new StudySponsor cl ass. 0..* Clinical Trials Activ ities:: StudyAgent SDTM :: DoseRegimen +i s contai ned i n Arm + + pl annedSubj ectNum ber: type: text i nt ::Parti ci pati on + endDate: DAT ET IM E + startDate: DAT ET IM E = + status: CodedConcept + statusDate: DAT ET IM E + type: CodedConcept 1 stri ng CTOM Elements::Radiation We need to address regul atory i nform ati on such as route of adm i ni strati on, substance, i ndi cati on. Check wi th SDT M Outcome If the obj ecti ve i s of type 'Pri m ary' then there outcom e shoul d be of type pri m ary. StudyBackground(w hy) targetSi teCode: RegulatoryInv estigationalProductId +study popul ati on i s defi ned by 1..* eligibilityCriteria::EligibilityCriterion + + + + + + codedNam e: BRIDGCodedConcept com pari sonOperator: T ext descri pti on: T ext el i gi bi l i tyT ype: Stri ng uni t: T ext val ue: T ext stri ng CTOM Elements:: Surgery CTOM Elements:: SubstanceAdministration + + + + + + doseChangeT ype: i nt doseFrequency: stri ng doseM odi fi cati onT ype: stri ng doseQuanti ty: i nt doseUni tOfM easure: stri ng route: stri ng 0..* BRIDG Sub-Projects (cont’d) • eDCI message (electronic Data Capture Instrument) – A DCI is a set of related questions for which values are to be collected during a clinical trial visit. – This model will be used as an HL7 message definition (or a set of definitions) that can be used to transmit a DCI Definition between databases managed by clinical data management systems (CDMS). – Participation from NCI, CDISC, Oracle – UML model on bridgproject site - – Current Status – • Requirements have been defined for 1st iteration • UML class diagram is completed • Working on building the message specification (RMIM) • POC – Don Kacher, Oracle cd DCI Definition, v1.5.2 Name: Author: Version: Created: Updated: DCI Definition, v1.5.2 Don Kacher 1.0 6/7/2005 12:05:46 PM 11/2/2005 5:47:04 PM DCI Definition (aka CRF) «structure» DciDefinition + + + + + + + + + + + + + «rendering» DciPresentation sizes "page" MetadataRegistryDCIId: MetadataRegistryDCIVersion: MetadataRegistryLayoutId: MetadataRegistryRAI: Name: IsTemplateDciFlag: CreationTimestamp: eDciStandardVersion: ClinicalArea: [0..1] ClinicalStudy: [0..1] HelpText: [0..1] DciDescription: [0..1] LayoutDescription: [0..1] 0..1 «rendering» 0..* PersistentInformation 1..* + + + + + + Id: Name: Datatype: Description: [0..1] DecimalPlaces: [0..1] MaximumLength: [0..1] ROASId: [0..1] SasFormatName: [0..1] «semantic content» DataElementConcept + + + + + + + + Id: + Name: + ROASId: [0..1] Id: Definition: Name: ObjectClassDefinition: PropertyDefinition: [0..1] SASDesignatedName: [0..1] ROASId: [0..1] 0..* + SubsetNumber: + IsBaseSubsetFlag: Id: Name: RepeatingGroupFlag: ROASId: [0..1] DataPersistenceEntityName: [0..1] 1..* Id: RegistryAuthorityId: [0..1] ObjectId: [0..1] ObjectVersion: [0..1] «semantic content» ItemDef + + + + + + + + Id: Name: DataElementConceptId: ValueDomainId: ROASId: [0..1] Definition: [0..1] Comment: [0..1] IsMandatoryFlag: [0..1] + + + + + + Value: SequenceNumber: ValueMeaning: [0..1] ValueMeaningDescription: [0..1] RadioButtonLabel: [0..1] HelpText: [0..1] + + + CheckValue: 1..* + + + + DataElementConceptId: + + + + + Source: + 1..* + + + + + + + + ItemRef-specific specification + «rendering» ItemInstantiationOnAForm + + + + + + + + + 0..1 + ValueEditWidgetType: «rendering» ValueEditWidget «semantic content» ExplicitItemRefRepetition FieldTypeFace: FieldTypesize: FieldTypeStyle: FieldEnclosure: 0..1 0..1 0..* + + + 0..* + + + Action: TargetId: CriterionValue: TriggerRelationship: ForcedValue: [0..1] EnumeratedValueDomainSubsetId: [0..1] «rendering» ValueEditField + + + + + FieldPage: FieldULX: FieldULY: FieldHeight: FieldWidth: «rendering» RadioButtonSet 0..* for a specific explicit rep ButtonLabelTypeFace: ButtonLabelTypeSize: ButtonLabelTypeStyle: ButtonEnclosureStyle: SymbolWhenSet: «rendering» RadioButtonPresentation 0..1 + RepeatSequenceNumber: + RepeatSpecificDefaultValue: [0..1] «logical behavior» TriggeredAction for a ref and any repetitions PromptOrientation: PromptTypeFace: PromptTypeSize: PromptTypeStyle: Item-specific appearance setting Id: SectionRefId: SequenceNumber: Name: [0..1] NavigateByItemInRepeatFlag: [0..1] MaximumItemRefRepeats: [0..1] HelpText: [0..1] EncloseGroupRefInBoxFlag: [0..1] Id: ContainerType: [0..1] ContainerId: HelpText: [0..1] NavigationSequenceNumber: IsContextItemFlag: PromptText: EnumeratedValueDomainSubsetId: [0..1] IsMandatoryFlag: [0..1] ROASId: [0..1] «rendering» FieldAppearance «rendering» RadioButtonAppearance DCI fields, in grouping structures «logical behavior» RangeCheck Id: Comparator: 0..* SoftHard: ErrorMessage: [0..1] UnitOfMeasure: [0..1] 0..2 «rendering» ItemAppearance 0..1 reference 0..* «logical behavior» CheckValue + 1..* + + + + + + + InstructionText: TypeFace: [0..1] TypeSize: [0..1] TypeStyle: [0..1] 0..* «semantic content» ItemRef ItemDef-wide specification 1..* «semantic content» EVDSubsetElementRecord reference 1..* «semantic content» RegistryObjectAttributeSet + + + + Id: Name: NavigationSequenceNumber: EncloseSectionRefInBoxFlag: [0..1] DifferentiatorQuestionValue: [0..1] HelpText: [0..1] DifferentiatorQuestion: [0..1] + + + + «rendering» GraphicImage «structure» GroupRef «semantic content» NonEnumeratedValueDomain VocabularyName: VocabularyOID: [0..1] VocabularyVersion: [0..1] VocabularyCodeset: [0..1] + 1..* + + + + + + AssociatedElement: Page: [0..1] ULX: [0..1] ULY: [0..1] LRY: [0..1] LRX: [0..1] «rendering» Instruction «semantic content» ContextItem «semantic content» GroupDef + + + + + «semantic content» EnumeratedValueDomainSubset «structure» SectionRef reference 1..* Definitions of DCI component base objects. Global Metadata for the eDCI «semantic content» EnumeratedValueDomain 1..* «semantic content» SectionDef 1..* «semantic content» ValueDomain + + + + + IntendedFormHeight: + IntendedFormWidth: DCI-wide default appearance setting 1..* + + + + + + + + Guidance on rendering the DCI as a form. This information is of three sorts: 1. Logical behavior: TriggerAction conveys business rules for interactions among fields 2. Appearance of elements on the form 3. Postion of elements on the form. All three are optional. However, if position is sent, appearance should be sent as well. «rendering» PromptRenderingLocation + Page: + PromptULX: + PromptULY: + + + + 1..* + + + + EVDSubsetElementRecordSN: ButtonPage: LabelULX: LabelULY: ButtonULX: ButtonULY: ButtonLRX: ButtonLRY: SDTM • SDTM model – Being harmonized with adverse event reporting, CTOM (NCI clinical trial object model) and HL7 SDTM Class Diagram cd SDTM Analysis Model Preliminary Techincial Harrmonization notes BRIDG Shared Classes:: Participation + + + + + type: CodedConcept status: CodedConcept statusDate: DATETIME startDate: DATETIME endDate: DATETIME Harmonization notes (HN)-- similar to Observation--SH +performs +is collecte at SDTMFinding OtherFindings + + + measurementTime: DATETIME + evaluationInterval: timing specification ::SDTMFinding + name: CodedConceptDataType + missingValueCode: CodedConceptDataType 1 Note: The variable PEBODSYS may apply to either the test description or the result description. Each StudySubject is associated with only 1 site. A StudySite is associated with 1 or more StudySubject. +is responsible for name: CodedConceptDataType 0..* missingValueCode: CodedConceptDataType +is assigned to 0..* + targetAccrualNumber: int ::Participation + type: CodedConcept + status: CodedConcept + statusDate: DATETIME + startDate: DATETIME + endDate: DATETIME 0..* +is the location for participation for 1 0..* 1 1 1 +is assigned to 0..* StudySubj ect +is screened for or + subjectID: CodedConceptDataType enrolled in 1..* + studyRefStartTime: DATETIME + ArmCode: CodedConceptDataType + studyRefStopTime: DATETIME +may experience ::Participation +has +receives ::Participation + type: CodedConcept 1.. +may have a 1 1 + type: CodedConcept + status: CodedConcept + status: CodedConcept Harmonization Notes: + statusDate: DATETIME 1 + statusDate: DATETIME Move to Activities +must and have + startDate: DATETIME + startDate: DATETIME Particiaptions package + endDate: DATETIME 1 + endDate: DATETIME HN: harmonize with SubjectAssignment --SH +has test performed 0..* 1 1 +is the source of +screens or enrolls ArmAssignment Examination - resultDescription: SDTMFindingDescriptionDataType + measurementTime: int ::SDTMFinding + name: CodedConceptDataType + missingValueCode: CodedConceptDataType + signatureCode: int + signatureText: string ::Participation + type: CodedConcept + status: CodedConcept + statusDate: DATETIME + startDate: DATETIME + endDate: DATETIME Clinical Trials Activities::PerformedStudy Clinical Trials Activ ities:: StudySite Clinical Trials Activ ities:: StudyInv estigator PerformingLaboratory HN: Add as a Role to Entities and Roles ::Participation package--SH + type: CodedConcept + status: CodedConcept + statusDate: DATETIME + startDate: DATETIME + endDate: DATETIME Activity Harmonization notes -- similar to Quantitativ eMeasurement Note: There are regulatory requirements to report original and standard results, units, and normal ranges. The primary concept is denoted in tthe QuantitativeMeasurement class, and not all the variations. clinicalResults--SH + result: text + units: text + normalRangeLow: text + normalRangeHigh: text ::SDTMFinding + name: CodedConceptDataType + missingValueCode: CodedConceptDataType 1 + id: BRIDGID + longTitle: string + shortTitle: string + phaseCode: ENUM + intentCode: ENUM + monitorCode: ENUM + blindedInd: boolean + randomizedInd: boolean + diseaseCode: CodedConceptDataType + sponsorCode: CodedConceptDataType + multiInstitutionInd: boolean + targetAccrualNumber: int ::Activity + code: PSMCodedConcept + derivationExpression: TEXT + description: PSMDescription + startDate: DATETIME + status: PSMCodedConcept + availabilityTime: TimingSpecification + priorityCode: PSMCodedConcept + confidentialityCode: PSMCodedConcept + repeatNumber: rangeOfIntegers + interruptibleIndicator: BOOLEAN + uncertaintyCode: CodedConcept + reasonCode: PSMCodedConcept + endDate: DATETIME 1 +is experienced by 1..* Harmonization Notes (HN): PerformedSutdy subj ectVisit --duplicate of plannedUnplannedInd--SH + visitNum: sequentiallist + plannedunplannedind: boolean +collects + descriptionOfUnplannedVisit: text 0..1 ::SDTMEvent + description: SDTMEventDescriptionDataType + endTime: DATETIME + startTime: DATETIME +collects 0..1 +collects 0..1 +are collected at 0..* 1..* LaboratoryTest VitalSign + method: enum + fastingStatus: boolean ::QuantitativeMeasurement + result: text + units: text + normalRangeLow: text + normalRangeHigh: text ::SDTMFinding + name: CodedConceptDataType + missingValueCode: CodedConceptDataType + bodyLocation: CodedConceptDataType + subjectPosition: enum + measureTime: DATETIME ::QuantitativeMeasurement + result: text + units: text + normalRangeLow: text + normalRangeHigh: text ::TestInterpretation + normalRangeIndicator: enum - resultCategory: int + interpretedBy: enum ::SDTMFinding + name: CodedConceptDataType + missingValueCode: CodedConceptDataType +is performed on + + + + + + description: SDTMInterventionDescriptionDataType missingValueCode: CodedConceptDataType indication: text startTime: DATETIME endTime: DATETIME evaluationInterval: timing specification Action: Need to address start and end relative to a fixed timepoint for both Events and Findings (--ENRF and --STRF). HL7 timing specs may have ways to deal with this problem. Also applies to Substance Use and Concomitant Medications. Harmonization Notes - similar to AE Adv erseEv ent classes --SH + isSerious: boolean + location: CodedConceptDataType +may happen to + severity: enum + actionTakenWithStudyTreatment: enum 0..* + otherActionTaken: text + relationshipToStudyTreatment: CodedConceptDataType + actionTakenWithConcomitantTreatment: text + toxicityGrade: CodedConceptDataType + seriousnessCriteria: enum + outcome: CodedConceptDataType ::SDTMEvent + description: SDTMEventDescriptionDataType + endTime: DATETIME + startTime: DATETIME Disposition ::SDTMEvent + description: SDTMEventDescriptionDataType + endTime: DATETIME + startTime: DATETIME 0..*+is collected at 0..* SDTMInterv ention ARMCD and ARM are going to be associated with Trial Design. Evaluator: ENUM Value: string variableName: string Reference: string Harmonization Notes: description: SDTMEventDescriptionDataType This maybe a Performed endTime: DATETIME Activty --SH startTime: DATETIME 0..* +is performed by relationshipType: ENUM Date and Time of Collection are probably going to be attributes of the CRF. +receives Interventions +are performed on + + + + + SDTMEv ent + + + MedicalHistory +belongs to Action: Determine how HL7 handles units.--PQ data type SupplementalQualifiers SDTMActActRelationship Action: Check with CTOM team about what StudyAgent means. Action: Determine how to handle PATTERN since it isn't included yet. + missingValueCode: CodedConceptDataType + negationIndicator: boolean + evaluationInterval: timing specification ::SDTMEvent + description: SDTMEventDescriptionDataType + endTime: DATETIME + startTime: DATETIME 0..* Clinical Trials Activ ities:: StudyAgent Could have NonAdverseEvent abstract class above MedicalHistory ::Participation + type: CodedConcept + status: CodedConcept + statusDate: DATETIME + startDate: DATETIME + endDate: DATETIME Medical History will probably not harmonize into the BRIDG in this way but will probably be associated with Subject. 1..* TestInterpretation + + normalRangeIndicator: enum resultCategory: int interpretedBy: enum Action: Check with RXNORM and Structured Product Label for the standards to describe drug dosing. InterpretedResults ::TestInterpretation + normalRangeIndicator: enum - resultCategory: int + interpretedBy: enum ::QuantitativeMeasurement + result: text + units: text + normalRangeLow: text + normalRangeHigh: text ::SDTMFinding + name: CodedConceptDataType + missingValueCode: CodedConceptDataType +interprets InterpretedLaboratoryTest 1 Action:; Need to determine how to handle baseline. The baseline is an interpretation based on many of the test results. + toxicityGrade: enum ::LaboratoryTest + method: enum + fastingStatus: boolean ::TestInterpretation + normalRangeIndicator: enum - resultCategory: int + interpretedBy: enum ::QuantitativeMeasurement + result: text + units: text + normalRangeLow: text + normalRangeHigh: text ::SDTMFinding + name: CodedConceptDataType + missingValueCode: CodedConceptDataType There are complex date times that will require collection intervals -- for example, a 24 hour cortisone, a 24 hour urine collection, etc. We will need to take a look at the HL7 date/time data types to provide more information about how best to represent the dates and times. type: enum condition: text collectionTime: DATETIME collectionMethod: enum id: CodedConceptDataType Harmonization Notes similar to Proceudre, SpecimenCollection, Sample --SH +is analyzed by +is interpreted by 1 1..* +is taken from +Is performed on Specimen Image 1 + id: URL ::Sample + type: enum + condition: text + collectionTime: DATETIME + collectionMethod: enum HN: Good concept defintion; similar to Imaging class; review the associaitons -SH description: text Action: Determine how to handle derived tests or findings. Sample + + + + + TestTestRelationship + ConMeds and Substance Use are also subclasses of Interventions. There likely needs to be intermediate levels of Intervention subclasses, for example, drug and non-drug interventions. Also, evaluationInterval is an attribute of these 2 subclasses, but not StudyDrug. StudyDrug Harmonization Notes -- similar to + dose: numeric Activity + doseDescription: text >SubstanceAdministration--SH + doseUnits: CodedConceptDataType + doseForm: CodedConceptDataType + doseFrequency: CodedConceptDataType + doseTotal: numeric + locationOfDoseAdministration: CodedConceptDataType + routeOfAdministration: text + reasonForDoseAdjustment: text + treatmentVehicle: CodedConceptDataType + treatmentVehicleVolume: num + treatment: text + treatmentVehicleVolumeUnits: text ::SDTMIntervention + description: SDTMInterventionDescriptionDataType + missingValueCode: CodedConceptDataType + indication: text + startTime: DATETIME + endTime: DATETIME + evaluationInterval: timing specification ::Participation +is administered according + type: CodedConcept to +describes administration of + status: CodedConcept + statusDate: DATETIME 1..* 0..1 + startDate: DATETIME + endDate: DATETIME ::Sample + type: enum + condition: text + collectionTime: DATETIME + collectionMethod: enum + id: CodedConceptDataType 0..* Action: Revisit --ADJ (Reason for Dose Adjustment) since we haven't included it yet. DoseRegimen Represent Concomicant Medications and Substance Use these are complex data types used to support the classes in the model. SDTMInterv entionDescriptionDataType + + + + verbatim: text decode: CodedConceptDataType modified: text class: CodedConceptDataType SDTMFindingDescriptionDataType + + verbatim: text modified: text SDTMEv entDescriptionDataType + + + + decode: CodedConceptDataType verbatim: text bodySystem: CodedConceptDataType modified: text In SDTM the RelRec table associates observations to one another. This would be represented as a ActAct Relationship within BRIDG. The RelRec table does not give the kind of relationship, just the existence of the relationship. Subprojects • caAERS – Project lead: Joyce Niland – Developing an HL7 message and application(s) to support adverse event reporting – Other AE models – • • • • CDC – incidence reporting HL7 – patient safety and public health reporting caBIG (caAERS) FDA and SDTM (CDISC) – Harmonization meeting in May with all stakeholders to identify commonalities and differences between these models, and harmonize them into BRIDG caAERS cd Logical Model Name: Author: Version: Created: Updated: Logical Model AbdulMalik Shakir 1.0 10/18/2005 8:40:14 PM 1/24/2006 10:38:06 AM PharmacuticalTreatment + administrationDose: int + administrationFrequency: string + administrationRoute: string + doseUnit: string + totalDoseAdministered: int + dateAgentProvided: date + lastDateAgentAdministered: date ::Treatment + courseNumber: string + cycleNumber: string + negationIndicator: boolean + isContinuingIndicator: boolean + treatmentAssignmentCode: string + schedule: string + totalCourseNumber: int ::Activity + description: string + durationTimeAmount: int + durationTimeUnit: string + endTime: dateTime + id: long + method: string + reason: string + startTime: dateTime + status: string ProcedureTreatment ::Treatment + courseNumber: string + cycleNumber: string + negationIndicator: boolean + isContinuingIndicator: boolean + treatmentAssignmentCode: string + schedule: string + totalCourseNumber: int ::Activity + description: string + durationTimeAmount: int + durationTimeUnit: string + endTime: dateTime + id: long + method: string + reason: string + startTime: dateTime + status: string Treatment + courseNumber: string + cycleNumber: string + negationIndicator: boolean + isContinuingIndicator: boolean + treatmentAssignmentCode: string + schedule: string + totalCourseNumber: int ::Activity + description: string + durationTimeAmount: int + durationTimeUnit: string + endTime: dateTime + id: long + method: string + reason: string + startTime: dateTime + status: string caAERS Conceptual Data Model v20060123.0 Dev ice ParticipatingEntityRelationship Protocol + + +entityRelationship + + 0..1 + ClincalStudy + phase: string + title: string + CTCVersion: string + INDusedIndicator: boolean ::Activity + description: string + durationTimeAmount: int + durationTimeUnit: string + endTime: dateTime + id: long + method: string + reason: string + startTime: dateTime + status: string + type: string + researchComment: string ::Activity + description: string + durationTimeAmount: int + durationTimeUnit: string + endTime: dateTime + id: long + method: string + reason: string + startTime: dateTime + status: string Location effectiveFromTime: dateTime effectiveThruTime: dateTime id: long relationshipStatus: string relationshipType: string +relationshipCollection0..* + name: string + description: string + streetAddress: string + city: string + state: string + postalCode: string ::ParticipatingEntity + id: long 0..* +relationshipCollection +roleCollection 0..* ParticipatingEntityRole + + + + + + Product effectiveFromTime: dateTime effectiveThruTime: dateTime id: long roleType: string +roleCollection status: string title: string 0..* +role 0..1 +participationCollection 0..* DrugProduct + name: string + status: string ::ParticipatingEntity + id: long +targetEntity + + + + + + + + id: long relationshipType: string effectiveFromTime: dateTime effectiveThruTime: dateTime relationshipStatus: string sourceActivityRole: string targetActivityRole: string sequence: int + + +sourceActivity + 1 + +targetActivity + + 1 + + 0..* + +activityCollection +relationshipCollection 0..* +relationshipCollection 0..* description: string durationTimeAmount: int durationTimeUnit: string endTime: dateTime id: long method: string reason: string startTime: dateTime status: string + + +participationCollection + 0..* + + + +entity +act 1 +activity 1 effectiveFromTime: dateTime effectiveThruTime: dateTime +participationCollection id: long participantSignature: string 0..* participantSignatureDate: dateTime type: string id: long activityCode: string name: string description: string codeSystem: string codeSystemVersion: string DiseaseHistory + category: string + primaryDiseaseName: string + primaryDiseaseSite: string + dateOfInitialDiagnosis: date + dateOfInitialPathologicDiagnosis: date + otherPrimarySite: string + nameNotListed: string + metastaticDiseaseSite: string + otherMetastaticDiseaseSite: string + otherPreExistingCondition: string + preExistingCondition: string + dateInitialDiagnosisKnownIndicator: boolean ::ObservationValue + id: long DrugProductIngredient + name: string ::ParticipatingEntity + id: long 1 +ingredientCollection 1 +material +entityCollection 0..* + + + + id: long quantity: float activeIngredientIndicator: boolean materialForm: string 0..* id: long identifierValue: string identifierType: string +identifierCollection Observ ationKind + + + + + + ObservationValue + id: long StudySubj ect 0..* Observ ation id: long +observationCollection 1 observationValueCode: string 0..* name: string +observationValueKind description: string codeSystem: string codeSystemVersion: string 0..* +observationValueCollection + targetAnatomicalSite: string + onsetDateTime: dateTime + effectiveThuTime: dateTime + negationIndicator: boolean + resultValue: string ::Activity + description: string + durationTimeAmount: int + durationTimeUnit: string + endTime: dateTime + id: long + method: string + reason: string +observation + startTime: dateTime + status: string 1 Weight + value: real + unitOfMeasure: string + obtainedIndicator: boolean ::ObservationValue + id: long DiagnosticTest Height + name: string + datePerformed: dateTime + type: string + category: string + value: string + unitOfMeasure: string ::ObservationValue + id: long + value: real + obtainedIndicator: boolean + unitOfMeasure: string ::ObservationValue + id: long + causalAgentName: string + site: string + type: string + date: date ::ObservationValue + id: long +identifierCollection Adv erseEv entReport + birthDate: date + ethnicGroup: string + sex: string + race: string ::Person + namePrefix: string + firstName: string + middleName: string + lastName: string + nameSuffix: string + occupation: string + emailAddress: string ::ParticipatingEntity + id: long Person 1 + sequenceIdentifier: int + subjectDiscloserAllowed: boolean + hasAmendedDataIndicator: boolean + sentToFDAIndicator: boolean + sentToManufacturerIndicator: boolean + followUpNumber: int + followUpType: string + additionalInformationAttachedType: string + reasonNoRelevantHistoryProvided: string + containsCorrectedDataIndicator: boolean + type: string + sponsorNotifiedBeforeReportFilingIndicator: boolean + sponsorNotificationDate: dateTime + sponsorNotificationMethod: string + otherAdditionalInformationAttached: string + is24hourReportIndicator: boolean ::Activity + description: string + durationTimeAmount: int + durationTimeUnit: string + endTime: dateTime + id: long + method: string + reason: string + startTime: dateTime + status: string Activ ityIdentifier + + + + + +assigningAuthority +participatingEntityKind id: long Organization identifierValue: string +identifierCollection identifierType: string + name: string versionIdentifier: string +assigningAuthority 0..* 1 ::ParticipatingEntity versionEffectiveDate: dateTime + id: long +organization 1 ParticipatingEntityKind + + + + + + id: long entityType: string name: string description: string codeSystem: string codeSystemVersion: string + namePrefix: string + firstName: string + middleName: string + lastName: string + nameSuffix: string + occupation: string + emailAddress: string ::ParticipatingEntity + id: long + isHealthProfessional() : boolean 1 +person +telephoneCollection +telephoneCollection 0..* OrganizationTelephone +adverseEventReport 1 +adverseEventReportDetailCollection + + + + + id: long usageType: string equipmentType: string phoneNumber: string extendedPhoneNumber: string 1 0..* +studySubject PersonTelephone + + + + + 1 id: long usageType: string equipmentType: string phoneNumber: string extendedPhoneNumber: string 0..* Adv erseEv entReportDetail + + + + 0..* +AdverseEventReportCollection Adv erseEv ent + outcomeCode: string + severity: string + adverseEventVerbatimTerm: string + attributableEventOrEntityType: string + attributableEventName: string + isContinuingIndicator: boolean + comment: string + evaluationMethodCode: string + evaluationConclusionCode: string + evaluationResultCode: string + otherTypeOfReportableEvent: string +adverseEvent + reportableEventType: string + otherReasonBeingSerious: string 1 + reasonBeingSerious: string + ctcAdverseEventCategory: string +adverseEvent 1 + ctcAdverseEventGrade: int + ctcAdverseEventTerm: string + medDRAcode: string + abatedAfterRemedialActionIndicator: boolean + locationOccurred: string + otherContributingCause: string + reappearedAfterAgentReintroductionIndicator: boolean + seriousAdverseEventIndicator: boolean + otherCTCAdverseEventTerm: string + seriousAdverseEventTreatmentDateApplicableIndicator: boolean + ageAtTimeOfEvent: int + removedFromStudyAfterAdverseEventIndicator: boolean +adverseEvent + dateRemovedFromStudy: date 1 + remedialActionTaken: string ::Observation + targetAnatomicalSite: string + onsetDateTime: dateTime + effectiveThuTime: dateTime + negationIndicator: boolean + resultValue: string ::Activity + description: string + durationTimeAmount: int + durationTimeUnit: string + endTime: dateTime + id: long + method: string + reason: string + startTime: dateTime + status: string = New effectiveFromTime: dateTime effectiveThruTime: dateTime booleanValue: boolean textValue: string +adverseEventReportDetailCollection +adverseEventReportDetailKind +studySubjectObervationCollection 1 id: adverseEventReportDetailCode: string name: string description: string codeSystem: string codeSystemVersion: string Adv erseEv entDetailKind Adv erseEv entDetail +eventDetailCollection 0..* + + + + effectiveFromTime: dateTime effectiveThruTime: dateTime booleanValue: boolean textValue: string 0..1 StudySubj ectObserv ation + + + 0..* Adv erseEv entReportDetailKind + + + + + + +eventDetailKind 0..* +eventDetailCollection 1 + + + + + + 1 MaterialKind ParticipatingEntityIdentifier + + + 1 Infection Adv erseEv entActiv ityRelationship + expectedness: boolean + attributionCode: int + studyDesignBroken: boolean + administrationDelayed: boolean + durationDelayedTimeUnitCode: string + delayedDurationTimeAmount: int ::ActivityRelationship +activityRelationshipCollections + id: long 0..* + relationshipType: string + effectiveFromTime: dateTime + effectiveThruTime: dateTime + relationshipStatus: string + sourceActivityRole: string + targetActivityRole: string + sequence: int +product +ingredientCollection 1..* id: long +entity +identifierCollection 0..* +activityKind Death + cause: string + deceasedDate: date + causeUnrelatedToAdverseEvent: string + otherCause: string + causalPrimaryOrganSystemFailure: string + autopsyPerformedIndicator: boolean + causeKnownIndicator: boolean + autopsyDate: date ::ObservationValue + id: long 1 ParticipatingEntity 1 Activ ityKind + + + + + + 1 + +entity + lotNumber: string + expirationDate: date + brandName: string ::Product + name: string + status: string ::ParticipatingEntity + id: long +sourceEntity 1 Activ ityParticipation Activ ity Activ ityRelationship + implantedDate: dateTime + explantedDate: dateTime + reprocessedIndicator: boolean + availableForEvaluationIndicator: boolean + labeledForSingleUseIndicator: boolean + usage: string ::Product + name: string + status: string ::ParticipatingEntity + id: long id: string adverseEventDetailCode: string name: string description: string codeSystem: string codeSystemVersion: string id: long baselinePerformanceStatus: int medicalHistoryDescription: string What does it mean to “adopt BRIDG” or “harmonize with BRIDG?” • Adopting and harmonizing with BRIDG is a two-way street – The model is not complete, and harmonization and adoption requires participation and contribution to BRIDG from others – The model is new and is changing, so harmonization and adoption requires flexibility and change • Early adopters will have a more significant impact on the direction and development of BRIDG • Adopting and harmonization with BRIDG is less about a commitment to a specific model, but the realization that – A common standard is a shared good that all can benefit from – It will require contribution and collaboration as we collectively determine the best approaches – It will require compromise and collective action BRIDG - Implementation Independent Domain Analysis Model cd Comprehensiv e M odel BRIDG Shared Classes::Participation BRIDG Shared Classes::Role + + + + + + + + i d: CodedConcept code: CodedConcept status: el ectroni cCom m Addr: geographi cAddr: tel ecom Addr: effecti veStartDate: DAT ET IM E effecti veEndDate: DAT ET IM E has a 1 + + + + + BRIDG Shared Classes:: RoleRoleRelationship 1..* + + + has a 1 source: type: CodedConcept target: i d: CodedConcept adm i ni strati veGenderCode: BRIDGCodedConcept dateOfBi rth: DAT ET IM E raceCode: BRIDGCodedConcept ethni cGroupCode: BRIDGCodedConcept m ari tal StatusCode: BRIDGCodedConcept el ectroni cCom m Addr: househol dIncom eCategory: BRIDGCodedConcept educati onLevel Code: BRIDGCodedConcept tel ecom Address: T EL nam e: enti tyNam e dateOfDeath: DAT ET IM E address: addrT ype Clinical Research Entities and Roles:: PersonRole + + + + + + + ::Rol e + i d: CodedConcept + code: CodedConcept + status: + el ectroni cCom m Addr: + geographi cAddr: + tel ecom Addr: + effecti veStartDate: DAT ET IM E + effecti veEndDate: DAT ET IM E paym entM ethod: CodedConcept confi denti al i tyCode: stri ng + + + + + + + + + + + + + Clinical Trials Activ ities::Subj ectAssignment + si gnatureCode: i nt + si gnatureT ext: stri ng ::Parti ci pati on + type: CodedConcept + status: CodedConcept + statusDate: DAT ET IM E + startDate: DAT ET IM E + endDate: DAT ET IM E 0..* 1 0..1 + studySubj ectIdenti fi er: i nt + arm : stri ng + subgroupCode: stri ng + i nform edConsentForm Si gnedDate: + offStudyDate: date + studyAgentDoseLevel : stri ng + el i gi bi l i tyWai verReason: stri ng + ageAtEnrol l m ent: i nt ::Parti ci pati on + type: CodedConcept + status: CodedConcept + statusDate: DAT ET IM E + startDate: DAT ET IM E + endDate: DAT ET IM E +source acti vi ty code: PSMCodedConcept derivationExpres s ion: TEXT des cription: PSMDes cription s tartDate: DATETIME s tatus : PSMCodedConcept availabilityTim e: Tim ingSpecification priorityCode: PSMCodedConcept confidentialityCode: PSMCodedConcept repeatNum ber: rangeOfIntegers interruptibleIndicator: BOOLEAN uncertaintyCode: CodedConcept reas onCode: PSMCodedConcept endDate: DATETIME +target acti vi ty * rel ati onshi pCode: PSM CodedConcept Obsol ete_rel ati onQual i fi er: BRIDGCodedConcept sequenceNum ber: NUM BER pauseCri teri on: checkpoi ntCode: pri ori tyNum ber: NUM BER spl i tCode: negati onRul e: AbstractRul e j oi nCode: negati onIndi cator: BOOLEAN conj uncti onCode: Clinical Trials Activ ities::PlannedStudy ::Acti vi ty + code: PSM CodedConcept + deri vati onExpressi on: T EXT + descri pti on: PSM Descri pti on + startDate: DAT ET IM E + status: PSM CodedConcept + avai l abi l i tyT i m e: T i m i ngSpeci fi cati on + pri ori tyCode: PSM CodedConcept + confi denti al i tyCode: PSM CodedConcept + repeatNum ber: rangeOfIntegers + i nterrupti bl eIndi cator: BOOLEAN + uncertai ntyCode: CodedConcept + reasonCode: PSM CodedConcept + endDate: DAT ET IM E Clinical Trials Activ ities::PlannedActiv ity ::Acti vi ty + code: PSM CodedConcept + deri vati onExpressi on: T EXT + descri pti on: PSM Descri pti on + startDate: DAT ET IM E + status: PSM CodedConcept + avai l abi l i tyT i m e: T i m i ngSpeci fi cati on + pri ori tyCode: PSM CodedConcept + confi denti al i tyCode: PSM CodedConcept + repeatNum ber: rangeOfIntegers + i nterrupti bl eIndi cator: BOOLEAN + uncertai ntyCode: CodedConcept + reasonCode: PSM CodedConcept + endDate: DAT ET IM E Clinical Trials Activ ities::PerformedActiv ity 1 + pl annnedUnpl annedInd: bool ean ::Acti vi ty + code: PSM CodedConcept + deri vati onExpressi on: T EXT + descri pti on: PSM Descri pti on + startDate: DAT ET IM E + status: PSM CodedConcept + avai l abi l i tyT i m e: T i m i ngSpeci fi cati on + pri ori tyCode: PSM CodedConcept + confi denti al i tyCode: PSM CodedConcept + repeatNum ber: rangeOfIntegers + i nterrupti bl eIndi cator: BOOLEAN + uncertai ntyCode: CodedConcept + reasonCode: PSM CodedConcept + endDate: DAT ET IM E Clinical Trials Activ ities:: StudySite + targetAccrual Num ber: i nt ::Parti ci pati on + type: CodedConcept + status: CodedConcept + statusDate: DAT ET IM E + startDate: DAT ET IM E + endDate: DAT ET IM E 1 + + + + + + + + + * date 0..* Clinical Research Entities and Roles:: FundingSponsor Clinical Research Entities and Roles:: HealthCareSite 0..* 0..* Protocol Concepts::StudyDocument + + + + + + + + + Clinical Research Entities and Roles:: TherapeuticAgent i d: CodedConcept nam e: stri ng descri pti on: stri ng status: CodedConcept form Code: CodedConcept l otNum ber: i nt expi rati onDate: DAT ET IM E stabi l i tyT i m e: DAT ET IM E 1 0..* versi on: stri ng author: SET ID: SET BRIDGID docum entID: BRIDGID type: ENUM descri pti on: BRIDGDescri pti on ti tl e: stri ng status: BRIDGStatus confi denti al i tyCode: CodedConcept Clinical Trials Activ ities:: AssessmentRelationship Clinical Trials Activ ities:: Observ ationRelationship Clinical Trials Activ ities:: StudyAgent Clinical Research Entities and Roles:: AgentRole Clinical Research Entities and Roles::Agent 0..* certi fi cateLi censeT ext: Clinical Research Entities and Roles::Participant + + Clinical Research Entities and Roles::OrganizationRole i d: CodedConcept nam e: stri ng descri pti on: stri ng status: CodedConcept statusDate: DAT ET IM E geographi cAddr: addrT ype tel ecom Addr: T EL + + + + + + + + 1 + Clinical Research Entities and Roles::Organization Clinical Trials Activ ities:: StudyInv estigator Clinical Research Entities and Roles:: Inv estigator BRIDG Shared Classes:: Activ ityActiv ityRelationship BRIDG Shared Classes::Activity type: CodedConcept status: CodedConcept statusDate: DAT ET IM E startDate: DAT ET IM E endDate: DAT ET IM E 1..* Clinical Research Entities and Roles::Person + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ::Parti ci pati on + type: CodedConcept + status: CodedConcept + statusDate: DAT ET IM E + startDate: DAT ET IM E + endDate: DAT ET IM E 1 1 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + i d: BRIDGID l ongT i tl e: stri ng shortT i tl e: stri ng phaseCode: ENUM i ntentCode: ENUM m oni torCode: ENUM bl i ndedInd: bool ean random i zedInd: bool ean di seaseCode: CodedConceptDataT ype sponsorCode: CodedConceptDataT ype m ul ti Insti tuti onInd: bool ean targetAccrual Num ber: i nt + + + i d: i nt type: stri ng com m ents: stri ng Clinical Trials Activ ities:: PerformedStudy 1 0..* 1 0..* 0..* 1 1 + + + + + 0..* + + + + BRIDG Shared Classes:: BRIDGCodedConcept nam e: T EXT val ue: control l edNam e: PSM CodedConcept busi nessProcessM ode: PSM Busi nessProcessM ode - BRIDG Shared Classes:: BRIDGContactAddr code: T EXT codeSystem : codeSystem Nam e: T EXT codeSystem Versi on: NUM BER di spl ayNam e: T EXT ori gi nal T ext: T EXT transl ati on: SET {PSM CodedConcept} BRIDG Shared Classes::BRIDGDescription + + + synopsi s: Encapsul atedData sum m aryDescri pti on: Encapsul atedData detai l edDescri pti on: Encapsul atedData i d: i nt reporti ngDate: date confi denti al i tyCode: stri ng uncertai ntyCode: stri ng statusCode: stri ng + + 1..* m odeVal ue: + + + ENUM {Pl an, Execute} + startT i m e: endT i m e: + + + source: T ext versi on: T ext val ue: T ext 0..* + + + Clinical Trials Activ ities:: SubstanceAdministration + + + + + + 0..* «abstracti on» 1 date Clinical Trials Activ ities::Adv erseEv ent Clinical Trials Activ ities::Histopathology ti m estam p ti m estam p BRIDG Shared Classes:: BRIDGStatus i d: i nt eval uati onDate: 0..* 0..* BRIDG Shared Classes: :BRIDGInterv al type: BRIDGCodedConcept effecti veT i m e: BRIDGInterval usage: BRIDGCodedConcept BRIDG Shared Classes:: BRIDGID BRIDG Shared Classes:: BRIDGBusinessProcessM ode + + + + 0..* Clinical Trials Activities::Assessment 1 BRIDG Shared Classes::BRIDGAnalysisVariable i d: i nt typeCode: stri ng com m entT ext: stri ng 1 Clinical Trials Activ ities::Observ ation doseQuanti ty: i nt doseUni tOfM easure: stri ng route: stri ng doseFrequency: stri ng doseM odi fi cati onT ype: stri ng doseChangeT ype: i nt grossExam Resul tCode: stri ng reportDescri pti veT ext: stri ng i nvol vedSurgi cal M argi nIndi cator: 1 0..* Clinical Trials Activ ities::Procedure effecti veEndDate: effecti veStartDate: statusVal ue: + targetSi teCode: Clinical Trials Activ ities:: ClinicalResult + + + + + + + + + + + bool ean 1 Clinical Trials Activ ities:: HistopathologyGrade stri ng + + + + i d: i nt gradi ngSystem Nam e: grade: stri ng com m ents: stri ng stri ng panel Nam e: stri ng val ue: stri ng val ueUni tOfM easureCode: stri ng assayM ethodCode: stri ng bodyPosi ti onCode: stri ng l abReferenceRangeCode: stri ng l abT echni queCode: stri ng m eansVi tal StatusObtai nedCod: stri ng abnorm al Indi cator: bool ean bi om arkerInd: bool ean si gni fi canceInd: bool ean 0..* Clinical Trials Activ ities:: LesionDescription + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + l esi onNum ber: stri ng eval uati onNum ber: i nt appearanceT ypeCode: stri ng targetNonT argetCode: stri ng m easurabl eIndi cator: bool ean m ethodCode: stri ng xDi m ensi on: i nt yDi m ensi on: i nt zDi m ensi on: i nt di m ensi onProduct: i nt anatom i cSi teCode: stri ng anatom i cSi teCodeSystem : stri ng contactAnatom i cSi teCode: stri ng contactAnatom i cSi teCodeSytem : stri ng previ ousl yIrradi atedSi teIndi cator: bool ean + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 1..* Clinical Trials Activ ities:: Neoplasm Clinical Trials Activ ities:: Surgery Clinical Trials Activ ities:: SpecimenCollection + + Clinical Trials Activ ities:: Radiation si teCondi ti on: stri ng m ethod: stri ng +speci m enCol l ecti on + + + therapyT ype: stri ng doseUni tOfM easure: dose: stri ng + + i denti fi er: stri ng contrastAgentEnhancem ent: stri ng descri pti veT ext: stri ng rateOfEnhancem entVal ue: i nt i d: i nt cel l T ype: + + + + + + + + + + + + + responseCode: char responseCodeSystem : stri ng bestResponseCode: char bestResponseDate: date progressi onDate: date progressi onPeri od: i nt progressi onPeri odUni tOfM easureCode: doseChangeIndi catorCode: i nt courseDi sposi ti onCode: stri ng com m entT ext: stri ng 0..1 + + + + + i d: i nt subm i ssi onDate: date fi l edIndi cator: bool ean i d: i nt tnm Stage: stri ng tnm StageCodeSystem : stri ng stageCode: stri ng stageCodeSystem : stri ng Clinical Trials Activ ities:: DeathSummary + + + + deathDate: date deathCauseCode: char deathCauseT ext: stri ng autopsi edIndi cator: bool ean 1 0..* 1..* 0..* Clinical Trials Activ ities:: Adv erseEv entTherapy Clinical Trials Activ ities: :Specimen i d: i nt i dNum ber: i nt sam pl i ngT ype: + + + + + stri ng i d: i nt treatm entDate: date del ayDurati on: i nt del ayDurati onUni tOfM easureCode: i ntensi tyCode: stri ng Clinical Trials Activ ities:: M etastasisSite + + + stri ng stri ng 1 i d: i nt anatom i cSi teCode: stri ng anatom i cSi teCodeNam e: stri ng Clinical Trials Activ ities:: LesionEv aluation + eval uati onCode: char Clinical Trials Activ ities:: Qualitativ eEv aluation 1 +speci m enCol l ecti on + + + Clinical Trials Activ ities::DiseaseResponse nam e: stri ng di seaseDi agnosi sCode: stri ng di seaseDi agnosi sCodeSystem : stri ng ageAtDi agnosi s: i nt confi rm ati onDate: date pri m aryAnatom i cSi teCode: stri ng pri m aryAnatom i cSi teCodeSystem : stri ng pri m aryAnatom i cSi teLateral i tyCode: stri ng recurrenceIndi cator: bool ean di seaseStatusCode: stri ng sourceCode: stri ng sourceOther: stri ng di seaseExtentT ext: stri ng Clinical Trials Activ ities:: CancerStage 0..1 stri ng + + + + + + + + + + + + + 1 Clinical Trials Activ ities:: Adv erseEv entReport Clinical Trials Activ ities::Imaging + + + + stri ng onsetDate: date resol vedDate: date ctcCategoryCode: stri ng ctcCategoryCodeSystem : stri ng ctcT erm T ypeCode: stri ng ctcT erm T ypeCodeSystem : stri ng ctcAttri buti onCode: stri ng ctcAttri buti onCodeSystem : stri ng ctcGradeCode: stri ng ctcGradeCodeSystem : stri ng seri ousReasonCode: stri ng outcom eCode: stri ng acti onT akenCode: stri ng condi ti onPatternCode: stri ng doseLi m i ti ngT oxi ci tyIndi cator: bool ean doseLi m i ti ngT oxi ci tyDescri pti onT ext: stri ng descri pti onT ext: stri ng Clinical Trials Activ ities::Diagnosis + + + + + + + + survi val StatusCode: i nt survi val StatusDescri pti onT ext: stri ng perform anceStatusCode: i nt perform anceStatusCodeSystem : stri ng pai nIndexCode: i nt pai nIndexCodeSystem : stri ng anam Resul tAccuracyPercent: i nt m enstrual PatternT ypeCode: stri ng m enstrual Indi cator: bool ean Implementation Specific Models CTOM caAERS cd Logical Model Name: Author: Version: Created: Updated: cd Clinical Trials Object Model (CTOM) Name: Author: Version: Created: Updated: Clinical Trials Object Model (CTOM) ScenPro 0.5 7/1/2001 12:00:00 AM 1/19/2006 5:06:46 PM +protocol Protocol + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + StudyInvestigator + i d: i nt + responsibilityRoleCode: string + startDate: date +studyInvestigatorCollection + stopDate: date + statusCode: string 1 +eligibilityCriteriaCollection 0..* + signatureIndicator: boolean +protocolCollection + signatureText: string EligibilityCriteria 1..* 1..* +studyInvestigatorCollection 0..* + i d: i nt + questionText: string +investigator 1 + questionNumber: int + expectedAnswerIndicator: boolean Investigator + + + + + + + + + + + + + + nciIdentifier: string + Person i d: i nt lastName: string firstName: string birthDate: date telecomAddress: string administrativeGenderCode: string countryCode: string educationLevelCode: string ethnicGroupCode: string householdIncomeCode: string maritalStatusCode: string raceCode: string employmentStatusCode: string employmentStatusOtherText: string Logical Model AbdulMalik Shakir 1.0 10/18/2005 8:40:14 PM 12/4/2005 11:25:52 PM PharmacuticalTreatment + administrationRoute: string + totalDoseAdministered: int + administrationDose: int + administrationFrequency: string ::Treatment + courseNujmber: string + cycleNumber: string + negationIndicator: boolean ::Activity + id: long + startTime: dateTime + endTime: dateTime + method: string + reason: string + description: string + status: string PersonOccupation +personOccupationCollection +person 1 0..* + i d: i nt + primaryTypeCode: string + primaryTypeCodeSystem: string + startDate: date + stopDate: date StudyTimePoint + + + + + + i d: i nt visitName: string courseNumber: int epochName: string courseStartDate: date courseStopDate: date Activ ityRelationship Dev ice + implantedDate: dateTime + explantedDate: dateTime + reprocessedIndicator: boolean + availableForEvaluationIndicator: boolean ::Product + name: string + status: string ::ParticipatingEntity + id: long ObservationRelationship + i d: i nt + typeCode: string + sequenceNumber: int + commentText: string i d: i nt nciIdentifier: string amendmentIdentifier: int FemaleReproductiv eCharacteristic amendmentDate: date +studyTimePoint 0..1 +activityRelationshipCollection 0..* + i d: i nt navyNCIIdentifier: string + firstLiveBirthAge: int longTitleText: string + liveBirthCount: int shortTitleText: string + stil BirthCount: int precisText: string 1 +eligibilityCriteria + abortionIndicator: boolean descriptionText: string + menopauseSt a r t D at e : dat e diseaseCode: string +femaleReproductiveCharacteristic +participantEligibilityAnswerCollection +activity 1 +activity 1 + menopauseAge: int Inclusion Exclusion 0..* intentCode: string + menopauseReasonCode: string +participantEligibilityAnswerCollection +participant monitorCode: string Participant Activ ity 1 0..1 + menopauseReasonOtherText: string phaseCode: string ParticipantEligibilityAnswer 0..* 1 + initials: char +participant sponsorCode: string + i d: i nt HealthcareSiteParticipantRole + zipCode: string +protocolStatusCollection blindedIndicator: boolean + i d: i nt + name: string + paymentMethodCode: char multiInstitutionIndicator: boolean +protocol + answerText: string + i d: i nt + type: string + confidentialityIndicator: boolean ProtocolStatus randomizedIndicator: boolean 1 + checklistNumber: string + roleCode: string + descriptionText: string 1..* targetAccrualNumber: int + startDate: date + i d: i nt +participant 1 1 +healthcareSiteRoleCollection 0..* +activityCollection + stopDate: date +participant + statusCode: string + durationValue: int + statusDate: date 0..* +healthcareSiteParticipant 1 +healthcareSiteParticipantCollection 0..* + durationUnitOfMeasureCode: string + plannnedIndicator: boolean HealthcareSite HealthcareSiteParticipant + reasonCode: string Organization +healthcareSiteParticipant + nciInstituteCode: string + i d: i nt + i d: i nt 1+healthcareSite 0..* + participantIdentifier: string + name: string +healthCareSite 1 + descriptionText: string SubstanceAdministration + statusCode: string + anatomicSiteCode: string +studyParticipantAssignmentCollection 0..* + statusDate: date +studyParticipantAssignment + singleDose: int + anatomicSiteCodeSystem: string + streetAddress: string + singleDoseUnitOfMeasureCode: string +study StudyParticipantAssignment 1 + city: string + doseFrequencyCode: string +studySiteCollection 0..* + stateCode: string + doseFrequencyText: string 1 + i d: i nt + postalCode: string + totalDose: int StudySite + studyParticipantIdentifier: int + countryCode: string + totalDoseUnitOfMeasureCode: string + armIdentifier: string + i d: i nt + telecomAddress: string + doseChangeCode: string + subgroupCode: string + roleCode: string + doseChangeIndicatorCode: int SpecimenCollection + informedConsentFormSignedDate: date +protocol + routeCode: string +studySiteCollection + statusCode: string + enrol mentAge: int + targetAccrualNumber: string + siteConditionCode: string 1 + studyAgentDoseLevel: int +substanceAdministrationCollection 0..* 1 0..* 0..* + startDate: date + methodCode: string +studyAgentCollection 0..* + studyAgentDoseLevelUnitOfMeasureCode: string +studySite +substanceAdministrationCollection + stopDate: date + offStudyDate: date + irbApprovalDate: date StudyAgent +specimenCollection 1 1 0..* + offStudyReasonCode: string +subst a nceAdmi n i s t r a t i o n +studyParticipantCollection + offStudyReasonOtherText: string + i d: i nt + eligibilityWaiverReasonText: string + investigationalIndicator: boolean +studyAgent + investigationalNewDrugIdentifier: string +specimenCollection 0..* + statusCode: string 1 +studyAgentCollection +agent +agentOccurrence + statusDate: date Specimen AgentOccurrence 1 Agent 0..* 0..1 + i d: i nt +Agent +AgentOccurrenceCollection + id: int + sampleIdentifier: int + i d: i nt AgentSynonym +agentSynonymCollection + lotNumber: string +agent 1 0..* + sampleTypeCode: string + name: string + formCode: string + i d: i nt + volume: int 0..* 1 + descriptionText: string +agent + expirationDate: date + name: string + volumeUnitOfMeasureCode: string + statusCode: string 1 + i d: i nt + typeCode: string + commentText: string +observationRelationshipCollection 0..* 0..* +activityRelationshipCollection AssessmentRelationship ParticipatingEntityRelationship 0..* +assessmentRelationship +assessmentRelationshipCollection 0..* Treatment ProcedureTreatment ::Treatment + courseNujmber: string + cycleNumber: string + negationIndicator: boolean ::Activity + id: long + startTime: dateTime + endTime: dateTime + method: string + reason: string + description: string + status: string + i d: i nt + typeCode: string + commentText: string 0..* +observationRelationshipCollection + + +observation 1 +observation 1 +activity 1 +activity 1 +observationCollection 0..* + id: int + reportingDate: date + confidentialityCode: string + uncertaintyCode: string + statusCode: string 1..* + + + + + + + ::Activity + id: long + startTime: dateTime + endTime: dateTime + method: string + reason: string + description: string + status: string Location id: long relationshipType: string effectiveFromTime: dateTime effectiveThruTime: dateTime relationshipStatus: string sourceParticipantRole: string targetParticipantRole: string +relationshipCollection 0..* 0..* +relationshipCollection + name: string + description: string + streetAddress: string + city: string + state: string + postalCode: string ::ParticipatingEntity + id: long isContinuing() : boolean isAdjustment() : boolean +targetEntity Activ ityRelationship + + + + + + + + Activ ity id: long +relationshipCollection relationshipType: string effectiveFromTime: dateTime 0..* effectiveThruTime: dateTime +relationshipCollection relationshipStatus: string sourceActivityRole: string 0..* targetActivityRole: string sequence: int +sourceActivity + + 1 + +targetActivity + + 1 + +activityCollection + Activ ityParticipation id: long startTime: dateTime endTime: dateTime method: string reason: string description: string status: string 0..* + +participationCollection + + 0..* + + + + +act 1 +activity DrugProduct + lotNumber: string + expirationDate: date ::Product + name: string + status: string ::ParticipatingEntity + id: long +sourceEntity 1 + i d: i nt + evaluationDate: date Product + name: string + status: string ::ParticipatingEntity + id: long Assessment +assessmentCollection 0..* ClincalStudy + phase: string + title: string ::Activity + id: long + startTime: dateTime + endTime: dateTime + method: string + reason: string + description: string + status: string 1 +assessmentCollection +assessment 1 Observation +observationCollection Protocol + courseNujmber: string + cycleNumber: string + negationIndicator: boolean ::Activity + id: long + startTime: dateTime + endTime: dateTime + method: string + reason: string + description: string + status: string +product 1 +ingredientCollection 1..* +entity + id: long MaterialKind DrugProductIngredient + name: string ::ParticipatingEntity + id: long 1 +entity 1 1 +entityCollection +ingredientCollection 1 +material 0..* + + + + id: long quantity: float activeIngredientIndicator: boolean materialForm: string 0..* +identifierCollection ParticipatingEntityIdentifier 0..* Activ ityKind + grossExamResultCode: string + reportDescriptiveText: string + involvedSurgicalMarginIndicator: boolean +histopathology 1 +histopathology 1 Radiation Surgery + dose: string +histopathologyGradeCollection 0..* +neoplasmCollection 0..* + doseUnitOfMeasureCode: string + scheduleText: string HistopathologyGrade Neoplasm + therapyExtentCode: string ClinicalResult + + + + + + + + + + + panelName: string value: string valueUnitOfMeasureCode: string assayMethodCode: string bodyPositionCode: string labReferenceRangeCode: string labTechniqueCode: string meansVitalStatusObtainedCode: string abnormalIndicator: boolean biomarkerIndicator: boolean significanceIndicator: boolean + i d: i nt +clinicalResultCollection 0..* + i d: i nt + gradeCode: string + cellTypeCode: string + gradeCodeSystem: string + commentText: string +conceptDescriptor 1 LesionDescription + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + lesionNumber: string evaluationNumber: int appearanceTypeCode: string targetNonTargetCode: string measurableIndicator: boolean methodCode: string xDimension: int yDimension: int zDimension: int dimensionProduct: int anatomicSiteCode: string anatomicSiteCodeSystem: string contactAnatomicSiteCode: string contactAnatomicSiteCodeSystem: string previouslyIr adiatedSiteIndicator: string + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +adverseEventTherapyCollection 0..* + imageIdentifier: string + contrastAgentEnhancementIndicator: boolean + enhancementRateValue: int + enhancementDescriptionText: string + + + + + + i d: i nt code: string codeSystem: string codeSystemName: string codeSystemVersion: int displayText: string 1 Diagnosis + + + + + + + + + + + + + name: string diseaseDiagnosisCode: string diseaseDiagnosisCodeSystem: string ageAtDiagnosis: int confirmationDate: date primaryAnatomicSiteCode: string primaryAnatomicSiteCodeSystem: string primaryAnatomicSiteLateralityCode: string recurrenceIndicator: boolean diseaseStatusCode: string sourceCode: string sourceOther: string diseaseExtentText: string +adverseEventReport 0..1 +diagnosis 1 +cancerStage 0..1 + + + + + + + + + + deathDate: date Qualitativ eEvaluation + deathCauseCode: char + deathCauseText: string survivalStatusCode: int + autopsiedIndicator: boolean survivalStatusDescriptionText: string performanceStatusCode: int performanceStatusCodeSystem: string painIndexCode: int DiseaseResponse painIndexCodeSystem: string anamResultAccuracyPercent: int + reponseCode: char menstrualPatternTypeCode: string + responseCodeSystem: string menstrualIndicator: boolean + bestResponseCode: char + bestResponseDate: date + progressionDate: date + progressionPeriod: int + progressionPeriodUnitOfMeasureCode: string + doseChangeIndicatorCode: int + courseDispositionCode: string + commentText: string +observationCollection AdverseEventTherapy AdverseEventReport + i d: i nt + submissionDate: date + filedIndicator: boolean StudySubj ect 0..* Person 1 Adv erseEv entReport + sequenceIdentifier: int + subjectDiscloserAllowed: boolean ::Activity + id: long + startTime: dateTime + endTime: dateTime + method: string + reason: string + description: string + status: string +assigningAuthority +participatingEntityKind +identifierCollection Organization +observationValueKind id: long observationValueCode: string name: string description: string codeSystem: string codeSystemVersion: string id: long identifierValue: string identifierType: string versionIdentifier: string versionEffectiveDate: dateTime +identifierCollection 0..* +assigningAuthority 1 + name: string ::ParticipatingEntity + id: long + isFDA() : boolean + expectedness: boolean + attribution: int + studyDesignBroken: boolean + agentAdjustment: string + administrationDelayed: boolean ::ActivityRelationship +activityRelationshipCollections + id: long +adverseEvent 0..* + relationshipType: string + effectiveFromTime: dateTime + effectiveThruTime: dateTime + relationshipStatus: string + sourceActivityRole: string + targetActivityRole: string + sequence: int + outcome: string + seriousness: string ::Observation ~ resultValue: string + targetAnatomicalSite: string + onsetDateTime: dateTime + effectiveThuTime: dateTime + negationIndicator: boolean ::Activity + id: long 1 + startTime: dateTime + endTime: dateTime + method: string + reason: string + description: string + status: string + isContinuing() : boolean 1 +eventDetailCollection 0..* Adv erseEv entDetailKind + + + + + + id: string adverseEventDetailCode: string name: string description: string codeSystem: string codeSystemVersion: string Adv erseEv entDetail +eventDetailKind 1 + +eventDetailCollection 0..* + + + effectiveFromTime: dateTime effectiveThruTime: dateTime booleanValue: boolean textValue: string 1 0..* Adv erseEv entReportDetail effectiveFromTime: dateTime effectiveThruTime: dateTime booleanValue: boolean textValue: string +adverseEventReportDetailCollection +adverseEventReportDetailKind 0..* 1 Adv erseEv entReportDetailKind + + + + + + + namePrefix: string + firstName: string + middleName: string + lastName: string + nameSuffix: string + occupation: string + emailAddress: string ::ParticipatingEntity + id: long + isHealthProfessional() : boolean +person 0..* OrganizationTelephone + + + + id: long entityType: string name: string description: string codeSystem: string codeSystemVersion: string +telephoneCollection +telephoneCollection +adverseEvent + + + + + + 1 +adverseEventReport 1 +adverseEventReportDetailCollection Adv erseEv ent Adv erseEv entActiv ityRelationship hasAmendedData() : boolean sentToFDA() : boolean initialSentToFDA() : boolean sentToManufacturer() : boolean treatmentDelayed() : boolean delayDuration() : real delayDurationUnits() : string 1 ParticipatingEntityKind Activ ityIdentifier + + + + + +organization + + + + +AdverseEventReportCollection + + 0..* + Observ ationValueKind + + + + + + CancerStage MetastasisSite +cancerStage +metastasisSiteCollection + i d: i nt + tnmStage: string + i d: i nt 1..* + tnmStageCodeSystem: string 1 + anatomicSiteCode: string + stageCode: string + anatomicSiteCodeSystem: string + stageCodeSystem: string id: long identifierValue: string identifierType: string +identifierCollection ~ resultValue: string + targetAnatomicalSite: string + onsetDateTime: dateTime 1 + effectiveThuTime: dateTime + negationIndicator: boolean ::Activity + id: long + startTime: dateTime + endTime: dateTime + method: string + reason: string 0..* + description: string + status: string +adverseEvent + i d: i nt + treatmentDate: date + delayDuration: int + delayDurationUnitOfMeasureCode: string + intensityCode: string + + + Observ ation +activityKind id: long activityCode: string name: string description: string codeSystem: string codeSystemVersion: string DeathSummary +adverseEventCollection 1..* ConceptDescriptor Imaging + evaluationCode: char onsetDate: date resolvedDate: date ctcCategoryCode: string ctcCategoryCodeSystem: string ctcTermTypeCode: string ctcTermTypeCodeSystem: string ctcAttributionCode: string ctcAttributionCodeSystem: string ctcGradeCode: string ctcGradeCodeSystem: string seriousReasonCode: string outcomeCode: string actionTakenCode: string conditionPatternCode: string doseLimitingToxicityIndicator: boolean doseLimitingToxicityDescriptionText: string descriptionText: string +adverseEventCollection 1 + + + + + + LesionEvaluation AdverseEvent Histopathology Procedure id: adverseEventReportDetailCode: string name: string description: string codeSystem: string codeSystemVersion: string 1 ParticipatingEntity id: long type: string +participationCollection effectiveFromTime: dateTime effectiveThruTime: dateTime 0..* participantRole: string participantSignature: string participantSignatureDate: dateTime + + + + + id: long usageType: string equipmentType: string phoneNumber: string extendedPhoneNumber: string 1 0..* PersonTelephone + + + + + id: long usageType: string equipmentType: string phoneNumber: string extendedPhoneNumber: string + birthDate: date + gender: string + race: string + ethnicGroup: string + deceaseDate: date ::Person + namePrefix: string + firstName: string + middleName: string + lastName: string + nameSuffix: string + occupation: string + emailAddress: string ::ParticipatingEntity + id: long •Lab SIG Model •Study Calendar SIG Model •Financial SIG Model cd Comprehensiv e Model Clinical Trials Activ ities:: PerformedStudy + + + + + + + + + + + + id: BRIDGID longTitle: string shortTitle: string phaseCode: ENUM intentCode: ENUM monitorCode: ENUM blindedInd: boolean randomizedInd: boolean diseaseCode: CodedConceptDataType sponsorCode: CodedConceptDataType multiInstitutionInd: boolean targetAccrualNumber: int BRIDG - Implementation Independent Domain Analysis Model cd Comprehensiv e M odel BRIDG Shared Classes::Participation BRIDG Shared Classes::Role + + + + + + + + i d: CodedConcept code: CodedConcept status: el ectroni cCom m Addr: geographi cAddr: tel ecom Addr: effecti veStartDate: DAT ET IM E effecti veEndDate: DAT ET IM E has a 1 + + + + + BRIDG Shared Classes:: RoleRoleRelationship 1..* + + + has a 1 source: type: CodedConcept target: i d: CodedConcept adm i ni strati veGenderCode: BRIDGCodedConcept dateOfBi rth: DAT ET IM E raceCode: BRIDGCodedConcept ethni cGroupCode: BRIDGCodedConcept m ari tal StatusCode: BRIDGCodedConcept el ectroni cCom m Addr: househol dIncom eCategory: BRIDGCodedConcept educati onLevel Code: BRIDGCodedConcept tel ecom Address: T EL nam e: enti tyNam e dateOfDeath: DAT ET IM E address: addrT ype Clinical Research Entities and Roles:: PersonRole ::Rol e + i d: CodedConcept + code: CodedConcept + status: + el ectroni cCom m Addr: + geographi cAddr: + tel ecom Addr: + effecti veStartDate: DAT ET IM E + effecti veEndDate: DAT ET IM E paym entM ethod: CodedConcept confi denti al i tyCode: stri ng + + + + + + + + + + + + + Clinical Trials Activ ities::Subj ectAssignment + si gnatureCode: i nt + si gnatureT ext: stri ng ::Parti ci pati on + type: CodedConcept + status: CodedConcept + statusDate: DAT ET IM E + startDate: DAT ET IM E + endDate: DAT ET IM E 0..* 1 0..1 + studySubj ectIdenti fi er: i nt + arm : stri ng + subgroupCode: stri ng + i nform edConsentForm Si gnedDate: + offStudyDate: date + studyAgentDoseLevel : stri ng + el i gi bi l i tyWai verReason: stri ng + ageAtEnrol l m ent: i nt ::Parti ci pati on + type: CodedConcept + status: CodedConcept + statusDate: DAT ET IM E + startDate: DAT ET IM E + endDate: DAT ET IM E code: PSMCodedConcept derivationExpres s ion: TEXT des cription: PSMDes cription s tartDate: DATETIME s tatus : PSMCodedConcept availabilityTim e: Tim ingSpecification priorityCode: PSMCodedConcept confidentialityCode: PSMCodedConcept repeatNum ber: rangeOfIntegers interruptibleIndicator: BOOLEAN uncertaintyCode: CodedConcept reas onCode: PSMCodedConcept endDate: DATETIME date 1 1 0..* 0..* Clinical Research Entities and Roles:: TherapeuticAgent 1 0..* +target acti vi ty ::Parti ci pati on + type: CodedConcept + status: CodedConcept + statusDate: DAT ET IM E + startDate: DAT ET IM E + endDate: DAT ET IM E Clinical Trials Activ ities:: PerformedStudy 1 1 1 0..* 1 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + i d: BRIDGID l ongT i tl e: stri ng shortT i tl e: stri ng phaseCode: ENUM i ntentCode: ENUM m oni torCode: ENUM bl i ndedInd: bool ean random i zedInd: bool ean di seaseCode: CodedConceptDataT ype sponsorCode: CodedConceptDataT ype m ul ti Insti tuti onInd: bool ean targetAccrual Num ber: i nt + + + + + + + + + * * rel ati onshi pCode: PSM CodedConcept Obsol ete_rel ati onQual i fi er: BRIDGCodedConcept sequenceNum ber: NUM BER pauseCri teri on: checkpoi ntCode: pri ori tyNum ber: NUM BER spl i tCode: negati onRul e: AbstractRul e j oi nCode: negati onIndi cator: BOOLEAN conj uncti onCode: Clinical Trials Activ ities::PlannedStudy ::Acti vi ty + code: PSM CodedConcept + deri vati onExpressi on: T EXT + descri pti on: PSM Descri pti on + startDate: DAT ET IM E + status: PSM CodedConcept + avai l abi l i tyT i m e: T i m i ngSpeci fi cati on + pri ori tyCode: PSM CodedConcept + confi denti al i tyCode: PSM CodedConcept + repeatNum ber: rangeOfIntegers + i nterrupti bl eIndi cator: BOOLEAN + uncertai ntyCode: CodedConcept + reasonCode: PSM CodedConcept + endDate: DAT ET IM E Clinical Trials Activ ities::PlannedActiv ity ::Acti vi ty + code: PSM CodedConcept + deri vati onExpressi on: T EXT + descri pti on: PSM Descri pti on + startDate: DAT ET IM E + status: PSM CodedConcept + avai l abi l i tyT i m e: T i m i ngSpeci fi cati on + pri ori tyCode: PSM CodedConcept + confi denti al i tyCode: PSM CodedConcept + repeatNum ber: rangeOfIntegers + i nterrupti bl eIndi cator: BOOLEAN + uncertai ntyCode: CodedConcept + reasonCode: PSM CodedConcept + endDate: DAT ET IM E + pl annnedUnpl annedInd: bool ean ::Acti vi ty + code: PSM CodedConcept + deri vati onExpressi on: T EXT + descri pti on: PSM Descri pti on + startDate: DAT ET IM E + status: PSM CodedConcept + avai l abi l i tyT i m e: T i m i ngSpeci fi cati on + pri ori tyCode: PSM CodedConcept + confi denti al i tyCode: PSM CodedConcept + repeatNum ber: rangeOfIntegers + i nterrupti bl eIndi cator: BOOLEAN + uncertai ntyCode: CodedConcept + reasonCode: PSM CodedConcept + endDate: DAT ET IM E Clinical Trials Activ ities:: StudySite + targetAccrual Num ber: i nt ::Parti ci pati on + type: CodedConcept + status: CodedConcept + statusDate: DAT ET IM E + startDate: DAT ET IM E + endDate: DAT ET IM E Clinical Trials Activ ities:: StudyAgent Clinical Research Entities and Roles:: AgentRole i d: CodedConcept nam e: stri ng descri pti on: stri ng status: CodedConcept form Code: CodedConcept l otNum ber: i nt expi rati onDate: DAT ET IM E stabi l i tyT i m e: DAT ET IM E +source acti vi ty Clinical Trials Activ ities::PerformedActiv ity 0..* Clinical Research Entities and Roles:: FundingSponsor Clinical Research Entities and Roles:: HealthCareSite Clinical Research Entities and Roles::Agent 0..* certi fi cateLi censeT ext: Clinical Research Entities and Roles::Participant + + Clinical Research Entities and Roles::OrganizationRole i d: CodedConcept nam e: stri ng descri pti on: stri ng status: CodedConcept statusDate: DAT ET IM E geographi cAddr: addrT ype tel ecom Addr: T EL + + + + + + + + 1 + Clinical Research Entities and Roles::Organization + + + + + + + Clinical Trials Activ ities:: StudyInv estigator Clinical Research Entities and Roles:: Inv estigator BRIDG Shared Classes:: Activ ityActiv ityRelationship BRIDG Shared Classes::Activity type: CodedConcept status: CodedConcept statusDate: DAT ET IM E startDate: DAT ET IM E endDate: DAT ET IM E 1..* Clinical Research Entities and Roles::Person + + + + + + + + + + + + + Protocol Concepts::StudyDocument + + + + + + + + + versi on: stri ng author: SET ID: SET BRIDGID docum entID: BRIDGID type: ENUM descri pti on: BRIDGDescri pti on ti tl e: stri ng status: BRIDGStatus confi denti al i tyCode: CodedConcept Clinical Trials Activ ities:: AssessmentRelationship Clinical Trials Activ ities:: Observ ationRelationship + + + + + i d: i nt type: stri ng com m ents: stri ng 0..* 0..* 1 1 0..* BRIDG Shared Classes:: BRIDGCodedConcept nam e: T EXT val ue: control l edNam e: PSM CodedConcept busi nessProcessM ode: PSM Busi nessProcessM ode - BRIDG Shared Classes:: BRIDGContactAddr code: T EXT codeSystem : codeSystem Nam e: T EXT codeSystem Versi on: NUM BER di spl ayNam e: T EXT ori gi nal T ext: T EXT transl ati on: SET {PSM CodedConcept} BRIDG Shared Classes::BRIDGDescription + + + synopsi s: Encapsul atedData sum m aryDescri pti on: Encapsul atedData detai l edDescri pti on: Encapsul atedData + + 1..* m odeVal ue: + + + ENUM {Pl an, Execute} + startT i m e: endT i m e: + + + source: T ext versi on: T ext val ue: T ext 0..* + + + Clinical Trials Activ ities:: SubstanceAdministration + + + + + + 0..* «abstracti on» 1 date 0..* Clinical Trials Activ ities::Adv erseEv ent Clinical Trials Activ ities::Histopathology ti m estam p ti m estam p BRIDG Shared Classes:: BRIDGStatus i d: i nt eval uati onDate: 0..* BRIDG Shared Classes: :BRIDGInterv al type: BRIDGCodedConcept effecti veT i m e: BRIDGInterval usage: BRIDGCodedConcept BRIDG Shared Classes:: BRIDGID BRIDG Shared Classes:: BRIDGBusinessProcessM ode + + + + 0..* Clinical Trials Activities::Assessment i d: i nt reporti ngDate: date confi denti al i tyCode: stri ng uncertai ntyCode: stri ng statusCode: stri ng 1 BRIDG Shared Classes::BRIDGAnalysisVariable + + + + i d: i nt typeCode: stri ng com m entT ext: stri ng 1 Clinical Trials Activ ities::Observ ation + + + + + doseQuanti ty: i nt doseUni tOfM easure: stri ng route: stri ng doseFrequency: stri ng doseM odi fi cati onT ype: stri ng doseChangeT ype: i nt grossExam Resul tCode: stri ng reportDescri pti veT ext: stri ng i nvol vedSurgi cal M argi nIndi cator: 1 0..* effecti veEndDate: effecti veStartDate: statusVal ue: + targetSi teCode: Clinical Trials Activ ities:: ClinicalResult + + + + + + + + + + + bool ean 1 Clinical Trials Activ ities:: HistopathologyGrade Clinical Trials Activ ities::Procedure stri ng + + + + i d: i nt gradi ngSystem Nam e: grade: stri ng com m ents: stri ng stri ng panel Nam e: stri ng val ue: stri ng val ueUni tOfM easureCode: stri ng assayM ethodCode: stri ng bodyPosi ti onCode: stri ng l abReferenceRangeCode: stri ng l abT echni queCode: stri ng m eansVi tal StatusObtai nedCod: stri ng abnorm al Indi cator: bool ean bi om arkerInd: bool ean si gni fi canceInd: bool ean 0..* Clinical Trials Activ ities:: LesionDescription + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + l esi onNum ber: stri ng eval uati onNum ber: i nt appearanceT ypeCode: stri ng targetNonT argetCode: stri ng m easurabl eIndi cator: bool ean m ethodCode: stri ng xDi m ensi on: i nt yDi m ensi on: i nt zDi m ensi on: i nt di m ensi onProduct: i nt anatom i cSi teCode: stri ng anatom i cSi teCodeSystem : stri ng contactAnatom i cSi teCode: stri ng contactAnatom i cSi teCodeSytem : stri ng previ ousl yIrradi atedSi teIndi cator: bool ean + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + onsetDate: date resol vedDate: date ctcCategoryCode: stri ng ctcCategoryCodeSystem : stri ng ctcT erm T ypeCode: stri ng ctcT erm T ypeCodeSystem : stri ng ctcAttri buti onCode: stri ng ctcAttri buti onCodeSystem : stri ng ctcGradeCode: stri ng ctcGradeCodeSystem : stri ng seri ousReasonCode: stri ng outcom eCode: stri ng acti onT akenCode: stri ng condi ti onPatternCode: stri ng doseLi m i ti ngT oxi ci tyIndi cator: bool ean doseLi m i ti ngT oxi ci tyDescri pti onT ext: stri ng descri pti onT ext: stri ng 1..* Clinical Trials Activ ities:: Neoplasm Clinical Trials Activ ities:: Surgery Clinical Trials Activ ities:: SpecimenCollection + + Clinical Trials Activ ities:: Radiation si teCondi ti on: stri ng m ethod: stri ng +speci m enCol l ecti on + + + therapyT ype: stri ng doseUni tOfM easure: dose: stri ng + + i denti fi er: stri ng contrastAgentEnhancem ent: stri ng descri pti veT ext: stri ng rateOfEnhancem entVal ue: i nt i d: i nt cel l T ype: 0..1 stri ng + + + + + + + + + + + + + responseCode: char responseCodeSystem : stri ng bestResponseCode: char bestResponseDate: date progressi onDate: date progressi onPeri od: i nt progressi onPeri odUni tOfM easureCode: doseChangeIndi catorCode: i nt courseDi sposi ti onCode: stri ng com m entT ext: stri ng + + + + + i d: i nt tnm Stage: stri ng tnm StageCodeSystem : stri ng stageCode: stri ng stageCodeSystem : stri ng i d: i nt subm i ssi onDate: date fi l edIndi cator: bool ean Clinical Trials Activ ities:: DeathSummary + + + + deathDate: date deathCauseCode: char deathCauseT ext: stri ng autopsi edIndi cator: bool ean 1 0..* 1..* 0..* Clinical Trials Activ ities:: Adv erseEv entTherapy Clinical Trials Activ ities: :Specimen i d: i nt i dNum ber: i nt sam pl i ngT ype: + + + + + stri ng i d: i nt treatm entDate: date del ayDurati on: i nt del ayDurati onUni tOfM easureCode: i ntensi tyCode: stri ng stri ng 1 0..1 Clinical Trials Activ ities:: M etastasisSite + + + i d: i nt anatom i cSi teCode: stri ng anatom i cSi teCodeNam e: stri ng stri ng Clinical Trials Activ ities:: LesionEv aluation + eval uati onCode: char Clinical Trials Activ ities:: Qualitativ eEv aluation 1 +speci m enCol l ecti on + + + Clinical Trials Activ ities::DiseaseResponse nam e: stri ng di seaseDi agnosi sCode: stri ng di seaseDi agnosi sCodeSystem : stri ng ageAtDi agnosi s: i nt confi rm ati onDate: date pri m aryAnatom i cSi teCode: stri ng pri m aryAnatom i cSi teCodeSystem : stri ng pri m aryAnatom i cSi teLateral i tyCode: stri ng recurrenceIndi cator: bool ean di seaseStatusCode: stri ng sourceCode: stri ng sourceOther: stri ng di seaseExtentT ext: stri ng Clinical Trials Activ ities:: CancerStage 1 Clinical Trials Activ ities:: Adv erseEv entReport Clinical Trials Activ ities::Imaging + + + + stri ng Clinical Trials Activ ities::Diagnosis + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + survi val StatusCode: i nt survi val StatusDescri pti onT ext: stri ng perform anceStatusCode: i nt perform anceStatusCodeSystem : stri ng pai nIndexCode: i nt pai nIndexCodeSystem : stri ng anam Resul tAccuracyPercent: i nt m enstrual PatternT ypeCode: stri ng m enstrual Indi cator: bool ean cd Logical Model cd Clinical Trials Obj ect Model (CTOM) Implementation Specific Models Protocol Protocol + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + id: int nciIdentifier: string amendmentIdentifier: int amendmentDate: date navyNCIIdentifier: string longTitleText: string shortTitleText: string precisText: string descriptionText: string diseaseCode: string intentCode: string monitorCode: string phaseCode: string sponsorCode: string blindedIndicator: boolean multiInstitutionIndicator: boolean randomizedIndicator: boolean targetAccrualNumber: int CTOM cd Clinical Trials Object Model (CTOM) Name: Author: Version: Created: Updated: Clinical Trials Object Model (CTOM) ScenPro 0.5 7/1/2001 12:00:00 AM 1/19/2006 5:06:46 PM +protocol Protocol + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Person StudyInvestigator + i d: i nt + responsibilityRoleCode: string + startDate: date +studyInvestigatorCollection + stopDate: date + statusCode: string 1 +eligibilityCriteriaCollection 0..* + signatureIndicator: boolean +protocolCollection + signatureText: string EligibilityCriteria 1..* 1..* +studyInvestigatorCollection 0..* + i d: i nt + questionText: string +investigator 1 + questionNumber: int + expectedAnswerIndicator: boolean Investigator + + + + + + + + + + + + + + nciIdentifier: string + i d: i nt lastName: string firstName: string birthDate: date telecomAddress: string administrativeGenderCode: string countryCode: string educationLevelCode: string ethnicGroupCode: string householdIncomeCode: string maritalStatusCode: string raceCode: string employmentStatusCode: string employmentStatusOtherText: string PersonOccupation +personOccupationCollection +person 1 0..* i d: i nt nciIdentifier: string amendmentIdentifier: int amendmentDate: date navyNCIIdentifier: string longTitleText: string shortTitleText: string precisText: string 1 +eligibilityCriteria descriptionText: string diseaseCode: string +participantEligibilityAnswerCollection Inclusion Exclusion 0..* intentCode: string +participantEligibilityAnswerCollection +participant monitorCode: string phaseCode: string ParticipantEligibilityAnswer 0..* 1+ sponsorCode: string HealthcareSiteParticipantRole + +protocolStatusCollection blindedIndicator: boolean + i d: i nt + multiInstitutionIndicator: boolean +protocol + answerText: string + i d: i nt + ProtocolStatus randomizedIndicator: boolean 1 + checklistNumber: string + roleCode: string 1..* targetAccrualNumber: int + i d: i nt +healthcareSiteRoleCollection 0..* + statusCode: string + statusDate: date Organization +study 1 + + + + + + + + + + + i d: i nt name: string descriptionText: string statusCode: string statusDate: date streetAddress: string city: string stateCode: string postalCode: string countryCode: string telecomAddress: string FemaleReproductiv eCharacteristic +studyParticipantAssignmentCollection 0..* +studyParticipantAssignment StudyParticipantAssignment +studySiteCollection 0..* StudySite 0..* 1 i d: i nt studyParticipantIdentifier: int armIdentifier: string subgroupCode: string informedConsentFormSignedDate: date enrol mentAge: int studyAgentDoseLevel: int studyAgentDoseLevelUnitOfMeasureCode: string offStudyDate: date offStudyReasonCode: string offStudyReasonOtherText: string eligibilityWaiverReasonText: string Agent +Agent AgentSynonym +agentSynonymCollection 0..* StudyTimePoint + + + + + + i d: i nt visitName: string courseNumber: int epochName: string courseStartDate: date courseStopDate: date Activ ityRelationship + i d: i nt + typeCode: string + sequenceNumber: int + commentText: string +studyTimePoint 0..1 +activityRelationshipCollection 0..* 0..* +activityRelationshipCollection + i d: i nt + firstLiveBirthAge: int + liveBirthCount: int + stil BirthCount: int + abortionIndicator: boolean +femaleReproductiveCharacteristic + menopauseStartDate: date +activity 1 +activity 1 +activity 1 + menopauseAge: int + menopauseReasonCode: string Participant Activ ity +activity 1 0..1 + menopauseReasonOtherText: string initials: char +participant + i d: i nt 1 zipCode: string + name: string paymentMethodCode: char + type: string confidentialityIndicator: boolean + descriptionText: string + startDate: date +participant 1 1 +activityCollection + stopDate: date +participant + durationValue: int 0..* +healthcareSiteParticipant 1 +healthcareSiteParticipantCollection 0..* + durationUnitOfMeasureCode: string + plannnedIndicator: boolean HealthcareSite HealthcareSiteParticipant + reasonCode: string +healthcareSiteParticipant + nciInstituteCode: string + i d: i nt 1+healthcareSite 0..* + participantIdentifier: string +healthCareSite 1 Procedure SubstanceAdministration + + + + i d: i nt + + roleCode: string + +protocol +studySiteCollection + statusCode: string + + targetAccrualNumber: string 1 + 0. . * + st a r t D at e : dat e 0. . * +studyAgentCollection + +studySite + stopDate: date + + irbApprovalDate: date StudyAgent 1 0..* + +studyParticipantCollection + + i d: i nt + + investigationalIndicator: boolean +studyAgent + investigationalNewDrugIdentifier: string + statusCode: string 1 +studyAgentCollection +agent + statusDate: date + i d: i nt + name: string + i d: i nt + primaryTypeCode: string + primaryTypeCodeSystem: string + startDate: date + stopDate: date +agent + i d: i nt 1 + name: string 1 + descriptionText: string +agent + statusCode: string 1 + + + + + + + + + 1 singleDose: int singleDoseUnitOfMeasureCode: string doseFrequencyCode: string doseFrequencyText: string totalDose: int totalDoseUnitOfMeasureCode: string doseChangeCode: string doseChangeIndicatorCode: int routeCode: string +substanceAdministrationCollection 0..* + anatomicSiteCode: string + anatomicSiteCodeSystem: string Radiation Surgery SpecimenCollection + siteConditionCode: string 1 0..* + methodCode: string +substanceAdministrationCollection +specimenCollection 1 +specimenCollection 0..* +agentOccurrence AgentOccurrence +AgentOccurrenceCollection + id: int + lotNumber: string 0..* + formCode: string + expirationDate: date 0..1 Specimen + + + + + Imaging + imageIdentifier: string i d: i nt + contrastAgentEnhancementIndicator: boolean sampleIdentifier: int + enhancementRateValue: int sampleTypeCode: string + enhancementDescriptionText: string volume: int volumeUnitOfMeasureCode: string Name: Author: Version: Created: Updated: Logical Model AbdulMalik Shakir 1.0 10/18/2005 8:40:14 PM 12/4/2005 11:25:52 PM cd Logical Model PharmacuticalTreatment + administrationRoute: string + totalDoseAdministered: int + administrationDose: int + administrationFrequency: string ::Treatment + courseNujmber: string + cycleNumber: string + negationIndicator: boolean ::Activity + id: long + startTime: dateTime + endTime: dateTime + method: string + reason: string + description: string + status: string Dev ice + implantedDate: dateTime + explantedDate: dateTime + reprocessedIndicator: boolean + availableForEvaluationIndicator: boolean ::Product + name: string + status: string ::ParticipatingEntity + id: long ObservationRelationship + i d: i nt + typeCode: string + commentText: string +observationRelationshipCollection 0..* AssessmentRelationship 0..* +observationRelationshipCollection 0..* +assessmentRelationship +assessmentRelationshipCollection 0..* Observation +observationCollection +observationCollection 0..* + id: int + reportingDate: date + confidentialityCode: string + uncertaintyCode: string + statusCode: string 1..* + i d: i nt + evaluationDate: date + grossExamResultCode: string + reportDescriptiveText: string + involvedSurgicalMarginIndicator: boolean +histopathology 1 +histopathology 1 ClinicalResult + + + + + + + + + + + panelName: string value: string valueUnitOfMeasureCode: string assayMethodCode: string bodyPositionCode: string labReferenceRangeCode: string labTechniqueCode: string meansVitalStatusObtainedCode: string abnormalIndicator: boolean biomarkerIndicator: boolean significanceIndicator: boolean + i d: i nt +clinicalResultCollection 0..* + i d: i nt + gradeCode: string + cellTypeCode: string + gradeCodeSystem: string + commentText: string +conceptDescriptor 1 LesionDescription + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + lesionNumber: string evaluationNumber: int appearanceTypeCode: string targetNonTargetCode: string measurableIndicator: boolean methodCode: string xDimension: int yDimension: int zDimension: int dimensionProduct: int anatomicSiteCode: string anatomicSiteCodeSystem: string contactAnatomicSiteCode: string contactAnatomicSiteCodeSystem: string previouslyIr adiatedSiteIndicator: string + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +adverseEventCollection 1 + + + + + +relationshipCollection 0..* Diagnosis + + + + + + + + + + + + + name: string diseaseDiagnosisCode: string diseaseDiagnosisCodeSystem: string ageAtDiagnosis: int confirmationDate: date primaryAnatomicSiteCode: string primaryAnatomicSiteCodeSystem: string primaryAnatomicSiteLateralityCode: string recurrenceIndicator: boolean diseaseStatusCode: string sourceCode: string sourceOther: string diseaseExtentText: string +adverseEventReport 0..1 AdverseEventTherapy AdverseEventReport i d: i nt treatmentDate: date delayDuration: int delayDurationUnitOfMeasureCode: string intensityCode: string + i d: i nt + submissionDate: date + filedIndicator: boolean +diagnosis 1 +cancerStage 0..1 + + + + + + + + + + deathDate: date Qualitativ eEvaluation + deathCauseCode: char + deathCauseText: string survivalStatusCode: int + autopsiedIndicator: boolean survivalStatusDescriptionText: string performanceStatusCode: int performanceStatusCodeSystem: string painIndexCode: int DiseaseResponse painIndexCodeSystem: string anamResultAccuracyPercent: int + reponseCode: char menstrualPatternTypeCode: string + responseCodeSystem: string menstrualIndicator: boolean + bestResponseCode: char + bestResponseDate: date + progressionDate: date + progressionPeriod: int + progressionPeriodUnitOfMeasureCode: string + doseChangeIndicatorCode: int + courseDispositionCode: string + commentText: string + + + + + + + + id: long +relationshipCollection relationshipType: string effectiveFromTime: dateTime 0..* effectiveThruTime: dateTime +relationshipCollection relationshipStatus: string sourceActivityRole: string 0..* targetActivityRole: string sequence: int +sourceActivity + + 1 + +targetActivity + + 1 + +activityCollection + Activ ityParticipation id: long startTime: dateTime endTime: dateTime method: string reason: string description: string status: string 0..* + +participationCollection + + 0..* + + + + +act 1 +activity Product +sourceEntity + id: long MaterialKind DrugProductIngredient + name: string ::ParticipatingEntity + id: long 1 +entity 1 +entityCollection 0..* +identifierCollection Activ ityKind Observ ation +activityKind id: long activityCode: string name: string description: string codeSystem: string codeSystemVersion: string 1 +observationCollection id: long identifierValue: string identifierType: string +identifierCollection ~ resultValue: string + targetAnatomicalSite: string + onsetDateTime: dateTime 1 + effectiveThuTime: dateTime + negationIndicator: boolean ::Activity + id: long + startTime: dateTime + endTime: dateTime + method: string + reason: string 0..* + description: string + status: string Person 1 +assigningAuthority +participatingEntityKind +identifierCollection Organization id: long identifierValue: string identifierType: string versionIdentifier: string versionEffectiveDate: dateTime +identifierCollection 0..* +assigningAuthority 1 + name: string ::ParticipatingEntity + id: long + isFDA() : boolean +organization + + + + +AdverseEventReportCollection + + 0..* + Observ ationValueKind +observationValueKind + + + + + + id: long observationValueCode: string name: string description: string codeSystem: string codeSystemVersion: string + expectedness: boolean + attribution: int + studyDesignBroken: boolean + agentAdjustment: string + administrationDelayed: boolean ::ActivityRelationship +activityRelationshipCollections + id: long +adverseEvent 0..* + relationshipType: string + effectiveFromTime: dateTime + effectiveThruTime: dateTime + relationshipStatus: string + sourceActivityRole: string + targetActivityRole: string + sequence: int + outcome: string + seriousness: string ::Observation ~ resultValue: string + targetAnatomicalSite: string + onsetDateTime: dateTime + effectiveThuTime: dateTime + negationIndicator: boolean ::Activity + id: long 1 + startTime: dateTime + endTime: dateTime + method: string + reason: string + description: string + status: string + isContinuing() : boolean +adverseEvent 1 +eventDetailCollection 0..* Adv erseEv entDetailKind + + + + + + id: string adverseEventDetailCode: string name: string description: string codeSystem: string codeSystemVersion: string Adv erseEv entDetail +eventDetailKind 1 + +eventDetailCollection 0..* + + + effectiveFromTime: dateTime effectiveThruTime: dateTime booleanValue: boolean textValue: string 1 0..* Adv erseEv entReportDetail effectiveFromTime: dateTime effectiveThruTime: dateTime booleanValue: boolean textValue: string +adverseEventReportDetailCollection +adverseEventReportDetailKind 0..* 1 Adv erseEv entReportDetailKind + + + + + + + namePrefix: string + firstName: string + middleName: string + lastName: string + nameSuffix: string + occupation: string + emailAddress: string ::ParticipatingEntity + id: long + isHealthProfessional() : boolean +person 0..* OrganizationTelephone + + + + id: long entityType: string name: string description: string codeSystem: string codeSystemVersion: string +telephoneCollection +telephoneCollection +adverseEvent + + + + + + 1 +adverseEventReport 1 +adverseEventReportDetailCollection Adv erseEv ent Adv erseEv entActiv ityRelationship hasAmendedData() : boolean sentToFDA() : boolean initialSentToFDA() : boolean sentToManufacturer() : boolean treatmentDelayed() : boolean delayDuration() : real delayDurationUnits() : string 1 ParticipatingEntityKind Activ ityIdentifier + + + + + id: adverseEventReportDetailCode: string name: string description: string codeSystem: string codeSystemVersion: string +ingredientCollection 1 +material 0..* + + + + id: long quantity: float activeIngredientIndicator: boolean materialForm: string StudySubj ect 0..* Adv erseEv entReport + sequenceIdentifier: int + subjectDiscloserAllowed: boolean ::Activity + id: long + startTime: dateTime + endTime: dateTime + method: string + reason: string + description: string + status: string + + + + + 1 +ingredientCollection 1..* +entity ParticipatingEntityIdentifier 0..* + + + + + + DrugProduct + lotNumber: string + expirationDate: date ::Product + name: string + status: string ::ParticipatingEntity + id: long +product 1 ParticipatingEntity id: long type: string +participationCollection effectiveFromTime: dateTime effectiveThruTime: dateTime 0..* participantRole: string participantSignature: string participantSignatureDate: dateTime 1 + + + ::Activity + id: long + startTime: dateTime + endTime: dateTime + method: string + reason: string + description: string + status: string + name: string + status: string ::ParticipatingEntity + id: long 1 CancerStage MetastasisSite +cancerStage +metastasisSiteCollection + i d: i nt + tnmStage: string + i d: i nt 1..* + tnmStageCodeSystem: string 1 + anatomicSiteCode: string + stageCode: string + anatomicSiteCodeSystem: string + stageCodeSystem: string 0..* +relationshipCollection + name: string + description: string + streetAddress: string + city: string + state: string + postalCode: string ::ParticipatingEntity + id: long Activ ity DeathSummary +adverseEventCollection 1..* +adverseEventTherapyCollection 0..* i d: i nt code: string codeSystem: string codeSystemName: string codeSystemVersion: int displayText: string Location id: long relationshipType: string effectiveFromTime: dateTime effectiveThruTime: dateTime relationshipStatus: string sourceParticipantRole: string targetParticipantRole: string +targetEntity + evaluationCode: char onsetDate: date resolvedDate: date ctcCategoryCode: string ctcCategoryCodeSystem: string ctcTermTypeCode: string ctcTermTypeCodeSystem: string ctcAttributionCode: string ctcAttributionCodeSystem: string ctcGradeCode: string ctcGradeCodeSystem: string seriousReasonCode: string outcomeCode: string actionTakenCode: string conditionPatternCode: string doseLimitingToxicityIndicator: boolean doseLimitingToxicityDescriptionText: string descriptionText: string ConceptDescriptor + + + + + + + + + + + + + ::Activity + id: long + startTime: dateTime + endTime: dateTime + method: string + reason: string + description: string + status: string isContinuing() : boolean isAdjustment() : boolean Activ ityRelationship LesionEvaluation AdverseEvent Histopathology + + ClincalStudy + phase: string + title: string ::Activity + id: long + startTime: dateTime + endTime: dateTime + method: string + reason: string + description: string + status: string Assessment +assessmentCollection 0..* Protocol + courseNujmber: string + cycleNumber: string + negationIndicator: boolean ::Activity + id: long + startTime: dateTime + endTime: dateTime + method: string + reason: string + description: string + status: string 1 +assessmentCollection +assessment 1 ClincalStudy ParticipatingEntityRelationship Treatment ProcedureTreatment ::Treatment + courseNujmber: string + cycleNumber: string + negationIndicator: boolean ::Activity + id: long + startTime: dateTime + endTime: dateTime + method: string + reason: string + description: string + status: string + i d: i nt + typeCode: string + commentText: string +observation 1 +observation 1 + dose: string +histopathologyGradeCollection 0..* +neoplasmCollection 0..* + doseUnitOfMeasureCode: string + scheduleText: string HistopathologyGrade Neoplasm + therapyExtentCode: string +substanceAdministration caAERS cd Logical Model id: long usageType: string equipmentType: string phoneNumber: string extendedPhoneNumber: string 1 0..* PersonTelephone + + + + + id: long usageType: string equipmentType: string phoneNumber: string extendedPhoneNumber: string + birthDate: date + gender: string + race: string + ethnicGroup: string + deceaseDate: date ::Person + namePrefix: string + firstName: string + middleName: string + lastName: string + nameSuffix: string + occupation: string + emailAddress: string ::ParticipatingEntity + id: long + phase: string + title: string ::Activity + id: long + startTime: dateTime + endTime: dateTime + method: string + reason: string + description: string + status: string •Lab SIG Model •Study Calendar SIG Model •Financial SIG Model BRIDG - Implementation Independent Domain Analysis Model cd Comprehensiv e Model cd Comprehensiv e M odel BRIDG Shared Classes::Participation BRIDG Shared Classes::Role + + + + + + + + i d: CodedConcept code: CodedConcept status: el ectroni cCom m Addr: geographi cAddr: tel ecom Addr: effecti veStartDate: DAT ET IM E effecti veEndDate: DAT ET IM E i d: CodedConcept adm i ni strati veGenderCode: BRIDGCodedConcept dateOfBi rth: DAT ET IM E raceCode: BRIDGCodedConcept ethni cGroupCode: BRIDGCodedConcept m ari tal StatusCode: BRIDGCodedConcept el ectroni cCom m Addr: househol dIncom eCategory: BRIDGCodedConcept educati onLevel Code: BRIDGCodedConcept tel ecom Address: T EL nam e: enti tyNam e dateOfDeath: DAT ET IM E address: addrT ype + + + + + Clinical Research Entities and Roles:: AgentRole 1 BRIDG Shared Classes::BRIDGAnalysisVariable - Clinical Research Entities and Roles::Participant + + paym entM ethod: CodedConcept confi denti al i tyCode: stri ng 0..1 +source acti vi ty code: PSMCodedConcept derivationExpres s ion: TEXT des cription: PSMDes cription s tartDate: DATETIME s tatus : PSMCodedConcept availabilityTim e: Tim ingSpecification priorityCode: PSMCodedConcept confidentialityCode: PSMCodedConcept repeatNum ber: rangeOfIntegers interruptibleIndicator: BOOLEAN uncertaintyCode: CodedConcept reas onCode: PSMCodedConcept endDate: DATETIME +target acti vi ty * rel ati onshi pCode: PSM CodedConcept Obsol ete_rel ati onQual i fi er: BRIDGCodedConcept sequenceNum ber: NUM BER pauseCri teri on: checkpoi ntCode: pri ori tyNum ber: NUM BER spl i tCode: negati onRul e: AbstractRul e j oi nCode: negati onIndi cator: BOOLEAN conj uncti onCode: Clinical Trials Activ ities::PlannedStudy ::Acti vi ty + code: PSM CodedConcept + deri vati onExpressi on: T EXT + descri pti on: PSM Descri pti on + startDate: DAT ET IM E + status: PSM CodedConcept + avai l abi l i tyT i m e: T i m i ngSpeci fi cati on + pri ori tyCode: PSM CodedConcept + confi denti al i tyCode: PSM CodedConcept + repeatNum ber: rangeOfIntegers + i nterrupti bl eIndi cator: BOOLEAN + uncertai ntyCode: CodedConcept + reasonCode: PSM CodedConcept + endDate: DAT ET IM E date Clinical Trials Activ ities::PlannedActiv ity ::Acti vi ty + code: PSM CodedConcept + deri vati onExpressi on: T EXT + descri pti on: PSM Descri pti on + startDate: DAT ET IM E + status: PSM CodedConcept + avai l abi l i tyT i m e: T i m i ngSpeci fi cati on + pri ori tyCode: PSM CodedConcept + confi denti al i tyCode: PSM CodedConcept + repeatNum ber: rangeOfIntegers + i nterrupti bl eIndi cator: BOOLEAN + uncertai ntyCode: CodedConcept + reasonCode: PSM CodedConcept + endDate: DAT ET IM E Clinical Trials Activ ities::PerformedActiv ity 0..* 1 + pl annnedUnpl annedInd: bool ean ::Acti vi ty + code: PSM CodedConcept + deri vati onExpressi on: T EXT + descri pti on: PSM Descri pti on + startDate: DAT ET IM E + status: PSM CodedConcept + avai l abi l i tyT i m e: T i m i ngSpeci fi cati on + pri ori tyCode: PSM CodedConcept + confi denti al i tyCode: PSM CodedConcept + repeatNum ber: rangeOfIntegers + i nterrupti bl eIndi cator: BOOLEAN + uncertai ntyCode: CodedConcept + reasonCode: PSM CodedConcept + endDate: DAT ET IM E Clinical Trials Activ ities:: StudySite + targetAccrual Num ber: i nt ::Parti ci pati on + type: CodedConcept + status: CodedConcept + statusDate: DAT ET IM E + startDate: DAT ET IM E + endDate: DAT ET IM E 1 + + + + + + + + + * 0..* 0..* Protocol Concepts::StudyDocument + + + + + + + + + Clinical Research Entities and Roles:: TherapeuticAgent 1 0..* + + ::Parti ci pati on + type: CodedConcept + status: CodedConcept + statusDate: DAT ET IM E + startDate: DAT ET IM E + endDate: DAT ET IM E 1 1 BRIDG Shared Classes:: BRIDGContactAddr + + + ENUM {Pl an, Execute} + startT i m e: endT i m e: + + + i d: BRIDGID l ongT i tl e: stri ng shortT i tl e: stri ng phaseCode: ENUM i ntentCode: ENUM m oni torCode: ENUM bl i ndedInd: bool ean random i zedInd: bool ean di seaseCode: CodedConceptDataT ype sponsorCode: CodedConceptDataT ype m ul ti Insti tuti onInd: bool ean targetAccrual Num ber: i nt 0..* 0..* 1 1 + + + 0..* + + 1..* i d: i nt eval uati onDate: 1 date 0..* 0..* Clinical Trials Activ ities::Adv erseEv ent + + + Clinical Trials Activ ities:: SubstanceAdministration + + + + + + 0..* 0..* Clinical Trials Activities::Assessment i d: i nt reporti ngDate: date confi denti al i tyCode: stri ng uncertai ntyCode: stri ng statusCode: stri ng Clinical Trials Activ ities::Histopathology 0..* «abstracti on» i d: i nt typeCode: stri ng com m entT ext: stri ng 1 Clinical Trials Activ ities::Observ ation + + + + + 1 ti m estam p ti m estam p BRIDG Shared Classes:: BRIDGStatus source: T ext versi on: T ext val ue: T ext + + + + + + + + + + + + BRIDG Shared Classes: :BRIDGInterv al type: BRIDGCodedConcept effecti veT i m e: BRIDGInterval usage: BRIDGCodedConcept BRIDG Shared Classes:: BRIDGID Clinical Trials Activ ities:: AssessmentRelationship i d: i nt type: stri ng com m ents: stri ng Clinical Trials Activ ities:: PerformedStudy 1 0..* 1 + + + versi on: stri ng author: SET ID: SET BRIDGID docum entID: BRIDGID type: ENUM descri pti on: BRIDGDescri pti on ti tl e: stri ng status: BRIDGStatus confi denti al i tyCode: CodedConcept Clinical Trials Activ ities:: Observ ationRelationship Clinical Trials Activ ities:: StudyAgent BRIDG Shared Classes:: BRIDGBusinessProcessM ode m odeVal ue: 0..* 1 + studySubj ectIdenti fi er: i nt + arm : stri ng + subgroupCode: stri ng + i nform edConsentForm Si gnedDate: + offStudyDate: date + studyAgentDoseLevel : stri ng + el i gi bi l i tyWai verReason: stri ng + ageAtEnrol l m ent: i nt ::Parti ci pati on + type: CodedConcept + status: CodedConcept + statusDate: DAT ET IM E + startDate: DAT ET IM E + endDate: DAT ET IM E Clinical Research Entities and Roles:: FundingSponsor code: T EXT codeSystem : codeSystem Nam e: T EXT codeSystem Versi on: NUM BER di spl ayNam e: T EXT ori gi nal T ext: T EXT transl ati on: SET {PSM CodedConcept} + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Clinical Trials Activ ities::Subj ectAssignment name: Text description: Text status: BRIDGStatus geographicAddr: BRIDGContactAddr telecomAddr: BRIDGTelecomAddress BRIDG Shared Classes::BRIDGDescription synopsi s: Encapsul atedData sum m aryDescri pti on: Encapsul atedData detai l edDescri pti on: Encapsul atedData 0..* certi fi cateLi censeT ext: Clinical Research Entities and Roles:: HealthCareSite BRIDG Shared Classes:: BRIDGCodedConcept nam e: T EXT val ue: control l edNam e: PSM CodedConcept busi nessProcessM ode: PSM Busi nessProcessM ode Clinical Trials Activ ities:: StudyInv estigator + si gnatureCode: i nt + si gnatureT ext: stri ng ::Parti ci pati on + type: CodedConcept + status: CodedConcept + statusDate: DAT ET IM E + startDate: DAT ET IM E + endDate: DAT ET IM E BRIDG Shared Classes:: Activ ityActiv ityRelationship BRIDG Shared Classes::Activity type: CodedConcept status: CodedConcept statusDate: DAT ET IM E startDate: DAT ET IM E endDate: DAT ET IM E 1 + i d: CodedConcept nam e: stri ng descri pti on: stri ng status: CodedConcept form Code: CodedConcept l otNum ber: i nt expi rati onDate: DAT ET IM E stabi l i tyT i m e: DAT ET IM E + + + source: type: CodedConcept target: Clinical Research Entities and Roles:: Inv estigator Clinical Research Entities and Roles::OrganizationRole Clinical Research Entities and Roles::Agent + + + + + + + 1..* Clinical Research Entities and Roles:: PersonRole i d: CodedConcept nam e: stri ng descri pti on: stri ng status: CodedConcept statusDate: DAT ET IM E geographi cAddr: addrT ype tel ecom Addr: T EL + + + + + + + + + + + + + BRIDG Shared Classes:: RoleRoleRelationship 1..* has a 1 ::Rol e + i d: CodedConcept + code: CodedConcept + status: + el ectroni cCom m Addr: + geographi cAddr: + tel ecom Addr: + effecti veStartDate: DAT ET IM E + effecti veEndDate: DAT ET IM E Clinical Research Entities and Roles::Organization + + + + + + + has a 1 Clinical Research Entities and Roles:: Organization Clinical Research Entities and Roles::Person + + + + + + + + + + + + + doseQuanti ty: i nt doseUni tOfM easure: stri ng route: stri ng doseFrequency: stri ng doseM odi fi cati onT ype: stri ng doseChangeT ype: i nt grossExam Resul tCode: stri ng reportDescri pti veT ext: stri ng i nvol vedSurgi cal M argi nIndi cator: 1 0..* effecti veEndDate: effecti veStartDate: statusVal ue: + targetSi teCode: Clinical Trials Activ ities:: ClinicalResult + + + + + + + + + + + bool ean 1 Clinical Trials Activ ities:: HistopathologyGrade Clinical Trials Activ ities::Procedure stri ng + + + + i d: i nt gradi ngSystem Nam e: grade: stri ng com m ents: stri ng stri ng panel Nam e: stri ng val ue: stri ng val ueUni tOfM easureCode: stri ng assayM ethodCode: stri ng bodyPosi ti onCode: stri ng l abReferenceRangeCode: stri ng l abT echni queCode: stri ng m eansVi tal StatusObtai nedCod: stri ng abnorm al Indi cator: bool ean bi om arkerInd: bool ean si gni fi canceInd: bool ean 0..* Clinical Trials Activ ities:: LesionDescription + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + l esi onNum ber: stri ng eval uati onNum ber: i nt appearanceT ypeCode: stri ng targetNonT argetCode: stri ng m easurabl eIndi cator: bool ean m ethodCode: stri ng xDi m ensi on: i nt yDi m ensi on: i nt zDi m ensi on: i nt di m ensi onProduct: i nt anatom i cSi teCode: stri ng anatom i cSi teCodeSystem : stri ng contactAnatom i cSi teCode: stri ng contactAnatom i cSi teCodeSytem : stri ng previ ousl yIrradi atedSi teIndi cator: bool ean + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 1..* Clinical Trials Activ ities:: Neoplasm Clinical Trials Activ ities:: Surgery Clinical Trials Activ ities:: SpecimenCollection + + Clinical Trials Activ ities:: Radiation si teCondi ti on: stri ng m ethod: stri ng +speci m enCol l ecti on + + + therapyT ype: stri ng doseUni tOfM easure: dose: stri ng + + i denti fi er: stri ng contrastAgentEnhancem ent: stri ng descri pti veT ext: stri ng rateOfEnhancem entVal ue: i nt i d: i nt cel l T ype: + + + + + + + + + + + + + responseCode: char responseCodeSystem : stri ng bestResponseCode: char bestResponseDate: date progressi onDate: date progressi onPeri od: i nt progressi onPeri odUni tOfM easureCode: doseChangeIndi catorCode: i nt courseDi sposi ti onCode: stri ng com m entT ext: stri ng i d: i nt subm i ssi onDate: date fi l edIndi cator: bool ean Clinical Trials Activ ities:: DeathSummary + + + + deathDate: date deathCauseCode: char deathCauseT ext: stri ng autopsi edIndi cator: bool ean 1 0..* 1..* 0..* Clinical Trials Activ ities:: Adv erseEv entTherapy Clinical Trials Activ ities: :Specimen i d: i nt i dNum ber: i nt sam pl i ngT ype: + + + + + stri ng Implementation Specific Models cd Logical Model cd Clinical Trials Obj ect Model (CTOM) i d: i nt treatm entDate: date del ayDurati on: i nt del ayDurati onUni tOfM easureCode: i ntensi tyCode: stri ng stri ng 1 0..1 i d: i nt tnm Stage: stri ng tnm StageCodeSystem : stri ng stageCode: stri ng stageCodeSystem : stri ng Clinical Trials Activ ities:: M etastasisSite + + + i d: i nt anatom i cSi teCode: stri ng anatom i cSi teCodeNam e: stri ng stri ng Clinical Trials Activ ities:: LesionEv aluation + eval uati onCode: char Clinical Trials Activ ities:: Qualitativ eEv aluation 1 +speci m enCol l ecti on + + + Clinical Trials Activ ities::DiseaseResponse nam e: stri ng di seaseDi agnosi sCode: stri ng di seaseDi agnosi sCodeSystem : stri ng ageAtDi agnosi s: i nt confi rm ati onDate: date pri m aryAnatom i cSi teCode: stri ng pri m aryAnatom i cSi teCodeSystem : stri ng pri m aryAnatom i cSi teLateral i tyCode: stri ng recurrenceIndi cator: bool ean di seaseStatusCode: stri ng sourceCode: stri ng sourceOther: stri ng di seaseExtentT ext: stri ng Clinical Trials Activ ities:: CancerStage + + + + + Clinical Trials Activ ities:: Adv erseEv entReport stri ng Clinical Trials Activ ities::Diagnosis + + + + + + + + + + + + + 1 0..1 Clinical Trials Activ ities::Imaging + + + + stri ng onsetDate: date resol vedDate: date ctcCategoryCode: stri ng ctcCategoryCodeSystem : stri ng ctcT erm T ypeCode: stri ng ctcT erm T ypeCodeSystem : stri ng ctcAttri buti onCode: stri ng ctcAttri buti onCodeSystem : stri ng ctcGradeCode: stri ng ctcGradeCodeSystem : stri ng seri ousReasonCode: stri ng outcom eCode: stri ng acti onT akenCode: stri ng condi ti onPatternCode: stri ng doseLi m i ti ngT oxi ci tyIndi cator: bool ean doseLi m i ti ngT oxi ci tyDescri pti onT ext: stri ng descri pti onT ext: stri ng + + + + + + + + survi val StatusCode: i nt survi val StatusDescri pti onT ext: stri ng perform anceStatusCode: i nt perform anceStatusCodeSystem : stri ng pai nIndexCode: i nt pai nIndexCodeSystem : stri ng anam Resul tAccuracyPercent: i nt m enstrual PatternT ypeCode: stri ng m enstrual Indi cator: bool ean cd Logical Model OrganizationTelephone CTOM caAERS Organization Name: Clinical Trials Object Model (CTOM) Author: ScenPro Version: 0.5 Created: 7/1/2001 12:00:00 AM Updated: 1/19/2006 5:06:46 PM +protocol Protocol + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Person StudyInvestigator + i d: i nt + responsibilityRoleCode: string + startDate: date +studyInvestigatorCollection + stopDate: date + statusCode: string 1 +eligibilityCriteriaCollection 0..* + signatureIndicator: boolean +protocolCollection + signatureText: string EligibilityCriteria 1..* 1..* +studyInvestigatorCollection 0..* + i d: i nt + questionText: string +investigator 1 + questionNumber: int + expectedAnswerIndicator: boolean Investigator + + + + + + + + + + + + + + nciIdentifier: string + i d: i nt nciIdentifier: string amendmentIdentifier: int amendmentDate: date navyNCIIdentifier: string longTitleText: string shortTitleText: string precisText: string 1 +eligibilityCriteria descriptionText: string diseaseCode: string +participantEligibilityAnswerCollection Inclusion Exclusion 0..* intentCode: string +participantEligibilityAnswerCollection +participant monitorCode: string phaseCode: string ParticipantEligibilityAnswer 0..* 1+ sponsorCode: string HealthcareSiteParticipantRole + +protocolStatusCollection blindedIndicator: boolean + i d: i nt + multiInstitutionIndicator: boolean +protocol + answerText: string + i d: i nt + ProtocolStatus randomizedIndicator: boolean 1 + checkl i s t N umber : st r i n g + roleCode: string 1..* targetAccrualNumber: int + i d: i nt +healthcareSiteRoleCollection 0..* + statusCode: string + statusDate: date 1 i d: i nt name: string descriptionText: string statusCode: string statusDate: date streetAddress: string city: string stateCode: string postalCode: string countryCode: string telecomAddress: string +person 1 i d: i nt primaryTypeCode: string primaryTypeCodeSystem: string startDate: date stopDate: date FemaleReproductiv eCharacteristic + + + + + +femaleReproductiveCharacteristic + + + Participant 1 0..1 + initials: char +participant zipCode: string paymentMethodCode: char confidentialityIndicator: boolean +participant 1 1 +participant i d: i nt visitName: string courseNumber: int epochName: string courseStartDate: date courseStopDate: date +studyTimePoint 0..1 i d: i nt firstLiveBirthAge: int liveBirthCount: int stil BirthCount: int abortionIndicator: boolean menopauseStartDate: date menopauseAge: int menopauseReasonCode: string menopauseReasonOtherText: string HealthcareSiteParticipant 1+healthcareSite Activ ityRelationship + i d: i nt + typeCode: string + sequenceNumber: int + commentText: string +activity 1 +activity 1 +activity 1 Activ ity + + + + + +activityCollection + + 0..* + + + +activity i d: i nt name: string type: string descriptionText: string startDate: date stopDate: date durationValue: int durationUnitOfMeasureCode: string plannnedIndicator: boolean reasonCode: string 1 + i d: i nt 0..* + participantIdentifier: string +studyParticipantAssignmentCollection 0..* +studyParticipantAssignment StudyParticipantAssignment +studySiteCollection 0..* StudySite 0..* 0..* +activityRelationshipCollection +activityRelationshipCollection 0..* 1 +agent i d: i nt studyParticipantIdentifier: int armIdentifier: string subgroupCode: string informedConsentFormSignedDate: date enrol mentAge: int studyAgentDoseLevel: int studyAgentDoseLevelUnitOfMeasureCode: string offStudyDate: date offStudyReasonCode: string offStudyReasonOtherText: string eligibilityWaiverReasonText: string Agent +Agent + i d: i nt 1 + name: string 1 + descriptionText: string +agent + statusCode: string 1 + + + + + + + + + 1 singleDose: int singleDoseUnitOfMeasureCode: string doseFrequencyCode: string doseFrequencyText: string totalDose: int totalDoseUnitOfMeasureCode: string doseChangeCode: string doseChangeIndicatorCode: int routeCode: string +substanceAdministrationCollection 0..* +observationCollection + + + + + + + + + + + + i d: i nt + typeCode: string + commentText: string +observationRelationshipCollection 0..* 1..* +histopathology 1 ClinicalResult + + + + + + + + + + + panelName: string value: string valueUnitOfMeasureCode: string assayMethodCode: string bodyPositionCode: string labReferenceRangeCode: string labTechniqueCode: string meansVitalStatusObtainedCode: string abnormalIndicator: boolean biomarkerIndicator: boolean significanceIndicator: boolean +specimenCollection 0..* +agentOccurrence AgentOccurrence +AgentOccurrenceCollection + id: int + lotNumber: string 0..* + formCode: string + expirationDate: date 0..1 Specimen 0..* LesionDescription + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + lesionNumber: string evaluationNumber: int appearanceTypeCode: string targetNonTargetCode: string measurableIndicator: boolean methodCode: string xDimension: int yDimension: int zDimension: int dimensionProduct: int anatomicSiteCode: string anatomicSiteCodeSystem: string contactAnatomicSiteCode: string contactAnatomicSiteCodeSystem: string previouslyIr adiatedSiteIndicator: string + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +adverseEventCollection 1 i d: i nt code: string codeSystem: string codeSystemName: string codeSystemVersion: int displayText: string + + + + + + + ::Activity + id: long + startTime: dateTime + endTime: dateTime + method: string + reason: string + description: string + status: string Diagnosis + + + + + + + + + + + + + Qualitativ eEvaluation name: string diseaseDiagnosisCode: string diseaseDiagnosisCodeSystem: string ageAtDiagnosis: int confirmationDate: date primaryAnatomicSiteCode: string primaryAnatomicSiteCodeSystem: string primaryAnatomicSiteLateralityCode: string recurrenceIndicator: boolean diseaseStatusCode: string sourceCode: string sourceOther: string diseaseExtentText: string +adverseEventReport 0..1 +diagnosis 1 +cancerStage 0..1 + + + + + + + + + AdverseEventTherapy AdverseEventReport i d: i nt treatmentDate: date delayDuration: int delayDurationUnitOfMeasureCode: string intensityCode: string + i d: i nt + submissionDate: date + filedIndicator: boolean +relationshipCollection 0..* 0..* +relationshipCollection Activ ity id: long +relationshipCollection relationshipType: string effectiveFromTime: dateTime 0..* effectiveThruTime: dateTime +relationshipCollection relationshipStatus: string sourceActivityRole: string 0..* targetActivityRole: string sequence: int +sourceActivity + + 1 + +targetActivity + + 1 + +activityCollection + Activ ityParticipation id: long startTime: dateTime endTime: dateTime method: string reason: string description: string status: string 0..* + +participationCollection + + 0..* + + + + +act 1 +activity Product DrugProduct + name: string + status: string ::ParticipatingEntity + id: long + lotNumber: string + expirationDate: date ::Product + name: string + status: string ::ParticipatingEntity + id: long +sourceEntity 1 Activ ityRelationship + + + + + + + + +product 1 +ingredientCollection 1..* +entity + id: long MaterialKind DrugProductIngredient + name: string ::ParticipatingEntity + id: long 1 +entity 1 +entityCollection +ingredientCollection 1 +material 0..* + + + + id: long quantity: float activeIngredientIndicator: boolean materialForm: string 0..* +identifierCollection Activ ityKind + + + + + + 1 + deathDate: date + deathCauseCode: char + deathCauseText: string + autopsiedIndicator: boolean survivalStatusCode: int survivalStatusDescriptionText: string performanceStatusCode: int performanceStatusCodeSystem: string painIndexCode: int DiseaseResponse painIndexCodeSystem: string anamResultAccuracyPercent: int + reponseCode: char menstrualPatternTypeCode: string + responseCodeSystem: string menstrualIndicator: boolean + bestResponseCode: char + bestResponseDate: date + progressionDate: date + progressionPeriod: int + progressionPeriodUnitOfMeasureCode: string + doseChangeIndicatorCode: int + courseDispositionCode: string + commentText: string +observationCollection id: long identifierValue: string identifierType: string +identifierCollection ~ resultValue: string + targetAnatomicalSite: string + onsetDateTime: dateTime 1 + effectiveThuTime: dateTime + negationIndicator: boolean ::Activity + id: long + startTime: dateTime + endTime: dateTime + method: string + reason: string 0..* + description: string + status: string StudySubj ect 0..* Person 1 Adv erseEv entReport + sequenceIdentifier: int + subjectDiscloserAllowed: boolean ::Activity + id: long + startTime: dateTime + endTime: dateTime + method: string + reason: string + description: string + status: string +assigningAuthority +participatingEntityKind +identifierCollection Organization +observationValueKind id: long observationValueCode: string name: string description: string codeSystem: string codeSystemVersion: string + + + + + id: long identifierValue: string identifierType: string versionIdentifier: string versionEffectiveDate: dateTime +identifierCollection 0..* +assigningAuthority 1 + name: string ::ParticipatingEntity + id: long + isFDA() : boolean Adv erseEv entActiv ityRelationship + outcome: string + seriousness: string ::Observation ~ resultValue: string + targetAnatomicalSite: string + onsetDateTime: dateTime + effectiveThuTime: dateTime + negationIndicator: boolean ::Activity + id: long 1 + startTime: dateTime + endTime: dateTime + method: string + reason: string + description: string + status: string + isContinuing() : boolean 1 Adv erseEv entDetailKind + + + + + + id: string adverseEventDetailCode: string name: string description: string codeSystem: string codeSystemVersion: string Adv erseEv entDetail +eventDetailKind 1 + +eventDetailCollection 0..* + + + effectiveFromTime: dateTime effectiveThruTime: dateTime booleanValue: boolean textValue: string Adv erseEv entReportDetail + + + + effectiveFromTime: dateTime effectiveThruTime: dateTime booleanValue: boolean textValue: string +adverseEventReportDetailKind 0..* 1 Adv erseEv entReportDetailKind + + + + + + + namePrefix: string + firstName: string + middleName: string + lastName: string + nameSuffix: string + occupation: string + emailAddress: string ::ParticipatingEntity + id: long + isHealthProfessional() : boolean +person 0..* OrganizationTelephone +adverseEventReportDetailCollection id: long entityType: string name: string description: string codeSystem: string codeSystemVersion: string +telephoneCollection +telephoneCollection 0..* +adverseEvent 1 + + + + + + 1 +adverseEventReport 1 +adverseEventReportDetailCollection Adv erseEv ent + expectedness: boolean + attribution: int + studyDesignBroken: boolean + agentAdjustment: string + administrationDelayed: boolean ::ActivityRelationship +activityRelationshipCollections + id: long +adverseEvent 0..* + relationshipType: string + effectiveFromTime: dateTime + effectiveThruTime: dateTime + relationshipStatus: string + sourceActivityRole: string + targetActivityRole: string + sequence: int hasAmendedData() : boolean sentToFDA() : boolean initialSentToFDA() : boolean sentToManufacturer() : boolean treatmentDelayed() : boolean delayDuration() : real delayDurationUnits() : string 1 ParticipatingEntityKind Activ ityIdentifier +organization + + + + +AdverseEventReportCollection + + 0..* + Observ ationValueKind + + + + + + +eventDetailCollection 0..* MetastasisSite +cancerStage +metastasisSiteCollection i d: i nt tnmStage: string + i d: i nt 1..* tnmStageCodeSystem: string 1 + anatomicSiteCode: string stageCode: string + anatomicSiteCodeSystem: string stageCodeSystem: string + + + Observ ation +activityKind id: long activityCode: string name: string description: string codeSystem: string codeSystemVersion: string DeathSummary id: adverseEventReportDetailCode: string name: string description: string codeSystem: string codeSystemVersion: string 1 ParticipatingEntity id: long type: string +participationCollection effectiveFromTime: dateTime effectiveThruTime: dateTime 0..* participantRole: string participantSignature: string participantSignatureDate: dateTime 1 ParticipatingEntityIdentifier 0..* CancerStage + + + + + id: long relationshipType: string effectiveFromTime: dateTime effectiveThruTime: dateTime relationshipStatus: string sourceParticipantRole: string targetParticipantRole: string + isFDA() : boolean Location + name: string + description: string + streetAddress: string + city: string + state: string + postalCode: string ::ParticipatingEntity + id: long isContinuing() : boolean isAdjustment() : boolean +adverseEvent + + + + + ClincalStudy + phase: string + title: string ::Activity + id: long + startTime: dateTime + endTime: dateTime + method: string + reason: string + description: string + status: string +targetEntity LesionEvaluation +adverseEventCollection 1..* +adverseEventTherapyCollection 0..* + + + + + + Protocol + courseNujmber: string + cycleNumber: string + negationIndicator: boolean ::Activity + id: long + startTime: dateTime + endTime: dateTime + method: string + reason: string + description: string + status: string + + + evaluationCode: char onsetDate: date resolvedDate: date ctcCategoryCode: string ctcCategoryCodeSystem: string ctcTermTypeCode: string ctcTermTypeCodeSystem: string ctcAttributionCode: string ctcAttributionCodeSystem: string ctcGradeCode: string ctcGradeCodeSystem: string seriousReasonCode: string outcomeCode: string actionTakenCode: string conditionPatternCode: string doseLimitingToxicityIndicator: boolean doseLimitingToxicityDescriptionText: string descriptionText: string id: long usageType: string equipmentType: string phoneNumber: string extendedPhoneNumber: string ParticipatingEntityRelationship Treatment ProcedureTreatment + i d: i nt + evaluationDate: date ConceptDescriptor Imaging + imageIdentifier: string + i d: i nt + contrastAgentEnhancementIndicator: boolean + sampleIdentifier: int + enhancementRateValue: int + sampleTypeCode: string + enhancementDescriptionText: string + volume: int + volumeUnitOfMeasureCode: string Dev ice + implantedDate: dateTime + explantedDate: dateTime + reprocessedIndicator: boolean + availableForEvaluationIndicator: boolean ::Product + name: string + status: string ::ParticipatingEntity + id: long Assessment +assessmentCollection AdverseEvent + i d: i nt +clinicalResultCollection 0..* + i d: i nt + gradeCode: string + cellTypeCode: string + gradeCodeSystem: string + commentText: string +conceptDescriptor 1 +specimenCollection 1 PharmacuticalTreatment + administrationRoute: string + totalDoseAdministered: int + administrationDose: int + administrationFrequency: string ::Treatment + courseNujmber: string + cycleNumber: string + negationIndicator: boolean ::Activity + id: long + startTime: dateTime + endTime: dateTime + method: string + reason: string + description: string + status: string 1 +assessmentCollection +assessment 1 +observationCollection + dose: string +histopathologyGradeCollection 0..* +neoplasmCollection 0..* + doseUnitOfMeasureCode: string + scheduleText: string HistopathologyGrade Neoplasm + therapyExtentCode: string + siteConditionCode: string 1 0..* + methodCode: string +substanceAdministrationCollection +substanceAdministration Logical Model AbdulMalik Shakir 1.0 10/18/2005 8:40:14 PM 12/4/2005 11:25:52 PM ::Treatment + courseNujmber: string + cycleNumber: string + negationIndicator: boolean ::Activity + id: long + startTime: dateTime + endTime: dateTime + method: string + reason: string + description: string + status: string 0..* +assessmentRelationship Observation Radiation Surgery SpecimenCollection AssessmentRelationship +observation 1 +observation 1 0..* + id: int + reportingDate: date + confidentialityCode: string + uncertaintyCode: string + statusCode: string +histopathology 1 Name: Author: Version: Created: Updated: + i d: i nt + typeCode: string + commentText: string 0..* +observationRelationshipCollection +assessmentRelationshipCollection 0..* + grossExamResultCode: string + reportDescriptiveText: string + involvedSurgicalMarginIndicator: boolean + anatomicSiteCode: string + anatomicSiteCodeSystem: string id: int name: string descriptionText: string statusCode: string statusDate: date streetAddress: string city: string stateCode: string postalCode: string countryCode: string telecomAddress: string ObservationRelationship Histopathology Procedure SubstanceAdministration AgentSynonym +agentSynonymCollection 0..* StudyTimePoint + + + + + + +healthCareSite 1 + + + + i d: i nt + + roleCode: string + +protocol +studySiteCollection + statusCode: string + + targetAccrualNumber: string 1 + 0..* + startDate: date +studyAgentCollection 0..* + +studySite + stopDate: date + + irbApprovalDate: date StudyAgent 1 0..* + +studyParticipantCollection + + i d: i nt + + investigationalIndicator: boolean +studyAgent + investigationalNewDrugIdentifier: string + statusCode: string 1 +studyAgentCollection +agent + statusDate: date + i d: i nt + name: string + + + 0..* + + +healthcareSiteParticipant + nciInstituteCode: string +study +personOccupationCollection +healthcareSiteParticipant 1 +healthcareSiteParticipantCollection 0..* HealthcareSite Organization + + + + + + + + + + + PersonOccupation i d: i nt lastName: string firstName: string birthDate: date telecomAddress: string administrativeGenderCode: string countryCode: string educationLevelCode: string ethnicGroupCode: string householdIncomeCode: string maritalStatusCode: string raceCode: string employmentStatusCode: string employmentStatusOtherText: string + + + + + + name: string ::ParticipatingEntity + id: long cd Logical Model cd Clinical Trials Object Model (CTOM) Organization + + + + + id: long usageType: string equipmentType: string phoneNumber: string extendedPhoneNumber: string 1 0..* PersonTelephone + + + + + id: long usageType: string equipmentType: string phoneNumber: string extendedPhoneNumber: string + birthDate: date + gender: string + race: string + ethnicGroup: string + deceaseDate: date ::Person + namePrefix: string + firstName: string + middleName: string + lastName: string + nameSuffix: string + occupation: string + emailAddress: string ::ParticipatingEntity + id: long •Lab SIG Model •Study Calendar SIG Model •Financial SIG Model Harmonized BRIDG elements cd Comprehensive Class and attribute diagram BRIDG Shared Classes::Activity BRIDG Shared Classes::Participation BRIDG Shared Classes:: RoleRoleRelationship + + + has a 1 BRIDG Shared Classes::Role + + + + + + + + source: target: type: CodedConcept 1..* has a 1..* Do we need this -what is the use case? The thinking is that this will be used for caAERS. If not, then it should be deleted. endDate: DATETIME startDate: DATETIME status: CodedConcept statusDate: DATETIME type: CodedConcept + ::Role + code: BRIDGCodedConcept + effectiveEndDate: DATETIME +have + effectiveStartDate: DATETIME + electronicCommAddr: BRIDGTelecomAddress + geographicAddr: BRIDGContactAddr + id: BRIDGCodedConcept + status: BRIDGStatus + telecomAddr: BRIDGTelecomAddress 1 +participate as + signatureCode: int + signatureText: string ::Participation + endDate: DATETIME + startDate: DATETIME + status: CodedConcept + statusDate: DATETIME + type: CodedConcept certificateLicenseText: Text +are written by 1 0..1 +assign +are assigned by +are attributed to description: Text expirationDate: DATETIME name: Text status: BRIDGStatus +have checkpointCode: conjunctionCode: joinCode: negationIndicator: BOOLEAN negationRule: AbstractRule priorityNumber: NUMBER relationshipCode: BRIDGCodedConcept sequenceNumber: NUMBER splitCode: Needs additional work and cleanup Clinical Research Entities and Roles:: HealthCareSite Clinical Research Entities and Roles:: MaterialRole SDTM CTOM harmonization in process Clinical Trials Activ ities::PlannedStudy Clinical Trials Activities::PerformedStudy + ActualAccrualNumber: int + enrollmentEndDate: Date + enrollmentstartDate: Date ::Study + blindedInd: boolean + description: BRIDGDescription + diseaseCode: CodedConceptDataType + id: BRIDGID + intentCode: ENUM + longTitle: string + monitorCode: ENUM + multiInstitutionInd: boolean + phaseCode: ENUM + randomizedInd: boolean + shortTitle: string + sponsorCode: CodedConceptDataType + SubjectType: BRIDGCodedConcept + type: BRIDGCodedConcept 1 Clinical Trials Activ ities:: StudyAgent Clinical Research Entities and Roles:: TherapeuticAgent 1 ::Participation + endDate: DATETIME + startDate: DATETIME 0..* + status: CodedConcept 0..* + statusDate: DATETIME + type: CodedConcept Clinical Trials Activ ities::PlannedActiv ity + repeatNumber: rangeOfIntegers ::Activity + codedDescription: BRIDGCodedConcept + confidentialityCode: BRIDGCodedConcept + description: BRIDGDescription + endDate: DATETIME + priorityCode: BRIDGCodedConcept + reasonCode: BRIDGCodedConcept + startDate: DATETIME + status: BRIDGStatus +is described by + uncertaintyCode: BRIDGCodedConcept +are performed at + targetAccrualNumber: int ::Participation + endDate: DATETIME 0..* + startDate: DATETIME + status: CodedConcept + statusDate: DATETIME + type: CodedConcept Clinical Research Entities and Roles:: FundingSponsor blindedInd: boolean description: BRIDGDescription diseaseCode: CodedConceptDataType id: BRIDGID intentCode: ENUM longTitle: string monitorCode: ENUM multiInstitutionInd: boolean phaseCode: ENUM randomizedInd: boolean shortTitle: string sponsorCode: CodedConceptDataType SubjectType: BRIDGCodedConcept type: BRIDGCodedConcept 1..1 Clinical Research Entities and Roles::Material + + + + + + * + + * + + + + 0..* 1 Clinical Trials Activ ities:: StudySite ::Role + code: BRIDGCodedConcept + effectiveEndDate: DATETIME + effectiveStartDate: DATETIME +have + electronicCommAddr: BRIDGTelecomAddress + geographicAddr: BRIDGContactAddr + id: BRIDGCodedConcept + status: BRIDGStatus + telecomAddr: BRIDGTelecomAddress description: Text +are attributed to geographicAddr: BRIDGContactAddr name: Text status: BRIDGStatus telecomAddr: BRIDGTelecomAddress + ageAtEnrollment: int + arm: string + eligibilityWaiverReason: string + informedConsentFormSignedDate: date + offStudyDate: date + studyAgentDoseLevel: string + studySubjectIdentifier: int + subgroupCode: string ::Participation + endDate: DATETIME + startDate: DATETIME + status: CodedConcept + statusDate: DATETIME + type: CodedConcept ::Participation + endDate: DATETIME + startDate: DATETIME + status: CodedConcept + statusDate: DATETIME + type: CodedConcept confidentialityIndicator: boolean paymentMethod: ENUM + + + + + + + +participate in + + + + + + +participate in + Clinical Trials Activ ities:: Subj ectAssignment +are performed by Clinical Trials Activ ities:: StudyAuthor Clinical Research Entities and Roles:: Participant + + Clinical Research Entities and Roles:: Organization +target activity Clinical Trials Activities::Study 0..* Clinical Research Entities and Roles:: OrganizationRole + + + + + BRIDG Shared Classes::Activ ityActiv ityRelationship +source activity Clinical Trials Activ ities:: StudyInv estigator Clinical Research Entities and Roles:: PersonRole Clinical Research Entities and Roles::Person We may or may not need this class -- it depends on the number of shared classes between the two performed/planned activities codedDescription: BRIDGCodedConcept confidentialityCode: BRIDGCodedConcept description: BRIDGDescription endDate: DATETIME priorityCode: BRIDGCodedConcept reasonCode: BRIDGCodedConcept startDate: DATETIME status: BRIDGStatus uncertaintyCode: BRIDGCodedConcept This maybe an Activity? 1 +is fulfiled by the role address: BRIDGContactAddr administrativeGenderCode: BRIDGCodedConcept +are attributed to dateOfBirth: DATETIME dateOfDeath: DATETIME educationLevelCode: BRIDGCodedConcept electronicCommAddr: BRIDGTelecomAddress ethnicGroupCode: BRIDGCodedConcept householdIncomeCategory: BRIDGCodedConcept maritalStatusCode: BRIDGCodedConcept name: Text raceCode: BRIDGCodedConcept telecomAddress: BRIDGTelecomAddress + + + + + + + + + Attributes needs to be reviewed -- need to be domain oriented -- too RIM like code: BRIDGCodedConcept effectiveEndDate: DATETIME effectiveStartDate: DATETIME electronicCommAddr: BRIDGTelecomAddress geographicAddr: BRIDGContactAddr id: BRIDGCodedConcept status: BRIDGStatus telecomAddr: BRIDGTelecomAddress Clinical Research Entities and Roles::Inv estigator + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + targetAccrualNumber: int ::Study + blindedInd: boolean + description: BRIDGDescription + diseaseCode: CodedConceptDataType +is operationalized by +is described by + id: BRIDGID + intentCode: ENUM 0..1 1..1 + longTitle: string + monitorCode: ENUM + multiInstitutionInd: boolean + phaseCode: ENUM +write + randomizedInd: boolean + shortTitle: string + sponsorCode: CodedConceptDataType + SubjectType: BRIDGCodedConcept + type: BRIDGCodedConcept +describes PlannedObserv ation CTOM Elements:: Observ ationRelationship +is operationalized by 0..1 + + 0..* - Clinical Trials Activ ities::PerformedActiv ity + plannnedUnplannedInd: boolean ::Activity + codedDescription: BRIDGCodedConcept + confidentialityCode: BRIDGCodedConcept + description: BRIDGDescription + endDate: DATETIME + priorityCode: BRIDGCodedConcept + reasonCode: BRIDGCodedConcept + startDate: DATETIME + status: BRIDGStatus + uncertaintyCode: BRIDGCodedConcept 1 comments: string id: int type: string 0..* 1 CTOM Elements::PerformedObserv ation + + + + confidentialityCode: BRIDGCodedConcept reportingDate: DATETIME status: BRIDGStatus uncertaintyCode: BRIDGCodedConcept 1 CTOM Elements::LesionDescription 1 1 0..* SDTM::SDTMFinding Specimen may have to re-located + + missingValueCode: CodedConceptDataType name: CodedConceptDataType We will need to MANUALLY keep these two classes in synch with their attributes. BRIDG Shared Classes::Drug + formCode: BRIDGCodedConcept + lotNumber: int + stabilityTime: DATETIME ::Material + description: Text + expirationDate: DATETIME + name: Text + status: BRIDGStatus BRIDG Shared Classes:: Dev ice CTOM Elements::ClinicalResult CTOM Elements::Histopathology SDTM::Examination ::Material + description: Text + expirationDate: DATETIME + name: Text + status: BRIDGStatus BRIDG Shared Classes::Document +is described by 1 Clinical Trials Activ ities::StudyDocument BRIDG Shared Classes:: BRIDGCodedConcept BRIDG Shared Classes::BRIDGAnalysisVariable + + + + businessProcessMode: PSMBusinessProcessMode controlledName: PSMCodedConcept name: TEXT value: BRIDG Shared Classes::BRIDGDescription + + + detailedDescription: EncapsulatedData summaryDescription: EncapsulatedData synopsis: EncapsulatedData - code: TEXT codeSystem: codeSystemName: TEXT codeSystemVersion: NUMBER displayName: TEXT originalText: TEXT translation: SET{PSMCodedConcept} BRIDG Shared Classes:: BRIDGContactAddr + + + BRIDG Shared Classes:: BRIDGInterv al effectiveTime: BRIDGInterval type: BRIDGCodedConcept usage: BRIDGCodedConcept BRIDG Shared Classes:: BRIDGID + + + source: Text value: Text version: Text + - endTime: timestamp startTime: timestamp BRIDG Shared Classes: :BRIDGStatus + + + effectiveEndDate: effectiveStartDate: statusValue: BRIDG Shared Classes:: BRIDGTelecomAddress - addressType: ENUM usageType: ENUM value: Text «abstraction» Review the data types -inconsistency in definition and what is used in the model + blindedInd: boolean + description: BRIDGDescription + diseaseCode: CodedConceptDataType + id: BRIDGID + intentCode: ENUM + longTitle: string + monitorCode: ENUM + multiInstitutionInd: boolean + phaseCode: ENUM + randomizedInd: boolean + shortTitle: string + sponsorCode: CodedConceptDataType + SubjectType: BRIDGCodedConcept + targetAccrualNumber: int + type: BRIDGCodedConcept ::Document + confidentialityCode: CodedConcept + description: DAMDescription + documentID: BRIDGID + status: BRIDGStatus + type: ENUM + version: string + + + + + + confidentialityCode: CodedConcept description: DAMDescription documentID: BRIDGID status: BRIDGStatus type: ENUM version: string + + + + measurementTime: int - resultDescription: SDTMFindingDescriptionDataType ::SDTMFinding + missingValueCode: CodedConceptDataType + name: CodedConceptDataType grossExamResultCode: string involvedSurgicalMarginIndicator: boolean reportDescriptiveText: string SDTM::Quantitativ eMeasurement SDTM::OtherFindings + evaluationInterval: timing specification + measurementTime: DATETIME ::SDTMFinding + missingValueCode: CodedConceptDataType + name: CodedConceptDataType + + + + + + + + + + + abnormalIndicator: boolean assayMethodCode: string biomarkerInd: boolean bodyPositionCode: string labReferenceRangeCode: string labTechniqueCode: string meansVitalStatusObtainedCod: string panelName: string significanceInd: boolean value: string valueUnitOfMeasureCode: string + normalRangeHigh: text + normalRangeLow: text + result: text + units: text ::SDTMFinding + missingValueCode: CodedConceptDataType + name: CodedConceptDataType TestInterpretation SDTM::InterpretedResults ::TestInterpretation + interpretedBy: enum + normalRangeIndicator: enum - resultCategory: int ::QuantitativeMeasurement + normalRangeHigh: text + normalRangeLow: text + result: text + units: text ::SDTMFinding + missingValueCode: CodedConceptDataType + name: CodedConceptDataType SDTM::LaboratoryTest Potential hook for the eDCI model + fastingStatus: boolean + method: enum ::QuantitativeMeasurement + normalRangeHigh: text + normalRangeLow: text + result: text + units: text ::SDTMFinding + missingValueCode: CodedConceptDataType + name: CodedConceptDataType TestInterpretation SDTM::VitalSign + bodyLocation: CodedConceptDataType + measureTime: DATETIME + subjectPosition: enum ::TestInterpretation + interpretedBy: enum + normalRangeIndicator: enum - resultCategory: int ::QuantitativeMeasurement + normalRangeHigh: text + normalRangeLow: text + result: text + units: text ::SDTMFinding + missingValueCode: CodedConceptDataType + name: CodedConceptDataType Observation Classes from CTOM and SDTM + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + anatomicSiteCode: string anatomicSiteCodeSystem: string appearanceTypeCode: string contactAnatomicSiteCode: string contactAnatomicSiteCodeSytem: string dimensionProduct: int evaluationNumber: int lesionNumber: string measurableIndicator: boolean methodCode: string previouslyIrradiatedSiteIndicator: boolean targetNonTargetCode: string xDimension: int yDimension: int zDimension: int Name: Package: Version: Author: CTOM observations and SDTM CTOM (imported package) 1.0 Fridsma CTOM and SDTM harmonization (work in progress) SDTM::OtherFindings + evaluationInterval: timing specification + measurementTime: DATETIME ::SDTMFinding + missingValueCode: CodedConceptDataType + name: CodedConceptDataType Harmonized Elements:: PlannedObserv ation CTOM Elements:: Observ ationRelationship CTOM Elements::Histopathology + + - comments: string id: int type: string 1 0..* 1 0..* + + + grossExamResultCode: string involvedSurgicalMarginIndicator: boolean reportDescriptiveText: string + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + anatomicSiteCode: string anatomicSiteCodeSystem: string appearanceTypeCode: string contactAnatomicSiteCode: string contactAnatomicSiteCodeSytem: string dimensionProduct: int evaluationNumber: int lesionNumber: string measurableIndicator: boolean methodCode: string previouslyIrradiatedSiteIndicator: boolean targetNonTargetCode: string xDimension: int yDimension: int zDimension: int CTOM Elements::PerformedObserv ation SDTM::Examination SDTM::SDTMFinding + measurementTime: int - resultDescription: SDTMFindingDescriptionDataType ::SDTMFinding + missingValueCode: CodedConceptDataType + name: CodedConceptDataType + + missingValueCode: CodedConceptDataType name: CodedConceptDataType + + + + confidentialityCode: BRIDGCodedConcept reportingDate: DATETIME status: BRIDGStatus uncertaintyCode: BRIDGCodedConcept CTOM Elements::ClinicalResult TestInterpretation SDTM::VitalSign + bodyLocation: CodedConceptDataType + measureTime: DATETIME + subjectPosition: enum ::TestInterpretation + interpretedBy: enum + normalRangeIndicator: enum - resultCategory: int ::QuantitativeMeasurement + normalRangeHigh: text + normalRangeLow: text + result: text + units: text ::SDTMFinding + missingValueCode: CodedConceptDataType + name: CodedConceptDataType SDTM::Quantitativ eMeasurement + normalRangeHigh: text + normalRangeLow: text + result: text + units: text ::SDTMFinding + missingValueCode: CodedConceptDataType + name: CodedConceptDataType + + + + + + + + + + + abnormalIndicator: boolean assayMethodCode: string biomarkerInd: boolean bodyPositionCode: string labReferenceRangeCode: string labTechniqueCode: string meansVitalStatusObtainedCod: string panelName: string significanceInd: boolean value: string valueUnitOfMeasureCode: string CTOM Elements::LesionDescription TestInterpretation SDTM::InterpretedResults SDTM::LaboratoryTest + fastingStatus: boolean + method: enum ::QuantitativeMeasurement + normalRangeHigh: text + normalRangeLow: text + result: text + units: text ::SDTMFinding + missingValueCode: CodedConceptDataType + name: CodedConceptDataType ::TestInterpretation + interpretedBy: enum + normalRangeIndicator: enum - resultCategory: int ::QuantitativeMeasurement + normalRangeHigh: text + normalRangeLow: text + result: text + units: text ::SDTMFinding + missingValueCode: CodedConceptDataType + name: CodedConceptDataType Harmonizing attributes CTOM Elements::ClinicalResult SDTM::LaboratoryTest + fastingStatus: boolean + method: enum ::QuantitativeMeasurement + normalRangeHigh: text + normalRangeLow: text + result: text + units: text ::SDTMFinding + missingValueCode: CodedConceptDataType + name: CodedConceptDataType + + + + + + + + + + + abnormalIndicator: boolean assayMethodCode: string biomarkerInd: boolean bodyPositionCode: string labReferenceRangeCode: string labTechniqueCode: string meansVitalStatusObtainedCod: string panelName: string significanceInd: boolean value: string valueUnitOfMeasureCode: string Adding tags to provide semantic traceability (and notes) CTOM Elements::ClinicalResult SDTM::LaboratoryTest + fastingStatus: boolean + method: enum ::QuantitativeMeasurement + normalRangeHigh: text + normalRangeLow: text + result: text + units: text ::SDTMFinding + missingValueCode: CodedConceptDataType + name: CodedConceptDataType + + + + + + + + + + + abnormalIndicator: boolean assayMethodCode: string biomarkerInd: boolean bodyPositionCode: string labReferenceRangeCode: string labTechniqueCode: string meansVitalStatusObtainedCod: string panelName: string significanceInd: boolean value: string valueUnitOfMeasureCode: string Simple semantic can be tracked in tagged values CTOM Elements::ClinicalResult SDTM::Quantitativ eMeasurement + normalRangeHigh: text + normalRangeLow: text + result: text + units: text ::SDTMFinding + missingValueCode: CodedConceptDataType + name: CodedConceptDataType + + + + + + + + + + + abnormalIndicator: boolean assayMethodCode: string biomarkerInd: boolean bodyPositionCode: string labReferenceRangeCode: string labTechniqueCode: string meansVitalStatusObtainedCod: string panelName: string significanceInd: boolean value: string valueUnitOfMeasureCode: string This linking can be extended down to the CDE level CTOM Elements::ClinicalResult SDTM::Quantitativ eMeasurement + normalRangeHigh: text + normalRangeLow: text + result: text + units: text ::SDTMFinding + missingValueCode: CodedConceptDataType + name: CodedConceptDataType + + + + + + + + + + + abnormalIndicator: boolean assayMethodCode: string biomarkerInd: boolean bodyPositionCode: string labReferenceRangeCode: string labTechniqueCode: string meansVitalStatusObtainedCod: string panelName: string significanceInd: boolean value: string valueUnitOfMeasureCode: string IMPLEMENTATION SOLUTIONS Achieving interoperability Application Development xml data Exchange HL7 Tooling caCORE Tooling CDISC xml Interoperability STAKEHOLDERS FOUNDATION MODEL V3 Message Development Interoperability HL7 (RCRIM) NCI/caBIG CDISC c d Compre he ns iv e M ode l BRIDG Sha re d Cla s s e s ::Pa rtic ipa tion BRIDG Sha re d Cla s s e s ::Role + + + + + + + + i d: Co d e d Co n ce p t co d e : Co d e d Co n ce p t sta tu s: e l e ctro n i cCo m m Ad d r: g e o g ra p h i cAd d r: te l e co m Ad d r: e ffe cti ve Sta rtDa te : DAT ET IM E e ffe cti ve En d Da te : DAT ET IM E has a 1 1 ..* has a 1 + + + + + BRIDG Sha re d Cla s s e s :: Role Role Re la tions hip + + + so u rce : typ e : Co d e d Co n ce p t ta rg e t: + ce rti fi ca te L i ce n se T e xt: i d: Co d e d Co n ce p t a d m i n i stra ti ve Ge n d e rCo d e : BRIDGCo d e d Co n ce p t d a te OfBi rth : DAT ET IM E ra ce Co d e : BRIDGCo d e d Co n ce p t e th n i cGro u p Co d e : BRIDGCo d e d Co n ce p t m a ri ta l Sta tu sCo d e : BRIDGCo d e d Co n ce p t e l e ctro n i cCo m m Ad d r: h o u se h o l d In co m e Ca te g o ry: BRIDGCo d e d Co n ce p t e d u ca ti o n L e ve l Co d e : BRIDGCo d e d Co n ce p t te l e co m Ad d re ss: T EL nam e: e n ti tyNa m e d a te OfDe a th : DAT ET IM E a d d re ss: a d d rT yp e Clinic a l Re s e a rc h Entitie s a nd Role s ::Orga niza tion + + + + + + + 1 0 ..* Clinic a l Re s e a rc h Entitie s a nd Role s ::Pa rtic ipa nt + + p a ym e n tM e th o d : Co d e d Co n ce p t co n fi d e n ti a l i tyCo d e : stri n g + + + + + + + + + + + + + Clinic a l Re s e a rc h Entitie s a nd Role s :: He a lthCa re Site Clinic a l Tria ls Ac tiv itie s ::Subj e c tAs s ignme nt + si g n a tu re Co d e : i nt + si g n a tu re T e xt: stri n g ::Pa rti ci p a ti o n + typ e : Co d e d Co n ce p t + sta tu s: Co d e d Co n ce p t + sta tu sDa te : DAT ET IM E + sta rtDa te : DAT ET IM E + e n d Da te : DAT ET IM E 0 ..* 1 0 ..1 + stu d ySu b j e ctId e n ti fi e r: i nt + a rm : stri n g + su b g ro u p Co d e : stri n g + i n fo rm e d Co n se n tFo rm Si g n e d Da te : + o ffStu d yDa te : d a te + stu d yAg e n tDo se L e ve l : stri n g + e l i g i b i l i tyWa i ve rRe a so n : stri n g + a g e AtEn ro l l m e n t: i nt ::Pa rti ci p a ti o n + typ e : Co d e d Co n ce p t + sta tu s: Co d e d Co n ce p t + sta tu sDa te : DAT ET IM E + sta rtDa te : DAT ET IM E + e n d Da te : DAT ET IM E +ta rg e t a cti vi ty * * + + + + + + + + + re l a ti o n sh i p Co d e : PSM Co d e d Co n ce p t Ob so l e te _ re l a ti o n Qu a l i fi e r: BRIDGCo d e d Co n ce p t se q u e n ce Nu m b e r: NUM BER p a u se Cri te ri o n : ch e ckp o i n tCo d e : p ri o ri tyNu m b e r: NUM BER sp l i tCo d e : n e g a ti o n Ru l e : Ab stra ctRu l e j o i n Co d e : n e g a ti o n In d i ca to r: BOOL EAN co n j u n cti o n Co d e : Clinic a l Tria ls Ac tiv itie s ::Pla nne dStudy ::Acti vi ty + co d e : PSM Co d e d Co n ce p t + d e ri va ti o n Exp re ssi o n : T EXT + d e scri p ti o n : PSM De scri p ti o n + sta rtDa te : DAT ET IM E + sta tu s: PSM Co d e d Co n ce p t + a va i l a b i l i tyT i m e : T i m i n g Sp e ci fi ca ti o n + p ri o ri tyCo d e : PSM Co d e d Co n ce p t + co n fi d e n ti a l i tyCo d e : PSM Co d e d Co n ce p t + re p e a tNu m b e r: ra n g e OfIn te g e rs + i n te rru p ti b l e In d i ca to r: BOOL EAN + u n ce rta i n tyCo d e : Co d e d Co n ce p t + re a so n Co d e : PSM Co d e d Co n ce p t + e n d Da te : DAT ET IM E Clinic a l Tria ls Ac tiv itie s ::Pla nne dAc tiv ity ::Acti vi ty + co d e : PSM Co d e d Co n ce p t + d e ri va ti o n Exp re ssi o n : T EXT + d e scri p ti o n : PSM De scri p ti o n + sta rtDa te : DAT ET IM E + sta tu s: PSM Co d e d Co n ce p t + a va i l a b i l i tyT i m e : T i m i n g Sp e ci fi ca ti o n + p ri o ri tyCo d e : PSM Co d e d Co n ce p t + co n fi d e n ti a l i tyCo d e : PSM Co d e d Co n ce p t + re p e a tNu m b e r: ra n g e OfIn te g e rs + i n te rru p ti b l e In d i ca to r: BOOL EAN + u n ce rta i n tyCo d e : Co d e d Co n ce p t + re a so n Co d e : PSM Co d e d Co n ce p t + e n d Da te : DAT ET IM E Clinic a l Tria ls Ac tiv itie s ::Pe rforme dAc tiv ity 1 + p l a n n n e d Un p l a n n e d In d : bool ean ::Acti vi ty + co d e : PSM Co d e d Co n ce p t + d e ri va ti o n Exp re ssi o n : T EXT + d e scri p ti o n : PSM De scri p ti o n + sta rtDa te : DAT ET IM E + sta tu s: PSM Co d e d Co n ce p t + a va i l a b i l i tyT i m e : T i m i n g Sp e ci fi ca ti o n + p ri o ri tyCo d e : PSM Co d e d Co n ce p t + co n fi d e n ti a l i tyCo d e : PSM Co d e d Co n ce p t + re p e a tNu m b e r: ra n g e OfIn te g e rs + i n te rru p ti b l e In d i ca to r: BOOL EAN + u n ce rta i n tyCo d e : Co d e d Co n ce p t + re a so n Co d e : PSM Co d e d Co n ce p t + e n d Da te : DAT ET IM E Clinic a l Tria ls Ac tiv itie s :: StudySite + ta rg e tAccru a l Nu m b e r: i nt ::Pa rti ci p a ti o n + typ e : Co d e d Co n ce p t + sta tu s: Co d e d Co n ce p t + sta tu sDa te : DAT ET IM E + sta rtDa te : DAT ET IM E + e n d Da te : DAT ET IM E 1 BRIDG Sha re d Cla s s e s :: Ac tiv ityAc tiv ityRe la tions hip +so u rce a cti vi ty code: PSMCodedConcept derivationExpres s ion: TEXT des cription: PSMDes cription s tartDate: DATETIME s tatus : PSMCodedConcept availabilityTim e: Tim ingSpecification priorityCode: PSMCodedConcept confidentialityCode: PSMCodedConcept repeatNum ber: rangeOfIntegers interruptibleIndicator: BOOLEAN uncertaintyCode: CodedConcept reas onCode: PSMCodedConcept endDate: DATETIME d a te 0 ..* Clinic a l Re s e a rc h Entitie s a nd Role s :: FundingSpons or Clinic a l Re s e a rc h Entitie s a nd Role s ::Orga niza tionRole i d: Co d e d Co n ce p t nam e: stri n g d e scri p ti o n : stri n g sta tu s: Co d e d Co n ce p t sta tu sDa te : DAT ET IM E g e o g ra p h i cAd d r: a d d rT yp e te l e co m Ad d r: T EL 0 ..* 0 ..* Protoc ol Conc e pts ::StudyDoc ume nt + + + + + + + + + Clinic a l Re s e a rc h Entitie s a nd Role s :: The ra pe utic Age nt i d: Co d e d Co n ce p t nam e: stri n g d e scri p ti o n : stri n g sta tu s: Co d e d Co n ce p t fo rm Co d e : Co d e d Co n ce p t l o tNu m b e r: i nt e xp i ra ti o n Da te : DAT ET IM E sta b i l i tyT i m e : DAT ET IM E 1 0 ..* ve rsi o n : stri n g a u th o r: SET ID: SET BRIDGID d o cu m e n tID: BRIDGID typ e : ENUM d e scri p ti o n : BRIDGDe scri p ti o n ti tl e : stri n g sta tu s: BRIDGSta tu s co n fi d e n ti a l i tyCo d e : Co d e d Co n ce p t Clinic a l Tria ls Ac tiv itie s :: As s e s s me ntRe la tions hip Clinic a l Tria ls Ac tiv itie s :: Obs e rv a tionRe la tions hip Clinic a l Tria ls Ac tiv itie s :: StudyAge nt Clinic a l Re s e a rc h Entitie s a nd Role s :: Age ntRole Clinic a l Re s e a rc h Entitie s a nd Role s ::Age nt + + + + + + + + Clinic a l Tria ls Ac tiv itie s :: StudyInv e s tiga tor Clinic a l Re s e a rc h Entitie s a nd Role s :: Inv e s tiga tor Clinic a l Re s e a rc h Entitie s a nd Role s :: Pe rs onRole ::Ro l e + i d: Co d e d Co n ce p t + co d e : Co d e d Co n ce p t + sta tu s: + e l e ctro n i cCo m m Ad d r: + g e o g ra p h i cAd d r: + te l e co m Ad d r: + e ffe cti ve Sta rtDa te : DAT ET IM E + e ffe cti ve En d Da te : DAT ET IM E BRIDG Shared Classes::Activity typ e : Co d e d Co n ce p t sta tu s: Co d e d Co n ce p t sta tu sDa te : DAT ET IM E sta rtDa te : DAT ET IM E e n d Da te : DAT ET IM E 1 ..* Clinic a l Re s e a rc h Entitie s a nd Role s ::Pe rs on + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ::Pa rti ci p a ti o n + typ e : Co d e d Co n ce p t + sta tu s: Co d e d Co n ce p t + sta tu sDa te : DAT ET IM E + sta rtDa te : DAT ET IM E + e n d Da te : DAT ET IM E 1 1 0 ..* 1 1 + + + + + + + + + + + + i d: BRIDGID l o n g T i tl e : stri n g sh o rtT i tl e : stri n g p h a se Co d e : ENUM i n te n tCo d e : ENUM m o n i to rCo d e : ENUM b l i n d e d In d : bool ean ra n d o m i ze d In d : bool ean d i se a se Co d e : Co d e d Co n ce p tDa ta T yp e sp o n so rCo d e : Co d e d Co n ce p tDa ta T yp e m u l ti In sti tu ti o n In d : bool ean ta rg e tAccru a l Nu m b e r: i nt + + + i d: i nt typ e : stri n g co m m e n ts: stri n g Clinic a l Tria ls Ac tiv itie s :: Pe rforme dStudy 1 0 ..* 0 ..* 1 1 0 ..* nam e: T EXT va l u e : co n tro l l e d Na m e : PSM Co d e d Co n ce p t b u si n e ssPro ce ssM o d e : PSM Bu si n e ssPro ce ssM o d e BRIDG Sha re d Cla s s e s :: BRIDGCode dConc e pt - co d e : T EXT co d e Syste m : co d e Syste m Na m e : T EXT co d e Syste m Ve rsi o n : NUM BER d i sp l a yNa m e : T EXT o ri g i n a l T e xt: T EXT tra n sl a ti o n : SET {PSM Co d e d Co n ce p t} BRIDG Sha re d Cla s s e s ::BRIDGDe s c ription + + + syn o p si s: En ca p su l a te d Da ta su m m a ryDe scri p ti o n : En ca p su l a te d Da ta d e ta i l e d De scri p ti o n : En ca p su l a te d Da ta BRIDG Sha re d Cla s s e s :: BRIDGBus ine s s Proc e s s M ode + m o d e Va l u e : ENUM {Pl a n , Exe cu te } BRIDG Sha re d Cla s s e s :: BRIDGConta c tAddr + + + + + 1 ..* BRIDG Sha re d Cla s s e s :: BRIDGID + + + so u rce : T e xt ve rsi o n : T e xt va l u e : T e xt + sta rtT i m e : endT i m e: BRIDG Sha re d Cla s s e s :: BRIDGSta tus + + + e ffe cti ve En d Da te : e ffe cti ve Sta rtDa te : sta tu sVa l u e : ti m e sta m p ti m e sta m p « a b stra cti o n » 0 ..* + + + Clinic a l Tria ls Ac tiv itie s :: Subs ta nc e Adminis tra tion + + + + + + 0 ..* d a te Clinic a l Tria ls Ac tiv itie s ::Adv e rs e Ev e nt Clinic a l Tria ls Ac tiv itie s ::His topa thology 0 ..* i d: i nt e va l u a ti o n Da te : 0 ..* BRIDG Sha re d Cla s s e s : :BRIDGInte rv a l typ e : BRIDGCo d e d Co n ce p t e ffe cti ve T i m e : BRIDGIn te rva l u sa g e : BRIDGCo d e d Co n ce p t 1 Clinic a l Tria ls Ac tiv itie s ::As s e s s me nt i d: i nt re p o rti n g Da te : d a te co n fi d e n ti a l i tyCo d e : stri n g u n ce rta i n tyCo d e : stri n g sta tu sCo d e : stri n g 1 BRIDG Sha re d Cla s s e s ::BRIDGAna lys is Va ria ble + + + + i d: i nt typ e Co d e : stri n g co m m e n tT e xt: stri n g 1 Clinic a l Tria ls Ac tiv itie s ::Obs e rv a tion + + + + + 0 ..* d o se Qu a n ti ty: i nt d o se Un i tOfM e a su re : stri n g ro u te : stri n g d o se Fre q u e n cy: stri n g d o se M o d i fi ca ti o n T yp e : stri n g d o se Ch a n g e T yp e : i nt g ro ssExa m Re su l tCo d e : stri n g re p o rtDe scri p ti ve T e xt: stri n g i n vo l ve d Su rg i ca l M a rg i n In d i ca to r: 1 0 ..* ta rg e tSi te Co d e : bool ean 1 Clinic a l Tria ls Ac tiv itie s :: His topa thologyGra de Clinic a l Tria ls Ac tiv itie s ::Proc e dure + stri n g + + + + i d: i nt g ra d i n g Syste m Na m e : g ra d e : stri n g co m m e n ts: stri n g stri n g 0 ..* Clinic a l Tria ls Ac tiv itie s :: Clinic a lRe s ult + + + + + + + + + + + p a n e l Na m e : stri n g va l u e : stri n g va l u e Un i tOfM e a su re Co d e : stri n g a ssa yM e th o d Co d e : stri n g b o d yPo si ti o n Co d e : stri n g l a b Re fe re n ce Ra n g e Co d e : stri n g l a b T e ch n i q u e Co d e : stri n g m e a n sVi ta l Sta tu sOb ta i n e d Co d : stri n g a b n o rm a l In d i ca to r: bool ean b i o m a rke rIn d : bool ean si g n i fi ca n ce In d : bool ean Clinic a l Tria ls Ac tiv itie s :: Le s ionDe s c ription + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + l e si o n Nu m b e r: stri n g e va l u a ti o n Nu m b e r: i nt a p p e a ra n ce T yp e Co d e : stri n g ta rg e tNo n T a rg e tCo d e : stri n g m e a su ra b l e In d i ca to r: bool ean m e th o d Co d e : stri n g xDi m e n si o n : i nt yDi m e n si o n : i nt zDi m e n si o n : i nt d i m e n si o n Pro d u ct: i nt a n a to m i cSi te Co d e : stri n g a n a to m i cSi te Co d e Syste m : stri n g co n ta ctAn a to m i cSi te Co d e : stri n g co n ta ctAn a to m i cSi te Co d e Syte m : p re vi o u sl yIrra d i a te d Si te In d i ca to r: stri n g bool ean + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 1 ..* Clinic a l Tria ls Ac tiv itie s :: Ne opla s m Clinic a l Tria ls Ac tiv itie s :: Surge ry Clinic a l Tria ls Ac tiv itie s :: Spe c ime nColle c tion + + si te Co n d i ti o n : stri n g m e th o d : stri n g +sp e ci m e n Co l l e cti o n Clinic a l Tria ls Ac tiv itie s :: Ra dia tion + + + th e ra p yT yp e : stri n g d o se Un i tOfM e a su re : d o se : stri n g stri n g i d e n ti fi e r: stri n g co n tra stAg e n tEn h a n ce m e n t: stri n g d e scri p ti ve T e xt: stri n g ra te OfEn h a n ce m e n tVa l u e : i nt + + i d: i nt ce l l T yp e : + + + + + + + + i d: i nt su b m i ssi o n Da te : d a te fi l e d In d i ca to r: bool ean i d: i nt tn m Sta g e : stri n g tn m Sta g e Co d e Syste m : stri n g sta g e Co d e : stri n g sta g e Co d e Syste m : stri n g re sp o n se Co d e : ch a r re sp o n se Co d e Syste m : stri n g b e stRe sp o n se Co d e : ch a r b e stRe sp o n se Da te : d a te p ro g re ssi o n Da te : d a te p ro g re ssi o n Pe ri o d : i nt p ro g re ssi o n Pe ri o d Un i tOfM e a su re Co d e : d o se Ch a n g e In d i ca to rCo d e : i nt co u rse Di sp o si ti o n Co d e : stri n g co m m e n tT e xt: stri n g Clinic a l Tria ls Ac tiv itie s :: De a thSumma ry + + + + d e a th Da te : d a te d e a th Ca u se Co d e : ch a r d e a th Ca u se T e xt: stri n g a u to p si e d In d i ca to r: bool ean 1 i d: i nt i d Nu m b e r: i nt sa m p l i n g T yp e : stri n g 1 ..* Clinic a l Tria ls Ac tiv itie s :: Adv e rs e Ev e ntThe ra py + + + + + i d: i nt tre a tm e n tDa te : d a te d e l a yDu ra ti o n : i nt d e l a yDu ra ti o n Un i tOfM e a su re Co d e : i n te n si tyCo d e : stri n g stri n g Clinic a l Tria ls Ac tiv itie s :: M e ta s ta s is Site + + + i d: i nt a n a to m i cSi te Co d e : stri n g a n a to m i cSi te Co d e Na m e : stri n g stri n g BRIDG – Domain Analysis Model for Clinical Research Clinic a l Tria ls Ac tiv itie s :: Le s ionEv a lua tion + e va l u a ti o n Co d e : ch a r Clinic a l Tria ls Ac tiv itie s :: Qua lita tiv e Ev a lua tion 1 0 ..* Clinic a l Tria ls Ac tiv itie s : :Spe c ime n + + + + + + + + + + + + + 1 0 ..1 0 ..* +sp e ci m e n Co l l e cti o n Clinic a l Tria ls Ac tiv itie s ::Dis e a s e Re s pons e nam e: stri n g d i se a se Di a g n o si sCo d e : stri n g d i se a se Di a g n o si sCo d e Syste m : stri n g a g e AtDi a g n o si s: i nt co n fi rm a ti o n Da te : d a te p ri m a ryAn a to m i cSi te Co d e : stri n g p ri m a ryAn a to m i cSi te Co d e Syste m : stri n g p ri m a ryAn a to m i cSi te L a te ra l i tyCo d e : stri n g re cu rre n ce In d i ca to r: bool ean d i se a se Sta tu sCo d e : stri n g so u rce Co d e : stri n g so u rce Oth e r: stri n g d i se a se Exte n tT e xt: stri n g Clinic a l Tria ls Ac tiv itie s :: Ca nc e rSta ge 0 ..1 stri n g Clinic a l Tria ls Ac tiv itie s ::Dia gnos is + + + + + + + + + + + + + 1 Clinic a l Tria ls Ac tiv itie s :: Adv e rs e Ev e ntRe port Clinic a l Tria ls Ac tiv itie s ::Ima ging + + + + o n se tDa te : d a te re so l ve d Da te : d a te ctcCa te g o ryCo d e : stri n g ctcCa te g o ryCo d e Syste m : stri n g ctcT e rm T yp e Co d e : stri n g ctcT e rm T yp e Co d e Syste m : stri n g ctcAttri b u ti o n Co d e : stri n g ctcAttri b u ti o n Co d e Syste m : stri n g ctcGra d e Co d e : stri n g ctcGra d e Co d e Syste m : stri n g se ri o u sRe a so n Co d e : stri n g o u tco m e Co d e : stri n g a cti o n T a ke n Co d e : stri n g co n d i ti o n Pa tte rn Co d e : stri n g d o se L i m i ti n g T o xi ci tyIn d i ca to r: bool ean d o se L i m i ti n g T o xi ci tyDe scri p ti o n T e xt: stri n g d e scri p ti o n T e xt: stri n g + + + + + + + + su rvi va l Sta tu sCo d e : i nt su rvi va l Sta tu sDe scri p ti o n T e xt: stri n g p e rfo rm a n ce Sta tu sCo d e : i nt p e rfo rm a n ce Sta tu sCo d e Syste m : stri n g p a i n In d e xCo d e : i nt p a i n In d e xCo d e Syste m : stri n g a n a m Re su l tAccu ra cyPe rce n t: i nt m e n stru a l Pa tte rn T yp e Co d e : stri n g m e n stru a l In d i ca to r: bool ean BRIDG development Top-Down scaffolding Development BRIDG Use case driven, subproject Development Cumulative Registered Users What have we accomplished? • BRIDG – Established excellent collaboration with CDISC, HL7 and other caBIG modelers – Constructed the initial pieces of a comprehensive model – still much to do – Have developed processes and organization of the model that will support more scaleable collaborative development – Demonstrated semantic reuse for subproject development • We hope that this model will serve as a resource for application and message development within a unified framework, and will define the shared semantics of clinical trials research – caBIG for application development – HL7 for V3 RIM message development – “Semantic traceability” to link analysis model to design and implementation-specific models Final thoughts: our approach to modeling • Scope – keep it clear and focused (ie, solve a problem that exists) and standardize to the extend needed – Refine through experience, and not endless discussions. This keeps the modeling effort clear and focused – BRIDG is not complete – but the scaffolding is there to help organize the analysis and model development in subprojects • Keep it generic, faithful, free of implementation specific formalisms, and supporting the requirements • If the tools and models don’t work with reality – it is probably the tools and the models that need to change • If it’s broke, fix it – The model is in evolution with known problems – the problems should be an opportunities for improvement and a call to arms, not barriers to use • Model in the open • Collaborate until it hurts With thanks to Dipak Kalra for discussion Acknowledgements –leadership • Leadership and collaboration – CDISC board members – Becky Kush, CDISC – Sue Dubman, Christo Andonyadis, Peter Covitz NCI – Charlie Mead, HL7, BAH – Barbara Tardiff, Linda Quade, Randy Levine (FDA), RCRIM technical committee of HL7 Acknowledgements –modelers • • • • • • • • • • • Christo Andonyadis Greg Anglin Lisa Chatterjee Julie Evans Douglas B Fridsma Smita Hastak Joyce Niland John Speakman Cara Willoughby Diane Wold Peter Ambramovich • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Ed Helton Pierre-Yves Lastic Tony Friebel Don Kacher Barbara Tardiff Chuck Jaffe Frank Newby Sally Cassels Nitin Gupta Landen Bain Laura Altshuler Steve Ruberg Elaine Job Becky Kush Sylvia Collins Udo Siegman David Hardison David Iberson-Hurst Acknowledgements—Organizations • Pharmaceutical companies – AstraZeneca – BoehringerIngelheim – Eli Lilly – GlaxoSmithKline – Merck – Novartis – Pfizer – Sanofi-Aventis • Technology companies – – – – – – – ScenPro IBM SAS Fast track SAIC BAH Oracle Further Information • • • •