Course: MAC 225 Introduction to Advertising (2 Credits. Compulsory) Course Duration: Two hours per week for 15 weeks (30 hours) as taught in the 2011/2012 session. Lecturer: Oketunmbi, E. O. Ola M.Ed. Communication and Language Arts (Ibadan); M.Sc. Mass Communication (Lagos); B.A. Mass Communication (Nigeria); Member, Advertising Practitioners’ Council of Nigeria (APCON); Department of Mass Communication, Faculty of Communication and Information Sciences, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria. E-mail: Office Location: Ground Floor, Educational Technology Centre, University of Ilorin, Nigeria. Consultation Hours: 3-4 pm (Tuesdays and Thursdays). Course Content Importance and relevance of advertising in industrial, commercial and governmental establishments. Creativity, planning and budgeting as relevant issues in advertising. Media selection and advertising. Course Description The course introduces students of mass communication, especially, those majoring in public relations and advertising, to the concept of advertising and the challenges that necessitated a proliferation of definitions of the subject. The course also deals with the meaning, dynamism, pervasiveness, role players, media, and process of advertising. It compares advertising with other elements of Integrated Marketing Communication and identifies basic regulators and regulations of advertising in Nigeria. Course Justification Given the fact that advertising is a specialized brand of human communication that, without exception, permeates all academic disciplines, professions and spheres of human endeavour, there is no gainsaying that contemporary human society is unimaginable without advertising. This course is therefore a necessary pointer to the links between advertising and the sustenance of contemporary human life. Course Objectives The primary objective of the course is to expose students to the basics of advertising and by the end of the course, the students should be able to: Page 1 of 34 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Explain why advertising has many definitions; Outline the similarities and differences between advertising and other elements of Integrated Marketing Communication; Identify the major roles and roles-players in advertising; Analyze the basic process of creating advertisements; Differentiate the basic regulators and regulations of advertising in Nigeria; Describe various media of advertising and plan for their use in advertising campaigns. Course Requirements Participants in the course are required to: 1. Attend at least 75% of classes in the course punctually; 2. Participate in course activities regularly; 3. Have a yahoo e-mail account, join and participate in an on-line discussion group dedicated to the course; and 4. Word process all assignments and presentations. Methods of Grading Performance in the course will be graded using the guidelines in the table below. Criterion Assignments Participation in on-line discussions Test Final examination Total Percentage Score of Total Marks 10 10 10 70 100 Course Delivery Strategies The face-to-face method of lecture delivery strategy is adopted for the course. The students are told what to read or do ahead of the next class. There will also be an on-line discussion forum for students’ participation. Lecture Contents Week 1: Introduction and Overview of the Course Objectives The lecture will guide the students through various approaches to viewing advertising through conceptual analyses of key concepts. At the end of lecture, the student should be able to: 1. Explain the etymological origin of advertising; 2. Give reasons for the proliferation of definitions of advertising; 3. Recite at least two definitions of advertising; and 4. Describe advertising in own words. Description First Hour Introduction of the Course. Page 2 of 34 Second Hour Definitions and Analyses of the Concept of Advertising. Study Questions 1. Explain the etymological origin of advertising. 2. Give reasons for the proliferation of definitions of advertising. 3. Justify Albert Lasker’s definition of advertising. 4. Study ten other definitions of advertising (that were not discussed in class) then compare and contrast them with those discussed in class. 5. Describe advertising in your own words. 6. Demonstrate your understanding of the concept of advertising by constructing your own definition of the subject. Reading List 1. Abelman 2, 4, R. (1999). Preaching to the choir: profiling tv advisory ratings users. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 43(4), 529-550. 2. Advertising 2, 4 Practitioners Council of Nigeria. (1992). Marketing politics: Advertising strategies and tactics. Lagos, Nigeria: Author. 3. Advertising 2, 4 Practitioners Council of Nigeria. (1992). The professional examinations syllabus. Lagos, Nigeria: Author. 4. Advertising 2, 4 Practitioners Council of Nigeria. (2009). 2009 register of advertising practitioners. Lagos, Nigeria: Author. 5. Advertising 2, 4 Practitioners Council of Nigeria. (date not available). The Nigerian code of advertising practice and sales promotion (4th ed.). Lagos, Nigeria: Author. 6. Agba 2, 4, P. C. & N. Okoro (1995) Fundamentals of graphic communication, Enugu, Nigeria: Acena Publishers. 2, 4 7. Ajayi , B. O. (2005). Understanding outdoor advertising. Lagos, Nigeria: Fem Publicity. 8. Alabi 2, 4, S. (2006 & 2007). Media management: Managing the advertising function in the Nigerian newspaper industry. Journal of communication and society, 1(2 &3), 23-33. 9. Andsager 2, 4, J. L., E. W. Austin, & B. E. Pinkleton (2001). Questioning the value of realism: Young adults’ processing of messages in alcoholic-related public service announcements and advertisements. Journal of Communication, 51(1), 121-142. 10. Anyacho2, 4, R. C. (2007). Advertising principles and practice: The Nigerian perspective, (place of publication and publisher not available). 11. Arens2, 4, W. F. (2002). Contemporary advertising (8th ed). New York, United States of America: McGraw-Hill Companies. 12. Asemota2, 4, M. M. (2006). Names you cant ignore: Advertising across the ages (2). Lagos, Nigeria: APCON. 13. Asemota2, 4, M. M. (2006). Names You Cant Ignore: Advertising revolution in Nigeria (1). Lagos, Nigeria: APCON. 14. Baran2, 4, S. J. (2002). Introduction to mass communication: media literacy and culture (3rd ed.). Boston: United States of America: McGraw Hill Companies. 15. Baran2, 4, S. J. (2002). Introduction to mass communication: media literacy and culture (4th ed.). Boston: United States of America: McGraw Hill Companies. Page 3 of 34 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. Belch2, 4, G. E. & M. A. Belch (2004). Advertising and promotion: An integrated marketing communications perspective (6th ed.). New Delhi, India: Tata McGrawHill. Bel-Molokwu2, 4, J. & D. Obiaku (Eds.) (1997). Advertising in Nigeria: Some fundamental issues. Lagos, Nigeria: Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria. Bel-Molokwu2, 4, J. (2000). Principles of advertising (Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria Advertising education series No. 3). Lagos, Nigeria: Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria. 2, 4 Bitner , I. R. (1989). Mass communication: an introduction (5th ed.). New Jersey, States of America: Prentice Hall. Chan-Olmsted2, 4, S. M. & Y. Kim (2002). The pbs brand versus cable brands: Assessing the brand image of public television in a multichannel environment. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 46(2), 300-320. Chan-Olmsted2, 4, S. M. (2002). Branding and internet marketing in the age of digital media. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 46(4), 641-645. Coupland2, 4, J. (2000). Past the ‘perfect kind of age”? Styling selves and relationships in over-50s dating advertisements. Journal of Communication, 50(3), 9-30. DeFleur2, 4, M.L. & E.E. Dennis (1998). Understanding mass communication: A liberal arts perspective (6th ed.). Boston, States of America: Houhgton Muffin Company. Idemili2, 4, S. O. & N. Okoro (1997). An analysis of the positioning concept in Nigerian advertising, using display advertisements in the guardian and daily times newspapers. Nsukka Journal of the Humanities, (8), 36-51. John-Kamen2, 4, A. U (2006). Advertising: Genesis, evolution, principles, practice. Enugu, Nigeria: Snaap Press. Mojekwu2, 4, J. (2000). Quantitative analysis (Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria Advertising education series No. 1). Lagos, Nigeria: Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria. Norris, J. S. (1987). Advertising (3rd ed.). New Delhi, India: Prentice-Hall. Odiboh, O. O. (2002). Integrated marketing communication (Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria Advertising education series No. 4). Lagos, Nigeria: Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria. Ogunsanya2, 4, A. (2000). Advertising management. Lagos, Nigeria: Richmind Books. Okoro2, 4, N (1998). The business of advertising. Enugu, Nigeria: Acena. Okwechime2, 4, C. (2009). Essentials of advertising in Nigeria (2nd ed.). Asaba, Nigeria: Prime Legacies. Olatunji2, 4, L. (1998). Glossary of advertising marketing and communication terms. Lagos, Nigeria: Capitol Books. Osunbiyi2, 4, B (1999). Advertising: Principles and practice. Abeokuta, Nigeria: Gbenga Gbesan Desi Associates. Osunbiyi2, 4, B (2002). Contemporary conflicting issues in advertising: Opening up the debate. Abeokuta, Nigeria: Jice Communication. Phillips2, 4, B. J. & B. Gyoerick (1999). The cow, the cook, and the quaker: Fifty years of spokes-character advertising. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 76(4), 713-728. Page 4 of 34 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Schmidt2, 4, T. L. & J. C. Hitchon (1999). When advertising and public relations converge: An application of schema theory to the persuasive impact of alignment ads. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 76(3), 435-455. 2, 4 Slater , M. D., D. Rouner, D. Karan, K. Murphy & F. Beuvais (1999). Placing alcohol warnings before, during, and after tv beer ads: Effects on knowledge and reposes to the ads and the warnings. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 76(3), 468-484. Smitth2, 4, P. R. & J. Taylor (2003). Marketing communications: An integrated approach (3rd ed.). London, United Kingdom: Kogan Page. 2, 4 The Certified Marketing Communications Institute of Nigeria. (date not available). Professional qualifying and examination pack. Lagos, Nigeria: Author. Waterman2, 4, D. & Yan, M. Z. (1999). Cable advertising and the future of basic cable networking. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 43(4), 643-658. Week 2: History of Advertising (Global and Local Perspectives) Objectives By the end of week 2, the student should be able to describe the origin, evolution, and current status of advertising from both the global and local perspectives. Description First Hour History of Advertising: Global Perspective. Second Hour History of Advertising Local Perspective. Study Questions 1. Outline the major landmarks in the history of advertising at the global level. 2. Identify the founder of modern advertising and highlight his contributions to the industry. 3. Describe the advent of advertising in Nigeria. 4. Identify the principal body that regulates advertising in Nigeria. 5. Identify the legal basis of advertising regulation in Nigeria. 6. Compare and contrast the advent of advertising in Nigeria with that of a named foreign country. Reading List 1. Abelman 2, 4, R. (1999). Preaching to the choir: profiling tv advisory ratings users. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 43(4), 529-550. 2. Advertising 2, 4 Practitioners Council of Nigeria. (1992). Marketing politics: Advertising strategies and tactics. Lagos, Nigeria: Author. 3. Advertising 2, 4 Practitioners Council of Nigeria. (1992). The professional examinations syllabus. Lagos, Nigeria: Author. 4. Advertising 2, 4 Practitioners Council of Nigeria. (2009). 2009 register of advertising practitioners. Lagos, Nigeria: Author. Page 5 of 34 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Advertising 2, 4 Practitioners Council of Nigeria. (date not available). The Nigerian code of advertising practice and sales promotion (4th ed.). Lagos, Nigeria: Author. 2, 4 Agba , P. C. & N. Okoro (1995) Fundamentals of graphic communication, Enugu, Nigeria: Acena Publishers. Ajayi 2, 4, B. O. (2005). Understanding outdoor advertising. Lagos, Nigeria: Fem Publicity. 2, 4 Alabi , S. (2006 & 2007). Media management: Managing the advertising function in the Nigerian newspaper industry. Journal of communication and society, 1(2 &3), 23-33. Andsager 2, 4, J. L., E. W. Austin, & B. E. Pinkleton (2001). Questioning the value of realism: Young adults’ processing of messages in alcoholic-related public service announcements and advertisements. Journal of Communication, 51(1), 121-142. Anyacho2, 4, R. C. (2007). Advertising principles and practice: The Nigerian perspective, (place of publication and publisher not available). 2, 4 Arens , W. F. (2002). Contemporary advertising (8th ed). New York, United States of America: McGraw-Hill Companies. Asemota2, 4, M. M. (2006). Names you cant ignore: Advertising across the ages (2). Lagos, Nigeria: APCON. Asemota2, 4, M. M. (2006). Names You Cant Ignore: Advertising revolution in Nigeria (1). Lagos, Nigeria: APCON. Baran2, 4, S. J. (2002). Introduction to mass communication: media literacy and culture (3rd ed.). Boston: United States of America: McGraw Hill Companies. 2, 4 Baran , S. J. (2002). Introduction to mass communication: media literacy and culture (4th ed.). Boston: United States of America: McGraw Hill Companies. Belch2, 4, G. E. & M. A. Belch (2004). Advertising and promotion: An integrated marketing communications perspective (6th ed.). New Delhi, India: Tata McGrawHill. Bel-Molokwu2, 4, J. & D. Obiaku (Eds.) (1997). Advertising in Nigeria: Some fundamental issues. Lagos, Nigeria: Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria. Bel-Molokwu2, 4, J. (2000). Principles of advertising (Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria Advertising education series No. 3). Lagos, Nigeria: Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria. 2, 4 Bitner , I. R. (1989). Mass communication: an introduction (5th ed.). New Jersey, States of America: Prentice Hall. Chan-Olmsted2, 4, S. M. & Y. Kim (2002). The pbs brand versus cable brands: Assessing the brand image of public television in a multichannel environment. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 46(2), 300-320. Chan-Olmsted2, 4, S. M. (2002). Branding and internet marketing in the age of digital media. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 46(4), 641-645. Coupland2, 4, J. (2000). Past the ‘perfect kind of age”? Styling selves and relationships in over-50s dating advertisements. Journal of Communication, 50(3), 9-30. DeFleur2, 4, M.L. & E.E. Dennis (1998). Understanding mass communication: A liberal arts perspective (6th ed.). Boston, States of America: Houhgton Muffin Company. Page 6 of 34 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Idemili2, 4, S. O. & N. Okoro (1997). An analysis of the positioning concept in Nigerian advertising, using display advertisements in the guardian and daily times newspapers. Nsukka Journal of the Humanities, (8), 36-51. John-Kamen2, 4, A. U (2006). Advertising: Genesis, evolution, principles, practice. Enugu, Nigeria: Snaap Press. Mojekwu2, 4, J. (2000). Quantitative analysis (Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria Advertising education series No. 1). Lagos, Nigeria: Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria. Norris, J. S. (1987). Advertising (3rd ed.). New Delhi, India: Prentice-Hall. Odiboh, O. O. (2002). Integrated marketing communication (Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria Advertising education series No. 4). Lagos, Nigeria: Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria. Ogunsanya2, 4, A. (2000). Advertising management. Lagos, Nigeria: Richmind Books. Okoro2, 4, N (1998). The business of advertising. Enugu, Nigeria: Acena. Okwechime2, 4, C. (2009). Essentials of advertising in Nigeria (2nd ed.). Asaba, Nigeria: Prime Legacies. Olatunji2, 4, L. (1998). Glossary of advertising marketing and communication terms. Lagos, Nigeria: Capitol Books. Osunbiyi2, 4, B (1999). Advertising: Principles and practice. Abeokuta, Nigeria: Gbenga Gbesan Desi Associates. Osunbiyi2, 4, B (2002). Contemporary conflicting issues in advertising: Opening up the debate. Abeokuta, Nigeria: Jice Communication. Phillips2, 4, B. J. & B. Gyoerick (1999). The cow, the cook, and the quaker: Fifty years of spokes-character advertising. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 76(4), 713-728. Schmidt2, 4, T. L. & J. C. Hitchon (1999). When advertising and public relations converge: An application of schema theory to the persuasive impact of alignment ads. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 76(3), 435-455. 2, 4 Slater , M. D., D. Rouner, D. Karan, K. Murphy & F. Beuvais (1999). Placing alcohol warnings before, during, and after tv beer ads: Effects on knowledge and reposes to the ads and the warnings. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 76(3), 468-484. 2, 4 Smitth , P. R. & J. Taylor (2003). Marketing communications: An integrated approach (3rd ed.). London, United Kingdom: Kogan Page. 2, 4 The Certified Marketing Communications Institute of Nigeria. (date not available). Professional qualifying and examination pack. Lagos, Nigeria: Author. Waterman2, 4, D. & Yan, M. Z. (1999). Cable advertising and the future of basic cable networking. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 43(4), 643-658. Week 3: The Objective of Advertising Objectives By the end of lecture 3, the student should be able to: 1. Differentiate the concepts of role of advertising from goal of advertising; 2. Explain the goal of advertising; and Page 7 of 34 3. Identify at least five roles in the society through which advertising seeks to achieve its goal. Description First Hour The Objective of Advertising. Second Hour How Advertising Achieves Its Objective. Study Questions 1. Explain how the concept role of advertising is different from goal of advertising; 2. Describe the basic goal of advertising; 3. Identify at least five roles in the society through which advertising seeks to achieve its goal; 4. Discuss how does the educator role of advertising facilitates the goal of advertising; 5. Justify the notion that, as far as the advertiser is concerned, any other gratification prospects derive from advertising is secondary to the goal of advertising. 6. Identify ten other ways (that were not discussed in class) through which advertising seeks to influence the behaviour of prospects. Reading List 1. Abelman 2, 4, R. (1999). Preaching to the choir: profiling tv advisory ratings users. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 43(4), 529-550. 2. Advertising 2, 4 Practitioners Council of Nigeria. (1992). Marketing politics: Advertising strategies and tactics. Lagos, Nigeria: Author. 3. Advertising 2, 4 Practitioners Council of Nigeria. (1992). The professional examinations syllabus. Lagos, Nigeria: Author. 4. Advertising 2, 4 Practitioners Council of Nigeria. (2009). 2009 register of advertising practitioners. Lagos, Nigeria: Author. 5. Advertising 2, 4 Practitioners Council of Nigeria. (date not available). The Nigerian code of advertising practice and sales promotion (4th ed.). Lagos, Nigeria: Author. 2, 4 6. Agba , P. C. & N. Okoro (1995) Fundamentals of graphic communication, Enugu, Nigeria: Acena Publishers. 7. Ajayi 2, 4, B. O. (2005). Understanding outdoor advertising. Lagos, Nigeria: Fem Publicity. 8. Alabi 2, 4, S. (2006 & 2007). Media management: Managing the advertising function in the Nigerian newspaper industry. Journal of communication and society, 1(2 &3), 23-33. 9. Andsager 2, 4, J. L., E. W. Austin, & B. E. Pinkleton (2001). Questioning the value of realism: Young adults’ processing of messages in alcoholic-related public service announcements and advertisements. Journal of Communication, 51(1), 121-142. 10. Anyacho2, 4, R. C. (2007). Advertising principles and practice: The Nigerian perspective, (place of publication and publisher not available). 11. Arens2, 4, W. F. (2002). Contemporary advertising (8th ed). New York, United States of America: McGraw-Hill Companies. Page 8 of 34 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. Asemota2, 4, M. M. (2006). Names you cant ignore: Advertising across the ages (2). Lagos, Nigeria: APCON. Asemota2, 4, M. M. (2006). Names You Cant Ignore: Advertising revolution in Nigeria (1). Lagos, Nigeria: APCON. Baran2, 4, S. J. (2002). Introduction to mass communication: media literacy and culture (3rd ed.). Boston: United States of America: McGraw Hill Companies. Baran2, 4, S. J. (2002). Introduction to mass communication: media literacy and culture (4th ed.). Boston: United States of America: McGraw Hill Companies. Belch2, 4, G. E. & M. A. Belch (2004). Advertising and promotion: An integrated marketing communications perspective (6th ed.). New Delhi, India: Tata McGrawHill. Bel-Molokwu2, 4, J. & D. Obiaku (Eds.) (1997). Advertising in Nigeria: Some fundamental issues. Lagos, Nigeria: Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria. Bel-Molokwu2, 4, J. (2000). Principles of advertising (Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria Advertising education series No. 3). Lagos, Nigeria: Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria. Bitner2, 4, I. R. (1989). Mass communication: an introduction (5th ed.). New Jersey, States of America: Prentice Hall. Chan-Olmsted2, 4, S. M. & Y. Kim (2002). The pbs brand versus cable brands: Assessing the brand image of public television in a multichannel environment. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 46(2), 300-320. Chan-Olmsted2, 4, S. M. (2002). Branding and internet marketing in the age of digital media. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 46(4), 641-645. Coupland2, 4, J. (2000). Past the ‘perfect kind of age”? Styling selves and relationships in over-50s dating advertisements. Journal of Communication, 50(3), 9-30. DeFleur2, 4, M.L. & E.E. Dennis (1998). Understanding mass communication: A liberal arts perspective (6th ed.). Boston, States of America: Houhgton Muffin Company. 2, 4 Idemili , S. O. & N. Okoro (1997). An analysis of the positioning concept in Nigerian advertising, using display advertisements in the guardian and daily times newspapers. Nsukka Journal of the Humanities, (8), 36-51. John-Kamen2, 4, A. U (2006). Advertising: Genesis, evolution, principles, practice. Enugu, Nigeria: Snaap Press. Mojekwu2, 4, J. (2000). Quantitative analysis (Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria Advertising education series No. 1). Lagos, Nigeria: Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria. Norris, J. S. (1987). Advertising (3rd ed.). New Delhi, India: Prentice-Hall. Odiboh, O. O. (2002). Integrated marketing communication (Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria Advertising education series No. 4). Lagos, Nigeria: Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria. Ogunsanya2, 4, A. (2000). Advertising management. Lagos, Nigeria: Richmind Books. Okoro2, 4, N (1998). The business of advertising. Enugu, Nigeria: Acena. Okwechime2, 4, C. (2009). Essentials of advertising in Nigeria (2nd ed.). Asaba, Nigeria: Prime Legacies. Olatunji2, 4, L. (1998). Glossary of advertising marketing and communication terms. Lagos, Nigeria: Capitol Books. Page 9 of 34 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Osunbiyi2, 4, B (1999). Advertising: Principles and practice. Abeokuta, Nigeria: Gbenga Gbesan Desi Associates. Osunbiyi2, 4, B (2002). Contemporary conflicting issues in advertising: Opening up the debate. Abeokuta, Nigeria: Jice Communication. Phillips2, 4, B. J. & B. Gyoerick (1999). The cow, the cook, and the quaker: Fifty years of spokes-character advertising. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 76(4), 713-728. Schmidt2, 4, T. L. & J. C. Hitchon (1999). When advertising and public relations converge: An application of schema theory to the persuasive impact of alignment ads. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 76(3), 435-455. 2, 4 Slater , M. D., D. Rouner, D. Karan, K. Murphy & F. Beuvais (1999). Placing alcohol warnings before, during, and after tv beer ads: Effects on knowledge and reposes to the ads and the warnings. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 76(3), 468-484. 2, 4 Smitth , P. R. & J. Taylor (2003). Marketing communications: An integrated approach (3rd ed.). London, United Kingdom: Kogan Page. 2, 4 The Certified Marketing Communications Institute of Nigeria. (date not available). Professional qualifying and examination pack. Lagos, Nigeria: Author. Waterman2, 4, D. & Yan, M. Z. (1999). Cable advertising and the future of basic cable networking. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 43(4), 643-658. Week 4: Types of Advertising Objectives By the end of lecture 4, the student should be able to: 1. Identify at least two criteria for classifying advertising; 2. Explain why there are many criteria for classifying advertising; 3. Classify advertising using at least two criteria. Description First Hour Criteria for Classifying Advertising. Second Hour Classification of Advertising. Study Questions 1. Differentiate classes of advertising from criteria for classifying advertising. 2. Identify at least two criteria for classifying advertising. 3. Give reasons for the proliferation of criteria for classifying advertising. 4. Explain why the specification of classification criteria is an imperative for effective classification of advertising. 5. Compare and contrast Arens’ and Bel-Molokwu’s criteria for classifying advertising. 6. Specify a classification criterion for advertising aside from the ones discussed in class and classify advertising accordingly. Page 10 of 34 Reading List 1. Abelman 2, 4, R. (1999). Preaching to the choir: profiling tv advisory ratings users. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 43(4), 529-550. 2. Advertising 2, 4 Practitioners Council of Nigeria. (1992). Marketing politics: Advertising strategies and tactics. Lagos, Nigeria: Author. 3. Advertising 2, 4 Practitioners Council of Nigeria. (1992). The professional examinations syllabus. Lagos, Nigeria: Author. 4. Advertising 2, 4 Practitioners Council of Nigeria. (2009). 2009 register of advertising practitioners. Lagos, Nigeria: Author. 5. Advertising 2, 4 Practitioners Council of Nigeria. (date not available). The Nigerian code of advertising practice and sales promotion (4th ed.). Lagos, Nigeria: Author. 2, 4 6. Agba , P. C. & N. Okoro (1995) Fundamentals of graphic communication, Enugu, Nigeria: Acena Publishers. 7. Ajayi 2, 4, B. O. (2005). Understanding outdoor advertising. Lagos, Nigeria: Fem Publicity. 8. Alabi 2, 4, S. (2006 & 2007). Media management: Managing the advertising function in the Nigerian newspaper industry. Journal of communication and society, 1(2 &3), 23-33. 9. Andsager 2, 4, J. L., E. W. Austin, & B. E. Pinkleton (2001). Questioning the value of realism: Young adults’ processing of messages in alcoholic-related public service announcements and advertisements. Journal of Communication, 51(1), 121-142. 10. Anyacho2, 4, R. C. (2007). Advertising principles and practice: The Nigerian perspective, (place of publication and publisher not available). 2, 4 11. Arens , W. F. (2002). Contemporary advertising (8th ed). New York, United States of America: McGraw-Hill Companies. 12. Asemota2, 4, M. M. (2006). Names you cant ignore: Advertising across the ages (2). Lagos, Nigeria: APCON. 13. Asemota2, 4, M. M. (2006). Names You Cant Ignore: Advertising revolution in Nigeria (1). Lagos, Nigeria: APCON. 14. Baran2, 4, S. J. (2002). Introduction to mass communication: media literacy and culture (3rd ed.). Boston: United States of America: McGraw Hill Companies. 2, 4 15. Baran , S. J. (2002). Introduction to mass communication: media literacy and culture (4th ed.). Boston: United States of America: McGraw Hill Companies. 16. Belch2, 4, G. E. & M. A. Belch (2004). Advertising and promotion: An integrated marketing communications perspective (6th ed.). New Delhi, India: Tata McGrawHill. 17. Bel-Molokwu2, 4, J. & D. Obiaku (Eds.) (1997). Advertising in Nigeria: Some fundamental issues. Lagos, Nigeria: Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria. 18. Bel-Molokwu2, 4, J. (2000). Principles of advertising (Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria Advertising education series No. 3). Lagos, Nigeria: Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria. 2, 4 19. Bitner , I. R. (1989). Mass communication: an introduction (5th ed.). New Jersey, States of America: Prentice Hall. 20. Chan-Olmsted2, 4, S. M. & Y. Kim (2002). The pbs brand versus cable brands: Assessing the brand image of public television in a multichannel environment. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 46(2), 300-320. Page 11 of 34 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Chan-Olmsted2, 4, S. M. (2002). Branding and internet marketing in the age of digital media. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 46(4), 641-645. Coupland2, 4, J. (2000). Past the ‘perfect kind of age”? Styling selves and relationships in over-50s dating advertisements. Journal of Communication, 50(3), 9-30. DeFleur2, 4, M.L. & E.E. Dennis (1998). Understanding mass communication: A liberal arts perspective (6th ed.). Boston, States of America: Houhgton Muffin Company. Idemili2, 4, S. O. & N. Okoro (1997). An analysis of the positioning concept in Nigerian advertising, using display advertisements in the guardian and daily times newspapers. Nsukka Journal of the Humanities, (8), 36-51. John-Kamen2, 4, A. U (2006). Advertising: Genesis, evolution, principles, practice. Enugu, Nigeria: Snaap Press. Mojekwu2, 4, J. (2000). Quantitative analysis (Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria Advertising education series No. 1). Lagos, Nigeria: Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria. Norris, J. S. (1987). Advertising (3rd ed.). New Delhi, India: Prentice-Hall. Odiboh, O. O. (2002). Integrated marketing communication (Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria Advertising education series No. 4). Lagos, Nigeria: Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria. Ogunsanya2, 4, A. (2000). Advertising management. Lagos, Nigeria: Richmind Books. Okoro2, 4, N (1998). The business of advertising. Enugu, Nigeria: Acena. Okwechime2, 4, C. (2009). Essentials of advertising in Nigeria (2nd ed.). Asaba, Nigeria: Prime Legacies. Olatunji2, 4, L. (1998). Glossary of advertising marketing and communication terms. Lagos, Nigeria: Capitol Books. Osunbiyi2, 4, B (1999). Advertising: Principles and practice. Abeokuta, Nigeria: Gbenga Gbesan Desi Associates. Osunbiyi2, 4, B (2002). Contemporary conflicting issues in advertising: Opening up the debate. Abeokuta, Nigeria: Jice Communication. Phillips2, 4, B. J. & B. Gyoerick (1999). The cow, the cook, and the quaker: Fifty years of spokes-character advertising. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 76(4), 713-728. Schmidt2, 4, T. L. & J. C. Hitchon (1999). When advertising and public relations converge: An application of schema theory to the persuasive impact of alignment ads. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 76(3), 435-455. Slater2, 4, M. D., D. Rouner, D. Karan, K. Murphy & F. Beuvais (1999). Placing alcohol warnings before, during, and after tv beer ads: Effects on knowledge and reposes to the ads and the warnings. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 76(3), 468-484. 2, 4 Smitth , P. R. & J. Taylor (2003). Marketing communications: An integrated approach (3rd ed.). London, United Kingdom: Kogan Page. The 2, 4 Certified Marketing Communications Institute of Nigeria. (date not available). Professional qualifying and examination pack. Lagos, Nigeria: Author. Waterman2, 4, D. & Yan, M. Z. (1999). Cable advertising and the future of basic cable networking. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 43(4), 643-658. Page 12 of 34 Week 5: Advertising Chain and Process Objectives By the end of lecture 5, the student should be able to: 1. Differentiate the concepts of chain and process as they relate to advertising; 2. Identify the elements that constitute the chain of advertising; and 3. Explain the process of advertising. Description First Hour Differences between Chain and Process in Advertising. Second Hour The Process of Advertising. Study Questions 1. Differentiate the concepts of chain and process as they relate to advertising. 2. Identify the major actors in the process of advertising. 3. Explain the activities of the major actors in the process of advertising. 4. Identify the elements that constitute the chain of advertising. 5. Explain the process of advertising. 6. Critically examine Bel-molokwu’s multi-stage approach to the process of advertising and recommend ways of improving on it. Reading List 1. Abelman 2, 4, R. (1999). Preaching to the choir: profiling tv advisory ratings users. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 43(4), 529-550. 2. Advertising 2, 4 Practitioners Council of Nigeria. (1992). Marketing politics: Advertising strategies and tactics. Lagos, Nigeria: Author. 3. Advertising 2, 4 Practitioners Council of Nigeria. (1992). The professional examinations syllabus. Lagos, Nigeria: Author. 4. Advertising 2, 4 Practitioners Council of Nigeria. (2009). 2009 register of advertising practitioners. Lagos, Nigeria: Author. 5. Advertising 2, 4 Practitioners Council of Nigeria. (date not available). The Nigerian code of advertising practice and sales promotion (4th ed.). Lagos, Nigeria: Author. 6. Agba 2, 4, P. C. & N. Okoro (1995) Fundamentals of graphic communication, Enugu, Nigeria: Acena Publishers. 2, 4 7. Ajayi , B. O. (2005). Understanding outdoor advertising. Lagos, Nigeria: Fem Publicity. 8. Alabi 2, 4, S. (2006 & 2007). Media management: Managing the advertising function in the Nigerian newspaper industry. Journal of communication and society, 1(2 &3), 23-33. 9. Andsager 2, 4, J. L., E. W. Austin, & B. E. Pinkleton (2001). Questioning the value of realism: Young adults’ processing of messages in alcoholic-related public service announcements and advertisements. Journal of Communication, 51(1), 121-142. Page 13 of 34 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Anyacho2, 4, R. C. (2007). Advertising principles and practice: The Nigerian perspective, (place of publication and publisher not available). Arens2, 4, W. F. (2002). Contemporary advertising (8th ed). New York, United States of America: McGraw-Hill Companies. Asemota2, 4, M. M. (2006). Names you cant ignore: Advertising across the ages (2). Lagos, Nigeria: APCON. Asemota2, 4, M. M. (2006). Names You Cant Ignore: Advertising revolution in Nigeria (1). Lagos, Nigeria: APCON. 2, 4 Baran , S. J. (2002). Introduction to mass communication: media literacy and culture (3rd ed.). Boston: United States of America: McGraw Hill Companies. Baran2, 4, S. J. (2002). Introduction to mass communication: media literacy and culture (4th ed.). Boston: United States of America: McGraw Hill Companies. 2, 4 Belch , G. E. & M. A. Belch (2004). Advertising and promotion: An integrated marketing communications perspective (6th ed.). New Delhi, India: Tata McGrawHill. Bel-Molokwu2, 4, J. & D. Obiaku (Eds.) (1997). Advertising in Nigeria: Some fundamental issues. Lagos, Nigeria: Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria. Bel-Molokwu2, 4, J. (2000). Principles of advertising (Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria Advertising education series No. 3). Lagos, Nigeria: Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria. Bitner2, 4, I. R. (1989). Mass communication: an introduction (5th ed.). New Jersey, States of America: Prentice Hall. Chan-Olmsted2, 4, S. M. & Y. Kim (2002). The pbs brand versus cable brands: Assessing the brand image of public television in a multichannel environment. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 46(2), 300-320. Chan-Olmsted2, 4, S. M. (2002). Branding and internet marketing in the age of digital media. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 46(4), 641-645. Coupland2, 4, J. (2000). Past the ‘perfect kind of age”? Styling selves and relationships in over-50s dating advertisements. Journal of Communication, 50(3), 9-30. DeFleur2, 4, M.L. & E.E. Dennis (1998). Understanding mass communication: A liberal arts perspective (6th ed.). Boston, States of America: Houhgton Muffin Company. 2, 4 Idemili , S. O. & N. Okoro (1997). An analysis of the positioning concept in Nigerian advertising, using display advertisements in the guardian and daily times newspapers. Nsukka Journal of the Humanities, (8), 36-51. John-Kamen2, 4, A. U (2006). Advertising: Genesis, evolution, principles, practice. Enugu, Nigeria: Snaap Press. Mojekwu2, 4, J. (2000). Quantitative analysis (Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria Advertising education series No. 1). Lagos, Nigeria: Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria. Norris, J. S. (1987). Advertising (3rd ed.). New Delhi, India: Prentice-Hall. Odiboh, O. O. (2002). Integrated marketing communication (Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria Advertising education series No. 4). Lagos, Nigeria: Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria. Ogunsanya2, 4, A. (2000). Advertising management. Lagos, Nigeria: Richmind Books. Okoro2, 4, N (1998). The business of advertising. Enugu, Nigeria: Acena. Page 14 of 34 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Okwechime2, 4, C. (2009). Essentials of advertising in Nigeria (2nd ed.). Asaba, Nigeria: Prime Legacies. Olatunji2, 4, L. (1998). Glossary of advertising marketing and communication terms. Lagos, Nigeria: Capitol Books. Osunbiyi2, 4, B (1999). Advertising: Principles and practice. Abeokuta, Nigeria: Gbenga Gbesan Desi Associates. Osunbiyi2, 4, B (2002). Contemporary conflicting issues in advertising: Opening up the debate. Abeokuta, Nigeria: Jice Communication. Phillips2, 4, B. J. & B. Gyoerick (1999). The cow, the cook, and the quaker: Fifty years of spokes-character advertising. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 76(4), 713-728. Schmidt2, 4, T. L. & J. C. Hitchon (1999). When advertising and public relations converge: An application of schema theory to the persuasive impact of alignment ads. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 76(3), 435-455. 2, 4 Slater , M. D., D. Rouner, D. Karan, K. Murphy & F. Beuvais (1999). Placing alcohol warnings before, during, and after tv beer ads: Effects on knowledge and reposes to the ads and the warnings. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 76(3), 468-484. Smitth2, 4, P. R. & J. Taylor (2003). Marketing communications: An integrated approach (3rd ed.). London, United Kingdom: Kogan Page. 2, 4 The Certified Marketing Communications Institute of Nigeria. (date not available). Professional qualifying and examination pack. Lagos, Nigeria: Author. Waterman2, 4, D. & Yan, M. Z. (1999). Cable advertising and the future of basic cable networking. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 43(4), 643-658. Week 6: Assessment Test I Objectives To conduct a two-hour continuous assessment test based on the class discussions, study questions, and assignments of weeks 1 to 5 and thereby sensitize students to prepare for the final examination in the course. First Hour Assessment Test Second Hour Assessment Test Study Questions As listed under weeks 1 to 5. Reading List As listed under weeks 1 to 5. Week 7: Media of Advertising Objectives By the end of lecture 7, the student should be able to: Page 15 of 34 1. 2. 3. 4. Differentiate medium and media of advertising; Identify at least six criteria for classifying media of advertising; Classify media of advertising using specified criteria; Explain the concepts of media classes, media sub-classes, media vehicles, and media units. Description First Hour What Is a Medium? Second Hour Classes of Media in Advertising. Study Questions 1. Differentiate medium and media of advertising. 2. Identify 20 different media of advertising and classify them using four classification criteria. 3. Identify at least six criteria for classifying media of advertising. 4. Classify media of advertising using specified criteria. 5. Explain the concepts of media classes, media sub-classes, media vehicles, and media units. 6. For a named advertising media class, identify five corresponding advertising media subclasses, five corresponding advertising media vehicles, and five corresponding advertising media units. Reading List 1. Abelman 2, 4, R. (1999). Preaching to the choir: profiling tv advisory ratings users. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 43(4), 529-550. 2. Advertising 2, 4 Practitioners Council of Nigeria. (1992). Marketing politics: Advertising strategies and tactics. Lagos, Nigeria: Author. 3. Advertising 2, 4 Practitioners Council of Nigeria. (1992). The professional examinations syllabus. Lagos, Nigeria: Author. 4. Advertising 2, 4 Practitioners Council of Nigeria. (2009). 2009 register of advertising practitioners. Lagos, Nigeria: Author. 5. Advertising 2, 4 Practitioners Council of Nigeria. (date not available). The Nigerian code of advertising practice and sales promotion (4th ed.). Lagos, Nigeria: Author. 2, 4 6. Agba , P. C. & N. Okoro (1995) Fundamentals of graphic communication, Enugu, Nigeria: Acena Publishers. 7. Ajayi 2, 4, B. O. (2005). Understanding outdoor advertising. Lagos, Nigeria: Fem Publicity. 8. Alabi 2, 4, S. (2006 & 2007). Media management: Managing the advertising function in the Nigerian newspaper industry. Journal of communication and society, 1(2 &3), 23-33. 9. Andsager 2, 4, J. L., E. W. Austin, & B. E. Pinkleton (2001). Questioning the value of realism: Young adults’ processing of messages in alcoholic-related public service announcements and advertisements. Journal of Communication, 51(1), 121-142. Page 16 of 34 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Anyacho2, 4, R. C. (2007). Advertising principles and practice: The Nigerian perspective, (place of publication and publisher not available). Arens2, 4, W. F. (2002). Contemporary advertising (8th ed). New York, United States of America: McGraw-Hill Companies. Asemota2, 4, M. M. (2006). Names you cant ignore: Advertising across the ages (2). Lagos, Nigeria: APCON. Asemota2, 4, M. M. (2006). Names You Cant Ignore: Advertising revolution in Nigeria (1). Lagos, Nigeria: APCON. 2, 4 Baran , S. J. (2002). Introduction to mass communication: media literacy and culture (3rd ed.). Boston: United States of America: McGraw Hill Companies. Baran2, 4, S. J. (2002). Introduction to mass communication: media literacy and culture (4th ed.). Boston: United States of America: McGraw Hill Companies. 2, 4 Belch , G. E. & M. A. Belch (2004). Advertising and promotion: An integrated marketing communications perspective (6th ed.). New Delhi, India: Tata McGrawHill. Bel-Molokwu2, 4, J. & D. Obiaku (Eds.) (1997). Advertising in Nigeria: Some fundamental issues. Lagos, Nigeria: Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria. Bel-Molokwu2, 4, J. (2000). Principles of advertising (Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria Advertising education series No. 3). Lagos, Nigeria: Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria. Bitner2, 4, I. R. (1989). Mass communication: an introduction (5th ed.). New Jersey, States of America: Prentice Hall. Chan-Olmsted2, 4, S. M. & Y. Kim (2002). The pbs brand versus cable brands: Assessing the brand image of public television in a multichannel environment. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 46(2), 300-320. Chan-Olmsted2, 4, S. M. (2002). Branding and internet marketing in the age of digital media. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 46(4), 641-645. Coupland2, 4, J. (2000). Past the ‘perfect kind of age”? Styling selves and relationships in over-50s dating advertisements. Journal of Communication, 50(3), 9-30. DeFleur2, 4, M.L. & E.E. Dennis (1998). Understanding mass communication: A liberal arts perspective (6th ed.). Boston, States of America: Houhgton Muffin Company. 2, 4 Idemili , S. O. & N. Okoro (1997). An analysis of the positioning concept in Nigerian advertising, using display advertisements in the guardian and daily times newspapers. Nsukka Journal of the Humanities, (8), 36-51. John-Kamen2, 4, A. U (2006). Advertising: Genesis, evolution, principles, practice. Enugu, Nigeria: Snaap Press. Mojekwu2, 4, J. (2000). Quantitative analysis (Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria Advertising education series No. 1). Lagos, Nigeria: Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria. Norris, J. S. (1987). Advertising (3rd ed.). New Delhi, India: Prentice-Hall. Odiboh, O. O. (2002). Integrated marketing communication (Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria Advertising education series No. 4). Lagos, Nigeria: Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria. Ogunsanya2, 4, A. (2000). Advertising management. Lagos, Nigeria: Richmind Books. Okoro2, 4, N (1998). The business of advertising. Enugu, Nigeria: Acena. Page 17 of 34 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Okwechime2, 4, C. (2009). Essentials of advertising in Nigeria (2nd ed.). Asaba, Nigeria: Prime Legacies. Olatunji2, 4, L. (1998). Glossary of advertising marketing and communication terms. Lagos, Nigeria: Capitol Books. Osunbiyi2, 4, B (1999). Advertising: Principles and practice. Abeokuta, Nigeria: Gbenga Gbesan Desi Associates. Osunbiyi2, 4, B (2002). Contemporary conflicting issues in advertising: Opening up the debate. Abeokuta, Nigeria: Jice Communication. Phillips2, 4, B. J. & B. Gyoerick (1999). The cow, the cook, and the quaker: Fifty years of spokes-character advertising. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 76(4), 713-728. Schmidt2, 4, T. L. & J. C. Hitchon (1999). When advertising and public relations converge: An application of schema theory to the persuasive impact of alignment ads. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 76(3), 435-455. 2, 4 Slater , M. D., D. Rouner, D. Karan, K. Murphy & F. Beuvais (1999). Placing alcohol warnings before, during, and after tv beer ads: Effects on knowledge and reposes to the ads and the warnings. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 76(3), 468-484. Smitth2, 4, P. R. & J. Taylor (2003). Marketing communications: An integrated approach (3rd ed.). London, United Kingdom: Kogan Page. 2, 4 The Certified Marketing Communications Institute of Nigeria. (date not available). Professional qualifying and examination pack. Lagos, Nigeria: Author. Waterman2, 4, D. & Yan, M. Z. (1999). Cable advertising and the future of basic cable networking. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 43(4), 643-658. Week 8: Advertising Agency Objectives By the end of the lecture 8, the student should be able to: 1. Explain the concepts agency and advertising agency; 2. Describe the structure of a typical advertising agency; 3. Identify the major functions of advertising agencies; and 4. Discuss the activities in an advertising agency. Description First Hour What is Advertising Agency? Second Hour Types and Functions of Advertising Agency. Study Questions 1. Explain the concepts agency and advertising agency. 2. Describe the structure of a typical advertising agency. 3. Explain the 3Ps of advertising. 4. Discuss the activities in an advertising agency. Page 18 of 34 5. Using the 3Ps of advertising as a guide, identify and explain the functions of advertising agencies. Reading List 1. Abelman 2, 4, R. (1999). Preaching to the choir: profiling tv advisory ratings users. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 43(4), 529-550. 2. Advertising 2, 4 Practitioners Council of Nigeria. (1992). Marketing politics: Advertising strategies and tactics. Lagos, Nigeria: Author. 3. Advertising 2, 4 Practitioners Council of Nigeria. (1992). The professional examinations syllabus. Lagos, Nigeria: Author. 4. Advertising 2, 4 Practitioners Council of Nigeria. (2009). 2009 register of advertising practitioners. Lagos, Nigeria: Author. 5. Advertising 2, 4 Practitioners Council of Nigeria. (date not available). The Nigerian code of advertising practice and sales promotion (4th ed.). Lagos, Nigeria: Author. 2, 4 6. Agba , P. C. & N. Okoro (1995) Fundamentals of graphic communication, Enugu, Nigeria: Acena Publishers. 7. Ajayi 2, 4, B. O. (2005). Understanding outdoor advertising. Lagos, Nigeria: Fem Publicity. 8. Alabi 2, 4, S. (2006 & 2007). Media management: Managing the advertising function in the Nigerian newspaper industry. Journal of communication and society, 1(2 &3), 23-33. 9. Andsager 2, 4, J. L., E. W. Austin, & B. E. Pinkleton (2001). Questioning the value of realism: Young adults’ processing of messages in alcoholic-related public service announcements and advertisements. Journal of Communication, 51(1), 121-142. 10. Anyacho2, 4, R. C. (2007). Advertising principles and practice: The Nigerian perspective, (place of publication and publisher not available). 2, 4 11. Arens , W. F. (2002). Contemporary advertising (8th ed). New York, United States of America: McGraw-Hill Companies. 12. Asemota2, 4, M. M. (2006). Names you cant ignore: Advertising across the ages (2). Lagos, Nigeria: APCON. 13. Asemota2, 4, M. M. (2006). Names You Cant Ignore: Advertising revolution in Nigeria (1). Lagos, Nigeria: APCON. 2, 4 14. Baran , S. J. (2002). Introduction to mass communication: media literacy and culture (3rd ed.). Boston: United States of America: McGraw Hill Companies. 2, 4 15. Baran , S. J. (2002). Introduction to mass communication: media literacy and culture (4th ed.). Boston: United States of America: McGraw Hill Companies. 2, 4 16. Belch , G. E. & M. A. Belch (2004). Advertising and promotion: An integrated marketing communications perspective (6th ed.). New Delhi, India: Tata McGrawHill. 17. Bel-Molokwu2, 4, J. & D. Obiaku (Eds.) (1997). Advertising in Nigeria: Some fundamental issues. Lagos, Nigeria: Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria. 18. Bel-Molokwu2, 4, J. (2000). Principles of advertising (Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria Advertising education series No. 3). Lagos, Nigeria: Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria. 19. Bitner2, 4, I. R. (1989). Mass communication: an introduction (5th ed.). New Jersey, States of America: Prentice Hall. Page 19 of 34 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. Chan-Olmsted2, 4, S. M. & Y. Kim (2002). The pbs brand versus cable brands: Assessing the brand image of public television in a multichannel environment. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 46(2), 300-320. Chan-Olmsted2, 4, S. M. (2002). Branding and internet marketing in the age of digital media. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 46(4), 641-645. Coupland2, 4, J. (2000). Past the ‘perfect kind of age”? Styling selves and relationships in over-50s dating advertisements. Journal of Communication, 50(3), 9-30. DeFleur2, 4, M.L. & E.E. Dennis (1998). Understanding mass communication: A liberal arts perspective (6th ed.). Boston, States of America: Houhgton Muffin Company. 2, 4 Idemili , S. O. & N. Okoro (1997). An analysis of the positioning concept in Nigerian advertising, using display advertisements in the guardian and daily times newspapers. Nsukka Journal of the Humanities, (8), 36-51. John-Kamen2, 4, A. U (2006). Advertising: Genesis, evolution, principles, practice. Enugu, Nigeria: Snaap Press. Mojekwu2, 4, J. (2000). Quantitative analysis (Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria Advertising education series No. 1). Lagos, Nigeria: Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria. Norris, J. S. (1987). Advertising (3rd ed.). New Delhi, India: Prentice-Hall. Odiboh, O. O. (2002). Integrated marketing communication (Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria Advertising education series No. 4). Lagos, Nigeria: Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria. Ogunsanya2, 4, A. (2000). Advertising management. Lagos, Nigeria: Richmind Books. Okoro2, 4, N (1998). The business of advertising. Enugu, Nigeria: Acena. Okwechime2, 4, C. (2009). Essentials of advertising in Nigeria (2nd ed.). Asaba, Nigeria: Prime Legacies. Olatunji2, 4, L. (1998). Glossary of advertising marketing and communication terms. Lagos, Nigeria: Capitol Books. Osunbiyi2, 4, B (1999). Advertising: Principles and practice. Abeokuta, Nigeria: Gbenga Gbesan Desi Associates. Osunbiyi2, 4, B (2002). Contemporary conflicting issues in advertising: Opening up the debate. Abeokuta, Nigeria: Jice Communication. Phillips2, 4, B. J. & B. Gyoerick (1999). The cow, the cook, and the quaker: Fifty years of spokes-character advertising. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 76(4), 713-728. Schmidt2, 4, T. L. & J. C. Hitchon (1999). When advertising and public relations converge: An application of schema theory to the persuasive impact of alignment ads. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 76(3), 435-455. Slater2, 4, M. D., D. Rouner, D. Karan, K. Murphy & F. Beuvais (1999). Placing alcohol warnings before, during, and after tv beer ads: Effects on knowledge and reposes to the ads and the warnings. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 76(3), 468-484. Smitth2, 4, P. R. & J. Taylor (2003). Marketing communications: An integrated approach (3rd ed.). London, United Kingdom: Kogan Page. The 2, 4 Certified Marketing Communications Institute of Nigeria. (date not available). Professional qualifying and examination pack. Lagos, Nigeria: Author. Page 20 of 34 40. Waterman2, 4, D. & Yan, M. Z. (1999). Cable advertising and the future of basic cable networking. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 43(4), 643-658. Week 9: Excursion to Selected Advertising Agencies Objectives By the end of the week 9, the student should be able to: 1. Describe the structure of a typical advertising agency from a participating observer’s point of view; and 2. Discuss the activities in a named advertising agency. Description First Hour Academic Excursion to Selected Advertising Agencies. Second Hour Academic Excursion to Selected Advertising Agencies. Study Questions 1. Describe the structure of the advertising agency you visited. 2. Relate the 3Ps of advertising the advertising agency you visited. 3. Discuss the activities in the advertising agency you visited. 4. Which department is the livewire of the advertising agency you visited? Justify your position. 5. Aside from the ones you visited, list twenty advertising agencies operating in at least five states in Nigeria with their office and e-mail addresses. Reading List 1. Abelman 2, 4, R. (1999). Preaching to the choir: profiling tv advisory ratings users. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 43(4), 529-550. 2. Advertising 2, 4 Practitioners Council of Nigeria. (1992). Marketing politics: Advertising strategies and tactics. Lagos, Nigeria: Author. 3. Advertising 2, 4 Practitioners Council of Nigeria. (1992). The professional examinations syllabus. Lagos, Nigeria: Author. 4. Advertising 2, 4 Practitioners Council of Nigeria. (2009). 2009 register of advertising practitioners. Lagos, Nigeria: Author. 5. Advertising 2, 4 Practitioners Council of Nigeria. (date not available). The Nigerian code of advertising practice and sales promotion (4th ed.). Lagos, Nigeria: Author. 2, 4 6. Agba , P. C. & N. Okoro (1995) Fundamentals of graphic communication, Enugu, Nigeria: Acena Publishers. 7. Ajayi 2, 4, B. O. (2005). Understanding outdoor advertising. Lagos, Nigeria: Fem Publicity. 8. Alabi 2, 4, S. (2006 & 2007). Media management: Managing the advertising function in the Nigerian newspaper industry. Journal of communication and society, 1(2 &3), 23-33. Page 21 of 34 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Andsager 2, 4, J. L., E. W. Austin, & B. E. Pinkleton (2001). Questioning the value of realism: Young adults’ processing of messages in alcoholic-related public service announcements and advertisements. Journal of Communication, 51(1), 121-142. Anyacho2, 4, R. C. (2007). Advertising principles and practice: The Nigerian perspective, (place of publication and publisher not available). Arens2, 4, W. F. (2002). Contemporary advertising (8th ed). New York, United States of America: McGraw-Hill Companies. Asemota2, 4, M. M. (2006). Names you cant ignore: Advertising across the ages (2). Lagos, Nigeria: APCON. Asemota2, 4, M. M. (2006). Names You Cant Ignore: Advertising revolution in Nigeria (1). Lagos, Nigeria: APCON. Baran2, 4, S. J. (2002). Introduction to mass communication: media literacy and culture (3rd ed.). Boston: United States of America: McGraw Hill Companies. Baran2, 4, S. J. (2002). Introduction to mass communication: media literacy and culture (4th ed.). Boston: United States of America: McGraw Hill Companies. Belch2, 4, G. E. & M. A. Belch (2004). Advertising and promotion: An integrated marketing communications perspective (6th ed.). New Delhi, India: Tata McGrawHill. Bel-Molokwu2, 4, J. & D. Obiaku (Eds.) (1997). Advertising in Nigeria: Some fundamental issues. Lagos, Nigeria: Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria. Bel-Molokwu2, 4, J. (2000). Principles of advertising (Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria Advertising education series No. 3). Lagos, Nigeria: Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria. 2, 4 Bitner , I. R. (1989). Mass communication: an introduction (5th ed.). New Jersey, States of America: Prentice Hall. Chan-Olmsted2, 4, S. M. & Y. Kim (2002). The pbs brand versus cable brands: Assessing the brand image of public television in a multichannel environment. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 46(2), 300-320. Chan-Olmsted2, 4, S. M. (2002). Branding and internet marketing in the age of digital media. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 46(4), 641-645. Coupland2, 4, J. (2000). Past the ‘perfect kind of age”? Styling selves and relationships in over-50s dating advertisements. Journal of Communication, 50(3), 9-30. DeFleur2, 4, M.L. & E.E. Dennis (1998). Understanding mass communication: A liberal arts perspective (6th ed.). Boston, States of America: Houhgton Muffin Company. Idemili2, 4, S. O. & N. Okoro (1997). An analysis of the positioning concept in Nigerian advertising, using display advertisements in the guardian and daily times newspapers. Nsukka Journal of the Humanities, (8), 36-51. John-Kamen2, 4, A. U (2006). Advertising: Genesis, evolution, principles, practice. Enugu, Nigeria: Snaap Press. Mojekwu2, 4, J. (2000). Quantitative analysis (Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria Advertising education series No. 1). Lagos, Nigeria: Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria. Norris, J. S. (1987). Advertising (3rd ed.). New Delhi, India: Prentice-Hall. Page 22 of 34 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Odiboh, O. O. (2002). Integrated marketing communication (Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria Advertising education series No. 4). Lagos, Nigeria: Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria. Ogunsanya2, 4, A. (2000). Advertising management. Lagos, Nigeria: Richmind Books. Okoro2, 4, N (1998). The business of advertising. Enugu, Nigeria: Acena. Okwechime2, 4, C. (2009). Essentials of advertising in Nigeria (2nd ed.). Asaba, Nigeria: Prime Legacies. Olatunji2, 4, L. (1998). Glossary of advertising marketing and communication terms. Lagos, Nigeria: Capitol Books. Osunbiyi2, 4, B (1999). Advertising: Principles and practice. Abeokuta, Nigeria: Gbenga Gbesan Desi Associates. Osunbiyi2, 4, B (2002). Contemporary conflicting issues in advertising: Opening up the debate. Abeokuta, Nigeria: Jice Communication. Phillips2, 4, B. J. & B. Gyoerick (1999). The cow, the cook, and the quaker: Fifty years of spokes-character advertising. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 76(4), 713-728. Schmidt2, 4, T. L. & J. C. Hitchon (1999). When advertising and public relations converge: An application of schema theory to the persuasive impact of alignment ads. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 76(3), 435-455. 2, 4 Slater , M. D., D. Rouner, D. Karan, K. Murphy & F. Beuvais (1999). Placing alcohol warnings before, during, and after tv beer ads: Effects on knowledge and reposes to the ads and the warnings. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 76(3), 468-484. 2, 4 Smitth , P. R. & J. Taylor (2003). Marketing communications: An integrated approach (3rd ed.). London, United Kingdom: Kogan Page. 2, 4 The Certified Marketing Communications Institute of Nigeria. (date not available). Professional qualifying and examination pack. Lagos, Nigeria: Author. Waterman2, 4, D. & Yan, M. Z. (1999). Cable advertising and the future of basic cable networking. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 43(4), 643-658. Week 10: Advertising, IMC, Journalism, and Propaganda (Comparison) Objectives By the end of the week, the student should be able to: 1. Explain the concept of IMC; 2. Identify the elements of IMC; 3. Define the elements of IMC; 4. Compare the elements of IMC with advertising. Description First Hour Definitions of IMC, Journalism, and Propaganda. Second Hour Comparison of Advertising with IMC, Journalism, and Propaganda. Page 23 of 34 Study Questions 1. Explain the concept of IMC. 2. Identify the elements of IMC. 3. Define the elements of IMC. 4. Compare the elements of IMC with advertising. 5. Take a defended stance on the notion that contemporary communication complexities necessitate the use of IMC in various communication campaigns. Reading List 1. Abelman 2, 4, R. (1999). Preaching to the choir: profiling tv advisory ratings users. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 43(4), 529-550. 2. Advertising 2, 4 Practitioners Council of Nigeria. (1992). Marketing politics: Advertising strategies and tactics. Lagos, Nigeria: Author. 3. Advertising 2, 4 Practitioners Council of Nigeria. (1992). The professional examinations syllabus. Lagos, Nigeria: Author. 4. Advertising 2, 4 Practitioners Council of Nigeria. (2009). 2009 register of advertising practitioners. Lagos, Nigeria: Author. 5. Advertising 2, 4 Practitioners Council of Nigeria. (date not available). The Nigerian code of advertising practice and sales promotion (4th ed.). Lagos, Nigeria: Author. 6. Agba 2, 4, P. C. & N. Okoro (1995) Fundamentals of graphic communication, Enugu, Nigeria: Acena Publishers. 2, 4 7. Ajayi , B. O. (2005). Understanding outdoor advertising. Lagos, Nigeria: Fem Publicity. 8. Alabi 2, 4, S. (2006 & 2007). Media management: Managing the advertising function in the Nigerian newspaper industry. Journal of communication and society, 1(2 &3), 23-33. 9. Andsager 2, 4, J. L., E. W. Austin, & B. E. Pinkleton (2001). Questioning the value of realism: Young adults’ processing of messages in alcoholic-related public service announcements and advertisements. Journal of Communication, 51(1), 121-142. 10. Anyacho2, 4, R. C. (2007). Advertising principles and practice: The Nigerian perspective, (place of publication and publisher not available). 11. Arens2, 4, W. F. (2002). Contemporary advertising (8th ed). New York, United States of America: McGraw-Hill Companies. 12. Asemota2, 4, M. M. (2006). Names you cant ignore: Advertising across the ages (2). Lagos, Nigeria: APCON. 13. Asemota2, 4, M. M. (2006). Names You Cant Ignore: Advertising revolution in Nigeria (1). Lagos, Nigeria: APCON. 2, 4 14. Baran , S. J. (2002). Introduction to mass communication: media literacy and culture (3rd ed.). Boston: United States of America: McGraw Hill Companies. 15. Baran2, 4, S. J. (2002). Introduction to mass communication: media literacy and culture (4th ed.). Boston: United States of America: McGraw Hill Companies. 16. Belch2, 4, G. E. & M. A. Belch (2004). Advertising and promotion: An integrated marketing communications perspective (6th ed.). New Delhi, India: Tata McGrawHill. 17. Bel-Molokwu2, 4, J. & D. Obiaku (Eds.) (1997). Advertising in Nigeria: Some fundamental issues. Lagos, Nigeria: Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria. Page 24 of 34 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. Bel-Molokwu2, 4, J. (2000). Principles of advertising (Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria Advertising education series No. 3). Lagos, Nigeria: Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria. 2, 4 Bitner , I. R. (1989). Mass communication: an introduction (5th ed.). New Jersey, States of America: Prentice Hall. Chan-Olmsted2, 4, S. M. & Y. Kim (2002). The pbs brand versus cable brands: Assessing the brand image of public television in a multichannel environment. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 46(2), 300-320. Chan-Olmsted2, 4, S. M. (2002). Branding and internet marketing in the age of digital media. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 46(4), 641-645. Coupland2, 4, J. (2000). Past the ‘perfect kind of age”? Styling selves and relationships in over-50s dating advertisements. Journal of Communication, 50(3), 9-30. DeFleur2, 4, M.L. & E.E. Dennis (1998). Understanding mass communication: A liberal arts perspective (6th ed.). Boston, States of America: Houhgton Muffin Company. Idemili2, 4, S. O. & N. Okoro (1997). An analysis of the positioning concept in Nigerian advertising, using display advertisements in the guardian and daily times newspapers. Nsukka Journal of the Humanities, (8), 36-51. John-Kamen2, 4, A. U (2006). Advertising: Genesis, evolution, principles, practice. Enugu, Nigeria: Snaap Press. Mojekwu2, 4, J. (2000). Quantitative analysis (Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria Advertising education series No. 1). Lagos, Nigeria: Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria. Norris, J. S. (1987). Advertising (3rd ed.). New Delhi, India: Prentice-Hall. Odiboh, O. O. (2002). Integrated marketing communication (Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria Advertising education series No. 4). Lagos, Nigeria: Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria. Ogunsanya2, 4, A. (2000). Advertising management. Lagos, Nigeria: Richmind Books. Okoro2, 4, N (1998). The business of advertising. Enugu, Nigeria: Acena. Okwechime2, 4, C. (2009). Essentials of advertising in Nigeria (2nd ed.). Asaba, Nigeria: Prime Legacies. Olatunji2, 4, L. (1998). Glossary of advertising marketing and communication terms. Lagos, Nigeria: Capitol Books. Osunbiyi2, 4, B (1999). Advertising: Principles and practice. Abeokuta, Nigeria: Gbenga Gbesan Desi Associates. Osunbiyi2, 4, B (2002). Contemporary conflicting issues in advertising: Opening up the debate. Abeokuta, Nigeria: Jice Communication. Phillips2, 4, B. J. & B. Gyoerick (1999). The cow, the cook, and the quaker: Fifty years of spokes-character advertising. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 76(4), 713-728. Schmidt2, 4, T. L. & J. C. Hitchon (1999). When advertising and public relations converge: An application of schema theory to the persuasive impact of alignment ads. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 76(3), 435-455. 2, 4 Slater , M. D., D. Rouner, D. Karan, K. Murphy & F. Beuvais (1999). Placing alcohol warnings before, during, and after tv beer ads: Effects on knowledge and reposes Page 25 of 34 to the ads and the warnings. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 76(3), 468-484. 38. Smitth2, 4, P. R. & J. Taylor (2003). Marketing communications: An integrated approach (3rd ed.). London, United Kingdom: Kogan Page. 39. The 2, 4 Certified Marketing Communications Institute of Nigeria. (date not available). Professional qualifying and examination pack. Lagos, Nigeria: Author. 40. Waterman2, 4, D. & Yan, M. Z. (1999). Cable advertising and the future of basic cable networking. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 43(4), 643-658. Week 11: Advertising, IMC, Journalism, and Propaganda (Contrasts) Objectives By the end of the week, the student should be able to: 1. Differentiate the elements of IMC from advertising; 2. Differentiate journalism from advertising; and 3. Differentiate propaganda from advertising. Description First Hour How Advertising Differs from Elements of IMC, Journalism, and Propaganda. Second Hour How Advertising Differs from Elements of IMC, Journalism, and Propaganda. Study Questions 1. Differentiate the elements of IMC from advertising. 2. Differentiate journalism from advertising. 3. Differentiate propaganda from advertising. 4. Which element of IMC is most different from advertising? 5. Give reasons for your answer to question 4 above. Reading List 1. Abelman 2, 4, R. (1999). Preaching to the choir: profiling tv advisory ratings users. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 43(4), 529-550. 2. Advertising 2, 4 Practitioners Council of Nigeria. (1992). Marketing politics: Advertising strategies and tactics. Lagos, Nigeria: Author. 3. Advertising 2, 4 Practitioners Council of Nigeria. (1992). The professional examinations syllabus. Lagos, Nigeria: Author. 4. Advertising 2, 4 Practitioners Council of Nigeria. (2009). 2009 register of advertising practitioners. Lagos, Nigeria: Author. 5. Advertising 2, 4 Practitioners Council of Nigeria. (date not available). The Nigerian code of advertising practice and sales promotion (4th ed.). Lagos, Nigeria: Author. 2, 4 6. Agba , P. C. & N. Okoro (1995) Fundamentals of graphic communication, Enugu, Nigeria: Acena Publishers. 7. Ajayi 2, 4, B. O. (2005). Understanding outdoor advertising. Lagos, Nigeria: Fem Publicity. Page 26 of 34 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Alabi 2, 4 , S. (2006 & 2007). Media management: Managing the advertising function in the Nigerian newspaper industry. Journal of communication and society, 1(2 &3), 23-33. Andsager 2, 4, J. L., E. W. Austin, & B. E. Pinkleton (2001). Questioning the value of realism: Young adults’ processing of messages in alcoholic-related public service announcements and advertisements. Journal of Communication, 51(1), 121-142. Anyacho2, 4, R. C. (2007). Advertising principles and practice: The Nigerian perspective, (place of publication and publisher not available). 2, 4 Arens , W. F. (2002). Contemporary advertising (8th ed). New York, United States of America: McGraw-Hill Companies. Asemota2, 4, M. M. (2006). Names you cant ignore: Advertising across the ages (2). Lagos, Nigeria: APCON. Asemota2, 4, M. M. (2006). Names You Cant Ignore: Advertising revolution in Nigeria (1). Lagos, Nigeria: APCON. 2, 4 Baran , S. J. (2002). Introduction to mass communication: media literacy and culture (3rd ed.). Boston: United States of America: McGraw Hill Companies. 2, 4 Baran , S. J. (2002). Introduction to mass communication: media literacy and culture (4th ed.). Boston: United States of America: McGraw Hill Companies. 2, 4 Belch , G. E. & M. A. Belch (2004). Advertising and promotion: An integrated marketing communications perspective (6th ed.). New Delhi, India: Tata McGrawHill. Bel-Molokwu2, 4, J. & D. Obiaku (Eds.) (1997). Advertising in Nigeria: Some fundamental issues. Lagos, Nigeria: Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria. Bel-Molokwu2, 4, J. (2000). Principles of advertising (Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria Advertising education series No. 3). Lagos, Nigeria: Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria. 2, 4 Bitner , I. R. (1989). Mass communication: an introduction (5th ed.). New Jersey, States of America: Prentice Hall. Chan-Olmsted2, 4, S. M. & Y. Kim (2002). The pbs brand versus cable brands: Assessing the brand image of public television in a multichannel environment. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 46(2), 300-320. Chan-Olmsted2, 4, S. M. (2002). Branding and internet marketing in the age of digital media. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 46(4), 641-645. Coupland2, 4, J. (2000). Past the ‘perfect kind of age”? Styling selves and relationships in over-50s dating advertisements. Journal of Communication, 50(3), 9-30. DeFleur2, 4, M.L. & E.E. Dennis (1998). Understanding mass communication: A liberal arts perspective (6th ed.). Boston, States of America: Houhgton Muffin Company. Idemili2, 4, S. O. & N. Okoro (1997). An analysis of the positioning concept in Nigerian advertising, using display advertisements in the guardian and daily times newspapers. Nsukka Journal of the Humanities, (8), 36-51. John-Kamen2, 4, A. U (2006). Advertising: Genesis, evolution, principles, practice. Enugu, Nigeria: Snaap Press. Mojekwu2, 4, J. (2000). Quantitative analysis (Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria Advertising education series No. 1). Lagos, Nigeria: Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria. Page 27 of 34 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Norris, J. S. (1987). Advertising (3rd ed.). New Delhi, India: Prentice-Hall. Odiboh, O. O. (2002). Integrated marketing communication (Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria Advertising education series No. 4). Lagos, Nigeria: Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria. Ogunsanya2, 4, A. (2000). Advertising management. Lagos, Nigeria: Richmind Books. Okoro2, 4, N (1998). The business of advertising. Enugu, Nigeria: Acena. Okwechime2, 4, C. (2009). Essentials of advertising in Nigeria (2nd ed.). Asaba, Nigeria: Prime Legacies. Olatunji2, 4, L. (1998). Glossary of advertising marketing and communication terms. Lagos, Nigeria: Capitol Books. Osunbiyi2, 4, B (1999). Advertising: Principles and practice. Abeokuta, Nigeria: Gbenga Gbesan Desi Associates. Osunbiyi2, 4, B (2002). Contemporary conflicting issues in advertising: Opening up the debate. Abeokuta, Nigeria: Jice Communication. Phillips2, 4, B. J. & B. Gyoerick (1999). The cow, the cook, and the quaker: Fifty years of spokes-character advertising. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 76(4), 713-728. Schmidt2, 4, T. L. & J. C. Hitchon (1999). When advertising and public relations converge: An application of schema theory to the persuasive impact of alignment ads. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 76(3), 435-455. Slater2, 4, M. D., D. Rouner, D. Karan, K. Murphy & F. Beuvais (1999). Placing alcohol warnings before, during, and after tv beer ads: Effects on knowledge and reposes to the ads and the warnings. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 76(3), 468-484. Smitth2, 4, P. R. & J. Taylor (2003). Marketing communications: An integrated approach (3rd ed.). London, United Kingdom: Kogan Page. The 2, 4 Certified Marketing Communications Institute of Nigeria. (date not available). Professional qualifying and examination pack. Lagos, Nigeria: Author. Waterman2, 4, D. & Yan, M. Z. (1999). Cable advertising and the future of basic cable networking. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 43(4), 643-658. Week 12: Advertising Regulators and Regulations Objectives By the end of the lecture, the student should be able to: 1. Differentiate the concepts of regulators and regulations as they apply to advertising in Nigeria; 2. Identify the major legal instrument behind the advertising industry in Nigeria; 3. Identify the major sectoral associations behind the advertising industry in Nigeria. Description First Hour The Concepts of Regulators and Regulations. Second Hour APCON Decree 55 of 1988. Page 28 of 34 Study Questions 1. Differentiate the concepts of regulators and regulations as they apply to advertising in Nigeria. 2. Identify the major legal instrument behind the advertising industry in Nigeria. 3. Name the five sectoral associations that APCON collaborates with in discharging its statutory powers. 4. Outline the major powers of the five sectoral associations that APCON collaborates with in discharging its statutory functions. 5. Outline the responsibilities of APCON. 6. List and discuss ten specific provisions contained in APCON’s Code of Advertising Practice and Nigerian Advertising Laws, Rules, and Regulations. Reading List 1. Abelman 2, 4, R. (1999). Preaching to the choir: profiling tv advisory ratings users. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 43(4), 529-550. 2. Advertising 2, 4 Practitioners Council of Nigeria. (1992). Marketing politics: Advertising strategies and tactics. Lagos, Nigeria: Author. 3. Advertising 2, 4 Practitioners Council of Nigeria. (1992). The professional examinations syllabus. Lagos, Nigeria: Author. 4. Advertising 2, 4 Practitioners Council of Nigeria. (2009). 2009 register of advertising practitioners. Lagos, Nigeria: Author. 5. Advertising 2, 4 Practitioners Council of Nigeria. (date not available). The Nigerian code of advertising practice and sales promotion (4th ed.). Lagos, Nigeria: Author. 2, 4 6. Agba , P. C. & N. Okoro (1995) Fundamentals of graphic communication, Enugu, Nigeria: Acena Publishers. 7. Ajayi 2, 4, B. O. (2005). Understanding outdoor advertising. Lagos, Nigeria: Fem Publicity. 8. Alabi 2, 4, S. (2006 & 2007). Media management: Managing the advertising function in the Nigerian newspaper industry. Journal of communication and society, 1(2 &3), 23-33. 9. Andsager 2, 4, J. L., E. W. Austin, & B. E. Pinkleton (2001). Questioning the value of realism: Young adults’ processing of messages in alcoholic-related public service announcements and advertisements. Journal of Communication, 51(1), 121-142. 10. Anyacho2, 4, R. C. (2007). Advertising principles and practice: The Nigerian perspective, (place of publication and publisher not available). 11. Arens2, 4, W. F. (2002). Contemporary advertising (8th ed). New York, United States of America: McGraw-Hill Companies. 12. Asemota2, 4, M. M. (2006). Names you cant ignore: Advertising across the ages (2). Lagos, Nigeria: APCON. 13. Asemota2, 4, M. M. (2006). Names You Cant Ignore: Advertising revolution in Nigeria (1). Lagos, Nigeria: APCON. 2, 4 14. Baran , S. J. (2002). Introduction to mass communication: media literacy and culture (3rd ed.). Boston: United States of America: McGraw Hill Companies. 2, 4 15. Baran , S. J. (2002). Introduction to mass communication: media literacy and culture (4th ed.). Boston: United States of America: McGraw Hill Companies. Page 29 of 34 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. Belch2, 4, G. E. & M. A. Belch (2004). Advertising and promotion: An integrated marketing communications perspective (6th ed.). New Delhi, India: Tata McGrawHill. Bel-Molokwu2, 4, J. & D. Obiaku (Eds.) (1997). Advertising in Nigeria: Some fundamental issues. Lagos, Nigeria: Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria. Bel-Molokwu2, 4, J. (2000). Principles of advertising (Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria Advertising education series No. 3). Lagos, Nigeria: Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria. 2, 4 Bitner , I. R. (1989). Mass communication: an introduction (5th ed.). New Jersey, States of America: Prentice Hall. Chan-Olmsted2, 4, S. M. & Y. Kim (2002). The pbs brand versus cable brands: Assessing the brand image of public television in a multichannel environment. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 46(2), 300-320. Chan-Olmsted2, 4, S. M. (2002). Branding and internet marketing in the age of digital media. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 46(4), 641-645. Coupland2, 4, J. (2000). Past the ‘perfect kind of age”? Styling selves and relationships in over-50s dating advertisements. Journal of Communication, 50(3), 9-30. DeFleur2, 4, M.L. & E.E. Dennis (1998). Understanding mass communication: A liberal arts perspective (6th ed.). Boston, States of America: Houhgton Muffin Company. Idemili2, 4, S. O. & N. Okoro (1997). An analysis of the positioning concept in Nigerian advertising, using display advertisements in the guardian and daily times newspapers. Nsukka Journal of the Humanities, (8), 36-51. John-Kamen2, 4, A. U (2006). Advertising: Genesis, evolution, principles, practice. Enugu, Nigeria: Snaap Press. Mojekwu2, 4, J. (2000). Quantitative analysis (Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria Advertising education series No. 1). Lagos, Nigeria: Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria. Norris, J. S. (1987). Advertising (3rd ed.). New Delhi, India: Prentice-Hall. Odiboh, O. O. (2002). Integrated marketing communication (Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria Advertising education series No. 4). Lagos, Nigeria: Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria. Ogunsanya2, 4, A. (2000). Advertising management. Lagos, Nigeria: Richmind Books. Okoro2, 4, N (1998). The business of advertising. Enugu, Nigeria: Acena. Okwechime2, 4, C. (2009). Essentials of advertising in Nigeria (2nd ed.). Asaba, Nigeria: Prime Legacies. Olatunji2, 4, L. (1998). Glossary of advertising marketing and communication terms. Lagos, Nigeria: Capitol Books. Osunbiyi2, 4, B (1999). Advertising: Principles and practice. Abeokuta, Nigeria: Gbenga Gbesan Desi Associates. Osunbiyi2, 4, B (2002). Contemporary conflicting issues in advertising: Opening up the debate. Abeokuta, Nigeria: Jice Communication. Phillips2, 4, B. J. & B. Gyoerick (1999). The cow, the cook, and the quaker: Fifty years of spokes-character advertising. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 76(4), 713-728. Page 30 of 34 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Schmidt2, 4, T. L. & J. C. Hitchon (1999). When advertising and public relations converge: An application of schema theory to the persuasive impact of alignment ads. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 76(3), 435-455. 2, 4 Slater , M. D., D. Rouner, D. Karan, K. Murphy & F. Beuvais (1999). Placing alcohol warnings before, during, and after tv beer ads: Effects on knowledge and reposes to the ads and the warnings. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 76(3), 468-484. Smitth2, 4, P. R. & J. Taylor (2003). Marketing communications: An integrated approach (3rd ed.). London, United Kingdom: Kogan Page. 2, 4 The Certified Marketing Communications Institute of Nigeria. (date not available). Professional qualifying and examination pack. Lagos, Nigeria: Author. Waterman2, 4, D. & Yan, M. Z. (1999). Cable advertising and the future of basic cable networking. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 43(4), 643-658. Week 13: Assessment Test II Objectives To conduct a two-hour continuous assessment test based on the class discussions, study questions, and assignments of weeks 7 to 12 and thereby sensitize students to prepare for the final examination in the course. Description First Hour Assessment Test II Second Hour Assessment Test II Study Questions As listed under weeks 7 to 12. Reading List As listed under weeks 7 to 12. Weeks 14 and 15: Revision and Conclusion Objectives To revise and conclude the course as well as help students prepare for final examination in the course through interactive questions and answers session. Description First Hour (Week 14) Revision. Second Hour(Week 14) Revision. Page 31 of 34 First Hour (Week 15) Revision. Second Hour(Week 15) Conclusion. Revision Questions 1. Adjudicate the debate on the phenomenon of advertising with five antagonists’ and five protagonists’ points. 2. Enumerate seven criteria for classifying media of advertising. 3. How is advertising different from public relations, publicity, sales promotion, direct marketing, personal selling, propaganda, and journalism? 4. How is advertising similar to public relations, publicity, sales promotion, direct marketing, personal selling, propaganda, and journalism? 5. Identify and discuss the major provisions of the principal law that regulates the practice of advertising in Nigeria. 6. Justify the proliferation of definitions of advertising. 7. Using a specified criterion, classify the following media: automobiles, bags, bill-boards, books, booklets, brochures, calendars, clothes, diaries, films, fliers, head gears, household appliances, human body, Internet, key-holders, magazines, mobile-phones, newsletters, newspapers, pamphlets, pens, posters, radio, television, umbrellas, utensils wall clocks, and World Wide Web. 8. Using the 3Ps concept, outline the functions of advertising agencies. 9. With appropriate examples, react to the notion that “the only objective of advertising is to influence prospects’ behaviour”. 10. With close reference to major players and their roles in advertising, critically debate the maxim, “he who pays the piper dictates the tune for dancers”. Reading List 1. Abelman 2, 4, R. (1999). Preaching to the choir: profiling tv advisory ratings users. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 43(4), 529-550. 2. Advertising 2, 4 Practitioners Council of Nigeria. (1992). Marketing politics: Advertising strategies and tactics. Lagos, Nigeria: Author. 3. Advertising 2, 4 Practitioners Council of Nigeria. (1992). The professional examinations syllabus. Lagos, Nigeria: Author. 4. Advertising 2, 4 Practitioners Council of Nigeria. (2009). 2009 register of advertising practitioners. Lagos, Nigeria: Author. 5. Advertising 2, 4 Practitioners Council of Nigeria. (date not available). The Nigerian code of advertising practice and sales promotion (4th ed.). Lagos, Nigeria: Author. 6. Agba 2, 4, P. C. & N. Okoro (1995) Fundamentals of graphic communication, Enugu, Nigeria: Acena Publishers. 2, 4 7. Ajayi , B. O. (2005). Understanding outdoor advertising. Lagos, Nigeria: Fem Publicity. 8. Alabi 2, 4, S. (2006 & 2007). Media management: Managing the advertising function in the Nigerian newspaper industry. Journal of communication and society, 1(2 &3), 23-33. Page 32 of 34 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Andsager 2, 4, J. L., E. W. Austin, & B. E. Pinkleton (2001). Questioning the value of realism: Young adults’ processing of messages in alcoholic-related public service announcements and advertisements. Journal of Communication, 51(1), 121-142. Anyacho2, 4, R. C. (2007). Advertising principles and practice: The Nigerian perspective, (place of publication and publisher not available). Arens2, 4, W. F. (2002). Contemporary advertising (8th ed). New York, United States of America: McGraw-Hill Companies. Asemota2, 4, M. M. (2006). Names you cant ignore: Advertising across the ages (2). Lagos, Nigeria: APCON. Asemota2, 4, M. M. (2006). Names You Cant Ignore: Advertising revolution in Nigeria (1). Lagos, Nigeria: APCON. Baran2, 4, S. J. (2002). Introduction to mass communication: media literacy and culture (3rd ed.). Boston: United States of America: McGraw Hill Companies. Baran2, 4, S. J. (2002). Introduction to mass communication: media literacy and culture (4th ed.). Boston: United States of America: McGraw Hill Companies. Belch2, 4, G. E. & M. A. Belch (2004). Advertising and promotion: An integrated marketing communications perspective (6th ed.). New Delhi, India: Tata McGrawHill. Bel-Molokwu2, 4, J. & D. Obiaku (Eds.) (1997). Advertising in Nigeria: Some fundamental issues. Lagos, Nigeria: Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria. Bel-Molokwu2, 4, J. (2000). 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