Western Bank Library Exhibition Gallery Exhibition Proposal Form Title or working title: Summary description of exhibition (an in-depth description and c.v’s can be included on a separate sheet): Originator: Date of submission of proposal: Contact name, address, telephone and email: Aims of exhibition: Proposed dates of show: (any specific reason e.g. national festival) Target audience: Exhibition contents (objects to be displayed): http://librarysupport.shef.ac.uk/Exhibition_proposal_form.doc Funding details: (Please include a full financial breakdown on a separate sheet) What technical assistance is required to install? Technical equipment required (e.g. projector): Number of digital images/examples of work included: Copyright/permissions information (achieved/expected): (Please note images used within an exhibition must be cleared for copyright and permission with no financial consequences for the University. The University retains the rights of exhibition materials to be used for marketing and publicity purposes.) Please return form to: Andrew Moore Curator The University of Sheffield National Fairground Archive Western Bank Library http://librarysupport.shef.ac.uk/Exhibition_proposal_form.doc Western Bank Sheffield S10 2TN Email: exhibitions@sheffield.ac.uk http://librarysupport.shef.ac.uk/Exhibition_proposal_form.doc