J . R o n a l d ...


J . R o n a l d S i m

Representative Criminal Investigations, Trials, and Matters Involving Continuation of Business with the Government

 Successful two-week criminal trial (hung jury) of a federal cigarette tax case.

 Shipping company executive regarding antitrust investigation.

 An investment advisor in a grand jury investigation regarding tax shelters.

 A public corporation in an options backdrafting investigation.

 An oil company executive in a grand jury investigation of a pipeline leak in

Alaska. Client was not charged.

 A substantial Northwest manufacturer that exports electronic equipment regarding allegations by the Office of Export Enforcement that some product may have been resold to a prohibited user.

 A large Oregon gravel mine in the investigation of a employee death. No charges were filed.

 Represented a company that buys and brokers furs in a federal criminal anti-trust investigation. Case was closed by the Department of Justice with no charges related to our client.

 Two former Enron executives regarding ongoing criminal investigations.

 The owner of a major Russian fishing company who was charged with U.S. tax crimes. Following success on defense motions, all charges were dismissed.

 Represented several physicians in a grand jury investigation of a teaching hospital system.

 A nephrologist under investigation regarding billings for Medicare. No charges were filed and a False Claims Act case was settled on favorable terms.

 A physician involved in a clinic that had serious billing issues with an insurance company. Health Care Fraud charges were returned against some parties, but our client was not charged.

 An employee of the Olympic Pipe Line Company under investigation concerning the rupture of the pipe line at Bellingham, Washington in June 1999. The client was granted immunity.

 The former General Manager of an Alaska North Slope oil drilling company under investigation for violation of environmental laws. The company and several individuals were prosecuted, but our client was not charged.

Retired Partner

Seattle, WA

(206) 386-7592 direct

(206) 386-7500 fax ron.sim@stoel.com

J . R o n a l d S i m

 The former CEO of a large fisheries firm concerning an indictment alleging the sending of unseaworthy vessels to sea, violations of a National Marine Fisheries Service loan guarantee program and violation of environmental laws. The indictment was dismissed.

 A major Northwest concrete company charged with violations of the Clean Water Act. A favorable plea was negotiated and no individuals were charged.

 A founder of a health food products company in a criminal tax investigation. Criminal charges were not filed.

 The Chief Operating Officer of an aerospace fasteners manufacturer during a lengthy grand jury investigation and resulting prosecution.

 More than 100 employees of corporations who have been involved as witnesses in grand jury proceedings under circumstances suggesting that they needed separate counsel.

 A medical device manufacturer during a government investigation concerning product quality. No charges resulted.

 A major fruit exporter in case involving shipment of mislabeled product. Obtained dismissal of money laundering charges initially brought by the grand jury.

 A businessman charged with bank fraud and money laundering in the trial of a case arising from the financing arrangements for a building materials firm.

 Successfully represented small business owners and avoided antitrust indictments in two unrelated cases.

 Sundstrand Corporation during an extensive grand jury investigation, prosecution, and suspension and debarment proceedings.

 A large insurance company in a grand jury investigation concerning ERISA compliance. No indictment resulted.

 A Vice President of a major bank regarding large energy-related loans made in the Southwest. After a lengthy Grand Jury investigation, no indictment was returned.

 Several different clients in criminal antitrust investigations. None have ever been charged with a crime.

 In many of the above cases, and in several others, separate issues concerning suspension, debarment, and the continued right to do business with the federal government have been significant.
