Sacramento City College Unit Plans Completed Spring 2005 Department Name: CalWORKS Department Spokesperson: Ramona Cobian Division Dean: Larry Dun Place an X in the boxes of included elements: X Accomplishments X Three-Year Plan X Action Plan Budget Request Budget Narrative X Key Performance Indicators CalWORKS Department / Accomplishments 2004 – 2005 Linkage to Other Plans Goal 1: Office Redesign # Action Plan 1a Work with DRC to redesign DRC & CalWORKs offices. 2a PT 3,5; DSP Access & Space Year-End Status and Accomplishments Redesign completed. Goal 2: Work with DRC to develop new procedures for overall service to students PT 2; DPS Access and Develop new student flow patterns in building Space; MP Completed. Ongoing revision. Follow up; SER Access Goal 3: Continue to develop new ways to serve students with limited budget and staff Hold regular staff meetings PT 5 Ongoing 3a DSP Continue ongoing communication with District Organizational Ongoing 3b regarding budget issues, policies and regulations Effectiveness Goal 4: Identify and train a pool of adjunct counselors. Work with Counseling Department to identify PT 4,5; DSP adjunct who are interested in working with Student Success; Ongoing. 6 adjunct counselors currently trained. 4a CalWORKs students MP Counseling Have trainings once or twice per year, depending MP Counseling Ongoing 4b on demand. Other Accomplishments: Three-Year Plan CalWORKS Department # 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Long Range Plan Increase number of students served by 10% Maintain part-time Classified Temporary Clerk for Outreach support services Maintain part-time SPAs for Outreach and Intake Hire a full-time SPA for Outreach and to assist with Intake Maintain student help for evening coverage Hire additional adjunct counselor during peak periods for increased student flow Increase evening adjunct counseling Document image all CalWORKs administrative files Expand and improve CalWORKs services to the SCC West Sacramento Center Collaborate and coordinate like services for CalWORKs students with DSPS and EOPS 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X CalWORKS # 1a 1b 1c 2a 2b 3a 4a Department / Action Plan 2005 – 2006 Linkage to Year-end Status and Accomplishments Other Plans Goal 1: Continue to assist graduating students DSP Student Provide transfer related counseling Ongoing Success Provide job related information PT 1; SE Access Ongoing SE Degree & Provide caps and gowns Certificate Completion Goal 2: Work with Counseling Department on Student Support Services DSP Student Child Abuse Success DSP Student Homelessness Success Goal 3: Work with Tutorial Center to provide tutoring for CalWORKs students DSP Student Hire students to tutor CalWORKs students Success; PT-2 Goal 4: Increase CW Counseling Services PT-4; MP Counseling & Hire additional CW adjunct counselors during Advising; DSPpeak periods Access & Growth Action Item CalWORKS Department Budget Request 2005 - 2006 Line # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Totals Description Operating Budget Increase Instruction Supplies Computers Equipment Furniture New Program Start-up Marketing Materials Remodel Space Faculty Hires Staff Hires Student Hires Temp Hires Budget Narrative 2005-2006 CalWORKS Department Line # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Description Total Amount Priority Rank Justification Key Performance Indictors for CalWORKS Department See attached. This information has been compiled for the fiscal year of 2004-2005. Due to the nature of the program, students are accepted into the program through the entire year. Therefore, estimations have been made from April 7, 2005 thru June 30, 2005. Sacramento City College CalWORKs Program Students Served Service Total number of CalWORKs student served Totals 583 Estimated number of CalWORKs students served by end of Spring 2005 632 Number of current/active students as of 4/7/05 441 Number of active students employed on campus CalWORKs Work Study (includes Classified Temps) 28 Number of active students employed off campus CalWORKs Work Study 22 Number of student contacts with CalWORKs adjunct counselors 987 Number of contact with SPA/caseworker 770 Number of orientations held 93 Number of students who attended CalWORKs orientation 260 Number of CalWORKs students with children at the SCC Child Development Center 50 Sacramento City College CalWORKs Majors Major Totals* Major Totals* Accounting Administration of Justice Allied Health Art Bookkeeping & Office Mgmt Biology Business Business & Office Admin Chemistry Computer Inform Science Clerical Community Studies Cosmetology Dental Assisting & Hygiene Early Childhood Ed English Engineering Design Tech English as Second Language Electronic Technology 5 29 1 2 9 2 40 10 1 7 1 28 28 5 38 1 1 9 3 Family Consumer Science Gerontology Graphics Communication Health Education Human Services Humanities Instructional Assistant Library Tech Liberal Studies License Vocational Nurse Math Mechanical Electrical Tech Marketing Music Occupational Therapy Asst Physical Education Photography Psychology Physical Therapy Asst 7 1 8 1 1 1 2 2 4 50 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 2 Major Totals* Real Estate Registered Nurse Sign Language Studies Sociology Speech Social Sciences Theater Arts 9 36 1 6 1 4 1 TOTAL MAJORS 305 *Not all students have identified a major. Sacramento City College CalWORKs Outreach to Community Agencies Asian Pacific Community Counseling Center Asian Community Nursing Home Asian Community Center of Sacramento Valley Broadway One Stop Career Center Chemical Dependency Center for Women and Their Families Chicks in Crisis Citrus Heights One Stop Career Center City of Sacramento Workforce Investment Act Youth Prog-Parks and Recreation City of Sacramento Recreational Landscape Country Woods SETA HeadStart Site County of Yolo Dep’t of Public Health CSUS SETA Head Start Site Department of Human Assistance Del Paso Heights Neighborhool Service Agency Employment Development Office Broadway Employment and Transitional Services Division Franklin One Stop Center Fremont Adult Education Fruitridge SETA HeadStart Site Galt One Stop Career Center George Sim Community Center Greater Sacramento Urban League Hillsdale Career Center The Effort Medical Clinic/Counseling La Familia Counseling Center Lemon Hill One Stop Career Center Mather One Stop Career Center Northview SETA HeadStart Site Rancho Cordova One Stop Center Robertson Community Center Russian Chamber of Commerce Russian Yellow Pages Salvation Army Salud Clinic Slavic Community Center Social Security Office Southeast Asian Assistance Center South County One Stop Career Center Strizek SETA HeadStart Site The Warmline Connection Watt & E SETA HeadStart Site/Freedom Park WEAVE (Safehouse) West Sacramento Resource Center Wellspring Women’s Center WIC Program (Broadway; Jefferson) CalWORKs Outreach Community Events Event Number of Contacts Cesar Chavez March 316 Festival de La Familia 1500 (estimated) Russian Yarmarka 1000 (estimated Pacific Rim Street Festival 1000 (estimated)