Sacramento City College Unit Plans Spring 2005 Department Name: Learning Skills & Tutorial Program Department Spokesperson: Virginia Gessford Division Dean: Yvonne Maller Place an X in the boxes of included elements: X Accomplishments X Three-Year Plan X Action Plan X Budget Request X Budget Narrative X Key Performance Indicators Learning Skills & Tutorial Department /Accomplishments 2004-2005 # 1a 1b 1c 2a 2b Linkage to Year-end Status and Accomplishments Other Plans Goal 1: Increase services to improve student success PT 1,2,3,4,5 Ongoing project. We are currently surveying the Evaluate and modify the tutoring services DTL 1-4, students who come into the Center to determine modes of delivery to insure the maximum DSS 1,2,5,6 the type of scheduling they would prefer for tutoring proficiency DDE 7,8,9 tutoring services. DAG 4,5,7,9 PT 1-5 DTL 1-4 Implement tutor evaluation rubrics. Establish DSS 1,5,6 an ongoing tutor evaluation schedule for each Ongoing project. DDE 1,2,7 semester. DED 1,3,4 DAG 4,5 PT 1-5 Coordinator is participating on the Education DTL 1-4 Explore the need, develop and implement Initiative and Title III grant-writing committees DSS 1,5,6 services to address the writing needs of SCC that are addressing this topic. In addition we have DDE students across the disciplines hired additional English walk-in tutors to assist 1,2,3,7,8 students who need help with their writing needs. DAG 4,5,7,9 Goal 2: Program Development PT 1-5 DTL 1-4 Develop and deliver additional study skills DSS 1,2,5,6 Developed and presented a Learning Styles workshops DDE Workshop. 1,2,3,7,8 DAG 4,5,7,9 PT 1-5 Coordinator developed and delivered a test-taking DTL 1-4 workshop specifically for students in the Develop and deliver additional disciplineDSS 6 Registered Nurse program and another one for specific study skills workshops DAG 4,5,7,9 students enrolled in the Licensed vocational DS 1,5 Nursing program. Action Item Learning Skills & Tutorial Department/Accomplishments 2004-2005 # 2c 2d 2e 2f 2g 3a 3b Linkage to Other Plans PT 1-5 DTL 1-4 Through consultations with colleagues, DSS 1,2,5,6 evaluate and assess learning skills and tutoring DDE program services. 1,2,3,7,8 DAG 4,5,7,9 PT 1-5 DTL 1-4 Update Procedures Manual for the Learning DSS 1, 6 Skills and Tutoring Program DS 1,5 DAG 4,5,7,9 PT 1-5 Maintain and continually update the Program’s DSS 2 website. DDE 1,9 PT 1-5 DTL 1-4 Request updated information from Institutional DSS 1,2,5,6 Research regarding persistence rates of students DDE 1-9 receiving 6 or more hours of tutoring DAG 4,5,7,9 DED 1,3,4,7 Action Item Year-end Status and Accomplishments Consultation contacts have been made. This is an ongoing project. The procedural manual has been updated. This is an ongoing project. Program’s website was revised and put online. Ongoing project. Data needs to be submitted every semester. We altered our scheduled tutoring schedule this year to allow for more walk-in tutoring. We are Reconfigure scheduling to better accommodate DDE 4,5,7 currently surveying the students who come into students and increase tutor retention our center to access the scheduling that would best meet their needs. Goal 3: Update Learning Assistance and Tutorial Center Technology Revise and Update Learning Skills and PT 1-5 The website has been revised and updated. It is Tutoring Program website to be current and DSS 2 now presented in the Manilla format that allows dynamic. DDE 1,9 for frequent updating by the staff in our Center. PT 1-5 Develop an online orientation to the Tutoring DSS 2 Ongoing project. Center for the website. DDE 1,9 Learning Skills & Tutorial Department/Accomplishments 2004-2005 # 3c 4a 4b 4c 4d 5a Linkage to Year-end Status and Accomplishments Other Plans PT 1-5 DTL 1-4 Ongoing project. Continue to research software for purchase for DDE 6 HCD 360 and HS 92. M8 DAG 4,5,7,9 DS 1,2,5,6 Goal 4: Research and interaction with other departments PT 1-5 Coordinator is participating on the Education DTL 1-5 Initiative and Title III grant-writing committees Consult with English Department to develop DDS 1,5,6 with English faculty. These committees are and implement cross-discipline writing services DDE discussing the best format for a Writing Center as 1,2,3,7,8 well as seeking funding. DAG 4,5,7,9 PT 1-5 DTL 5 Develop guidelines for tutoring specific content DDS 1,5,6 Ongoing project areas in conjunction with faculty DDE 1,2,3,7,8 DAG 4,5,7,9 PT 1-5 Consult with discipline faculty to assist in DTL 5 developing discipline-specific study skills DDE Ongoing project. workshops 1,2,3,7,8 DAG 4,5,7,9 Invite specialists from other areas such as, PT 1-5 Disability Resource Center, Counseling, CAC, DSS 1,2,5,6 Ongoing project and academic depts. like English to present DAG 4,5,7,9 information at tutor training meetings. DDE 7 Goal 5: Curriculum Development/Improvement This learning community was developed and is Develop an online learning community DTL 5 called “Wired for Success”. It was first taught in between HCD 360 and HCD 320. Spring 2005, with over 25 students participating. Action Item Learning Skills & Tutorial Department/Accomplishments 2004-2005 Linkage to Year-end Status and Accomplishments Other Plans PT 1-5 DTL 1-4 Continue to work with Institutional Research in DDI 1-9 developing and implementing a study of Ongoing project. 5b DAG 4,5,7,9 program effectiveness of HS 92. DED 1,3,4,7 DSS 1,2,5,6 Goal 6: Professional Development Several staff members participated in Manilla Staff will take advantage of website PT 1,2,5 training for the development and maintenance of 6a development training. DDE 4 our website. Staff are encouraged to participate in professional Provide professional development opportunities PT 1,2,5 development activities, such as IBA, Connections, 6b for all staff. DDE 4 etc. Other Accomplishments: # Action Item Three-Year Plan # 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Long Range Plan Acquire an ongoing budget for campus-wide tutorial services Provide professional development opportunities for staff, and encourage them to participate Implement a “customer service” philosophy and training for all the Learning Skills and Tutoring Center staff. Evaluate and modify the tutoring services mode-of-delivery to insure the maximum tutoring proficiency. Explore the possibility of establishing a campus Writing Center to support student retention and success. Upgrade five learning skills computers per year. Acquire additional computers as the enrollment in HS 92 and HCD 360 requires. Acquire separate server for learning skills computers in order to support networked software applications. Purchase upgraded, networked version of HS 92 software. Upgrade staff computers and printers every 5 years. Request change of the half-time, nine-month Instructional Assistant position to a fulltime, 9-month position. Submit request for a full-time, 9-month, permanent Clerk. Evaluate and reassess Human Career Development 360 – Academic Study Skills Course. Develop appropriate curriculum paper work to implement changes. Set up a staff office for Instructional Assistants and Clerks. Remodel and expand Learning Skills and Tutoring Services reception area in order to provide workspace for the clerk and instructional assistants. 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Learning Skills & Tutorial Department/ Action Plan 2005 – 2006 # 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e Linkage to Year-end Status and Accomplishments Other Plans Goal 1: Increase services to improve student success PT 1,2,3,4,5 Evaluate and modify the tutoring services modes of DTL 1-4, delivery to insure the maximum tutoring DSS 1,2,5,6 proficiency. Reconfigure scheduling to better DDE 4,5,7,8,9 accommodate students and increase tutor retention. DAG 4,5,7,9 PT 1-5 DTL 1-4 Develop and implement an ongoing tutor DSS 1,5,6 evaluation schedule for each semester. DDE 1,2,7 DED 1,3,4 DAG 4,5 PT 1-5 Explore the need, develop and implement services DTL 1-4 to address the writing needs of SCC students across DSS 1,5,6 the disciplines DDE 1,2,3,7,8 DAG 4,5,7,9 PT 1-5 DTL 1-4 Develop and implement a “customer service” DSS 1,5,6 philosophy and training for all Learning Skills and DDE 1,2,7 Tutoring Center Staff. DED 1,3,4 DAG 4,5 PT 1,2,3,4,5 The new and on-going Coordinators will work DTL 1-4, closely together to develop a comprehensive DSS 1,2,5,6 program to better meet the needs of SCC students. DDE 7,8,9 DAG 4,5,7,9 Action Item Learning Skills & Tutorial Department/ Action Plan 2005 – 2006 # 2a 2b 2c 2d 3a Linkage to Year-end Status and Accomplishments Other Plans Goal 2: Program Development PT 1-5 DTL 1-4 Develop and deliver additional study skills DSS 1,2,5,6 workshops DDE 1,2,3,7,8 DAG 4,5,7,9 PT 1-5 DTL 1-4 Update Procedures Manual for the Learning Skills DSS 1, 6 and Tutoring Program DS 1,5 DAG 4,5,7,9 PT 1-5 Maintain and continually update the Program’s DSS 2 website. DDE 1,9 PT 1-5 DTL 1-4 Promote Learning Skills and Tutoring Services to DSS 6 Sacramento City College community. DAG 4,5,7,9 DS 1,5 Goal 3: Update Learning Assistance and Tutorial Center Technology PT 1-5 DTL 1-4 Continue to research software for purchase for DDE 6 HCD 360 and HS 92. M8 DAG 4,5,7,9 DS 1,2,5,6 Action Item Learning Skills & Tutorial Department/ Action Plan 2005 – 2006 # 3b 3c 4a 4b 5a 5b Action Item Acquire separate server for learning skills computers in order to support networked software applications. Linkage to Other Plans PT 1-5 DTL 1-4 DDE 6 M8 DAG 4,5,7,9 DS 1,2,5,6 Year-end Status and Accomplishments Replace staff workstation computers and printers IT Plan every 5 years. Goal 4: Research and Interaction with other college departments PT 1-5 DTL 1-5 Consult with English Department to develop and DDS 1,5,6 implement cross-discipline writing services DDE 1,2,3,7,8 DAG 4,5,7,9 PT 1-5 DTL 1-4 Work with campus research in developing student DDI 1-9 learning outcome measurements DAG 4,5,7,9 DED 1,3,4,7 DSS 1,2,5,6 Goal 5: Curriculum Development/Improvement Revise and update the curriculum for the Tutor Training Courses (HS 370 & 373). Complete the DTL 5 curriculum outlines in Socrates. Explore the possibility of changing the Human Services and Human Career Development course DTL 5 designators to Interdisciplinary. Learning Skills & Tutorial Department/ Action Plan 2005 – 2006 # 6a 6b 6c Linkage to Year-end Status and Accomplishments Other Plans Goal 6: Professional Development Provide professional development opportunities for PT 1,2,5 all staff. DDE 4 PT 1,2,3,4,5 Introduce & train Evening/Saturday Coordinator. DTL 1-4, Develop plan for a collaborative, interactive DSS 1,2,5,6 supervision of the Learning Skills and Tutoring DDE 7,8,9 Center. DAG 4,5,7,9 PT 1-5 DTL 1-4 Develop and implement a “customer service” DSS 1,5,6 philosophy and training for all Learning Skills and DDE 1,2,7 Tutoring Center Staff. DED 1,3,4 DAG 4,5 Action Item Learning Skills & Tutorial Program Department Budget Request 2006 - 2007 Line # 1 2 3 4 5 6 Description Acquire an ongoing, operating budget for campus-wide tutorial services Acquire separate server for learning skills computers in order to support networked software applications. Purchase upgraded, networked version of HS 92 software. Upgrade staff computers and printers every 5 years. Request change of the half-time, 9-month Instructional Assistant position to a full time, 9-month position. Remodel Space in LRC for Campuswide Writing Center Operating Budget Increase 151,246 Instruction Supplies Computers Equipment Furniture New Program Start-up Marketing Materials Remodel Space Faculty Hires Staff Hires 6,000 6,000 11,000 27,000 20,000 7 8 9 Totals 151,246 6,000 17,000 20,000 27,000 Student Hires Temp Hires Budget Narrative 2006-2007 Learning Skills & Tutorial Program Department Line # Description Total Amount Priority Rank Acquire an ongoing, operating budget for campus-wide tutorial services 1 2 3 4 5 Acquire separate server for learning skills computers in order to support networked software applications. Purchase upgraded, networked version of HS 92 software. Upgrade staff computers and printers every 5 years. Request change of the half-time, 9-month Instructional Assistant position to a full time, 9-month position. 151,246 1 6,000 6 6,000 5 11,000 3 27,000 4 20,000 2 Remodel Space in LRC for Campus-wide Writing Center 6 7 8 9 Justification The tutoring budget is a large budget item that has to compete with many other programs and services on campus. Since the institution believes in the worthiness of tutoring services to the success and retention of students (as is evidenced by the annual budget approval), a stable, permanent level of funding would insure ongoing tutoring services. If ongoing, permanent funding cannot be established, then it would be more equitable to the presenting division (LRC) if it could be a non-ranked budget request. Program must continue to offer the most current prerequisite skills courses to support all new, re-entry, ESL and at-risk students needing basic skills review and/or support. Program must continue to offer the most current prerequisite skills courses to support all new, re-entry, ESL and at-risk students needing basic skills review and/or support. Program staff must stay in step with technological changes as they occur in order to maintain the highest level of programmatic efficiency. A full-time Instructional Assistant would bring consistency and commitment to the position that is not available when hiring part-time, temporary employees. We request that the hours of our half-time Instructional Assistant be increased to full time. There is a campus-wide need for a Writing Center that would help students with all their writing assignments. The only logical location is space on the first floor of the Learning Resource Center. In order to utilize the space for a Writing Center, other services would need to be relocated and rearranged. Computer wiring may need to be moved and additional furniture may need to be purchased. Key Performance Indictors for Learning Skills & Tutorial Program Department KPI – A Tutoring Programs # of tutors and hours of tutoring KPI – B Beacon Program KPI – C Instructional Assistant KPI – D Documented hours of services (positive attendance) KPI – E Tutees successful Course completion rates compared to general student population KPI – F Tutees persistence rates compared to general student population HS 92 Services to students Sacramento City College’s Tutoring Programs Learning Skills and Tutoring Program, LRC Number of Tutors Subjects Anthropology Art ASL Biology Cantonese Chemistry Economics English/ESL French Geography History Japanese Mandarin Mathematics Philosophy Physics Political Science Psychology Russian Spanish Statistics Vietnamese Total HRS/WK Sp. 2001 56 Hours/ Week 4 0 21 10 4 26 4 40 16 0 6 11 5 69 9 14 0 10 2 29 11 4 295 Fall 2001 55 Hours/ Week 8 0 22 10 3 9 0 69 12 0 3 14 3 91 19 0 0 0 4 33 2 6 308 Sp 2002 57 Hours/ Week 11 3 27 17 0 30 3 55 14 4 8 6 0 95 26 0 0 Fall 2002 49 Hours/ Week 9 2 19 10 0 20 0 92 6 0 14 5 0 96 27 11 0 Sp 2003 44 Hours/ Week 7 0 19 12 0 29 2 120 4 0 2 12 0 89 12 4 1 Fall 2003 38 Hours/ Week 4 0 18 8 0 9 0 57 5 0 6 14 3 71 7 0 6 Sp 2004 51 Hours/ Week 4 11 16 18 0 21 0 71 9 0 12 10 0 107 16 0 6 Fall 2004 46 Hours/ Week 2 0 20 8 0 12 0 71 14 0 0 14 0 114 14 4 6 Sp 2005 45 Hours/ Week 5 0 20 6 0 18 0 79 15 0 3 12 0 112 12 6 0 0 12 8 0 8 2 0 5 22 5 6 337 5 25 0 8 361 6 20 19 2 368 2 17 10 5 242 0 21 12 2 344 0 20 14 4 319 0 14 10 7 319 Occupational Tutoring Labs Subjects Accounting Aeronautics Cosmetology Dental Hygiene Electronics Engineering Design Tech Family & Consumer Science Graphic Communications Nursing Photography Railroad Operations Typing TOTAL Sp. 2001 Hours/ Week 20 4 0 0 0 0 Fall 2001 Hours/ Week 25 0 0 0 0 0 Sp 2002 Hours/ Week 20 0 4 14 6 3 12 10 12 11 15 0 10 8 13 78 0 0 6 30 86 Fall 2002 Hours/ Week 20 0 6 5 0 4 Sp 2003 Hours/ Week 20 0 0 0 0 8 Fall 2003 Hours/ Week 20 0 0 6 3 6 Sp 2004 Hours/ Week 36 0 0 0 0 0 Fall 2004 Hours/ Week 35 0 0 0 0 0 Sp 2005 Hours/ Week 40 0 7 8 4 0 12 14 14 22 10 23 0 5 5 4 0 0 0 4 0 5 27 95 0 0 0 22 74 0 0 6 23 76 0 8 0 4 65 8 8 0 8 82 0 8 0 5 58 0 12 0 4 98 Outreach Centers Center Davis West Sac Sp. 2001 Fall 2001 Hours/ Hours/ Week Week 10 6 10 0 Sp 2002 Hours/ Week 2 6 Fall 2002 Hours/ Week 5 10 Sp 2003 Hours/ Week 14 9 Fall 2003 Hours/ Week 3 1 Sp 2004 Hours/ Week 2 6 Fall 2004 Hours/ Week 6 0 Sp 2005 Hours/ Week 6 0 KPI-B Beacon Group Tutoring Number of Beacon Tutors Number of Beacon Groups Number of Beacon Students Number of Courses offering Beacon Tutors Fall 1996 Fall 2000 35 Spring 2002 40 Spring 2003 37 Spring 2004 35 Spring 2005 39 4 6 39 46 44 46 53 74 316 464 208 308 348 2 21 32 23 22 33 The number of Beacon Tutors decreased in Spring 2003 due to a $5,000 reduction in the Beacon Budget. There were nearly as many groups in Spring 2003 and Spring 2002, this is because several tutors tutored more than one group. Disciplines offering Beacon Tutors Art ASL Biology Business Chemistry CIS English ESL Engineering French Geography History Math Psychology Statistics TOTAL # of Beacon Groups TOTAL # of Departments Fall 1996 Fall 2000 Spring 2002 Spring 2003 Spring 2004 Spring 2005 # of groups 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 6 # of groups 0 2 1 0 14 2 1 2 0 0 0 3 13 0 1 39 # of groups 4 3 1 1 14 5 1 2 0 1 1 2 7 0 2 46 # of groups 0 5 1 0 19 4 0 2 0 0 0 3 9 1 0 44 # of groups 1 12 0 0 20 0 1 2 1 0 0 2 6 1 0 46 # of groups 1 6 4 0 23 0 0 2 2 0 0 4 6 5 0 53 2 9 13 8 9 7 KPI – C Learning Skills and Tutoring Program Instructional Assistants Semester Human Services 92 Prerequisite Skills Course Enrollment Fall 1997 Spring 1998 Fall 1998 Spring 1999 Fall 1999 Spring 2000 Fall 2000 Spring 2001 Fall 2001 Spring 2002 Fall 2002 Spring 2003 Fall 2003 Spring 2004 Fall 2004 Spring 2005 Number of contacts with Students 5 19 15 11 10 8 7 18 18 43 68 107 80 60 73 68 374 523 897 604 440 703 618 Instructional Assistance Discipline Biology Business Chemistry English ESL History Math Nursing Physics Psychology Spanish Others Requests of Service # of Hours 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 0 82 0 464 262 24 500 7 11 94 159 369 239 16 729 0 3 1342 51 1668 9 102 153 509 198 17 499 0 32 12 15 14 1560 63 74 209 610 252 29 431 2 1 5 83 31 1790 2001-02 2002-03 0 27 0 155 87 8 168 2 4 41 53 123 80 5 243 0 3 450 17 566 2003-04 3 34 51 170 66 6 166 0 11 4 5 5 521 2004-05 21 25 70 203 84 10 144 .7 .3 1.7 28 10.3 598 KPI – D Positive Attendance (Documented number of hours of services provided in the Learning Skills and Tutoring Center) Semester Fall 1996 Spring 1997 Fall 1997 Spring 1998 Fall 1998 Spring 1999 Fall 1999 Spring 2000 Fall 2000 Spring 2001 Fall 2001 Spring 2002 Fall 2002 Spring 2003 Fall 2003 Spring 2004 Fall 2004 Spring 2005 Positive Attendance Hours 4,022 4,086 3,552 3,742 4,547 6,189 3,980 5,361 5,074 5,859 4,486 5,395 4,819 4,816 5,156 5,167 3,705 KPI – E Key Performance Indicators for Learning Skills and Tutoring Program Successful Course Completion Rates SEMESTER TUTORED STUDENTS ALL STUDENTS Fall 2002 80.1% (n=243) 64.2% (n=20,147) Spring 2003 73.4% (n=142) 64.7% (n=18,684) Fall 2003 84.8% (n=161) 78.6% (n=19,604) Note: Successful course completion rates are calculated by dividing the number of A,B,C, and Credit grades by the total number of all grades received. Note: The rates include grades for all courses completed in the semester (i.e., not just those courses for which the students received tutoring services). KPI – F Key Performance Indicators for Learning Skills and Tutoring Program Persistence Rates of students tutored SEMESTER Fall 2002 to Spring 2003 TUTORED STUDENTS ALL STUDENTS 81.9% (199 out of 243) 53.8% (10,846 out of 20,147)