Sacramento City College Unit Plans Completed Spring 2004 Department Name: Information Technology Department Spokesperson: Division Dean: Elaine Ader Place an X in the boxes of included elements: X Accomplishments X Three-Year Plan X Action Plan X Budget Request X Budget Narrative X Key Performance Indicators Information Technology Department / Accomplishments 2003 – 2004 # 1a 1b 1c 1d 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f 3a 3b Linkage to Year-End Status and Accomplishments Other Plans Goal 1: Develop Technology Planning Processes that Integrate with Programs/Services and Facilities Plans Implement short term facilities moves for Theme 3 In progress based on project schedule. program housed in Technology Building Completed. Air conditioning reconditioning Relocate network server room Theme 3 recommended. Integrate Technology Plan with Master Plan for Theme 5 Completed Student Success Support obtained in FY2003-2004 for replacement of Obtain campus support for replacement cycle that Theme 5 faculty/staff computers with 233 mz processors and meets budget and operational requirements network/server components. Goal 2: Develop and implement systems to support college processes Implement curriculum management system Theme 1 District project – conversion summer 2004 Obtain approval and implement computer access Theme 5 In progress. use policies Upgrade college network to Active Directory and Theme 5 Completion scheduled for June, 2004 Windows 2000 structure. Refine systems for remote monitoring and Theme 5 Audit Wizard and Patchlink installed and operational. updating of computer workstations. Theme 2 and Support library automation project. As needed. 4 Have continuing training opportunities for Microsoft certification training ongoing. Computer Services staff Goal 3: Develop innovative approaches to support instruction and student and faculty access to technology Implement Manila as web site management tool Theme 1 Implemented Implement faculty file server to support Theme 1 Implemented multimedia classrooms Action Plan Information Technology Department / Accomplishments 2003 – 2004 # Action Item Linkage to Other Plans Year-End Status and Accomplishments Develop ongoing process for planning and Process has been incorporated into major IT projects Theme 1 installing multimedia classrooms process. Continue participation in Distance Education Ongoing Theme 1 3d visioning project. Continue training programs prioritized by the Training programs have been conducted in both IT Theme 1 3e Staff Development/IT subcommittee and other identified areas of staff development. Goal 4: Develop a process for addressing the financial and staffing requirements underlying technology implementation and support Obtain operating budget increase to support Request was made for augmentation to base for IT Accreditation maintenance, replacement, and expansion of functions to support ongoing software contracts. A Planning 4a campus network and server equipment, and separate request for made for $100,000 to support Agenda software contracts. network and server maintenance. Implement planning agenda on developing Accreditation Request to IT committee and Budget committee for sinking funds for replacement of faculty and staff Planning replacement of oldest PCs and Macs was approved. 4b computers Agenda Support unit planning and IT committee and Budget committee have created a educational/administrative requests for PRIE plan process that provides IT with a role in analyzing and 4c workstations recommending major IT projects. Begin discussion on more integrated use of Quarterly meetings of college and department based 4d college technology staff IT staffs have been conducted. Other Accomplishments: 3c Three-Year Plan Information Technology Department # 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Long Range Plan Implement technology plan in light of changing college priorities Support facilities design and construction Implement card access printing system in additional locations Continue to obtain resources to support college infrastructure and computing needs Expand use of public network and wireless technology. Implement “best practices” in the classroom and labs Support integration of technology in instruction and services Develop and implement acceptable use policies for network administration Obtain staffing to meet developing college technology priorities. Continue to obtain support for replacement schedule for faculty and staff computing resources Implement systems to support curriculum process. Expand use of Keyfile system. Work with the Counseling department to implement distance services. Expand use of Manila to manage and maintain college web resources. Expand use of faculty file servers to support instructional use of technology. Increase reliability of network services. Implement training programs developed with the Staff Development/Information Technology subcommittee on IT needs Provide continuing training to Computer Services staff. Implement UTP Plan and implement tracking systems in light of expanded requirements 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Information Technology Department / Action Plan 2004 – 2005 # 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f 3a 3b 3c Linkage to Year-end Status and Accomplishments Other Plans Goal 1: Develop Technology Planning Processes that integrate with Programs/Services and Facilities Plans Support Technology and Graphic Communication Theme 3 building processes through construction phase Support Performing Arts complex design process. Theme 3 Increase reliability of network servers by increasing Theme 3 air conditioning and backup electrical capabilities. Determine technology needed to support instructional and service goals and develop/support Goal III plans to acquire. Integrate Technology Plan with Master Plan for Goal V Student Success. Goal 2: Develop and implement systems to support college processes Implement curriculum management system Theme 1 Implement “best practices” in network use Refine systems for remote monitoring and updating Theme 5 of computer workstations. Implement UTP. Goal I Support implementation of new system to track student services and lab use. Expand and support use of Keyfile Goal III Goal 3: Develop innovative approaches to support instruction and student and faculty access to technology Implement network typology to increase access and reliability Deploy new faculty and staff computers to increase access to technology Provide all faculty and staff with accounts on the Theme 1 faculty/staff file server Action Item Information Technology Department / Action Plan 2004 – 2005 # Action Item Linkage to Other Plans Year-End Status and Accomplishments Upgrade email system to Outlook Web Access Theme 1 2000 to provide additional capabilities Expand use of Manila to support division and Theme 1 3e department pages Design counseling site to provide distance services Theme 1 3f Continue participation in Distance Education Goal II 3g visioning activities Continue expansion of multimedia classrooms Goal III 3h Continue IT training programs through Staff Goal III 3i Development. Implement Goal II 3j Goal 4: Develop process for addressing the financial and staff requirements underlying technology implementation and support. Continue operating budget increase to support Goal V 4a software contracts. Continue to obtain sinking fund to support Accreditation replacement of faculty/staff computers with Planning 4b processor speeds >400 mz. Agenda Accreditation Continue to obtain sinking fund to support schedule Planning 4c upgrade of network and server equipment. Agenda Restore 2 IT positions at the ITA 1 and ITA2 Theme V 4d levels. Institute districtwide software licensing agreements Goal V 4e Continue partnerships with division based IT staffs. 4f Continue support of major IT process with IT and Theme V 4g Budget committees. 3d Information Technology Department Budget Request 2005 - 2006 Line # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Totals Description Support software licenses Replace faculty and staff computes with >400mz (87) Maintain upgrade of servers and network equipment Hire 2 ITA positions Replace electrical backup systems in network room Keyfile Operating Budget Increase $14000 Instruction Supplies Computers Equipment Furniture New Program Start-up Marketing Materials Remodel Space Faculty Hires Staff Hires $115000 $100000 $2500 $3000 $60000 $43,000 2 Student Hires Temp Hires Budget Narrative 2005-2006 Information Technology Department Line # Description Total Amount Priority Rank 1 Support software licenses $14000 1 2 Replace faculty and staff computers with >400 mz (87 computers) $115000 College 3 Maintain and upgrade servers and networks $100000 College 4 Hire 2 ITA positions 5 Replace electrical backup systems in network room $60000 3 6 Keyfile $43000 College 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 2 Justification College has purchased software licenses to support college processes and systems maintenance (i.e., Deep Freeze, Manila…). Operating budget increase needed to pay for maintenance contracts Year two of a college commitment to maintain faculty and staff machines at a level that will support productivity and efficiency. Year two of an ongoing commitment to replace servers and network equipment which is both out of warranty and is not able to support college functions for either instructional or administrative computing In 2002-2003, two ITA positions were removed from the Computer Services budget to support the college personnel budget. The number of helpline calls increased 12% from 2002-2003 to 2003-2004, following a 10% increase from 2001-2002. The unit is increasingly stressed in being able to provide a high level of service to the campus community with the decreased staff. In addition, there has been a high degree of growth in the number of systems that the Computer Services staff is asked to support, in addition to maintaining the campus network in the light of increasing virus attacks. The college servers and network equipment is concentrated in the LRC IC. The equipment is currently supported by individual UPS systems that allow the network to shut down “gracefully” in the face of loss of electrical power. With the increasing reliance on the college servers and networks on a 24X7 basis, it makes sense to install a more permanent secondary electrical system that would allow the systems to remain active in the face of power outages. The college has committed to the Keyfile system to support document imaging and backup. Yearly maintenance contract costs are $43000. Key Performance Indictors for Information Technology Department Number of HelpLine Calls 2001-2004 YEAR CALLS 2001-2002 3399 2002-2003 3828 2003-2004 4350