Sacramento City College Unit Plan Completed Spring 2002 Department Name: NURSING Department Spokesperson: DIANE WELCH Division Dean: MARY TURNER Elements of the Unit Plan: Place an X in the boxes of included elements X Accomplishments X Three Year Plan X Action Plan X Budget Request X Budget Narrative X Key Performance Indicators ADN & LVN Page 1 Nursing Department 2001-2002 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Goal 1: Curriculum Review effectiveness, currency and relevancy of curriculum. # Action Item Linkage to Other Plans Year-end status and accomplishments Review the objectives for accuracy, clarity, relevancy and leveling. BVNPT, BRN, Program Review, SPA, B The objectives for each course in each program are reviewed on an on-going basis. New objectives have been written and continuing objectives have been refined to reflect more leadership, delegation, and management experiences. Develop, implement and evaluate seminars in special topics that relate to curriculum but provide depth of subject matter. BVNPT, BRN, SP-A, B Courses are in the catalog that partially address this objective. Faculty has not been found to teach these courses. This will remain an objective for the next year. 1c Develop Preceptorships with health care agencies. BVNPT, BRN, A, B, H SP-A, E 1d Use Internet hook-up in classroom that compliment curriculum. Implement disaster-planning objectives. BVNPT, BRN, SP-A, B Preceptorships have been developed in the UCDMC Clinics for the Vocational Nursing students. The ADN faculty does not choose to use Preceptorships at this time. This avenue has not been used as extensively as it might. More nursing Websites are being developed throughout the country which can enhance learning; these will be introduced to the students in both programs. Objectives have been developed in both programs. The Vocational Nursing students participated in Sutter Health’s Disaster Day during the Spring 2002 semester. 1a 1b 1e ADN & LVN Page 2 Nursing Department 2001 – 2002 Accomplishments # 1f Linkage to Other Plans Action Item Prepare graduates to function in current RN/LVN roles. BVNPT, BRN At the end of their last semester, graduates of both nursing programs are capable of caring for the number of patients expected of an entry-level staff nurse. This objective will be a continuing objective. Emphasize delegation/management and leadership; increase integration into all semesters. BVNPT, BRN In the ADN program, new objectives have been written in each semester to increase integration both in the clinical experiences and the classroom. During clinical experiences, students from the second year of the program enhance their delegation skills by providing direction to students in the first year. In the VN program, the leadership experience in the last semester (3rd) enhances the students’ abilities to manage a team of CNAs in long-term care facilities. Utilize critical thinking in an innovative way in classroom and clinical areas. BVNPT, BRN In both programs faculty use clinical case studies in group discussions in the classroom. This theory is transferred into clinical practice on a weekly basis. Validate technical skills by refining competency skills testing at specific intervals. BVNPT, BRN Both programs utilize clinical competencies in each semester which students must pass to graduate. Depending upon the semester, competency testing is interspersed throughout. Achieve continuity of instruction in both classroom and clinical by maintaining full time faculty. BVNPT, BRN Both programs are fortunate to have full time faculty. This provides continuity of theory to clinical practice with instructors who have specific areas of expertise in patient care. 1g 1h 1i 1j Year-end status and accomplishments ADN & LVN Page 3 Nursing Department 2001 – 2002 Accomplishments # Linkage to Other Plans Action Item Evaluate revised curricula on an ongoing basis. Year-end status and accomplishments Program Review, SPA In each program, faculty meet once a month specifically to address curriculum issues. Students are invited to these meetings and provide input for potential changes or additions to the curriculum. Emphasize end of life issues and pain management. BVNPT, BRN Objectives for these topics have been enhanced. Both Boards of Nursing require this content for licensure. Evaluate and revise N14A, Drug calculation course as necessary to assist students in nursing courses. SP-A Upon faculty and student evaluation, it was determined that N14A needed to be increased to 1 unit. This has been approved by the SCC Campus Curriculum Committee. Utilize an increased variety of teaching methods such as multimedia, interactive, case studies, concept mapping, and group projects. SP-A All of these teaching methodologies have been integrated into the classroom in both programs. Meet BRN/BVNPT accreditation standards. Program Review, BRN, BVNPT The Associate Degree Program met and exceeded all standards following an accreditation visit in April, 2001 by the Board of Registered Nursing. The Vocational Nursing Program will have an accreditation visit in 2003. The VN Program completed program review for 2002-2002; the program continues to meet the accreditation standards required by the Board of Vocational Nursing and Psychiatric Technicians. 1p Continue to develop critical thinking test questions. SP-A This is an ongoing objective. 1q Parallel the curriculum with the changing role of the RN/LVN in health care. SP-A The LRCCD Nursing Advisory Committee meets twice a year. As a result of meetings, the curriculum is current. 1k 1l 1m 1n 1o ADN & LVN Page 4 Nursing Department 2001 – 2002 Accomplishments # Linkage to Other Plans Action Item Investigate creative ways to alleviate the critical nursing shortage. PFE,SP- A The Director submitted a proposal to obtain a grant from the Community College Chancellor’s Office to increase the number of nursing students. The grant was approved, and ten additional Career Mobility students will begin in August 2002. Implement program with SCC and CSUS to provide nursing students the opportunity to obtain BSN by concurrently attending SCC and CSUS nursing programs. ADN PROGRAM ONLY PFE, SP-C The program was implemented Spring 2002 semester. Eight students were admitted. 1r 1s Year-end status and accomplishments Goal 2: Student Success Promote student success and reduce attrition. Provide theory/clinical assistant to help students who need concentrated focus on theory and or clinical skills. SP-A, PFE PFE funding provided for a tutor for students in both programs. The tutoring was successful for 95% of the students who took advantage of the opportunity. SP-A 2b Assign peer mentors in same semester and mentors from other semesters. 2c Continue to offer open-door access by faculty. SP-A Implement practice NCLEX in all semesters. BVNPT, SP-A, E The SCC chapter of the National Student Nurse Association has developed a mentoring system for the ADN students. The VN faculty will help the VN students develop their mentoring system this coming year. Faculty are often available to students more hours than are posted as office hours Computer programs have been purchased that allow students to practice the type of questions used by NCLEX throughout the semester. 2a 2d ADN & LVN Page 5 Nursing Department 2001 – 2002 Accomplishments # 2e Action Item Linkage to Other Plans Develop WEB page. SP-I, E, H The Vocational Nursing faculty have developed a WEB page. The Associate Degree Nursing faculty are working to develop one. Promote life-long learning that encourages students to access additional education. SP-A The concept of life-long learning is integrate throughout all semesters in both programs. The expectation is that the majority of students will continue their education after completion and graduation from SCC nursing programs. Actively involve students in the learning process by participation in curriculum meetings/hiring committees, curriculum review and career fairs. SP-A, B, D Encourage students to attend classes that complement the Nursing program, i.e. math, medical language, pharmacology. SP-A Students from both programs have been part of hiring committees and career fairs. Students in the ADN program are active in curriculum meetings. Faculty in the VN program will continue to encourage students to participate. Many students attend N14A-Dosage Calculation and N11-Pharmacology classes. Prior to entering the nursing program, may students have taken medical language. Pass rates increase NCLEX to 100% SP-A The pass rate for the ADN Program has been between 96-100%; the pass rate for the VN Program has ranged from 84-96%. Continue to evaluate effects of new enrollment process i.e. nursing 90, reading prerequisite. SP-A Evaluation is a continuing process. The new entry criteria appears to increase the students opportunities for success in the nursing programs. 2f 2g 2h 2i 2j Year-end status and accomplishments ADN & LVN Page 6 Nursing Department 2001 – 2002 Accomplishments # Action Item Linkage to Other Plans Year-end status and accomplishments Encourage participation in NSNA for implementation of leadership concepts. BRN, BVNPT The SCC Chapter of the National Student Nurses Association has continued to grow and is quite active in the community. Continue use of optional open ADN lab on Tuesday from 12-2 p.m. To have nursing instructors and equipment available to students. PFE, SP-A The open lab for the ADN students continues to be available. The VN faculty has also provided opportunity for their students to practice clinical skills after class. Increase the number of certificates and associate degrees awarded. PFE, SP-A The number of students graduating from the ADN program and those completing the VN program has increased. Increase the number of students who transfer. PFE, SP-A, C A slight increase has been seen in the number of ADN graduates who continue their education for their BSN at a university. 2o Improve course completion rates and persistence rates from fall to spring. PFE, SP-A Attrition rates have decreased. 2p Improve transition of students from basic skills to college-level courses. PFE, SP-A The use of PFE money for tutoring services has been quite successful. 2q Increase number of graduate surveys returned. SP-A,H A slight increase has been noted. 2r Increase the number of businesses and employees that benefit from training through contract education. PFE, SP-C, H The nursing programs do not use contract education other than contract with clinical facilities for student experiences. 2k 2l 2m 2n ADN & LVN Page 7 Nursing Department 2001 – 2002 Accomplishments Linkage to Other Plans # Action Item 2s Identify additional key performance indicators to evaluate student success. PFE, SP-A Year-end status and accomplishments The refinement of clinical competency requirements has led to additional performance indicators. Goal 3: NCLEX scores will reach 95% - 100% One of the Vocational Nursing faculty members attended an NCLEX item writing workshop. Several ADN faculty members attended a conference in which one of the speakers addressed student preparation for NCLEX. Within the individual program curriculum committees, the objectives and examinations have been reviewed. This is an on-going process. The NCLEX scores in the ADN program have been between 94%-100% for the last three semesters. In the VN program the scores have been between 86% -96%. Attendance by faculty at NCLEX writing workshop or NCLEX preparation conferences. SP-H, D 3b Review examinations to make sure exams reflect appropriate leveling. SP-A,D 3c Obtain and analyze NCLEX scores and evaluate effectiveness of teaching. SP-A 3d Use NCLEX exams as a review for students in both nursing programs. SP-A Computer programs have been purchased for students to use for practice. Obtain updated computer programs. PFE, SP-A Several new programs have been purchased. There is always a need to continue to purchase more current programs in the health care field. Offer NCLEX review class. SP-A An NCLEX review class has been provided on our campus to the ADN graduates. A class for the VN students is in the beginning stages of being developed. 3a 3e 3f ADN & LVN Page 8 Nursing Department 2001 – 2002 Accomplishments # Action Item Linkage to Other Plans Year-end status and accomplishments Goal 4: Faculty Provide for appropriate VN and ADN staff development needs. 4a Revise ADN and VN Faculty Handbooks. SP-D The handbooks have been revised. Increase classroom availability. SP-B Creative scheduling has helped in obtaining classroom space. It does continue to be a problem at the beginning of the semester when orientations to the semesters and clinical check-offs are occurring. 4c Link resources with other divisions, department at community college level. SP-B, C Communication has increased with the Biology faculty who teach the prerequisites for the nursing programs. 4d Provide one conference room for nursing use in Mohr Hall. SP-D, Facilities The prior audio-visual equipment supply room has been converted to a conference room. 4e Explore ways to resolve nursing shortage. PFE, SP-C This is continuing to be addressed. 4b Goal 5: Technology Utilize technology to improve instructional quality and variety. 5a Use Internet hook-up in classroom to compliment content i.e. Blackboard program. SP-A, E Several of the faculty are now using Blackboard to post information for the students. 5b Encourage faculty to use technology in classroom. SP-A, D Faculty have become much more proficient in the use of technology in the classroom. Attend workshops on power point presentations. SP-A, D Some faculty members have attended workshops provided by the District. 5c ADN & LVN Page 9 Nursing Department 2001 – 2002 Accomplishments # Linkage to Other Plans Action Item Year-end status and accomplishments Increase CD ROM educational programs; search for quality relevant software. PFE, SP-A This is an on-going objective. Utilize CAI programs in M25. PFE Students in both nursing programs are required to complete certain requirements in the Computer Lab. Increase student computer competency for clinical use and classroom. PFE, SP-A As the students use the computers more frequently, they have become more competent. Students are also coming more frequently to the nursing programs with previous learned computer skills. Provide CAI review for NCLEX preparation. PFE, Program Review These programs have been purchased. 5h Prepare an one-line nursing class for Fall 2001. SP-A, D, E Nursing 11—Pharmacology has been offered on-line. Move M25 CAI nursing programs to LRC to increase accessibility or hire TA to assist students during evening and weekend classes. PFE, SP-A 5i Some CAI nursing programs are now in the LRC. There has not been funding to hire a TA (IA) for the off hours in the computer lab in Mohr Hall. 5d 5e 5f 5g 5j 6a Evaluate use of templates for care plans and SP-A Templates are in use for care plans in three of the four clinical preparation worksheet. N30 students semesters in the ADN program. The students like using will use template for required papers. them. ADN PROGRAM ONLY Goal 6: Facilities and Equipment Update equipment and facilities to meet instructional needs. Purchase equipment SP-A, Budget Some new equipment has been purchased. ADN & LVN Page 10 Nursing Department 2001 – 2002 Accomplishments # 6b 6c 6d 6e Action Item Linkage to Other Plans Year-end status and accomplishments Update LRC book collection SP-A The LRC staff have been very helpful in purchasing books suggested by the nursing facuolty. Build an Allied Health Complex to house all programs and clinic SP-G, Facilities This continues to be an objective. Increase classroom availability SP-A, Facilities Addressed in a previous goal Mount TV monitors on wall in M35 for VCR/video. SP-A The college is pursing this. Goal 7: Clinical Facilities Provide current and appropriate clinical experiences for each level of nursing student. 7a 7b Continue to evaluate campus and quality of learning opportunities to meet student objectives. SP-A The quality of the experiences the students, both on campus and in the clinical facilities is excellent. Update LRCCD and clinical facilities contracts. BRN, BVNPT, Program Review The contracts are updated on a routine basis as required by both Boards of Nursing and the clinical facilities. Goal 8: Recruitment Recruit qualified nursing instructors into VN and ADN programs. 8a Volunteer for specific recruitment tasks. SP-D Faculty have been active in recruiting substitute faculty. 8b Act as personal ambassadors to improve image and attractiveness of nursing as a career. SP-G, H All faculty function in the role of personal ambassadors. ADN & LVN Page 11 3 – Year Plan NURSING Department Long Range Plan 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 2003 – 2004 2004 – 2005 X X Offer nursing/Allied Health courses Online Implement Web site for both programs Incorporate Blackboard program Purchase updated software Mount VCRs in classrooms Establish Student Nurses Association for Vocational Nursing Students Development and implement classes on Stress Reduction for Allied Health students Rotate faculty between semesters—VN program only Development program to recruit substitute instructors and offer a class in teaching methodologies for substitute nursing instructors Offer I.V. Therapy/Blood Withdrawal class Develop a part-time evening Associate Degree Nursing Program Refurbish nursing labs with up-to-date equipment—beds, bedside stands, over bed tables, lamps ADN & LVN Page 12 X X X X X 2005 2006 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Nursing # 1a 1b 1c 1d 1e 1f Department / Action Plan 2002 – 2003 Goal 1: Maintain currency, relevancy, and effectiveness of the curriculum in each program Linkage to Action Item Year-end status and accomplishments other Plans Review objectives for accuracy, clarity, relevancy and leveling Offer classes already in the catalog for enhancement for understanding pathophysiology Use Internet hook-up in the classroom that complements the curriculum Utilize critical thinking in innovative ways in the classroom and the clinical areas Parallel the curriculum with the changing role of the RN/LVN in health care Develop and implement disaster-planning objectives DSS;BRN; BVNPT DSS; BRN; BVNPT DTL DSS; BRN;BVNPT DSS;BRN; BVNPT DSS; BRN BVNPT Goal 2: Promote student success and reduce attrition 2a 2b 2c 2d 2e 2f Provide theory/clinical tutor to help students who need concentrated focus on theory and/or clinical skills Utilize computer programs with test questions similar to NCLEX for student practice Continue to offer open-door access by faculty Encourage the use of peer mentors/tutors Encourage ESL students to access the resources on campus to assist in reading and conversing in the English language Encourage students to attend classes that complement the nursing program DSS; DTL DSS; BRN; BVNPT DSS DSS DSS DSS ADN & LVN Page 13 Department / Action Plan 2002 – 2003 NURSING # 3a 3b 3c 3d 3e 3f Goal 3: NCLEX Scores will be above 95% Linkage to Action Item Year-end status and accomplishments other Plans Review exams to assure that questions are written clearly and match the objectives Obtain and analyze NCLEX scores for use in evaluating effectiveness of teaching Purchase updated computer programs for practice for NCLEX Offer NCLEX review classes DSS DSS, DTL DSS DSS;DTL Goal 4: Increase the number of graduates to address the nursing shortage 4a 4b 4c 4d 4e 4f Enroll more career mobility LVN-to-RN students Enroll another group of students in the collaborative program with CSUS Recruit more potential nursing students M1; DED M1; DAG;DED DAG; M1 ADN & LVN Page 14 Nursing Line # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Description Department Budget Request - 2003 - 2004 Operating New Instruction Marketing Budget Computers Equipment Furniture Program Supplies Materials Increase Start-up Hospital beds for labs 20,000 Child manikin 2,500 Projector for power point 3,000 7,200 Bedside tables for labs 5,000 Overbed tables for labs 5,000 Faculty replacement IV Pump Faculty Hires 4,000 Videos/CD ROMS Conferences/faculty Remodel Space 1 FTE 8.000 Paint/wall repairs M31,M35 Totals: ADN & LVN Page 15 Staff Hires Student Hires Temp Hires Budget Narrative 2003 – 2004 Nursing Department Line # Description Total Priority Amount Rank Justification 1 Hospital beds for labs $20,000 1 2 Child manikin $2,500 2 Existing beds are broken and outdated. In order for students to be proficient in providing patient care, they need to practice on beds similar to those used in the hospitals used. This manikin will help the students practice essential assessment skills needed in caring for children. This performance is part of the mastery the student must possess. 3 Projector for power point $4,000 3 Most faculty are now using power point in class as an instructional methodology 4 Videos/CD ROMS $3,000 4 Clinical simulations on CD ROMS strengthen students critical thinking skills 5 Conferences $7,200 5 Allows for faculty to attend conferences related to their teaching assignment 6 Bedside tables for labs $5,000 6 Replacement for old, partially functional bedside tables in the nursing labs 7 Overbed tables for labs $5,000 7 8 Faculty replacement Replacement for old, partially functional overbed tables in the nursing lab It is anticipated that one faculty member will retire at the end of the 2002-2003 school year. Having fulltime faculty assures that theory taught in the classroom is transferred to the clinical experiences. This is a strength of our highly regarded programs. 9 IV Pump 10 Paint/repair walls 8 $8,000 9 10 Practice with an IV pump will assure safety when caring for patients The classrooms are in great need of painting. The ceilings in both the classrooms and the instructors’ offices need repair to prevent falling tiles. ADN & LVN Page 16 Key Performance Indicators for Nursing—RN and VN Department 100 95 90 Pass-RN Pass-VN 85 80 75 2000 2001 2002 ADN & LVN Page 17 Key Performance Indictors for Nursing—RN and VN Department 45 40 35 30 25 Completion-RN Completion-VN 20 15 10 5 0 2000 2001 2002 ADN & LVN Page 18