Research Staff – Achieving Excellence Purpose

Research Staff – Achieving Excellence
This document clarifies the University’s expectations concerning the responsibilities of research staff, the managers
of research staff (who are typically Principal Investigators) and its own responsibilities as the employing institution,
throughout the lifespan of research projects employing research staff.
As professional researchers and active members of the University's community, the contribution of research staff to
the University’s activities as a whole is substantial. Researchers support the University's wider ambitions on
research-led teaching, knowledge exchange and innovation, and participate in the University’s governance and civic
activities. The University's senior leadership, and academic community as a whole, have an unwavering long-term
commitment to ensuring that all research staff are respected and valued as professional colleagues and experience a
supportive and welcoming environment throughout their time here. Correspondingly, the University has high
expectations of research staff.
Professor Richard Jones, Pro-Vice Chancellor for Research & Innovation
“The development of talented researchers with transferrable and professional skills is essential for UK
competitiveness.” (EPSRC, 2012)
“Highly-trained, skilled, and professional researchers are fundamental to supporting the UK research-base in the arts
and humanities and contributing to the UK’s economic and social wellbeing and cultural wealth.” (AHRC, 2012)
Expectations - to ensure world class research
Through the professionalism of the university, academics and research staff, there is the opportunity for the
production of world class research in harmony with the development of individuals as future leaders.
Research staff
 Carry out world leading research and fulfil any
other project-related responsibilities set by their
manager to the expected, professional standard
and in accordance with the agreed time schedule
Managers of research staff
 Carry out world leading research to the expected,
professional standard and in accordance with the
agreed time schedule
 Actively engage in the induction process, seeking
to form a network of relationships and
understand the context of the work
 Ensure that appropriate induction to the role is
undertaken, including the department, wider
faculty and related support services
 Ensure clarity about expectations concerning the
responsibilities of their roles (i.e. the expectations
of their employer, manager and the funding body)
 Set clear and reasonable expectations for the
research staff whom they manage
 Seek feedback at appropriate, regular intervals on
their performance in delivering the projectrelated responsibilities that are expected of them
and, equally, bring to their manager’s attention
relevant issues, including potential problems, in a
timely manner
 Seek to make a valuable contribution to
supporting the management of the research
project, as appropriate to career stage,
experience and the needs of the project
 Feed back to research staff at regular intervals on
their performance in delivering the projectrelated responsibilities that are expected of them.
This includes at least one formal annual appraisal
of performance, with review, undertaken via the
Staff Review and Development Scheme (SRDS)
 Ensure that the project is run efficiently and that
the research team is effectively managed
This version – 18.1.2013
 Uphold good principles and practices when
undertaking research and innovation activities,
abiding by the University’s policies on research
ethics and good research and innovation practices
 Promote good practices in research ethics and
integrity through being an effective role model for
undertaking research activities and interacting
with others involved in and / or affected by their
See supporting document: Research project lifespan - recommended practice
 Actively participate in relevant continuous
 Recognise and value the importance of research
professional development activities in order to
staff accessing professional training and
develop research practices, personal effectiveness
development opportunities, including
and career development. Commit to integrating
conferences, that are relevant for their research
learning into work behaviours to encourage
projects and careers and provide them with
robust delivery
encouragement and support in this regard
including, where appropriate, advice on which
development opportunities that would be most
 Actively seek to extend professional development
through integration into the wider faculty and
disciplines though participation in forums,
working groups, seminars or other cross faculty
and university initiatives designed to develop
talent and ensure research quality
 Encourage the researcher to be successfully
integrated as a professional colleague into the
scholarly community, as appropriate to their role
and responsibilities on their research project, and
is made aware of opportunities to become more
involved in the wider Faculty and University-wide
community, and the wider research community
beyond the University of Sheffield
 Actively plan and manage their own personal and
career development, e.g. by accessing appropriate
skills training and career development
opportunities looking at opportunities both inside
and outside academia
 Recognise and value the importance of research
staff actively planning and managing their career
development, given the effort required in
developing a successful career and provide them
with encouragement, advice and support in this
 Throughout the research project, exercise and
develop increased capacity for independent and
critical thought
 Endeavour to keep their own professional skills up
to date, including with respect to good practices
in the management of staff
The University’s responsibilities
The University has extensive policies and procedures covering both its responsibilities as an employer and
responsibilities of staff. These can be accessed via the HR web pages at
The responsibilities below are a selection of those pertinent to us as an employer that are most appropriate to
research staff.
Provide faculties with a framework for the effective recruitment and selection of research staff
Provide the conditions for a high quality research environment
Provide support to managers of research staff, ensuring the adoption of good management practices
Sustain the provision of a range of opportunities that support the career development of research staff,
including providing them with access to bespoke professional development training programmes
Manage SRDS and ensure that all staff have the opportunity to engage in an SRDS discussion
Ensure that research staff are treated fairly and in accordance with the University’s Excellence Through
Inclusion strategy (, the Concordat to Support the Career
Development of Research Staff ( and other relevant HR strategies
This version – 18.1.2013