CIMA’s Africa Regional Board ¹ Terms of Reference for

Terms of Reference for CIMA’s Africa Regional Board ¹
approved by the Global Market Committee on 8 December 2011
The Africa Regional Board is created by Council for the purposes set out in this document. It is
responsible to Council through the bodies nominated by Council for this purpose. It can be dissolved
by Council. Council will allocate resources to enable the body to function. The body will adhere to all
policies, rules and guidance determined by Council. CIMA wishes to ensure that it engages with and
takes advantage of local conditions which are best understood by members locally who are thus
empowered to propose their own governance rules (see section 3.2 below) to meet Council’s
There are two purposes which Council entrusts to the body:
To work with Council’s Global Markets Committee (GMC) to deliver Council’s objectives for
growth globally, including supporting students in their progression through CIMA’s
To work with Council’s Member Services Committee (MSC) to ensure that members receive
support in maintaining CIMA’s reputation for the skills of management accountants and high
professional standards and through this that members needs are met and they are retained in
Duties and Responsibilities
To adhere to the Royal Charter, Byelaws, Regulations and policies of CIMA and to the
directions of Council for CIMA’s onward development ensuring the effective and efficient
functioning of the body that is the Southern Africa Regional Board.
To work with the Global Markets Committee and the Members’ Services Committee to ensure
that the formulation of Council’s policy in these areas is informed by and takes into account the
needs identified for success in Africa.
To consider and put in place rules which are deemed necessary to ensure the proper conduct of
the Regional Board. Any such rules to be approved by GMC.
To contribute to the development of the Africa strategy in the context of the approved CIMA
corporate strategy and objectives.
To consider and agree an annual plan and budget put together by its Director for submission to
CIMA Headquarters for integration into Council’s annual business plan.
To monitor the performance of the region against targets set for the region and to report risks
and mitigations on progress to the GMC and MSC to ensure the realisation of the plans
approved by Council.
To bring to the attention of GMC and/or MSC any other matters which it considers are material
to the well-being of CIMA, its members and students, and the profession in its area or
The Africa region is defined as electoral constituency 10: West, Central and Southern Africa - the countries of Angola,
Ascension Islands, Benin, Botswana, Burundi, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Cote
D’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau,
Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Mali, Malawi, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria,
Rwanda, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, St Helena, Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda,
Western Sahara, Zambia, Zimbabwe.
To appoint members or staff to serve on any local external organisations of which CIMA may be
a constituent body or to which it may be invited to send a representative.
To do such other duties as may be required in order to further the objectives of CIMA in the
region, provided that those duties are consistent with the Laws of CIMA and are not contrary to
policies determined by CIMA Council.
The Africa Regional Board
The Membership of the Board will comprise:
Any CIMA Council member elected for the CIMA Electoral Area in which the region is
Any other member of CIMA Council or its policy committees (other than the Global
Market Committee and Member Services Committee) having an official address in the
The Chairman of the Regional Board
The Immediate Past Chairman will remain a member of the Board for one year after his
term of office ends.
The Regional Director.
In addition the following members must be elected to the Regional Board:
Four representatives elected by the Africa Branch Forum (ABF), from the members of
Forum. One person to represent each of the following sub regions: South Africa,
Southern Africa, East Africa, West Africa.
Three members to be elected in the following manner:
 Any three members having an official address in the region are entitled to
nominate a candidate who may be either a Fellow or an Associate member of
 In the event of the nomination of more than one candidate for each vacancy, the
election will be decided by a ballot of all members in the region.
The Regional Board may co-opt Fellows or Associates as additional members. The number of
co-opted members must not be greater than a third of the total number of elected members.
At the discretion of the Chairman of the Board other members can be invited to attend a
meeting but without a vote.
Term of office
An ex-officio member of the Regional Board may continue as a member of the Regional Board
for as long as he holds the office which qualifies him.
An elected member of the Regional Board will serve as a member for three years from the
date at which he was elected. He will be eligible for re-election for one more term.
A co-opted member of the Regional Board will serve for two years from the date of his cooption. He will be eligible for further co-option for one further period of two years.
The representatives of the Africa Branch Forum will serve a two year term of office which may
be renewed for a further term.
An elected or co-opted member of the Regional Board must vacate office immediately:
if he becomes a member of the Regional Board in another capacity;
if he ceases to be a member of CIMA;
if he resigns from the Regional Board by notice in writing to the senior member of staff
in the Region;
if he ceases to have an official address in the Region;
if the Investigation Committee of CIMA imposes a Consent Order, or if the Disciplinary
Committee imposes a sanction against him, and any Appeal is unsuccessful;
If he fails to declare, at the time of discussion in Regional Board or in a Committee or
at any other time, a material interest or a conflict of interest;
if he becomes disqualified from being appointed or acting as a Director of a Company;
If he becomes unfit to serve through mental or physical disorder;
if he is absent from three consecutive meetings of the Regional Board and the
Regional Board resolves to terminate his membership.
Office Holders:
The Board will elect a Chairman and Deputy Chairman. The Chairman and Deputy Chairman
are elected for a two year term of office by the members of the Regional Board. The deputy
Chairman will succeed the Chairman.
No CIMA employees are eligible for election to the position of Chairman and Deputy
The Electoral Constituency 10 Representative is not eligible for election to the position of
Chairman or deputy Chairman.
The quorum for meetings of the Regional Board will be 50% of the members of the board plus
one additional board member.
Frequency of Meetings and notice required:
The Board shall meet three times during the financial year which could include attendance by
virtual means.
The Chairman, and in his absence the deputy Chairman, will chair the meetings of the Board.
Decisions can be taken out of committee if required under rules to be agreed by the Board
Secretarial services will be provided by the CIMA Africa staff.
Voting rights:
All members of the Board hold one vote. In the event of a tie, the Chairman of the meeting
shall hold a second, casting vote. The Board shall have the right to request any member of the
Board to recuse himself in the event of a real or perceived conflict of interest.
Working parties/ action groups/ focus groups:
The Board is entitled to set up working parties to advise and assist it. Such working parties
are to be provided with clear objectives and terms of reference and may not continue in
existence beyond a period of 12 months without a renewal being approved by the Board.
No more than four working groups should be in place at any one time and their remit should
not duplicate activity already taking place within CIMA.
In setting up such working parties the Board must not allocate resources or funding which has
not been approved for those purposes in the annual budget.
Accounting for Funds given to the body by CIMA:
The Regional Director is responsible for managing and accounting for all budgeted funds
approved by Council or raised by the region. The Director is at all times responsible for the
custody of those funds and the authorisation of expenditure in the region.
Board members are prohibited from entering into agreements to spend budgeted funds with
third parties. The responsibility of Board is to agree an annual plan and budget for the region
and once authorised by Council, the budget will be managed by the Regional Director.
The Region is an integral part of CIMA and the funds of the Region are those of CIMA as a
whole and not those of the Regional Board. They are therefore subject to the control of CIMA
CIMA’s membership appoints CIMA’s auditors. The Auditors, in discussion with the
Appointments Committee, will determine if a specific audit is needed for the Region’s financial
statements, as material to CIMA’s overall financial position. In any event annually an account
for the funds in the Region will be submitted by the Region to CIMA Headquarters by the
Regional Director. Should local legislation require that an audit take place that must be
notified to CIMA Headquarters, which in conjunction with the Region will ensure the legislation
is adhered to by CIMA.
Subsidiary bodies
The Board may appoint subsidiary bodies, as they feel necessary which are to be accountable
to the Board. These should have an ongoing remit and requirement to consider and focus on
particular and specific issues on behalf of the Board.
The Board must appoint an Audit Committee governed by agreed terms of reference and an
audit charter in line with best practice corporate governance,
All branches within the region and the Africa Branch Forum are considered to be subsidiary
bodies of the Regional Board.
Confidentiality Conflicts of Interest and Expenses:
Confidentiality: Board members will, in the course of their duties, be party to discussions of a
confidential nature in meetings of the Council or of its committees. In addition, they will receive
confidential information from other organisations. The effective operation of CIMA depends on
these confidences being maintained. Any unauthorised disclosure of such information, to a
third party, will be regarded as a breach of trust.
Conflicts of interest: The election/nomination of a member, through a representative
constituency grouping, needs to be borne in mind when enacting any obligations as a board
member and any possible conflicts of interests, real or perceived, must to be declared.
Expenses: Board members will follow the rules as set out in guidelines for members.
Board Members and Staff
As a group, the Board members have a combined responsibility for acting as role models for
CIMA members, students and staff and for upholding and promoting the CIMA values. The
board members should ensure that interactions between themselves and members of staff are
conducted in a professional manner in order to build a good working relationship and develop
a harmonious and trusting relationship.
The regional director has a responsibility for acting as a role model and upholding the CIMA
values. The Director is also responsible to the CIMA Chief Executive for the behaviour and
performance of CIMA regional staff. All CIMA staff must understand and follow the proper
processes and procedures of CIMA. They should also ensure that interactions between
themselves and members of the Board are conducted in a professional manner in order to
build a good working relationship and develop a harmonious and trusting relationship.
The limits of authority of the Regional Director will be determined by the Chief Executive.
Funding will be provided by Council to the body to support the plans approved by Council.
The funding can only be used for those purposes. The funding is the property of CIMA,
not the Regional Board or its constituent sub-committees, and must be managed as
determined by CIMA Headquarters.
Staff will be appointed by CIMA to support implementation of the agreed Regional
strategy. The staff are the staff of CIMA, not the Africa Regional Board or its constituent
committees; CIMA policies in relation to staff must be adhered to. Staff may only be
employed or dismissed by CIMA’s Chief Executive or those to whom he has delegated
authority, not by the Board or its constituent sub-committees.
Regional Board members and members of its constituent sub-committees are expressly
prohibited from entering into any contracts or imposing any liabilities upon CIMA without
the prior consent of CIMA headquarters or those to whom it has delegated authority
locally or otherwise.