Nomination for the appointment of an External Examiner for a Taught Programme of Study Please complete as fully as possible to ensure there are no delays to the nomination process. Appointments normally 4 years in duration Academic Year 2016-2017 A. DETAILS OF RECOMMENDED EXTERNAL EXAMINER Title Surname Forenames Nominee’s Current Job title Higher Education Institution (or detailed information as to nominee’s place of work) Relevant qualifications held by nominee Current Post held by nominee (if retired details of last post) Email Address of nominee Telephone Number Full work address (including postcode) B. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE AND EXPERTISE OF NOMINATED EXTERNAL EXAMINER OVER THE PAST FIVE YEARS AS: Please complete as fully as possible to ensure there are no delays in the appointment process. An External Examiner? An Internal Examiner in your named institution? Any Other relevant experience/expertise? Other current External Examiner appointments held (nb: QAA guidelines recommend holding no more than 2 appointments - (first degree programme only) Details of any members of staff from the Department at the University of Sheffield serving as External Examiners in the Department of the nominee. (nb: A central database of known TUOS staff holding External Examiner appointments is held in LETS. Previous/current associations with this University’s staff, students, programmes of study B1. CURRICULUM VITAE Please attach a CV or additional information if the proposed Examiner is either : B.1 below the level of Senior Lecturer B.2 from outside the British Higher Education sector B.3 Additional information for nominees who do not satisfy the criteria for appointments to provide detailed reasoning as to the suitability of the appointment. C. PROPOSED APPOINTMENT Title of programme of study (eg: BA in Social Policy) Current Session: 2016-2017 Other: Programme Code(s): nb: list all codes as these are used to calculate relevant fee Is the Programme Collaborative or have a collaborative element? If so with whom? Yes/No With whom? Subject Area to be examined (eg: Anatomy) Department (s) involved Is the new Examiner replacing an existing External Examiner? Yes/No If Yes, who is the outgoing External? Is the new Examiner to be appointed as the Programme External Examiner Yes/No If Yes, is there a Subject External Examiner appointed for the same Programme? And if so who is the Subject Examiner appointed? (There may be more than one) D. ELIGIBILITY TO WORK IN THE UK In line with the Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006 the University is required to verify the right to work in the UK of any person undertaking work at the University of Sheffield. In April 2015 new immigration rules were introduced regarding the Visitor routes with visitors needing permission to enter the UK with a visitor visa for permitted paid engagements. Please note: External Examiners will not be paid fees or expenses until their eligibility to work in the UK has been confirmed. For guidance on Eligibility to Work checks visit: or your HR Team Please answer YES to the following. If you are unable to answer yes please contact the External Examiners Team The nominee has provided satisfactory evidence of eligibility to work in the UK. Letters of appointment will out be sent contingent on the checks having been carried out. Yes A copy of the documentation has been retained securely within the department. Yes If applicable, the required Visitor Visa for persons coming to the UK for a temporary purpose for permitted paid engagements has been applied for? Yes All nominations should meet the University’s appointment criteria as set out in the Code of Practice and should be signed off by the Head of School/Department and will be forwarded to Faculty. Name Date Position held in the School/Department E. RETURN THE COMPLETED FORM TO: External Examiners Team, Learning and Teaching Services, Ground Floor, New Spring House, 231 Glossop Road, Sheffield or electronically Any queries please contact Rebecca Swift or Eve Grant on 0114 2221364 or 0114 2220416 The form will now be sent onto your Faculty Director of Learning and Teaching for approval. You will be contacted by the External Examiners team in due course once a decision has been made. F. APPROVAL FROM FACULTY 1. I confirm the nomination has been scrutinised and meets the University criteria, set out in the Code of Practice (in section G), for the appointment of External Examiners for Taught Programmes OR 2. The Faculty supports the nomination for the appointment based on the additional explanation provided (B3). Name Date Position held in the Faculty RETURN THE COMPLETED FORM TO: External Examiners Team, Learning and Teaching Services, Ground Floor, New Spring House, 231 Glossop Road, Sheffield or electronically Any queries please contact Rebecca Swift or Eve Grant on 0114 2221364 or 0114 2220416. The form will now be sent back to the Department for information and an Appointment letter will be issued. G. APPOINTMENT CRITERIA FOR EXTERNAL EXAMINERS FOR TAUGHT PROGRAMMES OF STUDY The University of Sheffield uses the criteria for nomination set out in Chapter B7 of the QAA Quality Code (and replicated from Section 2 of the Code of Practice). The University of Sheffield will appoint external examiners for taught programmes of study who have: • • • • • • • • • • knowledge and understanding of UK sector agreed reference points for the maintenance of academic standards and assurance and enhancement of quality; competence and experience in the fields covered by the programme of study, or parts thereof; relevant academic and/or professional qualifications to at least the level of the qualification being externally examined, and/or extensive practitioner experience where appropriate; competence and experience relating to designing and operating a variety of assessment tasks appropriate to the subject and operating assessment procedures; sufficient standing, credibility and breadth of experience within the discipline to be able to command the respect of academic peers and, where appropriate, professional peers familiarity with the standard to be expected of students to achieve the award that is to be assessed; fluency in English, and where programmes are delivered and assessed in languages other than English, fluency in the relevant language(s) (unless other secure arrangements are in place to ensure that external examiners are provided with the information to make their judgements); meeting applicable criteria set by professional, statutory or regulatory bodies; awareness of current developments in the design and delivery of relevant curricula; competence and experience relating to the enhancement of the student learning experience. Nominations for suitable but inexperienced examiners for the role of subject external examiner can be considered with appropriate supporting documentation. External examiners from outside the British Higher Education system, for example from the professions and industry, or from Universities outside the UK, are appropriate in certain circumstances. Particular attention should be paid to the relevance of the expertise and experience of those appointed in these circumstances. External examiners are usually appointed for a maximum of four years. There is provision to extend this for one year, on an exceptional basis, if a request by the Department is approved by the Faculty with an explanation as to why this is necessary. Requests should be sent to the External Examiners’ Team in LeTS in the first instance. Circumstances which may lead to the extension of an external examiner’s period of service can include: • • • • • where significant programme changes are being put in place and it would be useful to have the input of an external examiner experienced in the particular provision being revised where there is insufficient overlap in the appointment period of a group of examiners and someone is needed for an extra year to ensure collective knowledge is not lost A reappointment (in exceptional circumstances), only after a period of five years or more has elapsed since his/her last appointment. Programme external examiners may be appointed for more than the maximum number of years to part-time programmes or programmes of more than four years duration where this would provide an overview of the development of a programme. This would ensure continuity and consistency of standards and allow for the mentoring of inexperienced external examiners. Where the discipline area is particularly small across the UK and no other suitable external examiners can be nominated External examiners are not normally expected to hold more than two external examiner appointments for taught programmes at any point in time at ANY UK institution. An appointment can include a range of programmes in a particular discipline in one institution.