CA202 Spreadsheet Application Working with Other Microsoft Office

Spreadsheet Application
Working with Other
Microsoft Office
Lecture # 13
Dammam Community College
In this chapter you will learn to:
✔ Include an Office document in a
✔ Store an Excel document as part of
another Office document.
✔ Create a hyperlink.
✔ Paste an Excel chart into another
Including an Office Document in an
Excel Worksheet
• Excel is part of the Microsoft Office program suite, it is
possible to combine data from Excel and other Office
programs to create informative presentations.
• You can do this by either pasting another Office
document into an Excel workbook or creating a link
between a workbook and the other document.
• Linking has two advantages:
– The 1st benefit of linking is, you can keep your workbook small
– The 2nd benefit of linking to another file is that any changes in the
file to which you link will be reflected in your Excel workbook.
Including an Office Document in an
Excel Worksheet
• Click Insert  Object
• Click Create from File
• Click Browse and
choose the file name
• To create a link, click
Link to file and click
• The file appear in your
Including an Office Document in an
Excel Worksheet
• Instead of displaying
whole document, you
can choose to display
• Exercise:
– Include
in excel document.
Storing an Excel Document
as Part of Another Office Document
• The disadvantage of linking document is that the
linked document must be copied along with the
workbook, or at least be on a network-accessible
• If Excel can’t find or access the file where the link says it
is located, Excel won’t be able to display it.
• If file size isn’t an issue and you want to ensure that the
other document will always be available, you can embed
the file in your workbook.
• Embedding another file in an Excel workbook means that
the other file is completely saved as part of your
Storing an Excel Document
as Part of Another Office Document
• Click Insert  Object
• Click Create from
• Click Browse to
select file
• DO NOT click on Link
to file
• Click OK
Storing an Excel Document
as Part of Another Office Document
• Exercise
– Insert Excel sheet into PowerPoint application
Creating a Hyperlink
• A hyperlink functions much like a link
between two cells or between two files
• Hyperlinks that haven’t been clicked
usually appear as underlined blue text,
and followed hyperlinks appear as
underlined purple text, but those settings
can be changed.
Creating a Hyperlink
• To create a hyperlink Right click in the cell and click on Hyperlink
• You can choose one of four types of targets for your hyperlink:
an existing file or Web page,
a place in the current document,
a new document you create on the spot, or
an e-mail address.
Creating a Hyperlink
an existing file or Web page,
a place in the current document,
a new document you create on the spot, or
an e-mail address.
Creating a Hyperlink
an existing file or Web page,
a place in the current document,
a new document you create on the spot, or
an e-mail address.
Creating a Hyperlink
an existing file or Web page,
a place in the current document,
a new document you create on the spot, or
an e-mail address.
Pasting a Chart into Another
• A final way to include objects from one
workbook in another workbook is to copy
the object you want to share and then
paste it into its new location.
Chapter 13 Key Points
Excel is a versatile program. You can exchange data
between Excel and quite a few other programs in just a few
One benefit of Excel being part of the Office program suite
is that you can embed Excel worksheets in other Office
documents, and embed other Office documents (such as
PowerPoint presentations) in Excel workbooks.
Excel works smoothly with the Web; adding hyperlinks to
Web pages, other documents, or specific locations in the
current workbook is possible through the Insert Hyperlink
dialog box.
Once you’ve created a hyperlink, you can change any part
of it.
Excel is probably the easiest Office program in which to
create charts. Once you’ve created a chart in Excel, you can
paste it directly into another Office document.