Lecture 1 : Inheritance I ICS201 College of Computer Science & Engineering

King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
College of Computer Science & Engineering
Information & Computer Science Department
Lecture 1 : Inheritance I
Slides prepared by Rose Williams, Binghamton University
Introduction to Inheritance
Inheritance is one of the main techniques of object-oriented
programming (OOP)
Using this technique, a very general form of a class is first
defined and compiled, and then more specialized versions of
the class are defined by adding instance variables and methods
The specialized classes are said to inherit the methods and
instance variables of the general class
Base Class
Derived Class
Employee Example
Employee Example
Employee Example
Introduction to Inheritance
Inheritance is the process by which a new class is created from
another class
The new class is called a derived class
The original class is called the base class
A derived class automatically has all the instance variables and
methods that the base class has, and it can have additional methods
and/or instance variables as well
Inheritance is especially advantageous because it allows code to be
reused, without having to copy it into the definitions of the derived
Derived Classes
Since an hourly employee is an employee, it is defined as a
derived class of the class Employee
A derived class is defined by adding instance variables and
methods to an existing class
The existing class that the derived class is built upon is called the
base class
The phrase extends BaseClass must be added to the derived
class definition:
public class HourlyEmployee extends Employee
The derived class inherits all the public methods, all the public and
private instance variables, and all the public and private static
variables from the base class
The derived class can add more instance variables, static
variables, and/or methods
Inherited Members
A derived class automatically has all the instance variables, all
the static variables, and all the public methods of the base
Members from the base class are said to be inherited
Definitions for the inherited variables and methods do not
appear in the derived class
The code is reused without having to explicitly copy it, unless the
creator of the derived class redefines one or more of the base
class methods
Parent and Child Classes
A base class is often called the parent class
A derived class is then called a child class
These relationships are often extended such that a class that is
a parent of a parent . . . of another class is called an ancestor
If class A is an ancestor of class B, then class B can be called a
descendent of class A
Overriding a Method Definition
Although a derived class inherits methods from the
base class, it can change or override an inherited
method if necessary
In order to override a method definition, a new definition of
the method is simply placed in the class definition, just like
any other method that is added to the derived class
Employee Example
Changing the Return Type of an Overridden Method
Ordinarily, the type returned may not be changed when
overriding a method
However, if it is a class type, then the returned type may be
changed to that of any descendent class of the returned type
This is known as a covariant return type
Covariant return types are new in Java 5.0; they are not allowed
in earlier versions of Java
Covariant Return Type
Given the following base class:
public class BaseClass
{ . . .
public Employee getSomeone(int someKey)
. . .
The following is allowed in Java 5.0:
public class DerivedClass extends BaseClass
{ . . .
public HourlyEmployee getSomeone(int someKey)
. . .
Changing the Access Permission of an Overridden
The access permission of an overridden method can be
changed from private in the base class to public (or some other
more permissive access) in the derived class
However, the access permission of an overridden method can
not be changed from public in the base class to a more
restricted access permission in the derived class
Changing the Access Permission of an Overridden
Method (Example)
Given the following method header in a base case:
private void doSomething()
The following method header is valid in a derived class:
public void doSomething()
However, the opposite is not valid
Given the following method header in a base case:
public void doSomething()
The following method header is not valid in a derived class:
private void doSomething()
Pitfall: Overriding Versus Overloading
Do not confuse overriding a method in a derived class with
overloading a method name
When a method is overridden, the new method definition given
in the derived class has the exact same number and types of
parameters as in the base class
When a method in a derived class has a different signature from
the method in the base class, that is overloading
Note that when the derived class overloads the original method,
it still inherits the original method from the base class as well
The final Modifier
If the modifier final is placed before the definition
of a method, then that method may not be
redefined in a derived class
It the modifier final is placed before the definition
of a class, then that class may not be used as a base
class to derive other classes
The end
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
College of Computer Science & Engineering
Information & Computer Science Department
Lecture 2 : Inheritance II
Slides prepared by Rose Williams, Binghamton University
The super Constructor
A derived class uses a constructor from the base
class to initialize all the data inherited from the base
In order to invoke a constructor from the base class,
it uses a special syntax:
public derivedClass(int p1, int p2, double p3)
super(p1, p2);
instanceVariable = p3;
In the above example, super(p1, p2); is a call to
the base class constructor
The super Constructor
A call to the base class constructor can never use
the name of the base class, but uses the keyword
super instead
A call to super must always be the first action
taken in a constructor definition
An instance variable cannot be used as an argument
to super
If a derived class constructor does not include an
invocation of super, then the no-argument
constructor of the base class will automatically be
The this Constructor
Within the definition of a constructor for a class,
this can be used as a name for invoking another
constructor in the same class.
If it is necessary to include a call to both super and
this, the call using this must be made first, and
then the constructor that is called must call super
as its first action
The this Constructor
Often, a no-argument constructor uses this to
invoke an explicit-value constructor
A no-argument constructor
public ClassName()
this(argument1, argument2);
Explicit-value constructor (receives default values):
public ClassName(type1 param1, type2 param2)
. . .
The this Constructor (example)
public HourlyEmployee()
this("No name", new Date(), 0, 0);
The above constructor will cause the constructor
with the following heading to be invoked:
public HourlyEmployee(String theName, Date
theDate, double theWageRate, double
Important: An Object of a Derived Class Has
More than One Type
An object of a derived class has the type of the derived class,
and it also has the type of the base class.
More generally, an object of a derived class has the type of
every one of its ancestor classes
Therefore, an object of a derived class can be assigned to a
variable of any ancestor type
An object of a derived class can be plugged in as a parameter
in place of any of its ancestor classes
In fact, a derived class object can be used anyplace that an
object of any of its ancestor types can be used
Note, however, that this relationship does not go the other way
An ancestor type can never be used in place of one of its derived
Important: An Object of a Derived Class Has
More than One Type
Encapsulation and Inheritance Pitfall: Use of Private
Instance Variables from the Base Class
An instance variable that is private in a base class is
not accessible by name in the definition of a
method in any other class, not even in a method
definition of a derived class
Encapsulation and Inheritance Pitfall: Use of Private
Instance Variables from the Base Class
Instead, a private instance variable of the base class
can only be accessed by the public accessor and
mutator methods defined in that class
Pitfall: Private Methods Are Effectively Not
The private methods of the base class are like
private variables in terms of not being directly
However, a private method is completely
unavailable, unless invoked indirectly
This is possible only if an object of a derived class invokes a
public method of the base class that happens to invoke the
private method
protected and package Access
If a method or instance variable is modified by
protected (rather than public or private),
then it can be accessed by name :
Inside its own class definition
Inside any class derived from it
In the definition of any class in the same package
Instance variables or methods having package
access can be accessed by name inside the
definition of any class in the same package
However, neither can be accessed outside the package
The default access
If the access modifier is omitted :
public class Movie
public String title;
int nbrOscars;
Then, the access will be : package
Access Modifiers
Pitfall: Forgetting About the Default Package
When considering package access, do not
forget the default package
All classes in the current directory (not belonging
to some other package) belong to an unnamed
package called the default package
If a class in the current directory is not in
any other package, then it is in the default
If an instance variable or method has package
access, it can be accessed by name in the
definition of any other class in the default
Pitfall: A Restriction on Protected Access
If a class B is derived from class A, and class A has a
protected instance variable n, but the classes A and
B are in different packages, then the following is
A method in class B can access n by name (n is inherited
from class A)
A method in class B can create a local object of itself, which
can access n by name (again, n is inherited from class A)
Pitfall: A Restriction on Protected Access
However, if a method in class B creates an object of
class A, it can not access n by name
A class knows about its own inherited variables and
However, it cannot directly access any instance variable or
method of an ancestor class unless they are public
Therefore, B can access n whenever it is used as an
instance variable of B, but B cannot access n when it is
used as an instance variable of A
This is true if A and B are not in the same package
If they were in the same package there would be no
problem, because protected access implies package
The end
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
College of Computer Science & Engineering
Information & Computer Science Department
Lecture 3 : Inheritance III
Slides prepared by Rose Williams, Binghamton University
Access Modifiers [review]
Tip: "Is a" Versus "Has a"
A derived class demonstrates an "is a" relationship between it
and its base class
For example, an HourlyEmployee "is an" Employee
HourlyEmployee is a more complex class compared to the more
general Employee class
Tip: "Is a" Versus "Has a"
Another way to make a more complex class out of a simpler
class is through a "has a" relationship
This type of relationship, called composition, occurs when a class
contains an instance variable of a class type
The Employee class contains an instance variable, hireDate, of
the class Date, so therefore, an Employee "has a" Date
then HourlyEmployee "is an" Employee and "has a" Date
Tip: Static Variables Are Inherited
Static variables in a base class are inherited by any
of its derived classes
The modifiers public, private, and protected,
and package access have the same meaning for
static variables as they do for instance variables
Access to a Redefined Base Method
Within the definition of a method of a derived class,
the base class version of an overridden method of
the base class can still be invoked
Simply preface the method name with super and a dot :
public class HourlyEmployee extends Employee {
public String toString()
return (super.toString() + "$" + wageRate);
You Cannot Use Multiple supers
It is only valid to use super to invoke a method from a direct
Repeating super will not invoke a method from some other
ancestor class
For example, if the Employee class were derived from the
class Person, and the HourlyEmployee class were derived
form the class Employee , it would not be possible to invoke
the toString method of the Person class within a method of
the HourlyEmployee class
super.super.toString() // ILLEGAL!
The Class “Object”
In Java, every class is a descendent of the class
Every class has Object as its ancestor
Every object of every class is of type Object, as well as
being of the type of its own class
If a class is defined that is not explicitly a derived
class of another class, it is still automatically a
derived class of the class Object
The Class “Object”
The class Object is in the package java.lang which is
always imported automatically
Having an Object class enables methods to be written with a
parameter of type Object
A parameter of type Object can be replaced by an object of any
class whatsoever
The class Object has some methods that every Java class
inherits (e.g. the equals and toString methods)
Every object inherits these methods from some ancestor class
Either the class Object itself, or a class that itself inherited these
methods (ultimately) from the class Object
However, these inherited methods should be overridden with
definitions more appropriate to a given class
The Right Way to Define equals
Since the equals method is always inherited from the class
Object, methods like the following simply overload it:
public boolean equals(Employee otherEmployee)
{ . . . }
public boolean equals(Object otherObject)
{ . . . }
Defined in the
current class
Inherited from
class Object
However, the method inherited from class Object should be
overridden, not just overloaded. Why ?? .. See next slide
The Right Way to Define equals
public boolean equals(Object otherObject)
{ . . . }
The parameter otherObject of type Object must be type cast
to the given class (e.g., Employee)
However, the new method should only do this if otherObject
really is an object of that class, and if otherObject is not equal
to null
Finally, it should compare each of the instance variables of both
A Better equals Method for the Class
To check that the
public boolean equals(Object otherObject)
object is not null
if(otherObject == null)
return false;
else if(getClass( ) != otherObject.getClass( ))
To check that the
return false;
object is of the
right class
Employee otherEmployee = (Employee)otherObject;
return (name.equals(otherEmployee.name) &&
Check the equality
of instance
variables one by
Tip: getClass Versus instanceof
Many authors suggest using the instanceof
operator in the definition of equals
The instanceof operator will return true if the
object being tested is a member of the class for
which it is being tested
Instead of the getClass() method
However, it will return true if it is a descendent of that
class as well
It is possible (and especially disturbing), for the
equals method to behave inconsistently given this
Tip: getClass Versus instanceof
Here is an example using the class Employee
. . . //excerpt from bad equals method
else if(!(OtherObject instanceof Employee))
return false; . . .
Now consider the following:
Employee e = new Employee("Joe", new Date());
HourlyEmployee h = new
HourlyEmployee("Joe", new Date(),8.5, 40);
boolean testH = e.equals(h);
boolean testE = h.equals(e);
e and h are created from different classes. So both testH and testE
should be false. However, ..
Tip: getClass Versus instanceof
testH will be true, because h is an Employee
with the same name and hire date as e
However, testE will be false, because e is not an
HourlyEmployee, and cannot be compared to h
Note that this problem would not occur if the
getClass() method were used instead, as in the
previous equals method example
The instanceof Operator
The instanceof operator checks if an object is of
the type given as its second argument
Object instanceof ClassName
This will return true if Object is of type ClassName, and
otherwise return false
Note that this means it will return true if Object is the
type of any descendent class of ClassName
The getClass() Method
Every object inherits the same getClass() method
from the Object class
An invocation of getClass() on an object returns
a representation only of the class that was used with
new to create the object
The results of any two such invocations can be compared
with == or != to determine whether or not they represent
the exact same class
(object1.getClass() == object2.getClass())
The end
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
College of Computer Science & Engineering
Information & Computer Science Department
Lecture 4 : Polymorphism
Slides prepared by Rose Williams, Binghamton University
Introductory example to Polymorphism
Which bill() version ?
Which bill() version ?
Which bill() versions ?
Introduction to Polymorphism
There are three main programming mechanisms that
constitute object-oriented programming (OOP)
Polymorphism is the ability to associate many
meanings to one method name
It does this through a special mechanism known as late
binding or dynamic binding
Late Binding
The process of associating a method definition with
a method invocation is called binding
If the method definition is associated with its
invocation when the code is compiled, that is called
early binding
If the method definition is associated with its
invocation when the method is invoked (at run
time), that is called late binding or dynamic binding
Java uses late binding for all methods (except
private, final, and static methods).
Introductory example in more details
The Sale class contains two instance variables
name: the name of an item (String)
price: the price of an item (double)
It contains three constructors
A no-argument constructor that sets name to "No name
yet", and price to 0.0
A two-parameter constructor that takes in a String (for
name) and a double (for price)
A copy constructor that takes in a Sale object as a
The Sale and DiscountSale Classes
The Sale class also has a set of accessors
(getName, getPrice), mutators (setName,
setPrice), overridden equals and toString
methods, and a static announcement method
The Sale class has a method bill, that
determines the bill for a sale, which simply returns
the price of the item
It has two methods, equalDeals and lessThan,
each of which compares two sale objects by
comparing their bills and returns a boolean value
The Sale and DiscountSale Classes
The DiscountSale class inherits the instance
variables and methods from the Sale class
In addition, it has its own instance variable,
discount (a percent of the price), and its own
suitable constructor methods, accessor method
(getDiscount), mutator method (setDiscount),
overriden toString method, and static
announcement method
The DiscountSale class has its own bill method
which computes the bill as a function of the
discount and the price
The Sale and DiscountSale Classes
The Sale class lessThan method
Note the bill() method invocations:
public boolean lessThan (Sale otherSale)
if (otherSale == null)
System.out.println("Error: null object");
return (bill( ) < otherSale.bill( ));
The Sale and DiscountSale Classes
The Sale class bill() method:
public double bill( )
return price;
The DiscountSale class bill() method:
public double bill( )
double fraction = discount/100;
return (1 - fraction) * getPrice( );
The Sale and DiscountSale Classes
Given the following in a program:
. . .
Sale simple = new sale("floor mat", 10.00);
DiscountSale discount = new
DiscountSale("floor mat", 11.00, 10);
. . .
if (discount.lessThan(simple))
System.out.println("$" + discount.bill() +
" < " + "$" + simple.bill() +
" because late-binding works!");
. . .
Output would be:
$9.90 < $10 because late-binding works!
The Sale and DiscountSale Classes
In the previous example, the boolean expression in the if
statement returns true
As the output indicates, when the lessThan method in the
Sale class is executed, it knows which bill() method to
The DiscountSale class bill() method for discount, and
the Sale class bill() method for simple
Note that when the Sale class was created and compiled, the
DiscountSale class and its bill() method did not yet exist
These results are made possible by late-binding
Pitfall: No Late Binding for Static Methods
When the decision of which definition of a method
to use is made at compile time, that is called static
This decision is made based on the type of the variable
naming the object
Java uses static, not late, binding with private,
final, and static methods
In the case of private and final methods, late binding
would serve no purpose
However, in the case of a static method invoked using a
calling object, it does make a difference
Pitfall: No Late Binding for Static Methods
The Sale class announcement() method:
public static void announcement( )
System.out.println("Sale class");
The DiscountSale class announcement() method:
public static void announcement( )
System.out.println("DiscountSale class");
Pitfall: No Late Binding for Static Methods
In the previous example, the simple (Sale class) and
discount (DiscountClass) objects were created
Given the following assignment:
simple = discount;
Now the two variables point to the same object
In particular, a Sale class variable names a DiscountClass
Pitfall: No Late Binding for Static Methods
Given the invocation:
The output is:
Sale class
Note that here, announcement is a static method invoked by
a calling object (instead of its class name)
Therefore the type of simple is determined by its variable
name, not the object that it references
Upcasting and Downcasting
Upcasting is when an object of a derived class is assigned to a
variable of a base class (or any ancestor class)
Sale saleVariable; //Base class
DiscountSale discountVariable = new
DiscountSale("paint", 15,10); //Derived class
saleVariable = discountVariable; //Upcasting
Because of late binding, toString above uses the definition
given in the DiscountSale class
Upcasting and Downcasting
Downcasting is when a type cast is performed from a base class to
a derived class (or from any ancestor class to any descendent
Downcasting has to be done very carefully
In many cases it doesn't make sense, or is illegal:
discountVariable =
//will produce
(DiscountSale)saleVariable;//run-time error
discountVariable = saleVariable //will produce
//compiler error
There are times, however, when downcasting is necessary, e.g.,
inside the equals method for a class:
Sale otherSale = (Sale)otherObject;//downcasting
Be careful with downcasting because Java does not check it at
compile time
A First Look at the clone Method
Every object inherits a method named clone from the class
The method clone has no parameters
It is supposed to return a deep copy of the calling object
However, the inherited version of the method was not designed
to be used as is
Instead, each class is expected to override it with a more
appropriate version
A First Look at the clone Method
If a class has a copy constructor, the clone method for that
class can use the copy constructor to create the copy returned
by the clone method
public Sale clone()
return new Sale(this);
and another example:
public DiscountSale clone()
return new DiscountSale(this);
Pitfall: Limitations of Copy Constructors
Although the copy constructor and clone method for a class
appear to do the same thing, there are cases where only a
clone will work
For example, given a method badcopy in the class Sale that
copies an array of sales
If this array of sales contains objects from a derived class of
Sale(i.e., DiscountSale), then the copy will be a plain sale, not
a true copy
b[i] = new Sale(a[i]); //plain Sale object
Pitfall: Limitations of Copy Constructors
However, if the clone method is used instead of the copy
constructor, then (because of late binding) a true copy is made,
even from objects of a derived class (e.g., DiscountSale):
b[i] = (a[i].clone());//DiscountSale object
The reason this works is because the method clone has the
same name in all classes, and polymorphism works with method
The copy constructors named Sale and DiscountSale have
different names, and polymorphism doesn't work with methods of
different names
The end
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
College of Computer Science & Engineering
Information & Computer Science Department
Lecture 5 : Polymorphism II
Slides prepared by Rose Williams, Binghamton University
Late Binding with toString
Late Binding with toString
If an appropriate toString method is defined for a
class, then an object of that class can be output
using System.out.println
Sale aSale = new Sale("tire gauge", 9.95);
Output produced:
tire gauge Price and total cost = $9.95
This works because of late binding
Late Binding with toString
One definition of the method println takes a
single argument of type Object:
public void println(Object theObject)
 In turn, It invokes the version of println that takes a
String argument
Note that the println method was defined before
the Sale class existed
Yet, because of late binding, the toString
method from the Sale class is used, not the
toString from the Object class
An Object knows the Definitions of its
The type of a class variable determines which
method names can be used with the variable
However, the object named by the variable
determines which definition with the same method
name is used
The end
Important to do at home :
- read chapter 8 pages 487-489
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
College of Computer Science & Engineering
Information & Computer Science Department
Lecture 6 : Abstract Classes
Slides prepared by Rose Williams, Binghamton University
Introduction to abstract classes
Introduction to abstract classes
Suppose the method
samePay is added :
Is there any problem ?
Introduction to Abstract Classes
There are several problems with this method:
The getPay method is invoked in the samePay method
There are getPay methods in each of the derived classes
There is no getPay method in the Employee class, nor is
there any way to define it reasonably without knowing
whether the employee is hourly or salaried
Introduction to Abstract Classes
The ideal situation would be if there were a way to
Postpone the definition of a getPay method until the type
of the employee were known (i.e., in the derived classes)
Leave some kind of note in the Employee class to indicate
that it was accounted for
Surprisingly, Java allows this using abstract classes
and methods
Introduction to Abstract Classes
In order to postpone the definition of a method,
Java allows an abstract method to be declared
An abstract method has a heading, but no method body
The body of the method is defined in the derived classes
The class that contains an abstract method is called
an abstract class
Abstract Method
An abstract method is like a placeholder for a
method that will be fully defined in a descendent
It has a complete method heading, to which has
been added the modifier abstract
It cannot be private
It has no method body, and ends with a semicolon
in place of its body
public abstract double getPay();
public abstract void doIt(int count);
Abstract Class
A class that has at least one abstract method is called an
abstract class
An abstract class must have the modifier abstract included in its
class heading:
public abstract class Employee
private instanceVariables;
. . .
public abstract double getPay();
. . .
Correct version
Abstract Class
An abstract class can have any number of abstract
and/or fully defined methods
If a derived class of an abstract class adds to or
does not define all of the abstract methods, then it
is abstract also, and must add abstract to its
A class that has no abstract methods is called a
concrete class
Pitfall: You Cannot Create Instances of an
Abstract Class
An abstract class can only be used to derive more
specialized classes
While it may be useful to discuss employees in general, in
reality an employee must be a salaried worker or an hourly
An abstract class constructor cannot be used to
create an object of the abstract class
However, a derived class constructor will include an
invocation of the abstract class constructor in the form of
Tip: An Abstract Class Is a Type
Although an object of an abstract class cannot be
created, it is perfectly fine to have a parameter of an
abstract class type
This makes it possible to plug in an object of any of its
descendent classes
It is also fine to use a variable of an abstract class
type, as long is it names objects of its concrete
descendent classes only
The end
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
College of Computer Science & Engineering
Information & Computer Science Department
Lecture 7 : Interfaces
Slides prepared by Rose Williams, Binghamton University
Single Vs Multiple Inheritance
Single Inheritance
Single Vs Multiple Inheritance
Multiple Inheritance : when a class inherits from two or
more different base classes :
Multiple inheritance can create significant complications
because the implementations that are inherited could
be conflicting
Difficulty with Multiple Inheritance
String name
How many name will be in StudentEmployee?
Which version of getHours() will be used in StudentEmployee?
Multiple Inheritance in Java
Multiple inheritance is not allowed for classes.
Multiple inheritance is allowed only for interfaces.
An interface can be seen as a class without any
So Interfaces are Java’s way of approximating
multiple inheritance.
What is an interface?
next slide …
An interface is something like an extreme case of an abstract
Except the word interface is used in place of class
An interface specifies a set of methods that any class that
implements the interface must have
It is a type that can be satisfied by any class that implements the
The syntax for defining an interface is similar to that of
defining a class
However, an interface is not a class
It contains method headings and constant definitions only
It contains no instance variables nor any complete method
An interface and all of its method headings should be declared
They cannot be given private, protected, or package access
The Ordered Interface
To implement an interface, a concrete class must
do two things:
It must include the phrase
implements Interface_Name
at the start of the class definition (If more than one interface
is implemented, each is listed, separated by commas)
The class must implement all the method headings listed
in the definition(s) of the interface(s)
Implementation of an Interface
Implementation of an Interface
Abstract Classes Implementing Interfaces
Abstract classes may implement one or more
Any method headings given in the interface that are not
given definitions are made into abstract methods
A concrete class must give definitions for all the
method headings given in the abstract class and the
An Abstract Class Implementing an Interface
Derived Interfaces
Like classes, an interface may be derived from a
base interface
This is called extending the interface
The derived interface must include the phrase
extends BaseInterfaceName
A concrete class that implements a derived interface
must have definitions for any methods in the derived
interface as well as any methods in the base
Extending an Interface
Defined Constants in Interfaces
An interface can contain defined constants in addition to or
instead of method headings
Any variables defined in an interface must be public, static, and
Because this is understood, Java allows these modifiers to be
Any class that implements the interface has access to these
defined constants
Pitfall: Inconsistent Interfaces
When a class implements two interfaces:
One type of inconsistency will occur if the interfaces have
constants with the same name, but with different values
In this case, the class will be compiled correctly but when any of the
constants is accessed via a reference of the class type, a compilation
error will occur. If the reference is up-casted to one of the interfaces,
the constant from that interface will be used without any error
Another type of inconsistency will occur if the interfaces
contain methods with the same name but different return
This is an error, the class will not compile
The end
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
College of Computer Science & Engineering
Information & Computer Science Department
Lecture 8 : Inner-classes
Slides prepared by Rose Williams, Binghamton University
Introductory Example
Inner class
inside Person
Inner Classes
So far, every class should be defined in a separate file having
the same name as the class.
Inner (or nested) classes are classes defined within other
The class that includes the inner class is called the outer class
There are four categories of inner classes in Java:
Inner classes (non-static)
Static inner classes
Local classes (defined inside a block of Java code)
Anonymous classes (defined inside a block of Java code)
Inner Classes
An inner class definition is a member of the outer
class in the same way that the instance variables
and methods of the outer class are members
An inner class is local to the outer class definition
The name of an inner class may be reused for something
else outside the outer class definition
If the inner class is private, then the inner class cannot be
accessed by name outside the definition of the outer class
Why Inner Classes?
There are two main advantages to inner classes
They can make the outer class more self-contained since
they are defined inside a class
Both of their methods have access to each other's private
methods and instance variables
Using an inner class as a helping class is one of the
most useful applications of inner classes
If used as a helping class, an inner class should be marked
Tip: Inner and Outer Classes Have Access to
Each Other's Private Members
Within the definition of a method of an inner class:
It is legal to reference a private instance variable of the outer
It is legal to invoke a private method of the outer class
Within the definition of a method of the outer class
It is legal to reference a private instance variable of the inner class
on an object of the inner class
It is legal to invoke a (nonstatic) method of the inner class as long
as an object of the inner class is used as a calling object
Within the definition of the inner or outer classes, the
modifiers public and private are equivalent
Class with an Inner Class
Class with an Inner Class
Class with an Inner Class
The .class File for an Inner Class
Compiling any class in Java produces a .class file
named ClassName.class
Compiling a class with one (or more) inner classes
causes both (or more) classes to be compiled, and
produces two (or more) .class files :
Static Inner Classes
A normal inner class has a connection between its objects and the outer class
object that created the inner class object
There are certain situations, however, when an inner class must be static
This allows an inner class definition to reference an instance variable, or invoke a
method of the outer class
If an object of the inner class is created within a static method of the outer class
If the inner class must have static members
Since a static inner class has no connection to an object of the outer class,
within an inner class method
Instance variables of the outer class cannot be referenced
Nonstatic methods of the outer class cannot be invoked
Public Inner Classes
If an inner class is marked public, then it can be used outside
of the outer class
An inner class must be created using an object of the outer
class :
Person p1 = new Person(…);
Person.ArabicDate ad1 = p1.new ArabicDate(…);
Note that the prefix p1. must come before new
Referring to a Method of the Outer Class
If a method is invoked in an inner class
If the inner class has no such method, then it is assumed
to be an invocation of the method of that name in the
outer class
If both the inner and outer class have a method with the
same name, then it is assumed to be an invocation of the
method in the inner class
If both the inner and outer class have a method with the
same name, and the intent is to invoke the method in the
outer class, then the following invocation must be used:
using this inside an inner class refers to the object of the
inner class
Issues about Inner classes
Nesting Inner Classes :
It is legal to nest inner classes within inner classes
The rules are the same as before, but the names get longer
Given class A, which has public inner class B, which has public
inner class C, then the following is valid:
A aObject = new A();
A.B bObject = aObject.new B();
A.B.C cObject = bObject.new C();
Inner Classes and inheritance :
Given an OuterClass that has an InnerClass
Any DerivedClass of OuterClass will automatically have
InnerClass as an inner class
In this case, the DerivedClass cannot override the
Local Classes
A local class is defined within a block of Java code.
Local classes are completely hidden in their containing block.
When a class name is used only within a block it can be defined
A local class can access instance variables of the outer class and
only the final local variables of the enclosing block.
Local Classes: Example
Anonymous Classes
It is a local class without a name
If only one object has to be created from a class, and there is no need to
name the class, then an anonymous class definition can be used
The class definition is embedded inside the expression with the new operator
Anonymous class has no constructors
It is either derived from a class, or implements an interface. Like:
AnInterface i = new AnInterface ( ) { // methods defs. … }
ASuperclass c = new ASuperclass(…) { // methods defs. … }
Anonymous Classes
Anonymous Classes
Anonymous Classes
The end
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
College of Computer Science & Engineering
Information & Computer Science Department
Lecture 9 : Exception
Slides prepared by Rose Williams, Binghamton University
Introduction to Exception Handling
Introduction to Exception Handling
try block
catch block
Introduction to Exception Handling
An exception is an indication of a problem that occurs during a
program’s execution.
Exception handling enables programmers to create applications that
can resolve (or handle) exceptions.
Problems during execution
Error-handling code
Exception handling
- Intermix program logic with error-handling
- Allows to remove error-handling code from
the main line of the program
- Makes the program difficult to read, modify,
maintain, and debug
- Improves program clarity and enhances
When no exceptions occur, exception-handling code incurs little or no
performance penalties.
Exception handling should be used only for problems that occur
try-throw-catch Mechanism
throw new
When an exception is thrown, the execution of the surrounding
try block is stopped
Normally, the flow of control is transferred to another portion of
code known as the catch block
The value thrown is the argument to the throw operator, and
is always an object of some exception class
The execution of a throw statement is called throwing an
try-throw-catch Mechanism
A throw statement is similar to a method call:
throw new ExceptionClassName(SomeString);
In the above example, the object of class ExceptionClassName
is created using a string as its argument
This object, which is an argument to the throw operator, is the
exception object thrown
Instead of calling a method, a throw statement calls a catch
Exception Classes
There are two kinds of
exceptions in Java
Predefined exception
classes in the Java libraries
New exception classes can
be defined like any other
Exception Classes from Standard Packages
Numerous predefined exception classes are included in the
standard packages that come with Java
For example:
Many exception classes must be imported in order to use them
import java.io.IOException;
All predefined exception classes have the following properties:
There is a constructor that takes a single argument of type
The class has an accessor method getMessage that can recover
the string given as an argument to the constructor when the
exception object was created.
Exception Classes from Standard Packages
The predefined exception class Exception is the root class
for all exceptions
Every exception class is a descendent class of the class
Although the Exception class can be used directly in a class or
program, it is most often used to define a derived class
The class Exception is in the java.lang package, and so
requires no import statement
Using the getMessage Method
Every exception has a String instance variable that contains
some message
This string typically identifies the reason for the exception
The method call e.getMessage() returns this string
. . . // method code
. . .
throw new Exception(StringArgument);
. . .
catch(Exception e)
String message = e.getMessage();
} . . .
Defining Exception Classes
A throw statement can throw an exception object of any
exception class
Instead of using a predefined class, exception classes can be
These can be tailored to carry the precise kinds of information
needed in the catch block
A different type of exception can be defined to identify each
different exceptional situation
Every exception class to be defined must be a derived class of
some already defined exception class
A Programmer-Defined Exception Class
A Programmer-Defined Exception Class
Programmer-Defined Exception Class
Exception classes may be programmer-defined, but every such class
must be a derived class of an already existing exception class
The class Exception can be used as the base class, unless another
exception class would be more suitable
At least two constructors should be defined, sometimes more
The exception class should allow for the fact that the method
getMessage is inherited
Preserve getMessage
For all predefined exception classes, getMessage returns the string
that is passed to its constructor as an argument
Or it will return a default string if no argument is used with the
This behavior must be preserved in all programmer-defined
exception class
A constructor must be included having a string parameter whose body
begins with a call to super
The call to super must use the parameter as its argument
A no-argument constructor must also be included whose body begins
with a call to super
This call to super must use a default string as its argument
Multiple catch Blocks
A try block can potentially throw any number of exception values,
and they can be of differing types
In any one execution of a try block, at most one exception can be
thrown (since a throw statement ends the execution of the try block)
However, different types of exception values can be thrown on
different executions of the try block
Different types of exceptions can be caught by placing more than
one catch block after a try block
Any number of catch blocks can be included, but they must be
placed in the correct order
Multiple catch Blocks
Catch the More Specific Exception First
When catching multiple exceptions, the order of the catch blocks
is important
When an exception is thrown in a try block, the catch blocks are
examined in order
The first one that matches the type of the exception thrown is the one
that is executed
{ . .
{ . .
Because a NegativeNumberException is a type of
Exception, all NegativeNumberExceptions will be caught by
the first catch block before ever reaching the second block
(Exception e)
. }
(NegativeNumberException e)
. }
The catch block for NegativeNumberException will never be used!
For the correct ordering, simply reverse the two blocks
Throwing an Exception in a Method
Throwing an Exception in a Method
Sometimes it makes sense to throw an exception in a method,
but not catch it in the same method
Some programs that use a method should just end if an exception
is thrown, and other programs should do something else
In such cases, the program using the method should enclose the
method invocation in a try block, and catch the exception in a
catch block that follows
In this case, the method itself would not include try and
catch blocks
However, it would have to include a throws clause
Declaring Exceptions in a throws Clause
If a method can throw more than one type of
exception, then separate the exception types by
public void aMethod() throws
AnException, AnotherException
If a method throws an exception and does not catch
it, then the method invocation ends immediately
The Catch or Declare Rule
Most ordinary exceptions that might be thrown within a
method must be accounted for in one of two ways:
The code that can throw an exception is placed within a try
block, and the possible exception is caught in a catch block
within the same method
The possible exception can be declared at the start of the
method definition by placing the exception class name in a
throws clause
Checked and Unchecked Exceptions
Exceptions that are subject to the catch or declare rule are called
checked exceptions
The compiler checks to see if they are accounted for with either a catch
block or a throws clause
The classes Throwable, Exception, and all descendants of the class
Exception are checked exceptions
All other exceptions are unchecked exceptions
The class Error and all its descendant classes are called error classes
Error classes are not subject to the Catch or Declare Rule
Hierarchy of Throwable Objects
The end
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
College of Computer Science & Engineering
Information & Computer Science Department
Lecture 10 : Introduction to
Java Virtual Machine
Slides prepared by Rose Williams, Binghamton University
Java Language, Java Virtual Machine and Java Platform
Organization of Java Virtual Machine
Garbage Collection
Interpreter and Just-In-Time Compiler
Why Java ?
Currently, Java is the most
popular language in the
world !
Classical compilation model
for Win
for Mac
for Linux
Java Compilation Model
The Big Picture
Java Language
Java Virtual Machine
Java Virtual
Java Platforms (1)
A Java Platform consists
Java Virtual Machine  CPU
A set of standard classes  API
JVM in all platforms must satisfy JVM spec.
Standard classes can be tailored according to the
resource constraints
Three levels of Java platforms:
J2EE, J2SE and J2ME
Java Platforms (2)
From KVM White Paper (Sun Microsystem)
What Is in the JVM Spec?
Bytecodes – the instruction set for Java Virtual Machine
Class File Format – The platform independent
representation of Java binary code
Verification Rules – the algorithm for identifying
programs that cannot compromise the integrity of the
Organization of JVM
Class Area
Class Information
Constant Pool
Method Area
File System
Class Loader
Loading: finding and importing the binary data for a
Verification: ensuring the correctness of the imported type
Preparation: allocating memory for class variables and
initializing the memory to default values
Resolution: transforming symbolic references from the type into
direct references.
Initialization: invoking Java code that initializes class
variables to their proper starting values
Class Area
Class Information
Internal representation of Java classes
Information about the superclass and implemented interfaces
Information about the fields and methods
Constant Pool
Method Area
Contains the bytecodes of the methods of the loaded classes
Organization of JVM
Class Area
Class Information
Constant Pool
Method Area
File System
The Java stack is composed of frames
JVM has no registers; it uses the operand stack for
storage of intermediate data values
A frame contains the state of one Java method invocation
Logically, a frame has two parts: local variable array and operand
to keep the JVM's instruction set compact
to facilitate implementation on architectures with limited number
of general purpose registers
Each Java thread has its own stack and cannot access the
stack of other threads
Stack Frame
public class A
... ...
void f(int x)
int i;
for(i=0; i<x; i++)
... ...
... ...
Caller’s SP
Caller’s FP
Return PC
a = (b + c)  2
(load variable b)
(load variable c)
iconst_2 (load constant value 2)
istore_1 (save the value of a)
Stack – Each Thread Has its own Stack
Thread 1
Thread 2
Thread 3
Organization of JVM
Class Area
Class Information
Constant Pool
Method Area
File System
All Java objects are allocated in the heap
Java applications cannot explicitly free an object
The Garbage Collector is invoked from time to time
automatically to reclaim the objects that are no longer
needed by the application
The heap is shared by all Java threads
Java Objects in the Heap
Fields 1
Fields 2
class Object
class A
Fields n
class B
Class Area
Garbage Collector
Roots: internally defined by the JVM implementation
Live Objects: reachable from the roots
Garbage (Dead Objects): not reachable from the roots, not
accessible to the application
Mark / Sweep / Compaction
Before GC
After Mark
After Sweep
After Compact
Organization of JVM
Class Area
Class Information
Constant Pool
Method Area
File System
Execution Engine
Executes Java bytecodes either using interpreter or
Just-In-Time compiler
PC: Program Counter
FP: Frame Pointer
SP: Operand Stack Top Pointer
Interpreter vs Just-In-Time Compiler
JIT Compilation
a = (b + c)  2
(load variable b)
(load variable c)
iconst_2 (load constant value 2)
istore_1 (save the value of a)
Bytecode Interpreter (1)
while(program not end ) {
fetch next bytecode => b
switch(b) {
case ILOAD:
load an integer from the local
variable array and push on top
of current operand stack;
case ISTORE:
pop an integer from the top of
current operand stack and store
it into the local variable array;
case ALOAD:
... ...
} // end of switch
} // end of while
Bytecode interpreter (2)
Ease to implement
Does not need extra memory to store compiled code
Very Slow: 10 ~ 100 times slower than execution of native code
Just-In-Time Compiler
Dynamically compiles bytecode into native code at
runtime, usually in method granularity
Execution of native code is much faster than
interpretation of bytecode
Compilation is time consuming and may slow down the
Tradeoffs between execution time and compilation time
Adaptive Compiler
Observation: less than 20% of the methods account for
more than 80% of execution time
Methods contains loop with large number of iteration;
Methods that are frequently invoked
Idea 1: only compile the methods where the application
spends a lot of time
Idea 2: perform advanced compiler optimization for the
hottest methods, simple or no compiler optimization for less
hot methods
How Adaptive Compiler Works
Set three thresholds T1, T2 (T1<T2)
Each method has a counter that is initialized to 0. Whenever the
method is invoked, increase its counter by 1
The methods with counter lower than T1 are executed using
When a method’s counter reaches T1, compile this method with
simple optimizations
When a method’s counter reaches T2, recompile this method with
advanced optimizations
The end
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
College of Computer Science & Engineering
Information & Computer Science Department
Lecture 11 : Gentle Introduction
to Computer Graphics
Based Slides
on: prepared by Rose Williams, Binghamton University
David Brogan’s “Introduction to Computer Graphics” Course Slides, University of Virginia
Jack van Wijk’s “Computer Graphics” Course Slides, University of Eindhoven.
Graphics Applications
What is Computer Graphics
Representations in Graphics
Supporting Disciplines
Graphics Applications
Entertainment: Cinema
A Bug’s Life (Pixar)
Pixar: Monster’s Inc.
Graphics Applications
Medical Visualization
The Visible Human Project
MIT: Image-Guided Surgery Project
Graphics Applications
Scientific Visualization
Graphics Applications
Computer Aided Design (CAD)
Graphics Applications
Designing Effective Step-By-Step Assembly Instructions (Maneesh Agrawala et. al)
Graphics Applications
GT Racer 3
Polyphony Digital: Gran Turismo 3, A Spec
Graphics Applications
Circus Atari (Atari)
Graphics Applications
The major application that we will be dealing with
extensively in the next coming lectures is that of
developing graphical user interfaces
What is Computer Graphics?
Computer graphics: generating 2D images of a 3D world
represented in a computer.
Main tasks:
modeling: (shape) creating and representing the geometry of
objects in the 3D world
rendering: (light, perspective) generating 2D images of the
animation: (movement) describing how objects change in time
Representations in graphics
Vector Graphics
Image is represented by continuous geometric
objects: lines, curves, etc.
Raster Graphics
Image is represented as a rectangular grid of
colored pixels
PIXEL = PIcture ELement
Raster graphics
Image processing techniques
Geometric Transformation: loss of information
Relatively high processing time
in terms of the number of pixels
Realistic images, textures, ...
Examples: Paint, PhotoShop, ...
Sample Image Processing Techniques
Edge Detection
Image Denoising
Vector graphics
Graphics objects: geometry + color
Relatively low processing time
in terms of the number of graphic objects
Geometric transformation possible without loss of
information (zoom, rotate, …)
Examples: PowerPoint, CorelDraw, SVG, ...
Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN"
<svg width="12cm" height="4cm" viewBox="0 0 1200 400"
xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1">
<desc>Example polygon01 - star and hexagon</desc>
<!-- Show outline of canvas using 'rect' element -->
<rect x="1" y="1" width="1198" height="398"
fill="none" stroke="blue" stroke-width="2" />
<polygon fill="red" stroke="blue" stroke-width="10"
points="350,75 379,161 469,161 397,215
423,301 350,250 277,301 303,215
231,161 321,161" />
<polygon fill="lime" stroke="blue" stroke-width="10"
points="850,75 958,137.5 958,262.5
850,325 742,262.6 742,137.5" />
In Summary
Image Analysis
Math. Model
(pattern recognition)
Image Synthesis
Image processing
Supporting Disciplines
Computer science (algorithms, data structures,
software engineering, …)
Mathematics (geometry, numerical, …)
Physics (Optics, mechanics, …)
Psychology (Colour, perception)
Art and design
The end
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
College of Computer Science & Engineering
Information & Computer Science Department
Lecture 12 : Gentle Introduction
to Computer Graphics II
Based Slides
on: prepared by Rose Williams, Binghamton University
David Brogan’s “Introduction to Computer Graphics” Course Slides, University of Virginia
Jack van Wijk’s “Computer Graphics” Course Slides, University of Eindhoven.
Introduction to 2D Modeling Transformations
Matrix Representations
Linear Transformations
Introduction to Modeling Transformations
Specify transformations for objects
Allows definitions of objects in own coordinate systems
Allows use of object definition multiple times in a scene
2D Modeling Transformations
World Coordinates
Scaling a coordinate means multiplying each of its
components by a scalar
Uniform scaling means this scalar is the same for all
Non-uniform scaling: different scalars per
X  2,
Y  0.5
How can we represent this in matrix form?
Scaling operation:
Or, in matrix form:
 x' ax 
 y '  by 
   
 x '   a 0  x 
 y '  0 b  y 
  
 
scaling matrix
2-D Rotation
(x’, y’)
(x, y)
x’ = x cos() - y sin()
y’ = x sin() + y cos()
2-D Rotation
This is easy to capture in matrix form:
 x' cos   sin    x 
 y '   sin   cos    y 
  
 
Even though sin() and cos() are nonlinear
functions of ,
x’ is a linear combination of x and y
y’ is a linear combination of x and y
2-D Translation
(x’, y’)
(x, y)
x’ = x + tx
y’ = y + ty
The end
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
College of Computer Science & Engineering
Information & Computer Science Department
Lecture 13 : Swing I
Slides prepared by Rose Williams, Binghamton University
Swing I
Reading: Pages 920 – 933
Events and Listeners
A simple window
Action Listeners and Action Events
Introductory Example
Introduction to Swing
The Java AWT (Abstract Window Toolkit) package is
the original Java package for doing GUIs
A GUI (graphical user interface) is a windowing
system that interacts with the user
The Swing package is an improved version of the
However, it does not completely replace the AWT
Some AWT classes are replaced by Swing classes, but other
AWT classes are needed when using Swing
Swing GUIs are designed using a form of objectoriented programming known as event-driven
Event-driven programming is a programming style
that uses a signal-and-response approach to
An event is an object that acts as a signal to another
object know as a listener
The sending of an event is called firing the event
The object that fires the event is often a GUI component,
such as a button that has been clicked
A listener object performs some action in response
to the event
A given component may have any number of listeners
Each listener may respond to a different kind of event, or
multiple listeners might may respond to the same events
Event Handlers
A listener object has methods that specify what will
happen when events of various kinds are received
by it
These methods are called event handlers
The programmer using the listener object will define
or redefine these event-handler methods
Event Firing and an Event Listener
Event-Driven Programming
Event-driven programming is very different from most programming
seen up until now
So far, programs have consisted of a list of statements executed in
When that order changed, whether or not to perform certain actions
(such as repeat statements in a loop, branch to another statement, or
invoke a method) was controlled by the logic of the program
In event-driven programming, objects are created that can fire
events, and listener objects are created that can react to the events
The program itself no longer determines the order in which things
can happen
Instead, the events determine the order
A Simple Window
A simple window can consist of an object of the JFrame class
A JFrame object includes a border and the usual three buttons
for minimizing, changing the size of, and closing the window
The JFrame class is found in the javax.swing package
JFrame firstWindow = new JFrame();
A JFrame can have components added to it, such as buttons,
menus, and text labels
These components can be programmed for action
It can be made visible using the setVisible method
A First Swing Demonstration
A First Swing Demonstration (Part 4 of 4)
Some Methods in the Class JFrame (Part 1 of 3)
Some Methods in the Class JFrame (Part 1 of 3)
Some Methods in the Class JFrame (Part 3 of 3)
Pixels and the Relationship between
Resolution and Size
A pixel is the smallest unit of space on a screen
A high-resolution screen of fixed size has many pixels
Therefore, each one is very small
A low-resolution screen of fixed size has fewer pixels
Both the size and position of Swing objects are measured in pixels
The more pixels on a screen, the greater the screen resolution
Therefore, each one is much larger
Therefore, a two-pixel figure on a low-resolution screen will look
larger than a two-pixel figure on a high-resolution screen
Pitfall: Forgetting to Program the
Close-Window Button
The following lines from the FirstSwingDemo program ensure that
when the user clicks the close-window button, nothing happens
If this were not set, the default action would be
This would make the window invisible and inaccessible, but would not
end the program
Therefore, given this scenario, there would be no way to click the "Click
to end program" button
Note that the close-window and other two accompanying buttons are
part of the JFrame object, and not separate buttons
A button object is created from the class JButton and can be
added to a JFrame
The argument to the JButton constructor is the string that
appears on the button when it is displayed
JButton endButton = new
JButton("Click to end program.");
Action Listeners and Action Events
Clicking a button fires an event
The event object is "sent" to another object called a listener
This means that a method in the listener object is invoked automatically
Furthermore, it is invoked with the event object as its argument
In order to set up this relationship, a GUI program must do two
It must specify, for each button, what objects are its listeners, i.e., it
must register the listeners
It must define the methods that will be invoked automatically when the
event is sent to the listener
Action Listeners and Action Events
EndingListener buttonEar = new
Above, a listener object named buttonEar is created and
registered as a listener for the button named endButton
Note that a button fires events known as action events, which
are handled by listeners known as action listeners
Action Listeners and Action Events
Different kinds of components require different kinds of listener
classes to handle the events they fire
An action listener is an object whose class implements the
ActionListener interface
The ActionListener interface has one method heading that
must be implemented
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
Action Listeners and Action Events
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
The EndingListener class defines its actionPerformed method
as above
When the user clicks the endButton, an action event is sent to the
action listener for that button
The EndingListener object buttonEar is the action listener for
The action listener buttonEar receives the action event as the
parameter e to its actionPerformed method, which is automatically
Note that e must be received, even if it is not used
Pitfall: Changing the Heading for
When the actionPerformed method is implemented in an action
listener, its header must be the one specified in the
ActionListener interface
It is already determined, and may not be changed
Not even a throws clause may be added
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
The only thing that can be changed is the name of the parameter,
since it is just a placeholder
Whether it is called e or something else does not matter, as long as it is
used consistently within the body of the method
Tip: Ending a Swing Program
GUI programs are often based on a kind of infinite loop
The windowing system normally stays on the screen until the user
indicates that it should go away
If the user never asks the windowing system to go away, it will never
go away
In order to end a GUI program, System.exit must be used when
the user asks to end the program
It must be explicitly invoked, or included in some library code that is
Otherwise, a Swing program will not end after it has executed all the code
in the program
The end
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
College of Computer Science & Engineering
Information & Computer Science Department
Lecture 14 : Swing II
Slides prepared by Rose Williams, Binghamton University
Swing I: (2/4)
Reading: Pages 934 – 952
A Better Version of Our First Swing GUI
Layout Managers: Border, Flow & Grid
The Normal Way to Define a JFrame
A Better Version of Our First Swing GUI
A better version of FirstWindow makes it a derived class of the
class JFrame
The constructor in the new FirstWindow class starts by calling the
constructor for the parent class using super();
This is the normal way to define a windowing interface
This ensures that any initialization that is normally done for all objects of
type JFrame will be done
Almost all initialization for the window FirstWindow is placed in the
constructor for the class
Note that this time, an anonymous object is used as the action
listener for the endButton
Old and New Versions
The normal way to define a
A label is an object of the class JLabel
Text can be added to a JFrame using a label
The text for the label is given as an argument when the
JLabel is created
The label can then be added to a JFrame
JLabel greeting = new JLabel("Hello");
In Java, a color is an object of the class Color
The class Color is found in the java.awt package
There are constants in the Color class that represent a number
of basic colors
A JFrame can not be colored directly
Instead, a program must color something called the content pane
of the JFrame
Since the content pane is the "inside" of a JFrame, coloring the
content pane has the effect of coloring the inside of the JFrame
Therefore, the background color of a JFrame can be set using the
following code:
The Color Constants
A JFrame with Color
A JFrame with Color
Containers and Layout Managers
Multiple components can be added to the content pane of a
JFrame using the add method
However, the add method does not specify how these
components are to be arranged
To describe how multiple components are to be arranged, a
layout manager is used
There are a number of layout manager classes such as
BorderLayout, FlowLayout, and GridLayout
If a layout manager is not specified, a default layout manager is
Border Layout Managers
A BorderLayout manager places the components that are
added to a JFrame object into five regions
These regions are: BorderLayout.NORTH,
BorderLayout.SOUTH, BorderLayout.EAST,
BorderLayout.WEST, and BorderLayout.Center
A BorderLayout manager is added to a JFrame using the
setLayout method
For example:
setLayout(new BorderLayout());
Border Layout Manager (Example)
Border Layout Managers
The previous diagram shows the arrangement of the five
border layout regions
Note: None of the lines in the diagram are normally visible
When using a BorderLayout manager, the location of the
component being added is given as a second argument to the
add method
add(label1, BorderLayout.NORTH);
Components can be added in any order since their location is
Flow Layout Managers
The FlowLayout manager is the simplest layout manager
setLayout(new FlowLayout());
It arranges components one after the other, going from left to
Components are arranged in the order in which they are added
Since a location is not specified, the add method has only one
argument when using the FlowLayoutManager
Grid Layout Managers
A GridLayout manager arranges components in a two-dimensional
grid with some number of rows and columns
setLayout(new GridLayout(rows, columns));
Each entry is the same size
The two numbers given as arguments specify the number of rows and
Each component is stretched so that it completely fills its grid position
Note: None of the lines in the diagram are normally visible
Grid Layout Managers
When using the GridLayout class, the method add has only
one argument
Items are placed in the grid from left to right
The top row is filled first, then the second, and so forth
Grid positions may not be skipped
Note the use of a main method in the GUI class itself in the
following example
This is often a convenient way of demonstrating a class
Grid Layout Managers
Some Layout Managers
The end
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
College of Computer Science & Engineering
Information & Computer Science Department
Lecture 15 : Swing III
Slides prepared by Rose Williams, Binghamton University
Swing III:
Reading: Pages 953 – 968
Container Class
Menu Bars, Menus & Menu Items
Nested Menus
A GUI is often organized in a hierarchical fashion, with
containers called panels inside other containers
A panel is an object of the JPanel class that serves as a
simple container
It is used to group smaller objects into a larger component (the
One of the main functions of a JPanel object is to subdivide a
JFrame or other container
Both a JFrame and each panel in a JFrame can use different
layout managers
Additional panels can be added to each panel, and each panel can
have its own layout manager
This enables almost any kind of overall layout to be used in a GUI
setLayout(new BorderLayout());
JPanel somePanel = new JPanel();
somePanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
Note in the following example that panel and button objects are
given color using the setBackground method without
invoking getContentPane
The getContentPane method is only used when adding color to
a JFrame
Using Panels (Part 1 of 4)
Using Panels (Part 2 of 4)
Using Panels (Part 3 of 4)
Using Panels (Part 4 of 4)
Using Panels
The Container Class
Any class that is a descendent class of the class Container is
considered to be a container class
The Container class is found in the java.awt package, not in
the Swing library
Any object that belongs to a class derived from the
Container class (or its descendents) can have components
added to it
The classes JFrame and JPanel are descendent classes of
the class Container
Therefore they and any of their descendents can serve as a
The JComponent Class
Any descendent class of the class JComponent is
called a component class
Any JComponent object or component can be added to
any container class object
Because it is derived from the class Container, a
JComponent can also be added to another JComponent
Objects in a Typical GUI
Almost every GUI built using Swing container
classes will be made up of three kinds of objects:
The container itself, probably a panel or window-like
The components added to the container such as labels,
buttons, and panels
A layout manager to position the components inside the
Hierarchy of Swing and AWT Classes
Code a GUI's Look and Actions Separately
The task of designing a Swing GUI can be divided into two
main subtasks:
Designing and coding the appearance of the GUI on the screen
Designing and coding the actions performed in response to user
In particular, it is useful to implement the
actionPerformed method as a stub, until the GUI looks
the way it should
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
This philosophy is at the heart of the technique used by the
Model-View-Controller pattern
Menu Bars, Menus, and Menu Items
A menu is an object of the class JMenu
A choice on a menu is called a menu item, and is an object of
the class JMenuItem
A menu can contain any number of menu items
A menu item is identified by the string that labels it, and is
displayed in the order to which it was added to the menu
The add method is used to add a menu item to a menu in the
same way that a component is added to a container object
Menu Bars, Menus, and Menu Items
The following creates a new menu, and then adds a menu item
to it
JMenu diner = new
JMenu("Daily Specials");
JMenuItem lunch = new
JMenuItem("Lunch Specials");
Note that the this parameter has been registered as an action
listener for the menu item
Nested Menus
The class JMenu is a descendent of the JMenuItem
Every JMenu can be a menu item in another menu
Therefore, menus can be nested
Menus can be added to other menus in the same
way as menu items
Menu Bars and JFrame
A menu bar is a container for menus, typically placed near the
top of a windowing interface
The add method is used to add a menu to a menu bar in the
same way that menu items are added to a menu
JMenuBar bar = new JMenuBar();
The menu bar can be added to a JFrame in two different
Using the setJMenuBar method
Using the add method – which can be used to add a menu bar to
a JFrame or any other container
Menu Example
Menu Example
Menu Example (Part 1 of 4)
Menu Example (Part 2 of 4)
Menu Example (Part 3 of 4)
Menu Example (Part 4 of 4)
Text field and Text area
Text field and Text area
TextField Example
TextField Example
TextField Example
TextField Example
Other Components
(Also JCheckBoxMenuItem)
(Also JRadioButtonMenuItem)
Other Components
Other Components
Reference (Important)
The Swing Java tutorial examples :
The end
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
College of Computer Science & Engineering
Information & Computer Science Department
Lecture 16 : Swing VI
Slides prepared by Rose Williams, Binghamton University
The Graphics Class
Coordinate System for Graphics Objects
When drawing objects on the screen, Java uses a coordinate
system where the origin point (0,0) is at the upper-left corner
of the screen area used for drawing
The x-coordinate (horizontal) is positive and increasing to the right
The y- coordinate(vertical) is positive and increasing down
All coordinates are normally positive
Units and sizes are in pixels
The area used for drawing is typically a JFrame or JPanel
Coordinate System for Graphics Objects
The point (x,y) is located x pixels in from the left edge of the
screen, and down y pixels from the top of the screen
When placing a rectangle on the screen, the location of its
upper-left corner is specified
When placing a figure other than a rectangle on the screen,
Java encloses the figure in an imaginary rectangle, called a
bounding box, and positions the upper-left corner of this
Screen Coordinate System
The Method paint and the Class Graphics
Almost all Swing and Swing-related components and containers
have a method called paint
The method paint draws the component or container on the
It is already defined, and is called automatically when the figure is
displayed on the screen
However, it must be redefined in order to draw geometric figures
like circles and boxes
When redefined, always include the following:
The Method paint and the Class Graphics
Every container and component that can be drawn on the
screen has an associated Graphics object
The Graphics class is an abstract class found in the java.awt
This object has data specifying what area of the screen the
component or container covers
The Graphics object for a JFrame specifies that drawing takes
place inside the borders of the JFrame object
The Method paint and the Class Graphics
The object g of the class Graphics can be used as the
calling object for a drawing method
The drawing will then take place inside the area of the screen
specified by g
The method paint has a parameter g of type Graphics
When the paint method is invoked, g is replaced by the
Graphics object associated with the JFrame
Therefore, the figures are drawn inside the JFrame
Drawing a Very Simple Face (part 1 of 5)
Drawing a Very Simple Face (part 2 of 5)
Drawing a Very Simple Face (part 3 of 5)
Drawing a Very Simple Face (part 4 of 5)
Drawing a Very Simple Face (part 5 of 5)
Some Methods in the Class Graphics
Some Methods in the Class Graphics
Some Methods in the Class Graphics
Some Methods in the Class Graphics
Drawing Ovals
An oval is drawn by the method drawOval
The arguments specify the location, width, and height of the
smallest rectangle that can enclose the oval
g.drawOval(100, 50, 300, 200);
A circle is a special case of an oval in which the width and
height of the rectangle are equal
g.drawOval(X_FACE, Y_FACE,
Drawing a Happy Face (Part 1 of 5)
Drawing a Happy Face
Drawing a Happy Face
Drawing a Happy Face
Drawing a Happy Face (Part 5 of 5)
Drawing Arcs
Arcs are described by giving an oval, and then specifying a
portion of it to be used for the arc
The following statement draws the smile on the happy face:
The arguments MOUTH_WIDTH and MOUTH_HEIGHT determine the
size of the bounding box, while the arguments X_MOUTH and
Y_MOUTH determine its location
The last two arguments specify the portion made visible
Specifying an Arc (Part 1 of 2)
Specifying an Arc (Part 2 of 2)
Rounded Rectangles
A rounded rectangle is a rectangle whose corners have been replaced
by arcs so that the corners are rounded
g.drawRoundRect(x, y, width, height,
arcWidth, arcHeight)
The arguments x, y, width, and height determine a regular rectangle
in the usual way
The last two arguments arcWidth, and arcHeight, specify the arcs
that will be used for the corners
Each corner is replaced with an quarter of an oval that is arcWidth
pixels wide and arcHeight pixels high
When arcWidth and arcHeight are equal, the corners will be arcs of
A Rounded Rectangle
paintComponent for Panels
A JPanel is a JComponent, but a JFrame is a Component,
not a JComponent
Therefore, they use different methods to paint the screen
Figures can be drawn on a JPanel, and the JPanel can be
placed in a JFrame
When defining a JPanel class in this way, the paintComponent
method is used instead of the paint method
Otherwise the details are the same as those for a JFrame
paintComponent for Panels
paintComponent for Panels
paintComponent for Panels
Action Drawings and repaint
The repaint method should be invoked when the graphics
content of a window is changed
The repaint method takes care of some overhead, and then
invokes the method paint, which redraws the screen
Although the repaint method must be explicitly invoked, it is
already defined
The paint method, in contrast, must often be defined, but is not
explicitly invoked
An Action Drawing (Part 1 of 7)
An Action Drawing (Part 2 of 7)
An Action Drawing (Part 3 of 7)
An Action Drawing (Part 4 of 7)
An Action Drawing (Part 5 of 7)
An Action Drawing (Part 6 of 7)
An Action Drawing (Part 7 of 7)
The end
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
College of Computer Science & Engineering
Information & Computer Science Department
Lecture 17 : Applets
Slides prepared by Rose Williams, Binghamton University
Applets: Introduction
Java programs are divided into two main categories,
applets and applications
An application is an ordinary Java program
An applet is a kind of Java program that can be run
across the Internet
Programming Applets
The word applet is meant to suggest a small
Applets were intended to be small programs run
over the Internet
However, there are no size constraints on applets
Applets can be viewed over the Internet, or without any
connection to the internet
An applet is similar to a Swing GUI
In fact, almost all of the Swing techniques can be used in
Defining an Applet
An applet class is normally defined as a derived class
of the class JApplet
The class JApplet is in the package javax.swing
There is also an older class, Applet, which has
been superseded by the JApplet class
Applets in the Class Hierarchy
Designing an Applet
An applet class can be designed as a derived class of JApplet
in much the same way that regular Swing GUIs are defined as
derived classes of JFrame
However, an applet normally defines no constructors
The method init performs the initializations that would be
performed in a constructor for a regular Swing GUI
Designing an Applet
Components can be added to an applet in the same
way that a component is added to a JFrame
The method add is used to add components to an applet in
the same way that components are added to a JFrame
An Applet (Part 1 of 2)
An Applet (Part 2 of 2)
How Applets Differ from Swing GUIs
Some of the items included in a Swing GUI are not included in an
Applets do not contain a main or setVisible method
Applets are displayed automatically by a Web page or an applet viewer
Applets do not have titles
Therefore, they do not use the setTitle method
They are normally embedded in an HTML document, and the HTML
document can add any desired title
How Applets Differ from Swing GUIs
Applets do not use the setSize method
The HTML document takes care of sizing the applet
Applets do not have a close-window button
Therefore, they do not have a setDefaultCloseOperation
When the HTML document containing the applet is closed, then
the applet is automatically closed
Running an Applet
An applet class is compiled in the same way as any
other Java class
However, an applet is run differently from other Java
The normal way to run an applet is to embed it in an
HTML document
The applet is then run and viewed through a Web browser
Running an Applet
An applet can also be viewed using an applet viewer
An applet viewer is a program designed to run an applet as a
stand-alone program
The Java appletviewer can be used to run an applet:
appletviewer FirstApplet.html
It may be necessary, however, to create the HTML document,
and place the applet in it
Applet Examples
Menus in a JApplet
Menus are constructed and added to a JApplet as
they are for a JFrame
JApplet has a method named setJMenuBar that
behaves the same as the setJMenuBar method of a
JApplet can also have menu bars added to a JApplet or
to a panel that is part of the JApplet using the add
Tip: Converting a Swing Application to an
The fastest and easiest way to explain how to define an
applet, is to explain how to modify a Swing GUI to transform
it into an applet
Derive the class from the class JApplet instead of from the
class Jframe
Remove the main method
Replace the constructor with a no-parameter method named
The body of the init method can be the same as the body of the deleted
constructor, but with some items removed
Delete any invocation of super
Delete any method invocations that program the close-window
button of a windowing GUI
Delete any invocation of setTitle
Delete any invocation of setSize
The following applet was generated in this way
An Applet Calculator (Part 1 of 9)
An Applet Calculator (Part 2 of 9)
An Applet Calculator (Part 3 of 9)
An Applet Calculator (Part 4 of 9)
An Applet Calculator (Part 5 of 9)
An Applet Calculator (Part 6 of 9)
An Applet Calculator (Part 7 of 9)
An Applet Calculator (Part 8 of 9)
An Applet Calculator (Part 9 of 9)
Inserting an Applet in an HTML Document
An applet can be placed in an HTML document with an applet
<applet code="PathToApplet"
width=Number1 height=Number2>
If given a .class file name only, then the HTML file and the
applet file must be in the same directory
The PathToApplet can be a full or relative path name
Inserting an Applet in an HTML Document
Note that the name of the .class file, not the .java file, is
Note also that the width and height of the applet is given in
this command, and not within the applet class definition
The width and height are in pixels
The following code, when placed in an HTML document, will
display the calculator applet in a browser as shown
<applet code="AppletCalculator.class"
width=400 height=300>
An Applet in an HTML Document
Vampire Control
. . .
<applet code="AppletCalculator.class" width=400
. . .
Browser View
Applets and Security
An applet can be a program, written by someone else, that
runs on your computer
Whenever someone else's program runs on your computer,
there are security questions you should ask:
Will it read information from your files?
Will it corrupt your operating system?
Applets are designed so that they cannot do any of these things
(at least easily)
Applet Examples
The end
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
College of Computer Science & Engineering
Information & Computer Science Department
Lectures 18 : Threads
Slides prepared by Rose Williams, Binghamton University
In Java, programs can have multiple threads
Threads are often thought of as computations that run in
A thread is a separate computation process
Although they usually do not really execute in parallel
Instead, the computer switches resources between threads so
that each one does a little bit of computing in turn
Modern operating systems allow more than one program to
run at the same time
An operating system uses threads to do this
Thread.sleep is a static method in the class Thread that
pauses the thread that includes the invocation
It pauses for the number of milliseconds given as an argument
Note that it may be invoked in an ordinary program to insert a
pause in the single thread of that program
It may throw a checked exception, InterruptedException,
which must be caught or declared
Both the Thread and InterruptedException classes are in
the package java.lang
A Nonresponsive GUI
The following program contains a simple GUI that draws circles
one after the other when the "Start" button is clicked
There is a 1/10 of a second pause between drawing each circle
If the close-window button is clicked, nothing happens until the
program is finished drawing all its circles
Note the use of the Thread.sleep (in the method
doNothing) and getGraphics (in the method fill)
Nonresponsive GUI
Nonresponsive GUI
Nonresponsive GUI
Nonresponsive GUI
Nonresponsive GUI
Nonresponsive GUI
If the close-window button is clicked, nothing happens until the
program is finished drawing all its circles !
Because the method fill is invoked in the body of the method
actionPerformed, the method actionPerformed does not
end until after the method fill ends
Until the method actionPerformed ends, the GUI cannot
respond to anything else
Fixing a Nonresponsive Program Using
This is how to fix the problem:
Have the actionPerformed method create a new
(independent) thread to draw the circles
Once created, the new thread will be an independent
process that proceeds on its own
Now, the work of the actionPerformed method is
ended, and the main thread (containing
actionPerformed) is ready to respond to something else
If the close-window button is clicked while the new thread
draws the circles, then the program will end
The Class Thread
In Java, a thread is an object of the class Thread
Usually, a derived class of Thread is used to program a thread
The methods run and start are inherited from Thread
The derived class overrides the method run to program the
The method start initiates the thread processing and invokes
the run method
Threaded Version of FillDemo
Threaded Version of FillDemo
The new program uses a main thread and a second thread to
fix the nonresponsive GUI
It creates an inner class Packer that is a derived class of Thread
The method run is defined in the same way as the previous
method fill
Instead of invoking fill, the actionPerformed method now
creates an instance of Packer, a new independent thread named
The packerThread object then invokes its start method
The start method initiates processing and invokes run
Threaded Version of FillDemo (Part 4 of 6)
The Runnable Interface
Another way to create a thread is to have a class implement
the Runnable interface
The Runnable interface has one method heading:
public void run();
A class that implements Runnable must still be run from an
instance of Thread
This is usually done by passing the Runnable object as an
argument to the thread constructor
The Runnable Interface: Suggested
Implementation Outline
public class ClassToRun extends SomeClass implements Runnable
{ . . .
public void run()
// Fill this as if ClassToRun
// were derived from Thread
. . .
public void startThread()
Thread theThread = new Thread(this);
. . .
FillDemo with Runnable interface
The end
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
College of Computer Science & Engineering
Information & Computer Science Department
Lecture 19 : Recursion
Slides prepared by Rose Williams, Binghamton University
Recursive void Methods
A recursive method is a method that includes a call
to itself
Recursion is based on the general problem solving
technique of breaking down a task into subtasks
In particular, recursion can be used whenever one subtask
is a smaller version of the original task
First Example : Vertical Numbers
Vertical Numbers
The static recursive method writeVertical takes
one (nonnegative) int argument, and writes that
int with the digits going down the screen one per
Note: Recursive methods need not be static
This task may be broken down into the following
two subtasks
Simple case: If n<10, then write the number n to the
Recursive Case: If n>=10, then do two subtasks:
Output all the digits except the last digit
Output the last digit
Vertical Numbers
Given the argument 1234, the output of the first
subtask would be:
The output of the second part would be:
Vertical Numbers
The decomposition of tasks into subtasks can be
used to derive the method definition:
Subtask 1 is a smaller version of the original task, so it can
be implemented with a recursive call
Subtask 2 is just the simple case
Algorithm for Vertical Numbers
Given parameter n:
if (n<10)
(the number n with the last digit removed);
System.out.println(the last digit of n);
Note: n/10 is the number n with the last digit removed, and
n%10 is the last digit of n
Tracing a Recursive Call
Recursive methods are processed in the same way
as any method call
 When this call is executed, the argument 123 is substituted
for the parameter n, and the body of the method is
 Since 123 is not less than 10, the else part is executed
Tracing a Recursive Call
The else part begins with the method call:
Substituting n equal to 123 produces:
Which evaluates to
At this point, the current method computation is placed on hold,
and the recursive call writeVertical is executed with the
parameter 12
When the recursive call is finished, the execution of the
suspended computation will return and continue from the point
Execution of writeVertical(123)
Tracing a Recursive Call
When this call is executed, the argument 12 is substituted for the
parameter n, and the body of the method is executed
Since 12 is not less than 10, the else part is executed
The else part begins with the method call:
Substituting n equal to 12 produces:
Which evaluates to
write Vertical(1);
Tracing a Recursive Call
So this second computation of writeVertical is
suspended, leaving two computations waiting to resume ,
as the computer begins to execute another recursive call
When this recursive call is finished, the execution of the
second suspended computation will return and continue
from the point above
Execution of writeVertical(12)
Tracing a Recursive Call
write Vertical(1);
When this call is executed, the argument 1 is substituted for the
parameter n, and the body of the method is executed
Since 1 is less than 10, the if-else statement Boolean
expression is finally true
The output statement writes the argument 1 to the screen, and
the method ends without making another recursive call
Note that this is the stopping case
Execution of writeVertical(1)
Tracing a Recursive Call
When the call writeVertical(1) ends, the suspended
computation that was waiting for it to end (the one that was
initiated by the call writeVertical(12)) resumes execution
where it left off
It outputs the value 12%10, which is 2
This ends the method
Now the first suspended computation can resume execution
Completion of writeVertical(12)
Tracing a Recursive Call
The first suspended method was the one that was initiated by
the call writeVertical(123)
It resumes execution where it left off
It outputs the value 123%10, which is 3
The execution of the original method call ends
As a result, the digits 1,2, and 3 have been written to the
screen one per line, in that order
Completion of writeVertical(123)
General Form of a Recursive Method Definition
The general outline of a successful recursive method
definition is as follows:
One or more cases that include no recursive calls: base
cases or stopping cases
One or more cases that include one or more recursive calls
to the method being defined
These recursive calls should solve "smaller" versions of the task
performed by the method being defined
They must come closer to the base case.
Pitfall: Infinite Recursion
In the writeVertical example, the series of
recursive calls eventually reached a call of the
method that did not involve recursion (a stopping
If, instead, every recursive call had produced
another recursive call, then a call to that method
would, in theory, run forever
This is called infinite recursion
In practice, such a method runs until the computer runs out
of resources, and the program terminates abnormally
Pitfall: Infinite Recursion
An alternative version of writeVertical
Note: No stopping case!
public static void
newWriteVertical(int n)
Pitfall: Infinite Recursion
A program with this method will compile and run
Calling newWriteVertical(12) causes that execution to
stop to execute the recursive call
Calling newWriteVertical(1) causes that execution to stop
to execute the recursive call newWriteVertical(1/10)
Which is equivalent to newWriteVertical(0)
Calling newWriteVertical(0) causes that execution to stop
to execute the recursive call newWriteVertical(0/10)
Which is equivalent to newWriteVertical(1)
Which is equivalent to newWriteVertical(0)
. . . And so on, forever!
Since the definition of newWriteVertical has no stopping
case, the process will proceed forever (or until the computer
runs out of resources)
Recursion Versus Iteration
Recursion is not absolutely necessary
Any task that can be done using recursion can also be done in a
nonrecursive manner
A nonrecursive version of a method is called an iterative version
An iteratively written method will typically use loops of some
sort in place of recursion
A recursively written method can be simpler, but will usually
run slower and use more storage than an equivalent iterative
Iterative version of writeVertical
Recursive Methods that Return a Value
Recursion is not limited to void methods
A recursive method can return a value of any type
An outline for a successful recursive method that returns a value is as
One or more cases in which the value returned is computed in terms of
calls to the same method
the arguments for the recursive calls should be intuitively "smaller"
One or more cases in which the value returned is computed without the
use of any recursive calls (the base or stopping cases)
Another Powers Method
The method pow from the Math class computes powers
It takes two arguments of type double and returns a value of
type double
The recursive method power takes two arguments of type int
and returns a value of type int
The definition of power is based on the following formula:
xn is equal to xn-1 * x
Another Powers Method
In terms of Java, the value returned by power(x,
n) for n>0 should be the same as
power(x, n-1) * x
When n=0, then power(x, n) should return 1
This is the stopping case
The Recursive Method power
Evaluating the Recursive Method Call
Recursive Problem 1
Compute the factorial of an integer, i.e. fact(n) = n!
Recursive Problem 2
Calculate the sum of an array of integers
Recursive Problem 3
Reverse the order of the characters in a string
Recursive Problem 4
Count number of digits in an integer
Recursive Problem 5
Consider the following sequence of numbers:
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13
Except for the first two integers, each integer is the sum of the
previous two integers.
This sequence is known as fibonacci numbers.
Fibonacci numbers have important applications in computer science
and mathematics.
Write a program to produce the first n numbers of the fibonacci
Recursive Problem 6
A palindrome is a phrase that reads the same
forwards and backwards. For example:
able was I ere I saw elba
pan a nap
Write a program that answers the question, "Is this
string a palindrome?"
Recursive Problem 7
print out all the permutations of a string
Example: permutations of "abc":
(assume no repeated letters in string)
Much simpler to solve this with recursion than without.
Permutations Solution
Given the empty set { }, the only possible permutation is { }
Given the set {A}, the only possible permutation is {A}
Given the set {A, B}, the possible permutations are {AB, BA}
Given the set {A, B, C}, the possible permutations are
Finding all permutations of n objects
To find all permutations of n objects:
Find all permutations of n-1 of those objects
Insert the remaining object into all possible positions of each permutation of
n-1 objects
Example: To find all permutations of 3 objects {A, B, C}
Find all permutations of 2 of the objects, say B and C:
Insert the remaining object, A, into all possible positions (marked by ^) in
each of the permutations of B and C:
B ^ C ^
and ^
C ^ B ^
Towers of Hanoi
In a later course
The end
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
College of Computer Science & Engineering
Information & Computer Science Department
Lecture 20 : Searching
Slides prepared by Rose Williams, Binghamton University
The Problem
Searching is an every day occurrence.
Searching a particular item among a collection of many
Searching an array of integers
If an array is not sorted, there is no better algorithm than
linear search for finding an element in it
static final int NONE = -1; // not a legal index
static int linearSearch(int target, int[] a)
for (int p = 0; p < a.length; p++)
if (target == a[p]) return p;
return NONE;
Searching an array of Strings
Searching an array of Strings is just like searching an array of integers,
Instead of i1==i2 we need to use s1.equals(s2)
static final int NONE = -1;
// not a legal index
static int linearSearch(String target, String[] a) {
for (int p = 0; p < a.length; p++)
if (target.equals(a[p])) return p;
return NONE;
Searching an array of Objects
Searching an array of Objects is just like searching an array of Strings,
The operation equals has been defined appropriately
static final int NONE = -1;
// not a legal index
static int linearSearch(Object target, Object[] a)
for (int p = 0; p < a.length; p++)
if (target.equals(a[p])) return p;
return NONE;
Java review: equals
The Object class defines
public boolean equals(Object obj)
For most objects, this just tests identity: whether
the two objects are really one and the same
This is not generally what you want
The String class overrides this method with a
method that is more appropriate for Strings
You can override equals for your own classes
But there are some rules you should follow if you do
Overriding equals
If you override equals, your method should have the following
properties (for your objects x, y, z)
Reflexive: for any x, x.equals(x) should return true
Symmetric: for any non-null objects x and y, x.equals(y) should
return the same result as y.equals(x)
Transitive: if x.equals(y) and y.equals(z) are true, then
x.equals(z) should also be true
Consistent: x.equals(y) should always return the same answer
(unless you modify x or y, of course)
For any non-null x, x.equals(null) should return false
Java cannot check to make sure you follow these rules
About sorted arrays
An array is sorted in ascending order if each element is not
smaller than the preceding element
An array is sorted in descending order if each element is no
larger than the preceding element
When we just say an array is “sorted,” by default we mean that it
is sorted in ascending order
An array of Object cannot be in sorted order !
There is no notion of “smaller” or “larger” for arbitrary objects
We can define an ordering for some of our objects
The Comparable interface
java.lang provides a Comparable interface with the following
public int compareTo(Object that)
This method should return
A negative integer if this is less than that
Zero if this equals that
A positive integer if this is greater than that
Reminder: you implement an interface like this:
class MyObject implements Comparable
public int compareTo(Object that)
Consistency with equals
compareTo is consistent with equals if:
gives the same boolean result as
Therefore: if you implement Comparable, you
really should override equals as well
Java doesn’t actually require consistency with
equals, but sooner or later you’ll get into trouble if
you don’t meet this condition
Binary Search
Ignoring one-half of the data when
the data is sorted.
Binary search
Linear search has linear time complexity:
Time n if the item is not found
Time n/2, on average, if the item is found
If the array is sorted, we can write a faster search
How do we look up a name in a phone book, or a word in a
Look somewhere in the middle
Compare what’s there with the thing you’re looking for
Decide which half of the remaining entries to look at
Repeat until you find the correct place
This is the binary search algorithm
Binary search algorithm
To find which (if any) component of a[left..right] is equal to
target (where a is sorted):
Set l = left, and set r = right
While l <= r, repeat:
Let m be an integer about midway between l and r
If target is equal to a[m], terminate with answer m
If target is less than a[m], set r = m–1
If target is greater than a[m], set l = m+1
Terminate with answer none
m-1 m m+1
Binary search in Java
static int binarySearch(Comparable target,
Comparable[] a, int left, int right)
int l = left, r = right;
while (l <= r)
int m = (l + r) / 2;
int comp = target.compareTo(a[m]);
if (comp == 0) return m;
else if (comp < 0) r = m – 1;
else /* comp > 0 */ l = m + 1;
return NONE; // As before, NONE = -1
Recursive binary search in Java
static int binarySearch(Comparable target,
Comparable[] a, int left, int right)
if (left > right) return NONE;
int m = (left + right) / 2;
int comp = target.compareTo(a[m]);
if (comp == 0) return m;
else if (comp < 0)
return binarySearch(target, a, left, m-1);
else // comp > 0
return binarySearch(target, a, m+1, right);
Java Class Package: The Method binarySearch
The class Arrays in java.util defines versions of a
static method with following specification:
/** Task: Searches an entire array for a given item.
* @param array the array to be searched
* @param desiredItem the item to be found in the array
* @return index of the array element that equals desiredItem;
* otherwise returns -belongsAt-1, where belongsAt is
* the index of the array element that should contain
* desiredItem */
public static int binarySearch(type[] array, type desiredItem);
The Method binarySearch
Binary search takes log n time
In binary search, we choose an index that cuts the
remaining portion of the array in half
We repeat this until we either find the value we are
looking for, or we reach a subarray of size 1
If we start with an array of size n, we can cut it in
half log2n times
Hence, binary search has logarithmic (log n) time
For an array of size 1000, this is 100 times faster
than linear search (210 ~= 1000)
Linear search has linear time complexity
Binary search has logarithmic time complexity
For large arrays, binary search is far more efficient than linear
However, binary search requires that the array be sorted
If the array is sorted, binary search is
100 times faster for an array of size 1000
50 000 times faster for an array of size 1 000 000
This is the kind of speedup that we care about when we analyze
The end
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
College of Computer Science & Engineering
Information & Computer Science Department
Lecture 21 : Sorting
First semester 2009-2010
Slides prepared by Rose Williams, Binghamton University
To learn how to use the standard sorting methods in
the Java API
To learn how to implement the following sorting
selection sort,
mergesort, and
To understand the difference in performance of
these algorithms, and
which to use for small arrays,
which to use for medium arrays, and
which to use for large arrays
Definition and applications of Sorting
Definition : Sorting is the task of putting data into a
particular order either ascending or descending
The most intensively studied processing
Internal sorting - data fit into RAM
External sorting - data are on the disk
Sorting speeds up search:
Files in a directory
Phone list
Using Java Sorting Methods
Java API provides a class Arrays with several overloaded
static sort methods for different array types
The Collections class provides similar sorting methods
Sorting methods for arrays of primitive types are based on
quicksort algorithm
Method of sorting for arrays of objects and Lists based on
Selection Sort
Selection Sort
Sorting: Arrange things into either ascending or
descending order
Task: rearrange books on shelf by height
Shortest book on the left
Look at books, select shortest book
Swap with first book
Look at remaining books, select shortest
Swap with second book
Repeat …
Selection Sort
Before and after exchanging shortest book
and the first book.
Selection Sort
The Selection sort begins at the front of the list
and looks for the first element smaller (or larger)
than the current element. Then the elements are
The actual identification of the element to switch is based
upon the type of sort
Ascending or descending
Selection Sort
A selection sort of an
array of integers into
ascending order.
Selection Sort
Iterative algorithm for selection sort
Algorithm selectionSort(a, n)
// Sorts the first n elements of an array a.
for (index = 0; index < n - 1; index++)
{ indexOfNextSmallest = the index of the smallest value among
a[index], a[index+1], . . . , a[n-1]
Interchange the values of a[index] and a[indexOfNextSmallest]
// Assertion: a[0] £ a[1] £ . . . £ a[index], and these are the smallest
// of the original array elements.
// The remaining array elements begin at a[index+1].
Selection Sort in Java
Merge Sort
A recursive divide-and-conquer algorithm
A merge is a common data processing operation that is
performed on two sequences of data with the following
Both sequences contain items with a common compareTo
The objects in both sequences are ordered in accordance with
this compareTo method
Merge Algorithm
Access the first item from both sequences
While not finished with either sequence
Compare the current items from the two sequences,
copy the smaller current item to the output
sequence, and access the next item from the input
sequence whose item was copied
Copy any remaining items from the first sequence
to the output sequence
Copy any remaining items from the second
sequence to the output sequence
Conceptually, merge sort works as follows:
Divide the unsorted list into two sublists of about half the size
Sort each of the two sublists recursively until we have list sizes
of length 1, in which case the list itself is returned
Merge the two sorted sublists back into one sorted list.
Mergesort incorporates two main ideas to improve its runtime:
A small list will take fewer steps to sort than a large list.
Fewer steps are required to construct a sorted list from two
sorted lists than two unsorted lists. For example, you only have
to traverse each list once if they're already sorted
How merge sort works
function mergesort(m)
var list left, right, result
if length(m) ≤ 1
return m
middle = length(m) / 2
for each x in m up to middle
add x to left
for each x in m after middle
add x to right
left = mergesort(left)
right = mergesort(right)
result = merge(left, right)
return result
function merge(left,right)
var list result
while length(left) > 0 and length(right) > 0
if first(left) ≤ first(right)
append first(left) to result
left = rest(left)
append first(right) to result
right = rest(right)
if length(left) > 0
append left to result
if length(right) > 0
append right to result
return result
MergeSort in Java
MergeSort in Java
Merge Sort
The merge sort algorithm requires recursion
The concept used in this algorithm is called divide-andconquer
The array is first split into two smaller arrays
Each of the smaller two arrays are recursively sorted
The two arrays are merged back into one array
The base case for the merge sort is when the array to be
sorted only has one element left that does not need to be
If there is more than one element to sort, split the arrays
into two sections and call the merge sort
Quick Sort
Developed in 1962 by C. A. R. Hoare
The fastest algorithm known
Average running time O(N log N)
Worst-case running time O(N2) but very unlikely to
Quicksort rearranges an array into two parts so that
all the elements in the left subarray are less than or
equal to a specified value, called the pivot
Quicksort ensures that the elements in the right
subarray are larger than the pivot
No extra memory is needed
Fast running time (in average)
Unstable in running time
Finding “pivot” element is a big issue!
Quicksort Algorithm
To sort a[left...right]:
1. if left < right:
1.1. Partition a[left...right] such that:
all a[left...p-1] are less than a[p], and
all a[p+1...right] are >= a[p]
1.2. Quicksort a[left...p-1]
1.3. Quicksort a[p+1...right]
2. Terminate
A key step in the Quicksort algorithm is partitioning
the array
We choose some (any) number p in the array to use as a
We partition the array into three parts:
less than p
numbers greater than
or equal to p
Choose an array value (say, the first) to use as the
Starting from the left end, find the first element that
is greater than or equal to the pivot
Searching backward from the right end, find the first
element that is less than the pivot
Interchange (swap) these two elements
Repeat, searching from where we left off, until done
Example of Partitioning
choose pivot:
swap with pivot:
(left > right)
To partition a[left...right]:
1. Set pivot = a[left], l = left + 1, r = right;
2. while l < r, do
2.1. while l < right & a[l] < pivot , set l = l + 1
2.2. while r > left & a[r] >= pivot , set r = r - 1
2.3. if l < r, swap a[l] and a[r]
3. Set a[left] = a[r], a[r] = pivot
4. Terminate
Selecting the Pivot
First element - a bad choice
In general, don't select the pivot near the beginning
or the end of the set
Middle element is a good choice
Median-of-three - the median of the first, middle,
and last elements
How Quick Sort works
Quick Sort in Java
Comparison of Sorts
Quick Sort and Merge Sort will always be faster than
the Selection sort.
Quick Sort sorts “in place” and the hidden constant
in the average case is smaller than Merge Sort's
Merge Sort’s worst case behavior is better than
Quick Sort’s worst case
Selection Sort
Selection Sort:
Merge Sort:
best, worst, and average cases are: Q(n2)
best, worst, and average cases are Q(n log n)
Quick Sort:
Best and average cases are Q(n log n)
Worst case is Q(n2)
Other Sort algorithms
Bubble Sort
Compare each pair of adjacent elements from the
beginning of an array and, if they are in reversed
order, swap them.
If at least one swap has been done, repeat step 1.
Bubble Sort
Bubble Sort in Java
Complexity: Q(n2)
Insertion Sort
Array is imaginary divided into two parts - sorted
one and unsorted one.
At the beginning, sorted part contains first element
of the array and unsorted one contains the rest.
At every step, algorithm takes first element in the
unsorted part and inserts it to the right place of the
sorted one.
When unsorted part becomes empty, algorithm
Insertion Sort
Insertion Sort
Complexity: Q(n2)
The end
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
College of Computer Science & Engineering
Information & Computer Science Department
Lecture 22 : ArrayList
Slides prepared by Rose Williams, Binghamton University
The ArrayList Class
ArrayList is a class in the standard Java libraries
Unlike arrays, which have a fixed length once they have
been created, an ArrayList is an object that can grow
and shrink while your program is running
In general, an ArrayList serves the same purpose
as an array, except that an ArrayList can change
length while the program is running
The ArrayList Class
The class ArrayList is implemented using an
array as a private instance variable
When this hidden array is full, a new larger hidden array is
created and the data is transferred to this new array
The ArrayList Class
Why not always use an ArrayList instead of an array?
An ArrayList is less efficient than an array
It does not have the convenient square bracket notation
The base type of an ArrayList must be a class type (or other
reference type): it cannot be a primitive type
This last point is less of a problem now that Java provides
automatic boxing and unboxing of primitives
Using the ArrayList Class
In order to make use of the ArrayList class, it must first be
imported from the package java.util
An ArrayList is created and named in the same way as
object of any class, except that you specify the base type as
ArrayList<BaseType> aList =
new ArrayList<BaseType>();
Using the ArrayList Class
An initial capacity can be specified when creating an ArrayList as
The following code creates an ArrayList that stores objects of the
base type String with an initial capacity of 20 items
ArrayList<String> list =
new ArrayList<String>(20);
Specifying an initial capacity does not limit the size to which an
ArrayList can eventually grow
Note that the base type of an ArrayList is specified as a type
Using the ArrayList Class
The add method is used to set an element for the
first time in an ArrayList
The method name add is overloaded
There is also a two argument version that allows an item to
be added at any currently used index position or at the first
unused position
Using the ArrayList Class
The size method is used to find out how many indices
already have elements in the ArrayList
int howMany = list.size();
The set method is used to replace any existing element, and
the get method is used to access the value of any existing
list.set(index, "something else");
String thing = list.get(index);
Summary of Adding to an ArrayList
The add method is usually used to place an element
in an ArrayList position for the first time (at an
ArrayList index)
The simplest add method has a single parameter for
the element to be added, and adds an element at
the next unused index, in order
Summary of Adding to an ArrayList
An element can be added at an already occupied list
position by using the two-parameter version of add
This causes the new element to be placed at the
index specified, and every other member of the
ArrayList to be moved up by one position
Summary of Adding to an ArrayList
The two-argument version of add can also be used to add an
element at the first unused position (if that position is known)
Any individual element can be changed using the set method
However, set can only reset an element at an index that already
contains an element
In addition, the method size can be used to determine how
many elements are stored in an ArrayList
Methods in the Class ArrayList
The tools for manipulating arrays consist only of the
square brackets and the instance variable length
ArrayLists, however, come with a selection of
powerful methods that can do many of the things for
which code would have to be written in order to do
them using arrays
Some Methods in the Class ArrayList
Some Methods in the Class ArrayList
Some Methods in the Class ArrayList
Some Methods in the Class ArrayList
Some Methods in the Class ArrayList
Some Methods in the Class ArrayList
Some Methods in the Class ArrayList
Some Methods in the Class ArrayList
Some Methods in the Class ArrayList
Some Methods in the Class ArrayList
Some Methods in the Class ArrayList
The "For Each" Loop
The ArrayList class is an example of a collection
Starting with version 5.0, Java has added a new kind
of for loop called a for-each or enhanced for loop
This kind of loop has been designed to cycle through all the
elements in a collection (like an ArrayList)
A for-each Loop Used with an ArrayList
A for-each Loop Used with an ArrayList
A for-each Loop Used with an ArrayList
Tip: Use trimToSize to Save Memory
An ArrayList automatically increases its capacity when needed
However, the capacity may increase beyond what a program requires
In addition, although an ArrayList grows automatically when needed, it
does not shrink automatically
If an ArrayList has a large amount of excess capacity, an
invocation of the method trimToSize will shrink the capacity of the
ArrayList down to the size needed
Pitfall: The clone method Makes a Shallow
When a deep copy of an ArrayList is needed, using the
clone method is not sufficient
Invoking clone on an ArrayList object produces a shallow
copy, not a deep copy
In order to make a deep copy, it must be possible to make a
deep copy of objects of the base type
Then a deep copy of each element in the ArrayList can be
created and placed into a new ArrayList object
The end
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
College of Computer Science & Engineering
Information & Computer Science Department
Lecture 23 : Generics
Slides prepared by Rose Williams, Binghamton University
Introduction to Generics
Beginning with version 5.0, Java allows class and
method definitions that include parameters for types
Such definitions are called generics
Generic programming with a type parameter enables code
to be written that applies to any class
Parameterized Classes and Generics
The class ArrayList is a parameterized class
It has a parameter, denoted by Base_Type, that can be
replaced by any reference type to obtain a class for
ArrayLists with the specified base type
Starting with version 5.0, Java allows class definitions with
parameters for types
These classes that have type parameters are called parameterized
class or generic definitions, or, simply, generics
Classes and methods can have a type parameter
A type parameter can have any reference type (i.e., any class
type) plugged in for the type parameter
When a specific type is plugged in, this produces a specific class
type or method
Traditionally, a single uppercase letter is used for a type
parameter, but any non-keyword identifier may be used
A class definition with a type parameter is stored in a file and
compiled just like any other class
Once a parameterized class is compiled, it can be used like any
other class
However, the class type plugged in for the type parameter must
be specified before it can be used in a program
Doing this is said to instantiate the generic class
Sample<String> object =
new Sample<String>();
A Class Definition with a Type Parameter
Class Definition with a Type Parameter
A class that is defined with a parameter for a type is
called a generic class or a parameterized class
The type parameter is included in angular brackets after
the class name in the class definition heading
Any non-keyword identifier can be used for the type
parameter, but by convention, the parameter starts with an
uppercase letter
The type parameter can be used like other types used in
the definition of a class
Example: Ordered Pair Class
Example: Ordered Pair Class
Example: Ordered Pair Class
Example: Ordered Pair Class
Example: Using Ordered Pair Class
Using Our Ordered Pair Class
Pitfall: A Generic Constructor Name Has No
Type Parameter
Although the class name in a parameterized class definition has
a type parameter attached, the type parameter is not used in
the heading of the constructor definition
public Pair()
A constructor can use the type parameter as the type for a
parameter of the constructor, but in this case, the angular
brackets are not used
public Pair(T first, T second)
However, when a generic class is instantiated, the
angular brackets are used
Pair<String> pair =
new Pair<String>("Happy", "Day");
Pitfall: A Primitive Type Cannot be Plugged
in for a Type Parameter
The type plugged in for a type parameter must
always be a reference type
It cannot be a primitive type such as int, double, or
However, now that Java has automatic boxing, this is not a
big restriction
Note: reference types can include arrays
Pitfall: A Type Parameter Cannot Be Used
Everywhere a Type Name Can Be Used
Within the definition of a parameterized class
definition, there are places where an ordinary class
name would be allowed, but a type parameter is not
In particular, the type parameter cannot be used in
simple expressions using new to create a new object
For instance, the type parameter cannot be used as a
constructor name or like a constructor:
T object = new T();
T[] a = new T[10];
Pitfall: An Instantiation of a Generic Class
Cannot be an Array Base Type
Arrays such as the following are illegal:
Pair<String>[] a =
new Pair<String>[10];
Although this is a reasonable thing to want to do, it is not
allowed given the way that Java implements generic classes
The end
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
College of Computer Science & Engineering
Information & Computer Science Department
Lecture 24 : Collections
Slides prepared by Rose Williams, Binghamton University
A Java collection is any class that holds objects and implements
the Collection interface
For example, the ArrayList<T> class is a Java collection class,
and implements all the methods in the Collection interface
Collections are used along with iterators
The Collection interface is the highest level of Java's
framework for collection classes
All of the collection classes discussed here can be found in
package java.util
The Collection Landscape
Classes and interfaces in the collection framework
can have parameter type specifications that do not
fully specify the type plugged in for the type
Because they specify a wide range of argument types, they
are known as wildcards
public void method(String arg1, ArrayList<?> arg2)
In the above example, the first argument is of type
String, while the second argument can be an
ArrayList<T> with any base type
A bound can be placed on a wildcard specifying that the type
used must be an ancestor type or descendent type of some
class or interface
The notation <? extends String> specifies that the argument
plugged in be an object of any descendent class of String
The notation <? super String> specifies that the argument
plugged in be an object of any ancestor class of String
The Collection Framework
The Collection<T> interface describes the basic operations
that all collection classes should implement
The method headings for these operations are shown on the next
several slides
Since an interface is a type, any method can be defined with a
parameter of type Collection<T>
That parameter can be filled with an argument that is an object of
any class in the collection framework
Collection Interface methods
Method Headings in Collection<T>
Method Headings in Collection<T>
Method Headings in Collection<T>
Method Headings in Collection<T>
Method Headings in Collection<T>
Method Headings in Collection<T>
Method Headings in Collection<T>
Method Headings in Collection<T>
Collection Relationships
There are a number of different predefined classes that
implement the Collection<T> interface
Programmer defined classes can implement it also
A method written to manipulate a parameter of type
Collection<T> will work for all of these classes, either
singly or intermixed
There are two main interfaces that extend the
Collection<T> interface: The Set<T> interface and the
List<T> interface
Collection Relationships
Classes that implement the Set<T> interface do not
allow an element in the class to occur more than
The Set<T> interface has the same method headings as
the Collection<T> interface, but in some cases the
semantics (intended meanings) are different
Methods that are optional in the Collection<T> interface
are required in the Set<T> interface
Collection Relationships
Classes that implement the List<T> interface have their elements
ordered as on a list
Elements are indexed starting with zero
A class that implements the List<T> interface allows elements to occur
more than once
The List<T> interface has more method headings than the
Collection<T> interface
Some of the methods inherited from the Collection<T> interface have
different semantics in the List<T> interface
The ArrayList<T> class implements the List<T> interface
Methods in the Set<T> Interface
Methods in the Set<T> Interface
Methods in the Set<T> Interface
Methods in the Set<T> Interface
Methods in the Set<T> Interface
Methods in the Set<T> Interface
Methods in the List<T> Interface (Part
1 of 16)
Methods in the List<T> Interface (Part
2 of 16)
Methods in the List<T> Interface (Part 3
of 16)
Methods in the List<T> Interface (Part
4 of 16)
Methods in the List<T> Interface (Part
7 of 16)
Methods in the List<T> Interface (Part
9 of 16)
Methods in the List<T> Interface (Part
10 of 16)
Methods in the List<T> Interface (Part
12 of 16)
Methods in the List<T> Interface (Part
13 of 16)
Methods in the List<T> Interface (Part
14 of 16)
Methods in the List<T> Interface (Part
15 of 16)
The Collections Class
The Collections class is a utility class. It contains static methods for
manipulating collection objects.
The Arrays class is also a utility class. It contains static methods for
manipulating arrays. One useful method used is asList() to convert an
array into a list.
The following are the most frequently used methods of the Collections
int binarySearch(List list, Object o)
int binarySearch(List list, Object o, Comparator c)
void sort(List list)
void sort(List list, Comparator c)
Object max(Collection c)
Object min(Collection c)
void reverse(List list)
void shuffle(List list)
The end
King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
College of Computer Science & Engineering
Information & Computer Science Department
Lecture 25 : Iterators
Slides prepared by Rose Williams, Binghamton University
An iterator is an object that is used with a collection to
provide sequential access to the collection elements
This access allows examination and possible modification of the
An iterator imposes an ordering on the elements of a
collection even if the collection itself does not impose any
order on the elements it contains
If the collection does impose an ordering on its elements, then
the iterator will use the same ordering
The Iterator<T> Interface
Java provides an Iterator<T> interface
Any object of any class that satisfies the Iterator<T> interface
is an Iterator<T>
An Iterator<T> does not stand on its own
It must be associated with some collection object using the
method iterator
If c is an instance of a collection class (e.g., Vector<String>),
the following obtains an iterator for c:
Iterator iteratorForC = c.iterator();
Methods in the Iterator<T> Interface
Methods in the Iterator<T> Interface
(Part 2 of 2)
The ListIterator<T> Interface
The ListIterator<T> interface extends the Iterator<T>
interface, and is designed to work with collections that satisfy
the List<T> interface
A ListIterator<T> has all the methods that an Iterator<T>
has, plus additional methods
A ListIterator<T> can move in either direction along a list of
A ListIterator<T> has methods, such as set and add, that
can be used to modify elements
Methods in the ListIterator<T>
Interface (Part 1 of 4)
Methods in the ListIterator<T>
Interface (Part 2 of 4)
Methods in the ListIterator<T>
Interface (Part 3 of 4)
Methods in the ListIterator<T>
Interface (Part 4 of 4)
The ListIterator<T> Cursor
Every ListIterator<T> has a position marker known as the cursor
If the list has n elements, they are numbered by indices 0 through n-1, but
there are n+1 cursor positions
When next() is invoked, the element immediately following the cursor
position is returned and the cursor is moved forward one cursor position
When previous() is invoked, the element immediately before the cursor
position is returned and the cursor is moved back one cursor position
ListIterator<T> Cursor Positions
Iterator methods
ListIterator methods
Write a program that reads a text from System.in
and breaks it up into individual words. Insert the
words into a linked list. Then remove all words that
contain the letter ‘a’. Print all the words of the
obtained list as well as its size.
Pitfall: next and previous Can Return a
Theoretically, when an iterator operation returns an element of
the collection, it might return a copy or clone of the element,
or it might return a reference to the element
Iterators for the standard predefined collection classes, such as
ArrayList<T> and HashSet<T>, actually return references
Therefore, modifying the returned value will modify the element in
the collection
An Iterator Returns a Reference
Tip: Defining Your Own Iterator Classes
There is usually little need for a programmer defined Iterator<T>
or ListIterator<T> class
The easiest and most common way to define a collection class is to
make it a derived class of one of the library collection classes
By doing this, the iterator() and listIterator() methods
automatically become available to the program
If a collection class must be defined in some other way, then an
iterator class should be defined as an inner class of the collection class
Tip: For-Each Loops as Iterators
Although it is not an iterator, a for-each loop can
serve the same purpose as an iterator
A for-each loop can be used to cycle through each element
in a collection
For-each loops can be used with any of the
collections discussed here
For-Each Loops as Iterators
The end