i (t ) v (t ) i (t ) I m cos(t i ) v (t ) V m cos(t v ) i (t ) I m cos(t ) v (t ) V m cos(t v i ) p (t ) v (t )i (t ) {V m cos(t v i )}{I m cos(t )} V m I m cos(t v i ) cos(t ) Since 1 1 cos cos cos( ) cos( ) 2 2 Therefore p (t ) V m I m cos(v i ) V m I m cos(2t v i ) 2 2 Since cos( ) cos cos sin sin cos(2t v i ) cos(v i )cos(2t ) sin(v i )sin(2t ) p (t ) V m I m cos(v i ) V m I m cos(v i )cos(2t ) V m I m sin(v i )sin(2t ) 2 2 2 i (t ) v (t ) i (t ) I m cos(t ) v (t ) V m cos(t v i ) You can see that that the frequency of the Instantaneous power is twice the frequency of the voltage or current p (t ) V m I m cos(v i ) V m I m cos(v i ) cos(2t ) V m I m sin(v i ) sin(2t ) 2 2 2 Q P p t P P cos(2t) Q sin(2t) The instantaneous power p t P P cos(2t) Q sin(2t) P VI cos V I 2 real (or average) power (Watts) Which is the actual power absorb by the element Examples Electric Heater , Electric Stove , oven Toasters, Iron …etc Q VI sin V I 2 reactive power Which is the reactive power absorb or deliver by the element Reactive power represents energy stored in reactive elements (inductors and capacitors). Its unit is Volt Ampere Reactive (VAR) The instantaneous power p t P P cos(2t) Q sin(2t) P VI cos V I 2 Q VI sin V I 2 real (or average) power (Watts) reactive power (Volt Ampere Reactive (VAR) ) Complex Power Previously, we found it convenient to introduce sinusoidal voltage and current in terms of the complex number the phasor Definition Let the complex power be the complex sum of real power and reactive power Pˆ P jQ were Pˆ is the complex power P is the average power Q is the reactive power Advantages of using complex power P̂ P jQ We can compute the average and reactive power from the complex power S P Real{Pˆ } VI cos(v i ) 2 Q Ιmag{Pˆ } VI sin(v i ) 2 complex power P̂ provide a geometric interpretation j P̂ P jQ P̂ e ˆ VA |P| Q (reactive power) VAR were P̂ = P Q 2 2 Is called apparent power (VA) P ( average power) Watts V I sin( ) sin( ) Q v v i tan i tan tan( ) tan v i P V I cos( ) cos( ) v v i i =tan v i power factor angle The geometric relations for a right triangle mean the four power triangle dimensions ( |P| ˆ , P, Q, ) can be determined if any two of the four are known Power Calculations P̂ P jQ V I cos(v i ) j V I sin(v i ) 2 2 j (v i ) V I V I cos(v ) j sin(v ) e i i 2 2 were I* Is the conjugate of the current phasor 1 j (v ) j ( i ) 1V I* Ve Ie 2 2 I I V Since Similarly 1 Pˆ V I* 2 1 Pˆ V I* 2 Circuit 1 Pˆ VI * 2 1 1 1 Pˆ (Z I )I* ZII* Z I 2 2 2 2 * 2 1VV * 1 V V 1 P̂ V 2 Z* 2 Z 2 Z* Power Calculations Summery I V ˆ VA |P| V I cos(v i ) j V I sin(v i ) 2 2 Pˆ P jQ Circuit 1 1 Pˆ VI * Z I 2 2 2 2 1 V 2 Z* Q (reactive power) VAR P ( average power) Watts P̂ P jQ P̂ P̂ = P Q 2 2 e j Is called apparent power (VA) v i power factor angle In any circuit, conservation of complex power is achieved P̂ 0 i allcircuit elements This implies that in any circuit, conservation of average power and Conservation of reactive power are achieved allcircuit elements Qi 0 allcircuit elements Pi,AV 0 However, the apparent power (the magnitude of the complex power) is not conserved Ex:6.13 Determine the average and reactive power delivered by the source. 10 30 The phasor current leaving the source is Î 1.86 98.2 2 j8 j3 The average power delivered by the source is: 1 * PAV,source Re 10 30 1.86 98.2 2 1 Re 10 30 1.8698.2 2 9.28cos 30 98.2 3.45W The reactive power delivered by the source is: Qsource 1 Im 10 30 1.86 98.2 * 2 1 Im 10 30 1.8698.2 2 9.28sin 30 98.2 8.62 VAR And the complex power delivered by the source is P̂source PAV,source jQsource 3.45 j8.62VA Determine the average power and reactive power delivered to each element Î 1.86 98.2 The voltage across the elements are: ˆ 2Iˆ 2(1.86 98.2 ) 3.71 98.2 V V R ˆ j8Iˆ ( j8)(1.86 98.2 ) (890.0 )(1.86 98.2 ) V L 14.86 8.2 V ˆ j3Iˆ ( j3)(1.86 98.2 ) (3 90.0 )(1.86 98.2 ) V C 5.57188.2 V Thus the complex power delivered to each element is 1 ˆ ˆ 1 1 * Pˆ R V I * (3.71 98.2)(1.86 98.2 ) (3.71 98.2)(1.8698.2 ) R 2 2 2 3.450 3.45 j0 VA 1 ˆ ˆ 1 Pˆ L V I * (14.86 8.2)(1.86 98.2 )* 13.7990 0 j13.79 VA L 2 2 1 ˆ ˆ 1 0 j5.17 VA PˆC V I * (5.57 188.2)(1.86 98.2 )* 5.17 90 C 2 2 show that conservation of complex power, average power, and reactive power is achieved. Pˆsource PˆR PˆL PˆC 3.45 j8.62 3.45 j0 0 j13.79 0 j5.17 PAV,source 3.45 Qsource 8.62 PAV,R PAV,L 3.45 0 QR QL 0 13.79 PAV,C 0 QC 5.17 6.6.1 Power Relations for the Resistor The voltage and current are in phase so V I 0 Average power is: PAV,R 1 VR2 1 2 IR R 2 R 2 Reactive power is zero for resistor QR 0 6.6.1 Power Relations for the Inductor ˆ jLIˆ L90 ˆI V L L L The voltage leads the current by 90 so that PAV,L V I 90 1 VL I L cos 90 0 2 1 1 Q L VL I L sin 90 VL I L 2 2 6.6.1 Power Relations for the Capacitor The current leads the voltage by 90 so that V I 90 ˆI jCV ˆ C90 V ˆ C C C ˆ 1 ˆI j 1 ˆI 1 90 V C C C jC C C 1 PAV,C VC IC cos 90 0 2 1 1 QC VC IC sin 90 VC IC 2 2 ˆ IC The power factor Recall the Instantaneous power p(t) p (t ) V m I m cos(v i ) V m I m cos(v i ) cos(2t ) V m I m sin(v i ) sin(2t ) 2 2 2 P average P average Q reactive power power power P P cos(2t ) Q sin(2t ) The angle v i plays a role in the computation of both average and reactive power The angle v i is referred to as the power factor angle We now define the following : The power factor pf cos(v i ) The power factor pf cos(v i ) Knowing the power factor pf does not tell you the power factor angle , because cos(v i ) cos(i v ) To completely describe this angle, we use the descriptive phrases lagging power factor and leading power factor Lagging power factor implies that current lags voltage hence an inductive load Leading power factor implies that current leads voltage hence a capacitive load 6.6.2 Power Factor ˆP 1 VI ˆ ˆ * PAV jQ 2 PAV VI cos V I 2 VI Q sin V I 2 pf cos V I PAV 1 VI pf 2 0 pf 1 Since V I 90 I I I ˆ VA |P| Circuit V V V 1 Pˆ VI * 2 1 ZII * 2 P ( average power) Watts P jQ V I cos(v i ) j V I sin(v i ) 2 2 * V 2 1 V 1 VV * 1 V 2 Z 2 Z* 2 Z* Q (reactive power) VAR 1 Z| I |2 2 pf cos v i I I I I + V ˆ VA |P| V V V Circuit P VI V2 R Q (reactive power) VAR P ( average power) Watts 2 V 1 1 1 Pˆ VI * P jQ V I cos(v i ) j V I sin(v i ) Z| I |2 2 2 2 2 2 Z* IR + V R 1 Pˆ V I * V R I R R 2 R R 2 + V L 1 Pˆ V I * V LI L L 2 L L 2 RI 2 IL IC + V C 1 Pˆ V I * V CI C C 2 C C 2 1 RI R2 2 EX:6.15 Determine the average and reactive powers delivered to the load impedance and the power factor of the load 6.32 55.3 A 54.41 0.84 V V̂L ÎL 5 j9 j2 1000 4 j6 5 j9 j2 1000 4 j6 5 j9 j2 Average power P 54.41 0.84 V 6.32 55.3 V I 2 load load cos(v A i ) (54.41)(6.32) cos(0.84 55.3 ) 100 W 2 6.32 55.3 A 54.41 0.84 V Average power OR P P V I 2 load load cos(v i ) (54.41)(6.32) cos(0.84 55.3 ) 100 W 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 I R R Î L 5 6.32 5 100W 2 2 2 6.32 55.3 A reactive powers 54.41 0.84 V V̂L 54.41 0.84 V Qload V I L L sin(v ) i 2 IˆL 6.32 55.3 A (54.41)(6.32) sin(0.84 55.3 ) 2 140 VAR reactive powers 6.32 55.3 A 54.41 0.84 V + V reactive Qload reactive I 2 load load sin(v Qload OR V V (j9 j2) 5 (j9 j2) V i ) (54.41)(6.32) sin(0.84 55.3 ) 2 I I reactive reactive 2 54.41 0.84 j7 5 j7 reactive IˆL 54.41 0.84 I 140 VAR | IˆL | 6.32 reactive 790 8.654.46 54.41 0.84 44.2734.7 V EX:6.15 Determine the average and reactive powers delivered to the load impedance and the power factor of the load + V reactive 44.2734.7 V̂load 54.41 0.84 V IˆL 6.32 55.3 V I L L sin(v ) 140 VAR i 2 V I reactive reactive I | IˆL | 6.32 Qload reactive 2 A Qload OR Qload (44.27)(6.32) 139.89 140 VAR 2 V reactive 44.27 V V This could also be calculated from the complex power delivered to the load ˆP 1 V ˆ ˆI* 1 54.41 0.84 load load load 2 2 100 j140VA 6.32 55.3 * The power factor of the load is: pf cos v I cos 0.84 55.3 0.581 The load is lagging because the current lags the voltage A typical power distribution circuit The consumer is charged for the average power consumed by the load VI VI cos V I pf 2 2 VI The load requires a certain total apparent power 2 Ex 6.16 Suppose that the load voltage figure is 170V The line resistance is 0.1 ohm The load requires 10KW of average power. Examine the line losses for a load power factor of unity and for a power factor of 0.7 lagging. The load current is obtained from For unity power factor this is For power factor of 0.7 I L PAV 12 VL IL pf 2 10KW IL 117.65A 170V 1 2 10KW 168.07A 170V 0.7 The powers consumed in the line losses PAV,line PAV,line 692.04W 1 2 I L R line 2 1412.33W 692.04W 1 2 I L R line 2 1412.33W 720 W extra power to be generated if pf is 0.7 to supply the load unity pf pf 0.7 unity pf pf 0.7 Power Factor Correction Ex: 6.17: in Ex 6.16 determine the value of capacitor across the load to correct the power factor from 0.7 to unity if power frequency is 60Hz. 0.1 ˆ V 0o V S S + ÎL ˆ Load V L + From Ex 6.16 ÎC For power factor of 0.7 C IL I cos1 0.7 45.57 power factor 0.7 lagging 2 10KW 168.07A 170V 0.7 ÎL 168.07 45.57 ˆ V 1700 jC 1700 The current through the added capacitor is: Î C L ZC 1 jC Hence the total current ˆI ˆI ˆI 168.07 45.57 jC 1700 line L C 117.66 j120.02 j 2 60 C 170 cos(v i ) 1 Unity power factor v i 0 Imaginary component of the line current is zero C 120.02 2 60 170 1873 uF i v 0 j120.02 j 2 60 C 170 0 R R TH 2 TH ZL R TH jXTH XTH XTH 2 2 R TH XTH XTH 2 The average power delivered to the load is: PAV ,load 1 2 V TH2 R L V TH2 RTH 1 I RL 1 2 2 (RTH R L ) 2 (X TH X L ) 2 2 (RTH RTH ) 2 (X TH X TH ) 2 V TH2 1 V TH2 RTH 2 (2RTH ) 2 8RTH 6.6.3 Maximum Power Transfer Source-load Configuration Determine the load impedance so that maximum average power is delivered to that load. Represent the source and the load impedances with real and imaginary parts: Zˆ R jX S S S Zˆ L R L jX L The load current is: IˆL VˆS VˆS ˆ ˆ Z S Z L ( RS RL ) j ( X S X L ) The average power delivered to the load is: PAV ,load V S2 R L 1 ˆ 2 1 I L RL 2 2 (R S R L ) 2 (X S X L ) 2 Since the reactance can be negative and to max value, we choose X L X S leaving PAV ,load 1 V S2 R L 2 (R S R L ) 2 Differentiate with respect to RL and set to zero to determine required RL which is RL= RS Hence: Zˆ L ZˆS* In this case the load is matched to the source. The max power delivered to the load becomes: PAV ,load ,max V S2 8R S 6.6.4 Superposition of Average Power Average power computation when circuit contains more than one source i ' (t ) I 1 sin(1t I 1 ) V s sin(1t 1 ) ' v (t ) V 1 sin(1t V 1 ) i '' (t ) I 2 sin(2t I 2 ) I s sin(2t 2 ) '' v (t ) V 2 sin(2t V 2 ) i ' (t ) I 1 sin(1t I 1 ) V s sin(1t 1 ) ' v (t ) V 1 sin(1t V 1 ) i '' (t ) I 2 sin(2t I 2 ) I s sin(2t 2 ) '' v (t ) V 2 sin(2t V 2 ) i ' (t ) I 1 sin(1t I 1 ) V s sin(1t 1 ) ' v (t ) V 1 sin(1t V 1 ) i '' (t ) I 2 sin(2t I 2 ) I s sin(2t 2 ) '' v (t ) V 2 sin(2t V 2 ) The instantaneous power delivered to the element is p (t ) v (t )i (t ) (v ' v '' )(i ' i '' ) (v 'i ' v ''i '' ) (v 'i '' v ''i ' ) Substituting p (t ) [V 1 sin(1t V 1 )I 1 sin(1t I 1 ) V 2 sin(2t V 2 )I 2 sin(2t I 2 )] [V 1 sin(1t V 1 )I 2 sin(2t I 2 ) V 2 sin(2t V 2 )I 1 sin(1t I 1 )] 1 1 sin A sin B cos( A B ) cos(A B ) Using the identity p (t ) [V 1 sin(1t V 1 )I 1 sin(1t I 1 ) V 2 sin(2t V 2 )I 2 sin(2t I 2 )] [V 1 sin(1t V 1 )I 2 sin(2t I 2 ) V 2 sin(2t V 2 )I 1 sin(1t I 1 )] 1 2 1 2 Using the identity sin A sin B cos(A B ) cos(A B ) p (t ) V 1I 1 V I cos(V 1 I 1 ) 2 2 cos(V 2 I 2 ) 2 2 PAV 1 PAV 2 V 1I 1 V I cos(21t V 1 I 1 ) 2 2 cos(22t V 2 I 2 ) 2 2 VI VI 1 2 cos[(1 2 )t V 1 I 2 ] 1 2 cos[(1 2 )t V 1 I 2 ] 2 2 V I V I 2 1 cos[(2 1 )t V 2 I 1 ] 2 1 cos[(2 1 )t V 2 I 1 ] 2 2 p (t ) V 1I 1 V I cos(V 1 I 1 ) 2 2 cos(V 2 I 2 ) 2 2 PAV 1 PAV Average powers delivered individually by the sources 2 V 1I 1 V I cos(21t V 1 I 1 ) 2 2 cos(22t V 2 I 2 ) 2 2 VI VI 1 2 cos[(1 2 )t V 1 I 2 ] 1 2 cos[(1 2 )t V 1 I 2 ] 2 2 V I V I 2 1 cos[(2 1 )t V 2 I 1 ] 2 1 cos[(2 1 )t V 2 I 1 ] 2 2 Suppose that the two frequencies are integer multiples of some frequency and 2 m as 1 n The instantaneous power becomes p (t ) V 1I 1 V I cos(V 1 I 1 ) 2 2 cos(V 2 I 2 ) 2 2 PAV 1 PAV 2 V 1I 1 V I cos(2n t V 1 I 1 ) 2 2 cos(2m t V 2 I 2 ) 2 2 VI VI 1 2 cos[(n m )t V 1 I 2 ] 1 2 cos[(n m )t V 1 I 2 ] 2 2 V I V I 2 1 cos[(m n )t V 2 I 1 ] 2 1 cos[(m n )t V 2 I 1 ] 2 2 Averaging the instantaneous over the common period T 2 / 1 T p (t )dt 0 T PAV 1 PAV 2 V 1I 2 V 2I 1 P P cos( ) cos(V 2 I 1 ) V1 I2 AV 1 AV 2 2 2 PAV if n m if n m THUS: we may superimpose the average powers delivered by sources of different frequencies, but we may not, in general, apply superposition to average power if the sources are of the same frequency. where V 1I 1 1 cos(V 1 I 1 ) Re(Vˆ1Iˆ1* ) 2 2 V I 1 2 2 cos(V 2 I 2 ) Re(Vˆ2 Iˆ2* ) 2 2 PAV 1 PAV 2 Ex 6.18: Determine the average power delivered by the two sources of the circuit Iˆ' 1030 2.357 15 2 j 4 1 j 1 Hence the average power delivered by the voltage source is ' AV P 1 1 ' ˆ Re(1030 I *) 10 2.357 cos(30 15 ) 8.333 W 2 2 This can be confirmed from average powers delivered to the two resistors ' ' ' PAV PAV P ,2 AV ,1 1 ˆ' 2 1 ˆ' 2 I 2 I 1 8.333 W 2 2 By current division: Iˆx'' 1 j 2 3 3 60 0.589 154.33 2 2 j 6 1 j 3 2 j6 Iˆy'' 3 60 3.101 49.08 2 2 j 6 1 j 3 '' The voltage across the current source is Vˆ (2 j 6)Iˆx'' 3.727 82.77 Hence the average power delivered by the current source is '' PAV 1 1 Re(Vˆ '' 360 ) 3.727 3 cos(82.77 60 ) 5.154 W 2 2 This may be again confirmed by computing the average power delivered to the 1 ˆ'' 2 1 ˆ'' 2 '' '' '' Two resistors: PAV PAV ,2 PAV ,1 I x 2 I y 1 5.154 W 2 2 Since frequencies are not the same, total average power delivered is the sum of average powers delivered individually by each source EX 6.19: Determine the average power delivered by the two sources Since both sources have the same frequency, we can’t use superposition. So we include both sources in one phasor circuit. The total average power delivered by the sources is equal to the average power delivered to the resistor We use superposition on the phasor circuit to find the current across the resistor Iˆ' 100 3.536 45 2 j 4 j 2 Iˆ'' j2 5 60 3.536 15 2 j 4 j 2 Iˆ Iˆ' Iˆ'' 3.536 45 3.53615 6.831 30 Iˆ Iˆ' Iˆ'' 3.536 45 3.53615 6.831 30 The phasor current is: Hence the average power delivered to the resistor is PAV 1 ˆ2 I 2 46.66 W 2 Note that we may not superimpose average powers delivered to the resistors by the individual sources 1 ˆ' 2 1 ˆ '' 2 2 I 2 2 I 2 25 46.66 We can compute this total average power by directly computing the average power delivered by the sources from the phasor circuit The voltage across the current source is Vˆ 100 (2 j 4)Iˆ 22.88 132.63 The average power delivered by voltage source is PAV , voltage source 1 Re[(100 )Iˆ* ] 29.58 W 2 The average power delivered by the current source is PAV , current source 1 Re[Vˆ (560 )] 17.08 W 2 The total average power delivered by the sources is PAV , source 29.58 17.08 46.66 W 6.6.5 Effective (RMS) Values of Periodic Waveforms Sinusoidal waveform is one of more general periodic waveforms Apply a periodic current source with period T on resistor R i (t ) i (t nT ) n 0,1, 2,3,... The instantaneous power delivered to the resistor is p (t ) i 2 (t )R The average power delivered to the resistor is PAV 1 T T 0 1 i (t )R dt R T 2 T 0 i 2 (t )dt 2 I eff Hence the average power delivered to the resistor by this periodic waveform can be viewed as equivalent to that produced by a DC waveform whose value is I eff 1 T T 0 i 2 (t )dt This is called the effective value of the waveform or the root-mean-square RMS value of the waveform Ex 6.20 Determine the RMS value of the current waveform and the average power this would deliver to 3 resistor The RMS value of the waveform is I rms 1 1 4dt 1.155 A 0 3 Hence the average power delivered to the resistor is 2 PAV I rms 3 4 W RMS voltages and currents in phasor circuits The sinusoid x t X sin t has a RMS value of X rms 1 T T 0 [X sin(t )]2 dt X 0.707X 2 Hence the average power delivered to a resistor by a sinusoidal voltage or current 2 1 V 2 V rms 1 waveform is P I 2R I 2 R AV , R 2 R R rms 2 In general, the average power delivered to an element is PAV ˆ Iˆ* 1 V * Re(Vˆˆ I *) Re Re(Vˆrms Iˆrms ) 2 2 2 Therefore, if sinusoidal voltages and currents are specified in their RMS values rather than their peak values, the factor ½ is removed from all average-power expressions. However, the time-domain expressions require a magnitude multiplied by square root of 2 X sin(t ) 2X sin(t ) X sin(t ) rms rms Since X is the peak value of the waveform. Common household voltage are specified as 120V. This is the RMS value of the peak of 170V. Ex 6.21 Determine the average power delivered by the source and the time-domain current i(t) Phasor circuit with rms rather than peak The phasor current is 7.0730 Iˆrms 1.25 15 4 j 4 Hence the average power delivered by the source is 1 * PAV , source ReVˆrms Iˆrms Re[(7.0730 )(1.2515 )] 6.25 W Re[(1030 ) (1.25 215 )] 2 None RMS None RMS The time-domain current is i (t ) 2I rms cos(2t 15 ) 1.77cos(2t 15 ) A Commercial Power Distribution a a + Van =Vp0 c n Vbn =Vp120 b b Vcn =Vp120 c a a + Van =Vp0 Van =Vp0 Vbn =Vp120 c n Vbn =Vp120 b b Vp is rms value of the voltage The peak is 2 Vp Time domain representation Vcn =Vp120 Vcn =Vp120 v an (t ) 2V p sin t V c v bn (t ) 2V p sin(t 120 ) V v cn (t ) 2V p sin(t 120 ) V a a Im + Van =Vp0 c n Vbn =Vp120 b Van =Vp0 Re b Vcn =Vp120 Vcn =Vp120 Vbn =Vp120 c Im Vcn =Vp120 Van =Vp0 Van Vbn +Vcn= 0 Re V p0 V p120 V p120 0 Vbn =Vp120 Im Im Im Vcn Van Van Van Re Re Re Vbn Van Vbn Van Vbn Vbn Vbn a a + + Van =Vp0 Vbn =Vp120 b c n b Vab = Van Vnb = Van V bn V p0 V p120 Vcn =Vp120 3 1 2 2 0 1 V p cos(0 ) + j V p sin(0 ) V p cos(120 ) + j V p sin(120 ) 3 Vp V 3 j p 2 2 3V p30 c 3 3 Vp V 3 j p 2 2 3V p 3 j 1 2 2 Im Using Vectors Vcn =Vp120 Van =Vp0 Re Vab = Van Vbn Vbn =Vp120 Im Vbn Vab = Van Vbn 3V p 3V p30 Vbn line voltage is 3 phase voltage 30 Vp Re Van Im Vab Vcn 30 3V p30 Re Van Vbn line voltage is 3 phase voltage a a + Van =Vp0 c n Vbn =Vp120 b b Vcn =Vp120 c + Vbc = Vbn Vnc Vbc = Vbn Vnc = Vbn Vcn V p 120 V p120 3V p 90 Vca = Vcn Vna = Vcn Van V p120 V p0 3V p150 Vca 3V p150 Im Vab Vcn 30 30 90 o Re Van Vbn Vbc 3V p30 3V p 90 6.9.1 Wye-Connected Loads We are going to investigate the transmission of power from three phase generator to two types of load: I – WYE connected load V p 0 ˆ Ia Zˆ L V p 120 ˆ Ib Zˆ L V p 120 ˆ Ic Zˆ L ˆI Iˆ Iˆ Vp 0 Vp 120 Vp 120 0 a b c Zˆ L Hence the current returning through the neutral wire is zero, and the neutral may be removed Zˆ L Z L Z L Power calculation For a balanced wye-connected load, the voltages across the individual loads are the respective phase voltages whether the neutral is connected or not. The power delivered to the individual loads is three times the power delivered to an individual load, because the individual loads are identical. PAV ,total V p 0 * ˆ 3Re(V p 0 I a ) 3Re V p 0 ˆ* Z L V p2 cos Z L 3 ZL No ½ factor in power expression because values are rms PAV ,total 3Re(V p 0 Iˆa* ) V p 0 3Re V p 0 ˆ* Z L V p2 3 cos Z L ZL Since the line voltage is more accessible than the phase voltage Power in terms of line-to-line voltages and load current gives PAV ,total V p2 3 cos Z L 3V PV P cos 3 V P I L cos Z ZL L ZL Z L VL 3 I L cos Z L 3 V L I L cos Z L 3 Example 6.24 Consider a balanced, wye-connected load where each load impedance is Zˆ L 50 j50 the phase voltages are 120 V. Determine the total average power delivered to the load. The line currents are 1200 Iˆa 1.7 45 A 50 j 50 120 120 Iˆb 1.7 165 A 50 j 50 120120 Iˆc 1.775 A 50 j 50 Hence, the average power delivered to each load is PAV Re[(1200 )(1.745 )] 120 1.7 cos(45 ) 144 W The total average power delivered to the load is PAV , total 3 144 432 W Example 6.25 If the line voltage of a balanced, wye-connected load is 208 V and the total average power delivered to the load is 900 W, determine each load if their power factors are 0.8 leading. 900 W 3 V L I L cos Z L Thus IL 900 3.12 A 3(208)(0.8) The phase voltage is Vp VL 120 V 3 Thus the magnitude of the individual load impedance is Z L Vp IL 38.43 Since the power factor is 0.8 leading (current leads voltage; voltage lags current) Z cos1 0.8 36.87 . L Thus the individual loads are Zˆ L 38.43 36.87 30.74 j 23.06 Example 6.25 If the line voltage of a balanced, wye-connected load is 208 V and the total average power delivered to the load is 900 W, determine each load if their power factors are 0.8 leading. 900 W 3 V L I L cos Z L Thus IL 900 3.12 A 3(208)(0.8) The phase voltage is Vp VL 120 V 3 Thus the magnitude of the individual load impedance is ZL Vp IL 38.43 Since the power factor is 0.8 leading (current leads voltage; voltage lags current) Z cos1 0.8 36.87 . L Thus the individual loads are Zˆ L 38.43 36.87 30.74 j 23.06