Title: Plan Type: OPR/OCR: Collaborative Group: References: Revision Date: Staff Development Program Information Technology/Staff Resource Center Staff Development Committee Title V, AB1725, LRCEA and LRCFT contracts September, 2008 PURPOSE: The mission of the Staff Resource Center is to provide staff development opportunities that support the college mission, vision, and values in a learner centered environment by offering programs which promote quality teaching and support services for faculty, staff and administrators. The approach to fulfilling this mission includes: Offering resources for employees to develop and fulfill career, personal, and professional needs and goals in support of student learning outcomes within a learning community; Presenting programs that facilitate a culture of awareness and responsiveness to our diverse student population. Serving the college community by providing professional development opportunities in support of college goals and initiatives; including supporting the activities of other college coordinators. This plan outlines the activity types engaged in by the Staff Resource Center, the tie to college goals and student learning outcomes, the anticipated outcomes of these activities, and the resources required to achieve objectives. The references for staff development activities at SCC are provided by: The requirements for staff development activities as outlined in both Title V and AB1725 The provisions for staff development outlined in LRCCD collective bargaining agreements (LRCFT and LRCEA) Staff development activities referenced in other college and unit program plans Accreditation standard 3 – references with the Human Resources substandard PROCEDURES: The programs and initiatives supported on an ongoing basis by the Staff Resource Center are: 1. New Faculty Orientation Program (fall) (including monthly continued “conversations”) 2. New Adjunct Faculty Orientation (fall and spring) 3. Flex day programming (fall and spring) Sacramento City College Strategic Master Plan Revision: 8/30/07 1 4. Convocation programming (fall and spring) 5. Conference, workshop, and travel (stipends to support individual faculty and staff member attendance at professional development events) (fall, spring, summer) 6. Flex programming – workshops offered in support of faculty and staff professional development that qualifies for flex credit under AB1725 (ongoing) 7. Support for new classified staff orientation (spring) 8. Connections programming for classified staff (fall and spring) 9. Classified retreat (spring) 10. Classified staff development activities (LRCEA contract provision) 11. Speaker program – bringing speakers to campus to address college programs, goals, and objectives (ongoing) 12. Activities in support of college initiatives – Basic skills; accreditation; student learning outcomes; strategic planning; technology training; cultural democracy initiative support; first time college students; teaching and learning initiatives (ongoing) (including sponsoring attendance at external conferences that address these issues) 13. State reporting 14. 4CSD and district professional development meetings and activities Requests for staff development activities are solicited by the Staff Development coordinators and staff through calls for flex proposals and workshop activities, as well as are developed in response to requests and suggestions from the college community and college coordinators. TASKS AND TIMING: Timing Who Summer 2008 Summer, 2008 August, 2008 August, 2008 Year long Fall, 2008 Fall, 2008 Fall, 2008 Fall, 2008 What Dean, SRC staff Prepares for New Faculty Orientation, fall flex, fall convocation and base programming Dean, SRC staff State reporting on flex activities for 2008-2009 academic year SRC staff Delivers New Faculty Orientation, fall flex, fall convocation SRC staff and staff Issues call for CWT funding for period from development September -February committee SRC staff Participates in 4CSD and district professional development meetings and activities Public relations Fall Connections program technician, Connections team SRC staff Ongoing flex programming SRC staff; department staff SRC staff; college Sacramento City College Strategic Master Plan Revision: 8/30/07 Obtain speakers for flex programming Programming/conference attendance in 2 initiatives staff support of college initiatives Fall, 2008 LRCEA staff Process requests from LRCEA staff Fall, 2008 SRC staff November, 2008 January, 2009 January, 2009 SRC staff Prepares programs using draft theme for 2009-2010 based on college goals/updates program plan Prepares for spring flex, spring convocation SRC staff Delivers spring flex, spring convocation SRC staff and staff development committee SRC staff, Administrative Services staff SRC staff Issues call for CWT funding for period from March-May February, 2009 Spring, 2009 Spring, 2009 Spring, 2009 Spring, 2009 Spring, 2009 Spring, 2009 Spring, 2009 April, 2008 Public relations technician, Connections team SRC staff SRC staff; department staff SRC staff; initiatives staff LRCEA staff New classified staff orientation Survey college community on effectiveness of flex programming; programming for 20092010 year Spring Connections program Ongoing flex programming Obtain speakers for fall 2009 flex and convocation programming Programming/conference attendance in support of college initiatives Process requests from LRCEA staff Public Relations Classified staff retreat technician, classified staff SRC staff and staff Issues call for CWT funding for period from development May-August 2009. committee Additionally, on a biannual basis, a new college initiative is selected to be the focus of a series of staff development activities and a new staff development coordinator is selected to develop, administer, and evaluate the activities under that initiative. Also on a biannual basis, but on a different cycle (so that both coordinator positions are not vacant simultaneously), the Staff Development Coordinator position is recruited using the procedures developed and endorsed by the Academic Senate. Sacramento City College Strategic Master Plan Revision: 8/30/07 3 For 2008-2009, the specific objectives of the Staff Resource Center are: College Goal 1: Develop and implement processes to promote engagement and success of first-year students. OBJECTIVE OUTCOME MEASURE To maximize awareness of the demographics of our first-year students including age, gender, ethnic background, skill level, high school by sponsoring workshops and speakers with knowledge of SCC, district, and California student demographics and impact on teaching and learning. Pre and post knowledge assessment instrument. DOCUMENTED OUTCOMES College Goal 2: Implement a systematic enrollment management process that aligns student outreach and recruitment with scheduling of classes, programs, and services based on student interest, demand, time, convenience, and culture. OBJECTIVE OUTCOME MEASURE To work with the enrollment management team to offer workshops which highlight best practices used in successful, student centered enrollment management systems. Documentation of workshops addressing enrollment management processes. DOCUMENTED OUTCOMES College Goal 3: Improve basic skills competencies in reading, writing, and math and improve preparedness for degree applicable courses through developing skills in reading, writing, math, and information competency across the curriculum and throughout the college. OBJECTIVE OUTCOME MEASURE Facilitate training of faculty and students on use of multimedia technology as a tool for student projects and increase faculty/staff ability to incorporate multimedia technology in student assessment through Support of classroom pilot program which introduce these diverse methodologies and promulgate results Sacramento City College Strategic Master Plan Revision: 8/30/07 DOCUMENTED OUTCOMES 4 appropriate workshops. College Goal 4: . Improve processes, services, curriculum, and instructional design to ensure equivalent student outcomes for alternative modalities and locations (i.e., off campus sites, distance education, etc.). OBJECTIVE OUTCOME MEASURE Provide professional development opportunities to faculty and staff housed in off campus sites by creating a web site that incorporates RSS feeds and links to appropriate professional development opportunities. Professional development materials available through web and RSS. DOCUMENTED OUTCOMES College Goal 5: Develop new courses, programs and services based on assessment of emerging community needs. OBJECTIVE OUTCOME MEASURE Under the teaching and learning initiative, plan, sponsor and host a teaching and learning conference on best practices for educating a diverse student population. Attendance and evaluation by SCC faculty, staff, and administrators. DOCUMENTED OUTCOMES (also goal 8) College Goal 6: Improve staff processes for all classifications including hiring, orientation, mentoring, customer service, training, evaluation, and exit processes, with attention to the selection and retention of staff that reflect the diversity of our students and community. OBJECTIVE OUTCOME MEASURE Provide a series of workshops which focus on proposed changes in procedures in hiring processes and best hiring practices. With special attention of attracting exceptional candidates who reflect the diversity of our students and community. Attendance and evaluation by SCC faculty, staff, and administrators who are on hiring committees. Work with academic, student service, and administrative offices to develop and deliver new hire orientation programs that provide information on college processes, procedures, and values as well as roles and responsibilities of new hires. Orientation program should consist of a series of workshops. DOCUMENTED OUTCOMES Continued and consistent attendance at new hires (faculty and staff) conversation workshops. Sacramento City College Strategic Master Plan Revision: 8/30/07 5 Use of evaluations to respond to participant feedback. Develop training and workshop programs that reflect staff and faculty needs as reflected by survey results. Provide administrative support to the Classified Retreat, a one day event where classified staff come together to discuss issues, support each other and promote collegiality and staff morale. Provide administrative support to the CONNECTIONS program, a comprehensive customer service staff training program designed specifically for colleges and universities. Collaborate with the Information Technology Department to identify and develop a comprehensive set of available technologies which streamline administrative tasks and duties and/or incorporate technology into classroom settings. Once identified, facilitate providing training in the use of those technologies. Participate in 4CSD and District Professional Development activities Survey results and resultant workshops. Attendance and evaluation Attendance and evaluation. Attendance at training sessions; survey results from attendees on ability to use. Incorporation of what is learned from these activities into SCC staff development activities. College Goal 7: Engage the college community in the accreditation self-study process and in comprehensive unit-based self evaluation. OBJECTIVE OUTCOME MEASURE Work with the strategic planning, student learning outcomes and accreditation committees to ensure that appropriate training opportunities are available to all faculty and staff. Workshops and seminars provided in those topic areas. Sacramento City College Strategic Master Plan Revision: 8/30/07 DOCUMENTED OUTCOMES 6 College Goal 8: Identify and respond to the needs of the college community that is growing increasingly diverse in terms of demographics and culture. OBJECTIVE OUTCOME MEASURE To facilitate the continuation of the Cultural Democracy Initiative through use of Beyond Diversity Workshops, Courageous Conversations and collaboration with the Cultural Awareness Center, International Studies Program, Ethnic Theatre, and Office of Planning, Research and Institutional Effectiveness. Through the teaching and learning initiative, and in collaboration with the multimedia services, the Ethnic Theatre Department and Distance Education Department, create a DVD of best teaching practices for a multicultural student body to support understanding and responsiveness to an increasingly diverse college community. Attend workshops which address the teaching, learning, and support needs of our increasingly diverse college community. Sponsor and facilitate Student forums as a vehicle for students to share knowledge on ways that all staff can create a more empowering and welcoming learning environment, both in and out of the classroom. Attendance and evaluation. DOCUMENTED OUTCOMES Dissemination and evaluation of the product. Attendance by Staff Resource Center staff at appropriate conferences highlighting staff development themes and initiatives. Information will shared by inviting staff to attend the forums. Additionally, forums will be held during Flex Week and then all forums from both during the semester and Flex will be available for checkout from the Library. EVALUATION/OUTCOME MEASURES: See above for outcome measures for 2008-2009 objectives. Flex obligation reporting (conducted at the division level) Sacramento City College Strategic Master Plan Revision: 8/30/07 7 RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS FY2008-2009: Staff development support for FY2008-2009 comes from a number of sources: 1. CDF 2. PDF: $53348 3. PFE Classified Staff Development - $80000 (used to support LRCEA member activities) Because of the increased demands on record keeping and processing, one full time clerk 2 will be requested for FY2008-2009. This clerk will also assist in maintaining records associated with Information Technology. Projected budget 2008-2009 (major categories): Staff Development coordinator: $23000 salary and benefits (PDF) Teaching and Learning coordinator: $23000 salary and benefits (PDF) Classified staff temporary: $11200 (PDF) Student help: $8200 (CDF) Conference, workshop, travel: $38406 ($38406 PDF) Speakers: $10000 (PDF) Classified staff events: anticipated $80000 (LRCEA related) College initiative support (NISOD, Great Teachers Seminar): $7600 (PDF) For 2008-2009 it is anticipated that these sources, which include carryover will cover projected expenses. REVIEW CYCLE: Yearly SAMPLE FORMS: CWT request forms and procedures; travel procedures Request for flex participation Flex accounting form Speaker request form Coordinator hiring procedure Sacramento City College Strategic Master Plan Revision: 8/30/07 8