Module 2 lec 8 Momentum: The general conversion law also applies to momentum, М, which for mass m moving with a velocity u, is defined as Law of conversation of momentum: Following the usual law, eqn. 2.2, the net rate of transfer of momentum into a system equals the rate of increase of the momentum of the system. There are two principal modes, by which momentum can be transferred; by force and by convection. 1. A force is readily seen to be equivalent to a rate of transfer of momentum by examining its dimensions: A momentum balance can be applied to a mass m falling with instantaneous velocity u under gravity in air that offers negligible resistance. Considering momentum as positive downwards, the rate of transfer of momentum to the system is the gravitational force mg, and is equated to the rate of increase of downwards momentum of the mass, giving: m is taken out of the derivative because the mass is always constant. The acceleration is therefore: Another example is provided by the steady flow of a fluid in a pipe of length L and diameter D, as shown in the figure below. The upstream pressure exceeds the downstream pressure and thereby provides a driving force for flow form left to right. The shear stress exerted by the wall on the fluid tends to retard the motion. Applying a steady – state momentum balance gives: In eqn. 2.38, the first term is the rate of addition of momentum to the system resulting from the net pressure difference , which acts on a circular area . The second term is the rate of subtraction of momentum from the system by the wall shear stress, which acts to the left on the cylinder area . Since the flow is steady, there is no change in momentum of the system with time, so the derivative term is zero. Eqn. 2.38 becomes 2. The convective transfer of momentum by flow is more subtle, but can be appreciated with reference to figure shown above. Water from a hose of crosssectional area A impinges with velocity u on the far side of a trolley of mass m with frictionless wheels. The dotted box delineates a stationary system within which the momentum Mv is increasing to the right, because the trolley clearly tends to accelerate in that direction. The reason is that momentum is being transferred across the surface BC into the system by the convective action of the jet. The rate of transfer is mass flow rate times the velocity: The acceleration of the trolley can now be found by applying momentum balances in two different ways, depending on whether the control volume is stationary or moving. In each case, the water leaves the nozzle of cross-sectional area A with velocity u and the trolley has a velocity v. Both velocities are relative to the nozzle. 1. Control surface moving with trolley. As shown in the figure below, the control surface delineating the system is moving to the right at the same velocity v as the trolley. The observer perceives water entering the system across BC not with velocity u but with a relative velocity (u – v), so that the rate m of convection of mass into the control volume is A momentum balance gives: The mass of the system is not constant, but increasing at the rate given by: It follows from the last three equations that the acceleration of the trolley to the right is: 2. Control fixed volume: In the figure shown below, the control fixed volume is now fixed in space, so that the trolley is moving within it. Also – and the part of the jet of length L inside the control surface is lengthening at a rate dL / dt = v and increasing its momentum. A mass balance gives A momentum balance gives By eliminating dM / dt between the above two eqns and rearranging, the acceleration becomes: