School Accountability Report Card Reported for the 2009-10 School Year Published During 2010-11 Rio Del Oro Elementary The School Accountability Report Card (SARC), which is required by law to be published annually, contains information about the condition and performance of each California public school. More information about SARC requirements is available on the SARC Web page at For additional information about the school, parents and community members should contact the school principal or the district office. I. School Information Contact Information (2010-11 School Year) This section provides the school’s contact information. School District School Name Rio Del Oro Elementary District Name Plumas Lake Elementary School District Street 1220 Zanes Drive Phone Number (530) 743-4428 City, State, Zip Plumas Lake, CA, 95961 Website Phone Number (530)749-0690 Superintendent Dr. Jeff Roberts Principal Baljinder Dhillon E-mail Address E-mail Address CDS Code 58727440107375 Principal’s Message (2009-10 School Year) This section provides information about the school, its programs and its goals. Rio Del Oro is one of the two Elementary Schools in the Plumas Lake Elementary School District. Rio Del Oro is located in a residential section of Yuba County about 30 miles north of Sacramento. Approximately 475 students are enrolled in grades K-5. Rio Del Oro staff members set high standards for student achievement recognizing that the unique needs of each student must be addressed. Students are rewarded for participation, attendance, and achievement on regular basis. Rio Del Oro has a positive school climate and reflects a focus on the success of each individual student in a safe environment. The goals from our single school plan are as follow: 1. The goal is for 70% of the Rio Del Oro students to measure in the proficient or above range for ELA as measured by the CST portion of the 2011 STAR results. 2. The percentage of English Learners and Special Education students that score proficient or better on the 2010 CST in both Math and ELA, will be at the level defined by NCLB- 63.2% for each group in ELA and Math. 3. The percentage of correct answers in each portion (Writing Conventions and Writing Strategies) will increase by an average of 5 percentage points as measured by the CST portion of the STAR testing that will take place in the Spring of 2011. 1 Generated by School Innovations & Advocacy Rio Del Oro Elementary Plumas Lake Elementary School District School Accountability Report Card Reported for the 2009-10 School Year Published During 2010-11 4. All English Learners will improve one CELDT level. 5. The goal is to raise the Economically Disadvantaged group’s average number of students that score in the proficient or better range on the CST in the Spring of 2011 to the NCLB target level – 63.2% for ELA and math. Progress indicators include classroom assessments, curricular assessments, STAR testing, and CELDT results. Indicators are monitored at various times during the year depending on appropriateness. All classes use the State/District adopted curriculum based on the District Academic Standards. The various grade levels have a variety of reward systems to help encourage good behavior and strong academic performance. Parental Involvement (2009-10 School Year) This section provides information about opportunities for parents to become involved with school activities. Contact Person Name: Contact Person Phone Number: Baljinder Dhillon (530)749-0690 Parents and the community are very supportive of the education program at Rio Del Oro. Teachers invite parents into their classrooms to serve as volunteer aides and to help with classroom projects, special events and to accompany the students on field trips. Parents may also serve as library aides. Parents are active members of our SSC, which approves our Single Plan for Student Achievement and the associated budget. We are very fortunate to have dedicated volunteers and welcome all parents to participate. For further information, please contact our office at (530) 749-0690. Rio Del Oro has business partnerships with Neighbors Pizza which provides pizza for our special events at school. Students in 4 th and 5th grade participate in the TOP NOTCH program, in which local businesses offer prizes to students who have made improvement in their education, attitude, and sports performance. In addition approximately 15 businesses sponsor the Rio Del Oro yearbook. Average Class Size and Class Size Distribution (Elementary) This table displays by grade level the average class size and the number of classrooms that fall into each size category (a range of total students per classroom). 2007-08 Grade Level Avg. Class Size Kindergarten 2008-09 1-20 21-32 33+ Avg. Class Size 19 4 0 0 Grade 1 21 1 2 Grade 2 19 3 Grade 3 18 Grade 4 21 2009-10 1-20 21-32 33+ Avg. Class Size 19 4 0 0 0 18 4 0 0 0 21 1 3 0 0 20 1 2 0 32 Number of Classrooms 2 Generated by School Innovations & Advocacy Number of Classrooms Number of Classrooms 1-20 21-32 33+ 19 4.5 0. 0 0 18 4.5 0 0 2 0 19 4 0 0 3 0 0 20 3.5 0 0. 0 2 0 30 .5 1 1 Rio Del Oro Elementary Plumas Lake Elementary School District School Accountability Report Card Reported for the 2009-10 School Year Published During 2010-11 Grade 5 29 0 1 0 33 0 0 2 31 0 2 0 Grade 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 K-3 4-5 4-8 Other 17 0 19 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 31 Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Student Enrollment by Grade Level (2009-10 School Year) This table displays the number of students enrolled in each grade level at the school. Grade Level Number of Students Grade Level Number of Students Kindergarten 88 Grade 8 0 Grade 1 83 Ungraded Elementary 0 Grade 2 78 Grade 9 0 Grade 3 67 Grade 10 0 Grade 4 71 Grade 11 0 Grade 5 64 Grade 12 0 Grade 6 0 Ungraded Secondary 0 Grade 7 0 Total Enrollment 451 Student Enrollment by Group (2009-10 School Year) This table displays the percent of students enrolled at the school who are identified as being in a particular group. Group Percent of Total 3 Generated by School Innovations & Advocacy Group Percent of Total Rio Del Oro Elementary Plumas Lake Elementary School District School Accountability Report Card Reported for the 2009-10 School Year Published During 2010-11 Enrollment Enrollment Black or African American 4.0% White (not Hispanic) 55.8% American Indian or Alaska Native 0.2% Two or More Races 9.0% Asian 3.8% Socioeconomically Disadvantaged 1.0% Filipino 1.4% English Learners 7.0% Hispanic or Latino 24.9% Students with Disabilities 8.0% Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 0.9% n/a -- II. School Safety and Facilities School Safety Plan (2009-10) This section provides information about the school’s comprehensive safety plan. Date School Safety Plan last reviewed: December 13th, 2010 Date last updated: November, 2010 Date last reviewed with staff: November 2010 The Safety Plan stresses the procedures for ensuring student safety during emergencies. Recommended revisions to the Safety Plan which comes from new information from the State, District, or our local Safety Committee, are reviewed with the whole staff. The school is in compliance with all laws, rules, and regulations pertaining to hazardous materials and state earthquake standards. The school’s disaster preparedness plan includes steps for ensuring student and staff safety during a disaster. Fire, earthquake and lock down drills are conducted on a regular basis throughout the year. Rio Del Oro provides a safe, clean environment for students, staff, and volunteers. Students are supervised by classified staff, teachers and administrators before and after school. During lunch and recess, yard duties and administrators supervise students. Crossing guard assists with supervision in the morning and after school. There is a designated student drop off and pickup area at the main entrance of the school. All visitors must sign in at the office, where they receive a badge that must be displayed at all times. Visitors are encouraged to give teachers prior notification when visiting classroom. Suspensions & Expulsions This table displays the rate of suspensions and expulsions (the total number of incidents divided by the total enrollment) at the school and district levels for the most recent three-year period. School District 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 Suspension Rate 8.0% 2.0% Click here to enter text. 17.0% 6.0% 0.1% Expulsion Rate 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 4 Generated by School Innovations & Advocacy Rio Del Oro Elementary Plumas Lake Elementary School District School Accountability Report Card Reported for the 2009-10 School Year Published During 2010-11 School Facility Conditions This section provides information about the condition of the school’s grounds, buildings, and restrooms, and a description of any planned or recently completed facility improvements. Rio Del Oro Elementary was opened during the 2004-2005 school year in the Plumas Lake Elementary School District. We are proud of our campus and strive to keep our schools in good repair so they are clean, safe, functional, and provide an orderly environment for teaching and learning. Rio Del Oro Elementary School is a newer school in excellent condition. Two custodians clean the school on a daily basis. Staggering shifts allows us to have one custodian during the school day, and one custodian ends his shift in the evening (after school hours). There are 24 regular classrooms, a library, a computer lab, Science lab, an art lab, a multipurpose room, and three Special Education rooms. The design capacity of the school is 725 students. As we are a Kindergarten to through fifth grade, we have a variety of different playground equipment areas and facilities including a track area. The school is cleaned on a daily basis by our custodian crew of two people one works during the school day and the other one comes to work after the students are gone for the day. Cleaning Process: Rio Del Oro School provides a safe, clean environment for students, staff, and volunteers. The district governing board has adopted cleaning standards for all schools in the district. A summary of these standards is available at the school or district office. The Administration works daily with the custodial staff to develop cleaning schedules that ensure a clean and safe school. Planned Improvements (2010-11 School Year) Rio Del Oro School was originally constructed in 2003, and is in great condition. Maintenance and Repair: A schedule maintenance program is administered by Plumas Lake Elementary School District to ensure that all classrooms and facilities are well maintained. District maintenance staff ensures that the repairs necessary to keep the school in good repair and working order are completed in a timely manner. A work order process is used to ensure efficient service and highest priority to emergency repairs. Deferred Maintenance Budget: The State School Deferred Maintenance Budget Program provides state matching funds to on a dollarfor-dollar basis, to assist school districts with expenditures for major repair or replacement of existing school building components. Typically, this includes roofing, plumbing, heating, air conditioning, electrical systems, interior or exterior painting, and floor systems. For the 2010-2011 school year, Plumas Lake Elementary Unified School District has budgeted $30,000 for the deferred maintenance program. This represents 0.38% of the districts general fund budget. School Facility Good Repair Status (2010-11 School Year) This table displays the results of the most recently completed school site inspection to determine the school facility’s good repair status. Item Inspected Repair Status Good Fair Poor Repair Needed and Action Taken or Planned Systems: Gas Systems and Pipes, Mechanical Systems (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning), Sewer X Click here to enter text. Interior: Interior Surfaces (floors, ceilings, walls, and window casings) X Click here to enter text. Cleanliness: Pest/Vermin Control, Overall Cleanliness (school grounds, buildings, rooms, and common areas) X Click here to enter text. 5 Generated by School Innovations & Advocacy Rio Del Oro Elementary Plumas Lake Elementary School District School Accountability Report Card Reported for the 2009-10 School Year Published During 2010-11 Electrical: Electrical Systems (interior and exterior) X Click here to enter text. Restrooms/Fountains: Restrooms, Sinks/Drinking Fountains (interior and exterior) X Click here to enter text. Safety: Fire Safety Equipment, Emergency Systems, Hazardous Materials (interior and exterior) X Click here to enter text. Structural: Structural Condition, Roofs X Click here to enter text. External: Windows/Doors/Gates/Fences, Playgrounds/School Grounds X Click here to enter text. Overall Summary of School Facility Good Repair Status (2010-11 School Year) Facility Condition Exemplary Overall Summary Good Fair Poor X Date of inspection: 1/6/11 Completion date of inspection form: 1/6/11 III. Curriculum and Academics Quality, Currency, and Availability of Textbooks and Instructional Materials (2010-11 School Year) This section provides information about the quality, currency, and availability of the standards-aligned textbooks and other instructional materials used at the school, and information about the school’s use of any supplemental curriculum or non-adopted textbooks or instructional materials. All students in the Plumas Elementary School District have access to their own copy of the Standards-aligned textbooks and instructional materials. There is no lack of textbooks or instructional materials in the core curriculum areas. Classes offered in the visual and performing arts include art and music. All textbooks are adopted from the most recent state-approved or local governing board approved list. Textbook and Instructional Materials List Textbooks and instructional materials used in the district in the core subject areas of English-Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and History-Social Science. 6 Generated by School Innovations & Advocacy Rio Del Oro Elementary Plumas Lake Elementary School District School Accountability Report Card Reported for the 2009-10 School Year Published During 2010-11 Subject Area Textbook Title and/or Publisher Year of Adoption English-Language Arts Houghton Mifflin Reading: A Legacy of Literature Grade K-5. 2002 History-Social Science Macmillan/McGraw-Hill 2, 3rd, 4,5th, Houghton Mifflin K,1,5 2006, 2006 Mathematics Macmillan/McGraw-Hill 2010 Macmillan/McGraw-Hill 2007 Other Science Availability of Textbooks and Instructional Materials This table displays information about the percent of pupils who lack their own assigned textbooks and instructional materials Core Curriculum Area Percent of Pupils Who Lack Their Own Assigned Textbooks and Instructional Materials Reading/Language Arts 0% Mathematics 0% Science 0% History-Social Science 0% Foreign Language - Health - Visual and Performing Arts - Science Laboratory Equipment (Grades 9-12) - Textbook Information Collection Date: 7 Generated by School Innovations & Advocacy 12/17/2010 Rio Del Oro Elementary Plumas Lake Elementary School District School Accountability Report Card Reported for the 2009-10 School Year Published During 2010-11 Textbooks and Instructional Materials Adoption This table displays whether the textbooks and instructional materials are from the most recent adoption. Yes or No Most recent SBE or Local Governing Agency Approved Textbooks and Instructional Materials Yes Textbook Insufficiency (if applicable) This section provides information if any insufficiency exists, and the reason that each pupil does not have sufficient textbooks or instructional materials N/A Standardized Testing and Reporting Program The Standardized Testing and Reporting (STAR) Program consists of several key components, including the California Standards Tests (CSTs); the California Modified Assessment (CMA), and the California Alternate Performance Assessment (CAPA). The assessments under the STAR program show how well students are doing in relation to the state content standards. The CSTs include English-language arts (ELA) and mathematics in grades two through eleven; science in grades five, eight, and nine through eleven; and history-social science in grades eight, and nine through eleven. The CAPA includes ELA and mathematics in grades two through eleven, and science for grades five, eight, and ten. The CAPA is given to those students with significant cognitive disabilities whose disabilities prevent them from taking either the CSTs with accommodations or modifications or the CMA with accommodations. The CMA is an alternate assessment that is based on modified achievement standards in ELA for grades three through nine, mathematics for grades three through seven and Algebra I and science in grades five, eight, and ten. The CMA is designed to assess those students whose disabilities preclude them from achieving grade-level proficiency on an assessment of the California content standards with or without accommodations. On each of these assessments, student scores are reported as performance levels. Detailed information regarding the STAR Program results for each grade and performance level, including the percent of students not tested, can be found on the CDE Standardized Testing and Reporting (STAR) Results Web site at Note: Scores are not shown when the number of students tested is ten or less, either because the number of students in this category is too small for statistical accuracy or to protect student privacy. In no case shall any group score be reported that would deliberately or inadvertently make public the score or performance of any individual student. Standardized Testing and Reporting Results for All Students – Three-Year Comparison This table displays the percent of students achieving at the Proficient or Advanced level (meeting or exceeding the state standards). School District State Subject 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 English-Language Arts 56.0% 60.0% 65.0% 44.0% 52.0% 55.0% 46.0% 50.0% 52.0% Mathematics 69.0% 75.0% 75.0% 52.0% 54.0% 56.0% 43.0% 46.0% 48.0% Science 39.0% 60.0% 74.0% 52.0% 52.0% 68.0% 46.0% 50.0% 54.0% Social Science 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 50.0% 47.0% 61.0% 36.0% 41.0% 44.0% 8 Generated by School Innovations & Advocacy Rio Del Oro Elementary Plumas Lake Elementary School District School Accountability Report Card Reported for the 2009-10 School Year Published During 2010-11 Standardized Testing and Reporting Results by Student Group – Most Recent Year This table displays the percent of students, by group, achieving at the Proficient or Advanced level (meeting or exceeding the state standards) for the most recent testing period. Percentage of Students Scoring at Proficient or Advanced Level Group EnglishLanguage Arts Mathematics Science History-Social Science All Students in the District 55.0% 56.0% 68.0% 61.0% All Students at the School 65.0% 75.0% 74.0% 0.0% Black or African American 81.0% 81.0% * * * 0.0% 0.0% * * 64.0% 72.0% 64.0% * * * White (not Hispanic) 65.0% 77.0% 73.0% Two or More Races Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Male 64.0% 76.0% 81.0% Female 65.0% 74.0% 69.0% Economically Disadvantaged 55.0% 64.0% 0.0% English Learners 24.0% 52.0% 0.0% Students with Disabilities 43.0% 57.0% * American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Filipino Hispanic or Latino Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 0.0% Click here to enter text. Students Receiving Migrant Education Services California Physical Fitness Test Results (School Year 2009-10) The California Physical Fitness Test is administered to students in grades 5, 7, and 9 only. This table displays by grade level the percent of students meeting the healthy fitness zone on all six fitness standards for the most recent testing period. Detailed information regarding this test, and comparisons of a school’s test results to the district and state levels, may be found at the Physical Fitness Testing Web page at Note: Scores are not shown when the number of students tested is 10 or less, either because the number of students in this category is too small for statistical accuracy, or to protect student privacy. In no case shall any group score be reported that would deliberately or inadvertently make public the score or performance of any individual student. Grade Level 5 Percent of Students Meeting Fitness Standards Four of Six Standards Five of Six Standards Six of Six Standards 12.9% 19.4% 66.1 7 9 9 Generated by School Innovations & Advocacy Rio Del Oro Elementary Plumas Lake Elementary School District School Accountability Report Card Reported for the 2009-10 School Year Published During 2010-11 Academic Performance Index The Academic Performance Index (API) is an annual measure of the academic performance and progress of schools in California. API scores range from 200 to 1,000, with a statewide target of 800. Detailed information about the API can be found at the API Web page at API Ranks – Three-Year Comparison This table displays the school’s statewide and similar schools API ranks. The statewide API rank ranges from 1 to 10. A statewide rank of 1 means that the school has an API score in the lowest 10 percent of all schools in the state, while a statewide rank of 10 means that the school has an API score in the highest 10 percent of all schools in the state. The similar schools API rank reflects how a school compares to 100 statistically matched “similar schools.” A similar schools rank of 1 means that the school’s academic performance is comparable to the lowest performing 10 schools of the 100 similar schools, while a similar schools rank of 10 means that the school’s academic performance is better than at least 90 of the 100 similar schools. API Rank 2007 2008 2009 Statewide 5 7 8 Similar Schools 2 2 4 Academic Performance Index Growth by Student Group – Three-Year Comparison This table displays by student group the actual API changes in points added or lost for the past three years. Actual API Change Group 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 All Students at the School 44 34 19 Black or African American -- -- -- American Indian or Alaska Native -- -- -- Asian -- -- AS Filipino -- -- -- Hispanic or Latino 0 0 61 Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander -- -- -- White (not Hispanic) 43 40 -13 Two or More Races Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Socioeconomically Disadvantaged 16 39 0 English Learners -- -- -- Students with Disabilities -- -- -- 10 Generated by School Innovations & Advocacy Rio Del Oro Elementary Plumas Lake Elementary School District School Accountability Report Card Reported for the 2009-10 School Year Published During 2010-11 Academic Performance Index Growth by Student Group – 2010 Growth API Comparison This table displays, by student group, the 2010 Growth API at the school, district, and state level. 2010 Growth API Group School District State All Students at the School 858 797 767 Black or African American -- -- 685 American Indian or Alaska Native -- -- 728 Asian -- -- 889 Filipino -- -- 851 846 773 715 -- -- 754 White (not Hispanic) 864 806 838 Two or More Races -- -- 807 Socioeconomically Disadvantaged -- -- 712 English Learners -- 782 691 Students with Disabilities -- -- 580 Hispanic or Latino Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander Adequate Yearly Progress The federal NCLB Act requires that all schools and districts meet the following Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) criteria: • Participation rate on the state’s standards-based assessments in English-language arts (ELA) and mathematics • Percent proficient on the state’s standards-based assessments in ELA and mathematics • API as an additional indicator • Graduation rate (for secondary schools) Detailed information about AYP, including participation rates and percent proficient results by student group, can be found at the AYP Web page AYP Overall and by Criteria (2009-10 School Year) This table displays an indication of whether the school and the district made AYP overall and whether the school and the district met each of the AYP criteria. Overall 11 Generated by School Innovations & Advocacy School District Yes No Rio Del Oro Elementary Plumas Lake Elementary School District School Accountability Report Card Reported for the 2009-10 School Year Published During 2010-11 Participation Rate – English-Language Arts Yes Yes Participation Rate – Mathematics Yes Yes Percent Proficient – English-Language Arts Yes No Percent Proficient – Mathematics Yes No API Yes Yes Graduation Rate N/A Pend Federal Intervention Program (2010-11 School Year) Schools and districts receiving federal Title I funding enter Program Improvement (PI) if they do not make AYP for two consecutive years in the same content area (English-language arts or mathematics) or on the same indicator (API or graduation rate). After entering PI, schools and districts advance to the next level of intervention with each additional year that they do not make AYP. Detailed information about PI identification can be found at the AYP Web page at Indicator School District Program Improvement Status Not In PI First Year of Program Improvement Year in Program Improvement Number of Schools Currently in Program Improvement -- 2 Percent of Schools Currently in Program Improvement -- 50.0% IV. Teachers & Support Staff Teacher Credentials This table displays the number of teachers assigned to the school with a full credential, without a full credential, and those teaching outside of their subject area of competence. Detailed information about teacher qualifications can be found on the DataQuest Web page at School Teachers District 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2009-10 With Full Credential 19 18 23 54 Without Full Credential 2 3 0 1 Teaching Outside Subject Area of Competence 0 0 0. 0 12 Generated by School Innovations & Advocacy Rio Del Oro Elementary Plumas Lake Elementary School District School Accountability Report Card Reported for the 2009-10 School Year Published During 2010-11 Teacher Misassignments and Vacant Teacher Positions This table displays the number of teacher misassignments (teachers assigned without proper legal authorization) and the number of vacant teacher positions (not filled by a single designated teacher assigned to teach the entire course at the beginning of the school year or semester). Note: Total Teacher Misassignments includes the number of Misassignments of Teachers of English Learners. School Indicators 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 Misassignments of Teachers of English Learners 0 0 0 Vacant Teacher Positions 0 0 0 Total Teacher Misassignments 0 0 0 Core Academic Classes Taught by No Child Left Behind Compliant Teachers (2009-10 School Year) This table displays the percent of classes in core academic subjects taught by No Child Left Behind (NCLB) compliant and non-NCLB compliant teachers in the school, in all schools in the district, in high-poverty schools in the district, and in low-poverty schools in the district. High poverty schools are defined as those schools with student participation of approximately 75 percent or more in the free and reduced price meals program. Low poverty schools are those with student participation of approximately 25 percent or less in the free and reduced price meals program. More information on teacher qualifications required under NCLB can be found on the CDE Improving Teacher and Principal Quality Web page at Percent of Classes in Core Academic Subjects Location of Classes Taught by NCLB Compliant Teachers Taught by Non-NCLB Compliant Teachers This School 23 0 All Schools in District 47 8 High-Poverty Schools in District 0 0 Low-Poverty Schools in District Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Professional Development This section provides information on how teachers and staff are trained for instructional improvement. Staff members build teaching skills and concepts through participation in conferences and workshops through the year. For the past three years, the district has offered three staff development days annually where teachers are offered a broad-based variety of professional growth opportunities in curriculum, teaching strategies, and methodologies. Topic for staff development during the 20092010 school year included: 1. Implementation of State Adopted Math curriculum 2. Training in specific Instructional Excellence methods Plumas Lake Elementary School District participates in the Beginning Teacher Support Assessment(BTSA) for recently credentialed teachers. 13 Generated by School Innovations & Advocacy Rio Del Oro Elementary Plumas Lake Elementary School District School Accountability Report Card Reported for the 2009-10 School Year Published During 2010-11 Professional Development Days This table displays information on the annual number of school days dedicated to staff development for the most recent three-year period. Professional Development Days Indicator 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 3 3 7 Annual number of school days dedicated to staff development Academic Counselors and Other Support Staff (2009-10 School Year) This table displays, in units of full-time equivalents (FTE), the number of academic counselors and other support staff who are assigned to the school and the average number of students per academic counselor. One FTE equals one staff member working full time; one FTE could also represent two staff members who each work 50 percent of full time. Number of FTE Average Number of Students Title Assigned to School per Academic Counselor Academic Counselor Click here to enter text. 0 Counselor (Social /Behavioral or Career Development) Click here to enter text. -- Library Media Teacher (Librarian) Click here to enter text. -- Library Media Services Staff (paraprofessional) 0.4% 452 Psychologist 0.2% 50 Social Worker Click here to enter text. -- Nurse 0.2% 452 Speech/Language/Hearing Specialist 80% 452 Resource Specialist (non-teaching) Click here to enter text. -- Other Click here to enter text. -- V. School Finances Expenditures Per Pupil and School Site Teacher Salaries (2008-09 Fiscal Year) This table displays a comparison of the school’s per pupil expenditures from unrestricted (basic) sources with other schools in the district and throughout the state, and a comparison of the average teacher salary at the school site with average teacher salaries at the district and state levels. Detailed information regarding school expenditures can be found at the Current Expense of Education Web page at and teacher salaries can be found on the Certificated Salaries and Benefits Web page at Total Expenditures Expenditures Per Expenditures Average Per Pupil Pupil (Supplemental) Per Pupil (Basic) Teacher Salary 14 Generated by School Innovations & Advocacy Rio Del Oro Elementary Plumas Lake Elementary School District School Accountability Report Card Reported for the 2009-10 School Year Published During 2010-11 School $5,407.47 $232.40 $5,175.07 $46,611.18 District -- -- $6,217.63 $45,891.00 State -- -- $5,681.00 $57,352.00 Percent Difference – School and District -- -- 1.77% -16.77% Percent Difference – School and State -- -- -18.7% -8.91% Types of Services Funded (2009-10 Fiscal Year) This section provides information about the programs and supplemental services that are available at the school and funded through either categorical or other sources. Art & Music Block Grant Class Size reduction Dental Van Discretionary Site Block Donations Gifted and Talented after school program Lottery School & Library Improvement Safe & Drug free Schools Tupe Elementary Teacher and Administrative Salaries (2008-09 Fiscal Year) This table displays district salaries for teachers, principals, and superintendents, and compares these figures to the state averages for districts of the same type and size. The table also displays teacher and administrative salaries as a percent of a district's budget, and compares these figures to the state averages for districts of the same type and size. Detailed information regarding salaries may be found on the Certificated Salaries and Benefits Web page at Sate Average for Districts in the Range District Same Category Beginning Teacher Salary $34,560.00 $38,905.00 Mid-Range Teacher Salary $50,960.00 $56,504.00 Highest Teacher Salary $60,160.00 $71,750.00 Average Principal Salary (Elementary) $91,053.33 $92,053.00 Average Principal Salary (Middle) $94,685.00 $95,666.00 15 Generated by School Innovations & Advocacy Rio Del Oro Elementary Plumas Lake Elementary School District School Accountability Report Card Reported for the 2009-10 School Year Average Principal Salary (High) Published During 2010-11 $0.00 $94,401.00 $124,000.00 $111,055.00 Percent of Budget for Teacher Salaries Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Percent of Budget for Administrative Salaries Click here to enter text. Click here to enter text. Superintendent Salary VI. Data and Access DataQuest DataQuest is an online data tool located at that contains additional information about this school and comparisons of the school to the district, the county, and the state. Specifically, DataQuest is a dynamic system that provides reports for accountability (e.g. Academic Performance Index [API], Adequate Yearly Progress [AYP], test data, enrollment, graduates, dropouts, course enrollments, staffing, and data regarding English learners. Internet Access Internet access is available at public libraries and other locations that are publicly accessible (e.g., the California State Library). Access to the Internet at libraries and public locations is generally provided on a first-come, first-served basis. Other use restrictions include the hours of operation, the length of time that a workstation may be used (depending on availability), the types of software programs available on a workstation, and the ability to print documents. 16 Generated by School Innovations & Advocacy Rio Del Oro Elementary Plumas Lake Elementary School District