2/16/12 Marilyn Bertolucci Coordinator of Special Education Services

Marilyn Bertolucci
Coordinator of
Special Education Services
Disability Categories
IDEA lists 13 different disability categories under which 3- through 21-year-olds
may be eligible for services. The disability categories listed in IDEA are:
 autism
 deaf-blindness
 deafness
 emotional disturbance
 hearing impairment
 intellectual disability
 multiple disabilities
 orthopedic impairment
 other health impairment
 specific learning disability
 speech or language impairment
 traumatic brain injury
 visual impairment (including blindness)
Rio Del Oro
 Learning Center, serving 21 students (3 assessments
are in progress) and providing
 1 Education Specialist
 2 Paraprofessionals, Learning Center
 2 Paraprofessionals, 1:1 student support
 Special Day Class, serving 9 students
 1 Education Specialist
 2 Paraprofessionals, SDC
 Learning Center, serving 10 students (5 pending
assessment) and providing intervention/enrichment
 1 Education Specialist
 2 Paraprofessionals, Learning Center
Riverside Meadows
 Learning Center, serving 29 students and providing
intervention instruction in Math and ELA
 1 Education Specialist
 4 Paraprofessionals, Learning Center
Now on to the Mental Health……
AB 3632
The Past: California Assembly Bill
 A child who qualifies for special education services
and who requires psychiatric services may receive
services at no cost. AB 3632 requires the coordination
of these psychiatric services to be between the School
District and County Mental Health.
 Also known as Government Code Chapter 26.5
The former Governor’s
the short version
 October 8, 2010, former Governor Schwarzenegger
vetoed the $133 million dollars that was supposed to
reimburse county mental health facilities
 He also suspended AB 3632/26.5
 On February 25, 2011, the California Court of Appeal
issued an opinion which upheld Governor
Schwarzenegger’s action as constitutional.
California Assembly Bill 114
AB 114
 On June 30, 2011, Assembly Bill 114, Chapter 43,
Statutes of 2011 (AB 114) was signed into law.
 several sections of Chapter 26.5 were amended or
“rendered inoperative” ending the state mandate on
county mental health agencies to provide mental health
services to students with disabilities.
Sutter Yuba Mental Health stopped providing services to our
students 10/8/10
AB 114
 We must
 rely on the IDEA for requirements regarding the
provision of related services and must comply with
applicable federal law and implementing regulations.
 ensure that students continue to receive all services
delineated in their IEPs without interruption and in
compliance with all applicable federal timelines.
Related services under IDEA are defined in Section 300.34 of Title
34 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR): 34 CFR 300.34(a)
 developmental, corrective, and other supportive services as
required to assist a child with a disability to benefit from
their education:
 transportation, speech-language pathology , audiology
services, interpreting services, psychological services,
physical and occupational therapy, recreation, including
therapeutic recreation, early identification and assessment of
disabilities in children, counseling services, including
rehabilitation counseling, orientation and mobility services,
and medical services for diagnostic or evaluation purposes.
 Related services also include school health services and
school nurse services, social work services in schools, and
parent counseling and training.
Current Funding
 Some additional funding but….
 Resource 6512 $21,264.90
 Resource 3327 $6,843.65
Total $28,108.55
The Catch…..
 The funding cannot be used to build our services ie.
hiring staff, providing intervention services, building a
 A small portion of the money can be used for
planning, training and administration costs.
 Most of the money must go to providing services to
students with mental health related services as part of
their IEP.
The Catch
 If we do not use the money by the end of the fiscal year
we will return it to the SELPA for redistribution.
 If this happens it’s a good thing.
 Currently (2/14/12) we have no students requiring
mental health services or residential placement as per
their IEP.
This could change any day.
Every student. Everyday.
Whatever it takes!
Discussion & Planning
 As a SELPA (Special Education Local Plan Area) we
are considering an array of options to provide services
to students.
 contract with county mental health agencies
 contract with organizations or professionals in the
 hire qualified personnel as district staff or a combination
of approaches
District Level Planning
 Board Policy of intervention, referral and
identification (RIT and assessment for special
education services in the area of Behavior)
 Build a team of professionals who can help support
students with mental health needs.
 Licensed Education Psychologist
 Licensed School Counselor
 Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA)
School Site Level Planning
 An adopted system of positive behavior supports that is
written as policy.
 Additional professional development for administrators,
teachers and support staff focusing on positive behavior
techniques and more challenging behaviors.
 Positive Staff Culture- we have to be the role models and be
open to offering support to students
All three sites are already implementing and refining
positive behavior systems as well as providing professional
Next Steps…..
 Present to the Board for approval final a Mental Health
Services Plan by the end of this school year.
Continue to develop and refine positive school site
culture and supports.
Investigate hiring a full time Educational Psychologist
Ponder the addition of a School Counselor
Celebrate and be thankful that we are PLESD!
Every student. Everyday.
Whatever it takes.