GPUs and Accelerators Jonathan Coens Lawrence Tan Yanlin Li

GPUs and Accelerators
Jonathan Coens
Lawrence Tan
Yanlin Li
• Graphic Processing Units
o Features
o Motivation
o Challenges
• Accelerator
o Methodology
o Performance Evaluation
o Discussion
• Rigel
o Methodology
o Performance Evaluation
o Discussion
• Conclusion
Graphics Processing Units (GPU)
o Special purpose processors designed to render 3D
o In almost every desktop today
• Features
o Highly parallel processors
o Better floating point performance than CPUs
 ATI Radeon x1900 - 250 Gflops
• Motivation
o Use GPUs for general purpose
• Challenges
o Difficult for programmer to program
o Trade off between programmability
and performance
GeForce 6600GT (NV43) GPU
Accelerator: Using Data Parallelism to Program
GPUs for General Purpose Uses
• Methodology
o Data Parallelism to program GPU (SIMD)
o Parallel Array C# Object
o No aspects of GPU are exposed to the programmer
o Programmer only needs to know how to use the Parallel Array
o Accelerator takes care of the conversion to pixel shader code
o Parallel programs can be represented as DAGs
Simplified block diagram for a GPU
Expression DAG with shader breaks marked
Accelerator: Using Data Parallelism to Program
GPUs for General Purpose Uses
Performance Evaluation
Performance of Accelerator versus
hand coded pixel shader programs on
a GeForce 7800 GTX and an ATI
x1800. Performance is shown as
speedup relative to the C++ version of
Speedup of Accelator programs on
various GPU compared to C++
programs running on a CPU
Rigel: 1024-core Accelerator
Specific Architecture
• SPMD programming model
• Global address space
• RISC instruction set
• Write-back cache
• Cores laid out in clusters of 8, each cluster with local cache
• Custom cores (optimized for space / power)
Hierarchical Task Queueing
• Single queue from programmer's perspective
• Architecture handles distributing tasks
• Customizable via API
o Task granularity
o Static vs. dynamic scheduling
Rigel's Performance
Fairly Successful
• Achieved speedup utilizing all 1024 cores
• Hierarchical task structure effectively scaled to 1024
• Cache coherence!
o Memory invalidate broadcasts slow system down
 Barrier flags
 Task enqueue / dequeue variables
o Not done in hardware...
 Lazy-evaluation write-through barriers at cluster level
Improving Rigel
1. Will the hierarchical task structure continue to scale? If not,
when will the boundary be? (Think multiple cache levels but
with processor tasks)
2. How could we implement barriers or queues to avoid
contention, but still scale? (Is memory managed cache
coherence appropriate?)
3. Is specialized hardware the way to go (clusters of 8 custom
cores), or can this be replaced by general purpose cores?
Generic and Custom Accelerators
• Difficult to make generic enough programming interface
between programmer and multi-core system
o GPUs are limited by SIMD programming model
o Specific hardware platforms still have issues for SPMD
• Efficiently scaling for more cores is still an issue
How do we solve these issues?