Hometown Elementary School (708) 423-7360 X 7823 LLI is designed to supplement, not substitute for, the small-group instruction that children receive in the classroom. Lessons are provided daily, for 30 minutes, in order to support accelerated progress. Instruction is provided in reading, writing, and phonics/word study. Instruction is in a small group setting to assure close observation. It is a short-term intervention designed to bring children to grade-level performance; ideally in about 12-20 weeks of lessons. There is a well-defined framework of lessons that are fast-paced. The focus of the reading is deep comprehension of texts. The focus of writing is the building of early writing strategies. Children learn how to compose, construct, and develop essential strategies. Fluency is an important goal. Lessons include systematic phonics (phonological awareness, letter formation/knowledge, letter/sound relationships, etc). New texts alternate from easy to instructional. Easy texts allow a child’s focus to be more on fluency rather than problem solving. Instructional texts allow the child to focus on their problem solving strategies. Comprehension is addressed with all texts. Homework assignments (“foldsheet activities”) support the learning from that day’s lesson. If you have any questions, please contact me! ☺ Alicia Onik, Reading Specialist or (708) 423-7360 ext. 7823