Document 16101051

Dear Parents/Guardians,
In an attempt to extend our classroom and help foster communication between teachers,
students and parents, I thought we could try a program called Remind.
Remind is a web-based service that students and/or parents can join to receive text
reminders from me. Reminders such as, “Math test tomorrow – don’t forget to study!” will
be sent directly to cell phones via text message. It works very similarly to the text blasts
that our district sends out when there is a school cancellation. It is a one-way message
that cannot be responded to. All phone numbers are kept confidential and students would
only receive messages from me pertaining to school, when applicable.
As with any web service, including all social networking sites, children under the age of 18
must have permission from parents to participate. Remind is a trusted web service used by
teachers all around the country to communicate with students (and parents!). Please visit for more information, including teacher testimonials, and be sure to read
through the site’s Privacy Policy at
If you would like your child to participate, please sign and return the bottom portion of this
form. After permission is granted, directions for subscribing to Remind will be given to the
Thank you for your time and continued support,
Mrs. Melissa Rose
Team 7B Math
Student Name: __________________________________________
______ I have reviewed the privacy policy and give my child permission to use Remind to
receive school-related text blasts from Mrs. Rose.
______ I have reviewed the privacy policy and DO NOT give my child permission to use
Remind to receive school-related text blasts from Mrs. Rose.
Parent/Guardian Signature