Artist Neighborhood Partnership Initiative

Artist Neighborhood Partnership Initiative
Place Based Grant
BACKGROUND: The cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul are increasingly diverse. This creates
new challenges for community based organizations to assure that resident voices are heard and
new leaders are supported to build strong communities. Artists as the drivers of arts activity can
build social relationships among diverse residents and stimulate innovative problem solving.
CURA has initiated the Artist Neighborhood Partnership Initiative to engage artists to form
partnerships with community based organizations with the goal of strengthening neighborhoods.
GOALS: The Artist Neighborhood Partnership Initiative (ANPI) program supports effective
partnerships with individual artists and community based organizations to engage residents who
are traditionally underrepresented, e.g. youth and immigrants, and to develop innovative
community engagement approaches to address community issues.
Three grants up to $10,000 will be awarded to successful partnership applicants.
ELIGIBILITY REQUIRMENTS: Partnerships applying to ANPI must include a resident driven
organization serving a Minneapolis or St. Paul neighborhood area and at least one individual
1. Be place based by serving a neighborhood level geography
2. Clearly define the collaboration and the respective roles of the partners
3. Lead to the engagement of underrepresented community members in the life and
leadership of the neighborhood
4. Contribute to the achievement of goals for the betterment of the neighborhood
5. Stimulate new, innovative, artistic approaches to community issues
1. We strongly encourage you to contact CURA staff to talk about your project
2. Submit a Letter of Interest due by September 1st, 2011
- Provide a brief (one page) explanation of: a) the partnership, including the
artist and organization(s) involved, b) short project description, c) issue(s)
to be addressed, and d) impacts you hope to achieve
- Promising projects will be invited to submit a full ANPI application due
by October 17th, 2011
3. Submit applications as word documents (pdf files not accepted) via e-mail to:
4. You will be notified within a couple weeks whether your application is funded
If you have questions or would like more information, contact:
Jeff Corn, 612-625-0744,
Margaret Kaplan, 612-624-2300,
The University of Minnesota is committed to the policy that all persons shall have equal access to its programs, facilities, and
employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, disability, public assistance
status, veteran status, or sexual orientation.