Foundations of Educational Psychology Dr. Tracy Powell

Foundations of Educational Psychology
PSY 218
Professor: Dr. Tracy Powell
Phone: 503-838-8299
Office Hours: MW 10:00-11:30am; TR 10:00-11:00am
Todd Hall #329
Fall Term, 2015
CRN 10611
MW 12:00-1:20pm
MOD 107
Course Description
This course examines psychological theories and research concerned with human
development, learning, motivation, and individual differences in educational settings
applied to effective teaching and instruction. Theories relating to preschool through adult
education will be considered. Class meets twice a week for the duration of the term.
Snowman, J. & McCown, R. (2013). ED PSYCH. Wadsworth/Cengage Learning:
Belmont, CA. **
** 1 copy is on reserve at the library for 4 hour in-library check-out.**
Course Goals and Objectives:
To acquire an appreciation for the basic information in the field of educational
psychology, including research and theory, as well as an understanding of the
complexity of teaching and learning processes. This course goal and objective supports
the Psychology Division Learning Outcome #1.
To acquire an understanding of research methods in educational psychology, and the
ability to critically evaluate research in this area. This course goal and objective
supports the Psychology Division Learning Outcome #1.
An ability to apply your knowledge to your own learning processes (for example, in
studying for exams and in completing classroom-designed projects) and to
professional areas such as teaching. This course goal and objective supports the
Psychology Division Learning Outcome #2.
Students will demonstrate their knowledge of the material covered both in class and
in the readings as evidenced by their performance on three exams.
The Psychology Division’s Learning Outcomes can be viewed at:
Lecture Schedule*
Sep 28
Sep 30
Chapter 1
Applying Psychology to Teaching
Oct 5
Oct 7
Chapter 1
Chapter 7
cont Begin Assignment #1 on Monday, October 5th
Behavioral Learning Theory: Operant Conditioning
Oct 12
Oct 14
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Information-Processing Theory
Oct 19
Oct 21
Chapter 8
Oct 26
Oct 28
Test #1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
[chapters 1, 7, 8]
Theories of Psychosocial & Cognitive Development
Age-Level Characteristics [notes on Moodle]
Nov 2
Nov 4
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
cont Assignment #1 due
Understanding Student Differences
Nov 9
Nov 11
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
cont Assignment #2 due (optional)
Accommodating Student Variability [film/debate]
Nov 16
Nov 18
Test #2
Chapter 9
[chapters 2, 3, 4]
Social Cognitive Theory
Nov 23
Nov 25
Chapter 11
Nov 30
Dec 2
Chapter 11
Chapter 11
Dec 11
Test #3
[chapters 9, 11]
Assignments #1 & Assignment #3 (optional)
* This course outline and syllabus may be modified at the discretion of the professor.
Class Activities:
Class will be conducted primarily through lecture and class discussion covering the
textbook and outside material. You may need your book but I will typically let you know
which days that will be necessary. Films, independent thinking, and writing exercises
will also be included.
Students are encouraged and expected to actively participate in all class activities and do
their own work. No use of cell phones, I-pods, blackberries, laptops, etc. is permitted. If
you come to class I want you to be engaged in the lecture. Similarly, I expect students to
pay attention during class and not be chatting with neighbors since it is distracting to
other students trying to listen, as well as to me.
Email Reminder /Policy:
All official university and class business will be directed to your WOU student email
account. If you do not regularly check this account, please log in to this account and
FORWARD your WOU email to an account that you do regularly access.
I use Moodle frequently to update class materials, post assignments, grades, provide
recent news events, and so forth, so be sure to check Moodle regularly.
Academic Integrity: I expect academic honesty.
Students must adhere to WOU’s Code of Student Responsibility. Academic dishonesty
will not be tolerated in this course. I REPORT ALL INSTANCES OF SUSPECTED
DISHONESTY. Any student who violates the policy will receive 0 points on the
assignment, and MAY also be given a failing grade for the course. The case will also be
turned over to the Student Judicial Committee for further action. Examples of
inappropriate behavior includes doing assigned work for another student, sharing answers
on work assigned to be done individually, sharing or copying answers during an exam or
portraying another person’s writing as your own. If you have questions about what might
be considered inappropriate, please ask me! Please find the source document below:
Code of Student Responsibility
574-031-0030 Specific Standards and Policies
The following list of prohibited forms of conduct is not all inclusive since it is not
possible to list all potential violations. The University requires that all students behave in
a manner congruent with established community standards and in a manner conductive to
the development of the individual. Actions detrimental to the mission of the University
and the legitimate activities of the academic community which constitute the University
are in violation of this Code and may be subject to judicial procedures.
1) Academic dishonesty, which includes but is not limited to:
(a) Cheating- intentional use or attempted use of artifice, deception, fraud, and/or
misrepresentations of one’s academic work;
(b) Fabrication- unauthorized falsification and/or invention of any information of citation
in any academic exercise;
(c) Facilitating dishonesty – helping or attempting to help another person commit an act
of academic dishonesty. This includes students who substitute for other persons in
examinations or represent as their own papers, reports, or any other academic work of
(d) Plagiarism- representing without giving credit the words, data, or ideas of another
person as one’s own work in any academic exercise. This includes submitting, in whole
or in part, prewritten term papers of another of research of another, including but not
limited product of commercial vendor who sell or distribute such materials. And the
appropriation of and/or use of electronic data of another person or persons as one’s own,
or using such data without giving proper credit for it; or
(e) Any use or attempted use of electronic devices in gaining an illegal advantage in
academic work in which use of these devices is prohibited, and such devices include but
are not limited to cell phones, pdas, laptops, programmable calculators, etc.
3 tests (multiple-choice exams + take-home examinations) will be given/received on the
dates indicated on the lecture schedule. Exams will cover all material presented in class,
all assigned readings from the textbook, and information presented in films. In order to
do well on tests the chapters must be read thoroughly and class attendance is highly
recommended. No late take-home examinations will be accepted.
Scantrons will be used with each exam and must be purchased by the student from the
Bookstore. Also, please bring a pencil. All exam grades will be used when figuring the
course grade.
Make-up exams will only be given under extremely extenuating circumstances and
notice must be given before the scheduled examination takes place. If you fail to appear
for a scheduled make-up examination you will receive a zero for the missed exam. All
make-up exams will take place in the Psychology Department at a time convenient
to both of us. Students are responsible for contacting the professor to set up the
time. Please note that failure to complete a test could result in a failing grade due to
insufficient points needed to pass the course.
3 assignments will be offered. Assignment #1 is required and will take place over the
course of the entire term. Assignments #2 and #3 will be optional for extra credit. The
late policy is as follows: 10% per day up to 5 days (50%) after which time the work
will not be accepted for grading. Note: “late” is considered after 3:00pm on the day
the work is due. So be sure to keep up-to-date with our syllabus and check Moodle daily
because I typically post reminders.
Participation & Attendance:
Attendance is considered to be mandatory. Explanations for absences are not required
however, unless the student is trying to convince the professor that a make-up test is
warranted. If a class is missed for whatever reason the student is responsible for
obtaining lecture information from a classmate and not from the professor. Also, if a
class is missed and an assignment is handed out it is the student’s responsibility to obtain
that assignment from the professor. Students need to be organized and self-regulating in
order to keep up with deadlines for assignments and tests.
**Wolf Connection System Referral Program**
"If the instructor determines your performance in this class is placing you
at academic risk, you may be referred to Jesse Poole, Western’s Student
Success Specialist. Jesse will offer to work with you to address issues and
develop a student success strategy. Regardless of whether a referral has
or has not been made, you are ultimately responsible for tracking your own
progress in this course. If you would like to meet with Jesse regarding any
academic struggles you are experiencing, please contact the Academic
Advising and Learning Center at 503-838-8428."
Final Course Grade:
The number of points accumulated during the course will determine a student’s final
Grading Rubric:
Test 1
50 pts
Test 2
50 pts
Test 3
50 pts
Take Home 1
30 pts
Take Home 2
30 pts
Take Home 3
20 pts
Assign 1
25 pts
Assign 2
5 pts * optional [extra credit]
Assign 3
5 pts * optional [extra credit]
255 pts
Final Point Values Associated with Each Letter Grade
93% - 100%
73% - 76.9%
A90% - 92.9%
C70% - 72.9%
87% - 89.9%
67% - 69.9%
83% - 86.9%
63% - 66.9%
B80% - 82.9%
D60% - 62.9%
77% - 79.9%
Below 60%
Incomplete (I) grades are not a means for students to avoid a failing grade. To be eligible
for an incomplete in this class you must be passing the class but lack one essential
requirement, such as missing one test. In addition, I must find your reason for requesting
an Incomplete acceptable. To change an incomplete to a letter grade the student must
complete the work within 12 months following the award of the ‘I’. Special extension
may be granted by petition, if approved by the instructor and the Registrar’s Office, but
for a period no longer than an additional 12 months.
Special Accommodations:
Disability: If you have a disability for which you are or may be requesting an
accommodation, you are encouraged to contact both your instructor and the Office of
Disability Services, APSC 405, or at 503-838-8250, as early as possible in the term.
Students needing medical or mental health care can access the Student Health and
Counseling Center by calling 503-838-8313, emailing at, or by
walking in to schedule an appointment.
Service Animals: Students who require the use of a Service Animal in non-public
areas of the campus (including classrooms, offices, etc.) must request an
accommodation through the WOU Office of Disability Services. Please refer to the
Office of Disability Services website at
call (503) 838-8250 for more information.
Veterans’ Accommodation:
Military Service Personnel (active duty or returning)
Veterans, reservists, or active duty military personnel (or family members) with special
circumstances are encouraged to communicate these, in advance if possible, to me so that
we can discuss appropriate accommodations.
For WOU Veteran resources; please see
Mandatory Reporting:
As an employee at Western Oregon University, I am required by federal law to report any
incident of sexual misconduct. If you wish to talk with me about something that has
occurred to you or another student, I must inform university personnel. Reporting this
information helps the university to safeguard students and get students the help and
support needed. You have the right to maintain your privacy. I will only report what you
confide in me. If you would like additional information about sexual misconduct
response at WOU, please visit the website at
Welcome to Educational Psychology