Western Oregon University Psychological Sciences Department External Assessment Results Psychology Practicum Site Supervisor Feedback As part of a larger assessment effort within the Behavior Sciences division, we asked Practicum Site Supervisors to provide general impressions of WOU students who have completed an internship/practicum at their site. The majority of students participating in Psychology Practicum are psychology majors. Respondents were asked to make ratings based on general impressions of WOU psychology practicum students, rather than any specific individual participating in the practicum program. An anonymous online survey was sent to practicum site supervisors for which 3 or more WOU students had completed a practicum (N = 12). Responses were received from 8 individuals (67% response rate). Respondents were asked... To what extent do WOU Students participating in the Psychology Practicum Program demonstrate…. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Effective verbal communication skills Effective written communication skills Effective listening skills Effective leadership skills Ability to work cooperatively with others Ability to think critically Effective problem solving skills Understanding and application of professional ethics Appreciation for cultural and ethnic differences between people Interact effectively and sensitively with people from diverse backgrounds and cultural perspectives. 11. Knowledge and skills relevant to working with the site’s target population. 12. Commitment to professionalism and work ethic (i.e., reliable and punctual attendance, initiative) Respondents used the following scale for answers NA = No opportunity to observe 0 = Not at all; 1 = Slight Extent; 2 = Some Extent; 3 = Great Extent; 4 = A Very Great Extent For the purposes of summarizing responses, the figures that follow include the percentage of respondents rating WOU psychology practicum students as demonstrating to a great extent or very great extent the characteristics. Items are mapped to Psychological Sciences Department Outcomes. Outcome 1: Explain and/or apply principles, skills, values, or ethics of psychology. 100 100 Percent indicating Great or Very Great Extent 90 88 88 80 75 67 70 57 60 57 50 50 40 30 20 10 0 effective verbal communication skills effective written communication skills effective listening effective leadership ability to work effective problem knowledge and commitment to skills skills cooperatively with solving skills relevant to professionalism others working with the and work ethic (i.e., site's target reliable and population punctual attendance, initiative) Outcome 2: Apply appropriate research methods to critically analyze human behavior. 2014 Outcome 3: Identify and demonstrate knowledge of sociocultural and international diversity. 100 100 90 86 Percent indicating Great or Very Great Extent 80 70 63 57 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 ability to think critically understanding and application of professional ethics appreciation for cultural and ethnic differences between people ability to interact effectively and sensitively with people from diverse backgrounds and cultural perspectives Additionally respondents were asked three open ended questions. Responses to each question appear below along with the percentage of respondents making that response. 1. What would you characterize as the strongest attribute of WOU psychology practicum students who have participated in this program? a) The practicum students from WOU have been exceptionally professional, polite and willing to learn. They have adapted very well to the environment around them and grown immensely from their experience here at FBB. b) Their commitment is the strongest attribute. They all have inquiring minds. This means they are wanting to improve their skills and receive feedback. c) Compassionate, eager to learn d) Diligence and desire to help others e) Most are open and willing to learn and with very positive attitudes. f) Positive and collaborative attitude; gets on child's level; patience; empathy; offers insightful, reflective comments; asks thoughtful questions; takes initiative; jumps in and helps--no job too big or too small to tackle, very grounded. g) Willingness and enthusiasm to learn, very flexible in schedule organization and accommodating to the structure of the organization. h) Very interested in the field of study and very engaged. 2. What would you characterize as the greatest limitation of WOU psychology practicum students that you hope the Psychological Sciences faculty could address with students? a) None, there are no limitations to address (25%) b) Professional development- most of which will come with time and experience. Understanding their role, in respect to the role that the organization has. Their passion and enthusiasm for their experience, sometimes overshadows the organization's overall goals and constraints, and often they are not able to see the big picture. Development of their resume writing and interview skills is a must! c) Just needs more experience to build confidence and skills. d) Communication. I realize that an internship can be intimidating to a student however, students will need to be prepared to communicate effectively in the future working world in order to obtain a professional position. Some students would benefit from skills class on basics in a professional office prior to being placed in an internship. e) I would suggest that the field study student comes in will a plan of what they would like to accomplish during their time. f) Written skills, understanding of medical ethics. 3. Is there anything else that you would like to tell us about WOU psychology practicum students? a) None (13%) b) Very impressed with your students! c) Excellent experiences with WOU Practicum students. d) We love her and will be using her in substitute teaching capacity when her internship is over. e) We Love Them! f) Most of the time, my students from WOU have been excellent interns for our office. g) I would suggest that the field study student comes in will a plan/thought of what they would like to accomplish or work on during their time. h) It has been a wonderful experience working with a variety of students. They have been an excellent match with our agency. Departmental Analysis of Practicum Supervisor Feedback Our target goal was to have students receive ratings of 70% great extent or very great extent on the item listed. For this assessment by practicum supervisors 6 out of 12 items received 70% of higher ratings of great extent or very great extent. As this is the first assessment of practicum supervisors, we do not have historical data to compare and determine if current observations reflect lower scores than usual or if our target 70% was too high. It is important to remember that we asked professionals in the field to provide general evaluations of undergraduate students, but did not provide a reference group for such evaluations (i.e., compare the students to other undergraduate students vs. new employees vs. other volunteers). In future external assessments we will ask off site supervisors to compare our students with other interns or new employees. Additionally, we can talk more with practicum supervisors to determine specific aspects of targeted items that need improvement. For example, if practicum supervisors would like to see improvement in writing communication skills, leadership, problem solving, knowledge of the site’s target population, ability to think critically, and understanding ethics, we could incorporate additional assignments within the practicum course or other required courses to increase skill development in the target areas.