Strategic Planning Outcome Status Report Date: May 17, 2004 Sponsor: Marilyn Vasquez Committee Co-Chairs: Outcome No. Mike Certa 9 Provide a brief description of your outcome: Activities completed to date Members of the AQIP Technology Subcommittee devised three (3) distinct surveys that were distributed to faculty, staff/administrators and students. The purpose of the surveys was to determine baseline data for current technology usage and areas in which people would like to learn more about the use of technology. Discussed validity of the preliminary statistics that were provided to the AQIP Technology Subcommittee from the survey responses on technology usage received from faculty, staff, and students. Action plans based on the AQIP technology project will have been developed by 12/31/04; increase the capabilities of students, faculty, staff, and administrators in the use of technology by 12/31/05. Method of Results (for both activity Engagement/Feedback and engagement process) Surveys were mailed to all The response rate for each faculty, staff and students in group was randomly selected classes. Students 10% Staff 22% Faculty 15% Faculty volunteers analyzed the data and shared the results with the AQIP Technology Subcommittee. Determined that results from the survey did not provide statistically significant data on the use of technology or identification if instructional/training gaps. Decision to redesign and distribute surveys in 2004. Find alternate method to establish baseline data for the number of training Dates 5/15/2003 9/30/2003 2 Strategic Planning Outcome Status Report Activities completed to date Method of Engagement/Feedback Collected information from IT, Oncourse and CETL to establish baseline data for number and types of tech training sessions provided during the last year. AQIP Technology Subcommittee, Jay Fern, Oncourse, Director of CETL, IT Training Coordinator. Redesigned surveys and revised method for collection of data AQIP Technology Committee Results (for both activity and engagement process) sessions offered on campus. Data from providers of tech and educational training used to establish baseline. Short questionaires are developed to increase student response rate. Another method of engagement is identified to insure larger response rate from faculty, staff, and administrators. Dates 2/01/2004 3/01/2004 3 Strategic Planning Outcome Status Report Note: In filling out the next chart, any activities identified as well as engagement approaches should only be listed if the sponsor is at least 95% confident of achieving their success by the dates identified. Activities remaining to be completed Collected and collated data from revised surveys that were distributed to randomly selected classes. Proposed Engagement AQIP Technology Subcommittee, surveys distributed to over 100 sections of undergraduate and graduate classes. Expected completion dates /31/2004 Collected and collated data from AQIP Technology questionnaires that were emailed Subcommittee or sent to all full-time faculty, staff, and administrators. 7/31/2004 Staff, faculty/administrators and student responses to the questionnaires have been analyzed. 9/01/2004 AQIP Technology Subcommittee, Director of Institutional Research. Skills that people have identified AQIP Technology that they would like to develop Subcommittee are identified for faculty, staff/administrators and students. 10/01/2004 Devised process to measure progress in use of technology. Developed plans to offer instruction to meet the needs identified in the questionnaires/surveys. 12/31/2004 AQIP Technology Subcommittee CETL, IT, HR, VCs 4 Strategic Planning Outcome Status Report What do you need in terms of support or other resources (including any identified personnel listed above) to ensure achievement of your outcome by December 31, 2004? Assistance from the Director of Institutional Research AQIP Describe whatever challenges you anticipate or have encountered in applying the AQIP process to your outcome? What data have you collected that address the AQIP questions that were assigned to your committee’s outcome? None What are your specific action steps to ensure that the data needed to complete the systems portfolio related to your Outcome have been completed by November 30? 1. Provide subcommittee with information and overview of AQIP and an understanding of their role in the collection of information for the Systems Portfolio. VCFA and AQIP Technology subcommittee July 1,2004 2. Divide the duty of collecting data among the members of the subcommittee and begin data collection. AQIP Technology Subcommittee and relevant campus constituencies. July 31, 2004 3. Check-in meeting to discuss status of data collection. AQIP Technology Subcommittee September 15, 2004 4. Review collection of data to date. Insure plan and timeline are in place to insure that all data will be collected and collated by November 30,2004. AQIP Technology Subcommittee October 15, 2004 5. All data is collected and collated for AQIP questions assigned to the AQIP Technology Subcommittee. AQIP Technology Subcommittee, Sponsor, and Director of Institutional Research November 30,2004